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Analyzing a Nike ad

How does the Nike advertisement make use of both text and
image to persuade the audience to buy Nike product?

In this essay I will be analyzing this Nike advertisement and answer to the
problematic of “How does this Nike advertisement make use of both image
and text to persuade the audience to buy Nike product?” In two paragraphs, by
first starting with the analyzing of the picture and text and then by answering
the problematic.

The main idea of this advertisement is to bring motivation, and inspiration to

the viewer, a sense of power behind the stares of those women and a sense of
achievement from them. This idea can be explained by first looking at the Nike
advertisement, we first see a girl. A young girl crossing her arms and “holding”
a football ball with her right feet, we know by that, that she plays in a football
team. Also, she is wearing a blue shirt, that might be to defy the norms of
colors applied to genders. Her facial expression also is seen mostly when we
want to prove something to someone, which is one of the ideas of this
campaign. In the background we see multiple of women from different
cultures, ages, and height. At first glance we would think that they all practice
different kind of sports as they wear different kinds of outfits, but looking at
their feet we notice that their all wearing the same type of shoes, football
shoes. Also coming back to the facial expression, we notice they all have it
different, but they seem to kind of share the same idea behind their stare, they
all seem determined to prove a point, prove that this person is wrong, and
they are right. This idea can be explained with the backstory of those women
and history behind the ad. Hence, this little girl is named Candelaria Cabrera
and she's 12 years old and is from Chabás. She plays in the local club Huracan
in Argentina. In 2018, so when she was 8, she wasn’t allowed to play in the
local club with the boys, so she rewrote the rules of the local leagues to be
able to continue playing with her teammates until she's 10 but also to create a
girl's league in the next two years. But this ad doesn’t only show Candelaria,
but also other very famous women footballer in Argentina as Estefania Banini,
Ruth Bravo and Belen Potassa who are star players in the local women league.
In March 2019, they finally were able to play in “La Bombonera” which is the
most iconic stadium in Argentina and won 5-0 against Lanus. And with a little
help from the Nike advertisement campaign, a week later the local Football
Association announced the first women professional league in the country. By
knowing this, the advertisement ads more power to the message, “DREAM
CRAZIER”, as these women and this little girl particularly archived their crazy
dream of being a famous footballer in a game.

When looking a little more attentively, we figure out that this picture is not just
a simple picture somewhere in a metro station, but an advertisement, a Nike
ad more precisely. The Nike logo is arbored in the bottom of the picture just
below the girl, on the football ball and in the right side of the picture. By
analyzing the picture, it's for certain that this logo wasn’t put on the right side
just because its prettier but more because most people in the world are right-
handed so right sighted. Hence, one of the first thing we see is the Nike logo
with their moto, “Just don’t quit”, but in the moto there's the other moto from
the campaign “Just do it” written in the same sentence in bold and white so we
can see it at first glance. Also, while looking at the outfits those women are
wearing, we can see that most of them harbor the Nike logo on their shirts,
socks, shorts and most probably on their shoes. Which is probably not a
coincidence. This picture stays an ad, and the purpose of this ad would be to
persuade the audience to buy the product on display in the Nike shop. They
are only trying to show to the viewers that they are in a sense better as they
are including all types of people in their advertisement so that no people will
be able to say that this brand is racist or sexist.

In conclusion, this Nike advertisement while being and ad it also has a powerful
message that would just add to the persuasion to the viewer to buy from this
brand particularity as they are trying to add diversity in their products. That is
why this advertisement will be staying an ad even if it has a powerful context
and message behind it.

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