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Curriculum Vitae

Personal information
First name /Surname Sonia Degeratu
Address Nicolae Titulescu Blv., Bl. I3, Ap. 11, 200219, Craiova, Romania
Telephones Office: +40 251435255 Private: +40 351 807643 Mobile: +40 726 495743
Fax +40 251435255
Nationality Romanian
Date of birth 21.02.1955
Gender Female

Work experience
Dates 10.10.2004- at present
Occupation or position held Associate Professor
Main activities and responsibilities Didactic activities (teaching activities, carrying out laboratory work, participation in
licence/masteral/doctoral commissions); new materials technologies and electrical equipments
research (analysis, modelling, testing and certification); research in the field of new technologies,
development of new methods of material testing and electrical equipment testing.
Name and address of employer University of Craiova, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Electromechanics, Environment
and Industrial Informatics, Decebal Bvd., No.107, Craiova, Dolj
Type of business or sector Education and research

Dates 01.10.1991 -01.10.2004

Occupation or position held Lecturer
Main activities and responsibilities Didactic activities (teaching activities, carrying out laboratory work, participation in licence/masteral
commissions and in advisory committees of research contracts); research in the field of materials and
electrical equipment (analyzing, modelling, testing and certification); research in the field of new
technologies; developing norms and standards for electrical equipment.
Name and address of employer University of Craiova, Faculty of Electromechanics ( presently Faculty of Electrical Engineering) Department
of Electromechanics, Decebal Bvd., No.107, Craiova, Dolj
Type of business or sector Education and research

Dates 26.09.1982 – 01.10.1991

Occupation or position held Design Engineer
1982-1988 (until 1986 at the Design of Rotating Electrical Machines Department, then at the Scientific
Research Department for the Study, Analysis and Assimilation of Materials - CCSSAAM)
Head of Laboratory Electro-technical materials at CCSSAAM: 1986-1989
Research Scientist level III at CCSSAAM: 1988-1991
Head of Division at CCSSAAM (four research laboratories)1989-1991

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Sonia Degeratu
Main activities and responsibilities Design activities in the field of electrical machines, research activities in the domain of materials and
electrical equipments; thermal qualification of equipments for the Cernavoda Nuclear Plant (CNE);
building equipments and devices for materials testing, elaborating norms and standards for materials
and electrical equipments, coordinating a team of 46 people.
Name and address of the employer Institute for Scientific Research and Technological Engineering for Engine, Transformers and
Electrical Equipment (ICSITMTAE) Craiova, Romania

Dates 06.09.1979-26.09.1982
Position held Engineer
Main activities and responsibilities Developing and implementing new electrical machines technologies; coordinating the manufacturing
of the AC/DC electrical machines coils.
Name and address of employer Electroputere Craiova, Rotating Electrical Machine Factory, Calea Bucuresti Street, No. 80, Craiova,
Type of business or sector Manufacturing of rotating electrical machines

Education and training

Dates 1993-2002
Title of qualification awarded Doctoral Degree in Electrical Engineering field
Title of the PhD Thesis Contributions to the manufacturing and the achnowledgement of the insulation systems for high voltage
asynchronous machines
PhD Coordinator: Prof. Eng. Aurel Câmpeanu PhD;
Public defense: 16-th July2002, University of Craiova
Diploma Series C, Nr. 0001609, M.E.C. Order no. 4900/11.11.2002
Name and type of organisation University of Craiova, Romania
providing education and training
Level of qualification awarded PhD title

Dates 20.04.1999-20.06.1999
Qualification Qualification in the field of Materials and insulation systems for electrical equipments
Name and type of organisation Institut Supérieur des Techniques Avancées, Saint Etienne, France(scholarship at the World Bank,
providing education and training Grant 12834/28.09.1998, 1999)
Level of classification of Doctoral studies

