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Traditional Aragonese Migas Recipe

HUGO: Good Morning Everybody. Let us introduce ourselves. We are Lorena, Diego, and Hugo.
We are going to talk about Migas. We´ll divide our presentation into 5 parts. Let´s start with an
introduction about this dish.


LORENA: The dish we have chosen to work in is Migas. It is a traditional Aragonese Recipe.
Migas is a popular Aragonese dish consisting of leftover bread and ingredients such as bacon,
chorizo (type of coldmeat) and grapes. There are variations on the dish depending on each
family and region. There are even sweet versions of Migas where they add fruit, nuts,
cinnamon, and chocolate.

The migas we bring you this time are the migas of Aragon, made as our grandmothers do.


DIEGO: What is in “Migas”? If you want to make them at home you need for 4 people.

- 400 gr leftover bread

- olive oil
- garlic
- bacon, codmeat as chorizo
- eggs, grapes, sardines.
Origin & Cultural Significance

LORENA: Migas is a traditional dish that is popular in Portuguese and Spanish cuisine. The
name ‘migas’ means ‘crumbs’, relating to its key and main ingredient – breadcrumbs.

HUGO: Migas is also known to be the “migrating shepherd’s hearty breakfast” crumbs of the
shepherd. This recipe of migas aragonesas is a humble dish that is made from the left-over
bread. Traditionally, the bread was kept in a cloth bag and when there was enough bread for
the whole family the crumbs were prepared

Method Recipe. Preparation How can we make Migas? Aragonese Migas is very easy to

DIEGO: First you start by moistening and soaking leftover bread with water the day before and
let it overnight.

LORENA: Then peel and cut the garlic into small pieces, chop the bacon and the rest of the
meat you want to add into small pieces too.

HUGO: After that heat some olive oil and fry it on lard (pork fat) with garlic and meat as
chorizo, bacon. When they begin to brown, add the bread.

DIEGO: Finally stir constantly the mixture so that the bread begins to brown. It will take about
20 or 30 minutes.

HUGO: Once cooked, it is served hot. People speak of grapes, fried eggs, sardines…

LORENA: Migas can be enjoyed on any time of the day as it can be served as an appetizer,
snack, side dish, lunch, or breakfast. You can even eat it at dinner too! It is basically making a
hearty meal out of what you have.

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