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Questions and Answers

1. When you answer the phone, you need to say your name and…?

a) Name of company
b) “Hello!”
c) “How are you today?”
d) “What’s up?”

Correct Answer

A. The name of the company.


When answering the phone, it is important to say your name and the name of the company to
provide a professional and courteous greeting. This helps the caller identify who they are
speaking to and ensures that they have reached the correct company. Simply saying "Hello!"
or asking "How are you today?" does not provide this necessary information.

2. Why are telephone greetings so important?

a) It is the first impression

b) It shows that you are happy.
c) It shows that you are polite.
d) It shows you are educated and well-mannered.

Correct Answer

A. It is the first impression.


Telephone greetings are important because they create the first impression of the person
answering the call. This initial interaction sets the tone for the entire conversation and can
influence the caller's perception of the individual or organization. A professional and friendly
greeting demonstrates professionalism, courtesy, and a positive attitude, making the caller
feel valued and respected. It also reflects the overall image and reputation of the company or
individual, highlighting their commitment to customer service and professionalism.
3. What is important about your voice?

a) Volume

b) Tone

c) Speed

d) All the above

Correct Answer

D. All the above.


The question asks about what is important about one's voice, and the correct answer is "All of
the above." This means that all three factors mentioned - volume, speed, and tone - are
important in determining the quality and effectiveness of one's voice. The volume of the
voice can impact how well it is heard and understood, the speed can affect clarity and
comprehension, and the tone can convey emotions and attitudes. Therefore, all these aspects
contribute to the overall importance of one's voice.

4. When putting a caller on hold, what do you need to say or ask?


Correct Answer

A. Ask if it is ok to put the caller on hold.


When putting a caller on hold, it is important to ask if it is okay to do so. This shows respect
for the caller's time and allows them to express any concerns or preferences they may have.
By asking for permission, it demonstrates good customer service and helps to maintain a
positive rapport with the caller.

5. When taking a caller off hold, what should you say?

a) “I apologize for the inconvenience”

b) “I am in a happy mood today”

c) “Thank you for holding!”

d) “I told you it was not going to be long!”

Correct Answer

B. “Thank you for holding.”


When taking a caller off hold, it is important to acknowledge and appreciate their patience.
Saying "Thank you for holding" shows gratitude towards the caller for waiting and implies
that their time and patience are valued. It helps in maintaining a positive and courteous tone
during the conversation and ensures that the caller feels acknowledged and appreciated for
their patience.

6. Who should end the phone call first?

a) The person who answered

b) The person who called

c) Anyone

d) It does not matter

Correct Answer

B. The person who called.


The person who called should end the phone call first because they initiated the conversation
and achieved the purpose of their call. It is considered polite for the person who made the call
to conclude the conversation, allowing the person who answered to end the call if they wish.
This demonstrates respect for the other person's time and signals that the conversation has
come to a natural conclusion.

7. What item(s) listed below are considered OK while answering the phone?

Correct Answer

D. You shouldn't have any distractions of any kind.


The correct answer is "You shouldn't have any distractions of any kind." This means that
while answering the phone, it is important to avoid any distractions such as chewing gum,
listening to music, or smoking. These activities can hinder effective communication and may
give a negative impression to the person on the other end of the line. It is best to give full
attention to the phone call and eliminate any potential distractions.

8. Besides having a paper and pencil ready, why would you ask the caller for their
phone number?

a) In case the call gets disconnected

b) To show the caller that you are polite and considerate

c) To provide for future social engagements with him / her

d) In the case the caller is rude. You can call him back

Correct Answer

A. In case the call gets disconnected.


Asking the caller for their phone number in case the call gets disconnected is a practical step
to ensure that the conversation can be resumed. If the call unexpectedly ends, having the
caller's phone number allows the person answering the call to reach out and reconnect. This
helps to provide a smooth and uninterrupted customer service experience.

9. When you leave a message in someone’s voicemail, what is most important?

a) Say the date and time

b) Say your telephone number
c) Ask to call back
d) Ask if they are well

Correct Answer

B. Say your telephone number.


When leaving a message in someone's voicemail, it is most important to say your telephone
number. This allows the recipient to easily identify who left the message and enables them to
call back if necessary. Providing the telephone number ensures effective communication and
increases the chances of the recipient being able to reach you in response to the message.

10. You are having a conversation with your colleague and the phone rings. What do
you do?

a) Get the number, and call him /her back

b) Tell your colleague to wait.

c) Tell him / her to leave immediately

d) Answer the phone and put the caller on hold

Correct Answer

B. Tell your colleague to wait.


In this situation, the best course of action is to tell your colleague to wait. It is important to
prioritize the person you are currently speaking with and give them your full attention.
Answering the phone and putting the caller on hold would be impolite and may make them
feel unimportant. Getting the caller's phone number and calling them back can be done after
you finish your conversation with your colleague.

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