Dates 08.01.1994-06.02.1994
Field of qualification Qualification in the field of Materials and advanced technologies
(scholarship programme TEMPUS JEP Nr. 2786-93/3)
Name and type of organisation Institut Supérieur Industriel, Bruxelles, Belgium
providing education and training
Level of classification of Doctoral studies

Dates 01.02.1992 - 29.02.1992

Field of qualification Qualification in Electrical insulating materials
(scholarship programme TEMPUS JEP Nr. 2786-91/1)
Name and type of organisation Université Jean Monnet, Saint Etienne, France
providing education and training
Type of activity Research

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Sonia Degeratu
Dates 1987 –1988
Qualification/ Diploma Qualification in the field of Industrial Robots, Graduation certificate no. 1657/19.11.1988, series A
Name and type of organisation University of Craiova, Faculty of Mechanics, Romania
providing education and training
Level of classification for Postgraduate studies
diploma awarded

Dates 1974-1979
Qualification/ Diploma awarded Engineer
Domains covered Electrical Engineering field
Name and type of organisation University of Craiova, Faculty of Electrotechnics, Craiova, Dolj
providing education and training
Level of classification of Graduate studies (Bachelor of Science)
education/ training

Dates 1970-1974
Qualification/ Diploma awarded Baccalaureate Diploma
Domains covered/Competences General Knowledge
Name and type of organisation ‘Nicolae Balcescu’ High school, Craiova, Dolj
providing education and training
Level of classification of High school Education
education/ training

Personal skills and

Mother Tongue Romanian

Other language(s)
Self-assessment Understanding Speaking Writing
Nivel european (*) Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
French C1 Advanced user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C1 Advanced user
English B1 Independent user B2 Independent user B2 Independent user B1 Independent user B2 Independent user
(*) The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Technical skills and competences Ability to approach topics from a wide range of interest ( electrical engineering, new materials and
technologies) visible in:
- 65 Research and Development Projects: 6 international projects (2 as Manager), 59 national projects
(28 as Manager)
- 25 conceived products that were used in the social-economical environment;
- 13 systems and devices for material and product trials (design, trials and functioning assessment)
- 10 procedures for thermal qualification of electrical products and systems (5 of which as single
- 9 new technologies of fabrication for materials and products ( participation in their development
- 4 innovation certificates
- Elaboration of standards and norms;
- Thermal qualification of products and equipments.

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Sonia Degeratu
Organisational skills and Organising and coordinating teams of specialists at ICSITMTAE Craiova in the assimilation of
competences materials for CNE Cernavoda and in the thermal qualification of electrical equipments.
Organising and coordinating the team at CCSSAAM and of the Laboratory for Electrotechnical
Materials at ICSITMTAE
Organising and fully endowing (by personal contribution) the following laboratories:
- The laboratory for accelerated thermal ageing at CCSSAAM at ICSITMTAE Craiova;
- The Laboratory for Electrotechnical Materials at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering.
Social skills and competences Excellent ability to adapt as demonstrated by perpetual activity in educational and pluridisciplinary
research environments;
Excellent communication skills acquired through the activity in coordinating research teams of over
46 people;
Ability to expand and develop high-level collaboration in research and education both nationally
and internationally.
Computer skills and competences - Good command of Microsoft Office tools (Word, Excel și PowerPoint);
- Good knowledge of Matlab-Simulink applications;
- Experience with Visual Basic, C++
Artistic skills and competences Literature and music
Additional information
Awards, decorations, distinctions - the „Dragomir Hurmuzescu “ Medal, awarded by the Romanian National Committee for the
International Electrotechnical Comission, Bucharest 1995;
- the „ Merit Diploma for productive and longlasting activity in the service of international and
Romanian standardisation in the filed of electrotechnics and electronics” awarded by the Romanian
National Committee for the International Electrotechnical Comission, 23.02.1995, Bucharest;
Membership in professional - Romanian National Committee for the International Electrotechnical Commission;
associations - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers;
- IEEE Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation Society;
- General Association of the Romanian Engineers .
Annexe List of papers

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Sonia Degeratu

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