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Level: 1ST year literary stream

Unit 02: Our findings show…… Teaching aids: Worksheets, Data show…
Sequence: Reading and Writing Competencies: Interpret-Produce

Final objective: By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to: read and respond to a report

Timin Lesson phases Output & Input AIMS


-T shows pps pictures of the three types of graphs and asks

05 Warm up them to match each picture with its name.
To get familiar with
different types of

-T/ppls interaction.
Pps match the pictures with their names.
pict1=bar graph / pict2=pie chart / pict3= line graph. To be able to
interpret a graphic
-T asks pps to look at the bar graph and choose the best display.
01/ The graph is about:
A-Computers at home
B-Computer use by teenagers
Pps: It is about B- computer use by teenagers
02/ The number 60 represents:
A- the number of computers used by people
B- The number of the people questioned in the survey
Pps:it represents the number of people questioned in the
03/The letters (a-f) represent:
A- different uses of computer
B- types of computers
Pps: they represent: A- different uses of computer.
T: appreciate all the answers.

Pre-Reading: -T distributes the worksheets to the pps and asks them to To introduce the
topic and prepare
10 complete the boxes according to their personal experience
pupils for the
(guessing game). reading passage.
Pps guess and complete the boxes in the table.
-T accepts and appreciates all the answers.
While- -T asks ppls to read the text and check their guesses to the
15 Reading To read and check
previous task.
guesses of the
Activity 1: -Pps read and check their answers. previous task.
-WB correction.
-Pps copy the answers on their handouts

-T makes the instruction and the sentences clear, then asks

Activity02: To draw pps’
pps to reorder the sentences in activity three as they appear in
attention to the
the text. chronological order
to be followed in
10 -Pps read the sentences and re-order them.
writing a report
-WB correction.
-Pps copy the answers on their handouts.

-T explains the instruction and the sentences.

10 Activity03 : To check pps’
-T asks pps to read the text again and say whether the
sentences are true or false and correct the false ones.
-Pps read the text and do the activity.
-WB correction.
-Pps copy the answers on their handouts.
After Reading: T asks pps to complete sentences in activity four with the To complete a report
10 Activity04 : appropriate words, then re-order them to get a meaningful Respecting the
report. chronological order
-T asks them to work in pairs .
-Pps work in pairs and do the activity.
-T/Pps interaction .
-WB correction
-Pps copy the answers on their handouts.
Lesson Key answers
Activity 1:
Reading: Number of teenagers who use the Before After
computer to: reading reading
1- keep addresses and phone numbers. 16
2- to play games 60
3- as a calculator 2
4- for their studies 4
5- do word-processing at home 28

Activity 2:

1st sentence 2nd sentence 3rd sentence 4th sentence


Activity 3:
1-the report is about computer sale. False use
2-The number of informants is sixteen. false sixty
3-The informants are adults. False .teenagers
4-The report shows that the informants don’t really know how to use computer. True

After The survey is about the most popular sport among teenagers. 100 teenagers between 16
Reading: and 19 years old were interviewed.
When I asked them if they practised sport all of them answered they did. Then I asked them
which sport they liked more, only 10 out of them answered that they liked tennis, 30 told me
that they enjoyed practising basketball and 60 said that they preferred football.
As I expected, the findings show that the most popular sport among teenagers is football.
Unit: Our finding Show Monday, November, 20th, 2017

Sequence: Reading and Writing


1- Guess and write in the boxes the number of each group of informants who use the computer...

Number of teenagers who use the Before After

computer to: reading reading
1- keep addresses and phone
2- to play games
3- as a calculator
4- for their studies
5- do word-processing at home

Read and check:

Activity01: Read the report bellow and check your answers to the previous task.

The times SATURDAY,SEPTEMBER 13th,2004

This report presents details about computer use by a sample group of 60 young people. Everybody
thinks that teenagers today know about computers and are familiar with using them. I decided to do a survey
to find out if this was true.

I questioned sixty young people between 13 and 19 in order to know what they use the computer for.
When I asked how many of them had computers, all of the teenagers I chose said they had one at home. I
asked them how much time they spent on their computer in a week, but my main interest in fact was in what
they used their computers for.

All the people questioned said that they regularly used the computer to play games. Twenty-eight told
me they did some word-processing at home, but not very much. Only 4 informants said that their computers
helped them with their studies, while 16 of them told me they kept addresses and telephone numbers on their
computers-or used them as diaries. Two of them said that they used them as calculators. As expected, I found
out that teenagers don’t really know how to use the computer.

( Adapted from At the Crossroads textbook p83)

Activity 02: Re-order the following sentences as they appear in the text

a) Information about the informants.

b) The conclusion of the report.
c) Topic of the report.
d) Results’ analysis.

1st sentence 2nd sentence 3rd sentence 4th sentence

Activity 03: Read the text again and say whether these statements are true or false? Correct the wrong ones

1-The report is about computer sale. ...................................................

2-The number of informants is sixteen. ..................................................................
3-The informants are adults. .......................................................................................
4-The report shows that the informants don’t really know how to use computer. ....................................

Activity 04: Complete the following sentences with the appropriate words then re-order them to get a meaningful
report: findings – asked – survey - answered.

A-As I expected, the ...................... show that the most popular sport among teenagers is football.
B- When I ................... them if they practised sport all of them answered they did. Then I asked them which sport
they liked more, only 10 out of them ..................... that they liked tennis, 30 told me that they enjoyed practising
basketball and 60 said that they preferred football
C- The ...................... is about the most popular sport among teenagers. 100 teenagers between 16 and 19 years old
were interviewed.

Stce1 …………

Stce2 …………

Stce3 …………

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