Tổng Hợp Đề Writing Task 2 Quý 4.2020

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A. ĐỀ THI VIẾT TASK 2 ..................................................................................... 3
1. 10/10/2020 ..................................................................................................... 4
2. 15/10/2020 ..................................................................................................... 4
3. 24/10/2020 ..................................................................................................... 4
4. 31/10/2020 ..................................................................................................... 4
5. 07/11/2020 ..................................................................................................... 4
6. 12/11/2020 ..................................................................................................... 4
7. 21/11/2020 ..................................................................................................... 4
8. 28/11/2020 ..................................................................................................... 4
9. 05/12/2020 ..................................................................................................... 4
10. 12/12/2020...................................................................................................... 5
11. 19/12/2020...................................................................................................... 5
B. MỘT SỐ BÀI CHỮA THAM KHẢO .............................................................. 7
1. 31/10/2020 ..................................................................................................... 8
2. 07/11/2020 ................................................................................................... 10
3. 12/11/2020 ................................................................................................... 12
4. 21/11/2020 ................................................................................................... 14
5. 28/11/2020 ................................................................................................... 16
6. 05/12/2020 ................................................................................................... 18
7. 12/12/2020 ................................................................................................... 20
8. 19/12/2020 ................................................................................................... 22

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IELTS Xuân Phi xin gửi tặng các bạn bộ lời giải tham khảo 1 số đề thi thực tế Writing
Task 2 quý 4/2020 band 8+. Để đảm bảo độ chính xác, thầy Phạm Xuân Phi IELTS 8.0
đã phân tích và viết bài, sau đó gửi cựu giám khảo Hội đồng Anh Nick Kemp sửa và
góp ý nên các bạn có thể yên tâm tải về học.
Tài liệu được biên soạn với mục đích giúp người học có cái nhìn vừa tổng quan vừa chi
tiết về độ khó của đề thi IELTS Writing trong những tháng gần đây. Bên cạnh đó, mỗi
bài viết mẫu đều có danh sách từ vựng và cấu trúc hay đi kèm. Từ đó, các bạn có thể
học, hiểu sâu và áp dụng linh hoạt vào bài viết của mình theo từng chủ đề.
Năm 2020 là một năm đầy sóng gió, ngay cả IELTS cũng làm khó lòng người, khi càng
về thời điểm cuối năm, đề càng có xu hướng khó dần đều. Thành quả nhãn tiền là hội
những người phải thi lại IELTS nhanh chóng kết nạp thêm không ít thành viên.
Ai trong chúng ta rồi cũng muốn quên đi một năm tồi tệ như thế này. Nhưng người ta
vẫn nói "những ai không học lịch sử sẽ lặp lại nó". Bởi vậy, nhớ lại những bài học giá
trị trong năm 2020 và rút kinh nghiệm từ nó sẽ là một điều cần thiết. Giữa những ngày
tối tăm nhất vẫn luôn có những gam màu đẹp. Cùng nhau đọc, nghiên cứu những bài
mẫu này để chuẩn bị hành trang chiến đấu với những đề thi có thể còn khó nhằn hơn vào
năm 2021. Đồng hành với IELTS Xuân Phi để hướng tới năm 2021 tươi sáng hơn nhé!
Đăng ký tham gia khóa học IELTS Writing chuyên sâu:

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Website: https://ieltsxuanphi.edu.vn/
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Lộ trình cá nhân hoá – Bứt phá IELTS

1. 10/10/2020
Some people say that the experiences a child has before starting school have the
most influence on their future life. Others say that experiences as a teenager, esp
at school is more influential. Discuss both views and give your own opinion?
2. 15/10/2020
It is suggested that primary children should learn how to grow vegetables and keep
animals. Do the advantages of this outweigh its disadvantages?
3. 24/10/2020
People are living longer after they retire. What are the problems? What can be
done to solve these problems?
4. 31/10/2020
People say that it is a waste of time for high school students to learn literature such
as novels and poems. Do you agree or disagree?
5. 07/11/2020
Some people say that outdoor activities bring more benefits to children’s
development rather than computer games. To what extent do you agree or
6. 12/11/2020
Society is based on rules and laws. It could not function if individuals were free to
do whatever they wanted to do. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
7. 21/11/2020
Some think that all entertainment TV programmes should educate people about the
importance of social issues. To what extent do you agree or disagree??
8. 28/11/2020
Governments should make laws about people’s nutrition and food choice. Others
argue that it is their choice. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
9. 05/12/2020
Some people say that modern technology has made shopping today easier, while
others disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Website: https://ieltsxuanphi.edu.vn/
Hotline: 0916300750 (Xuân Phi)
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To succeed in business, one needs to know math. To what extent do you agree or
In some countries, only few young people go to classical music concerts or play
classical music. Why is it happening? Should young people be encouraged to attend
and learn more?

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Đề khó lắm phải không các bạn. Để không phải sảy chân khi đi thi rồi ngậm ngùi
nộp tiền thi lại, IELTS Xuân Phi đã thiết kế 1 khóa học chuyên dạy kỹ năng Viết,
giúp các bạn tăng ít nhất 0.5 Band sau khóa học.
Đối tượng:
- Học viên đang rất yếu kỹ năng Viết
- Học viên không có sự hỗ trợ chấm, nhận xét bài viết
- Học viên chưa nắm rõ cách viết, chiến thuật viết bài IELTS Writing
- Học viên muốn tăng nhanh IELTS Writing band score

Đặc điểm nổi bật:

- Lộ trình học được thiết kế cụ thể, chi tiết đến từng buổi học, cân bằng giữa khả
năng và nguyện vọng của học viên
- Bài tập của học viên được chấm và feedback chi tiết để học viên phát huy điểm
mạnh, khắc phục điểm yếu
- Chỉ rõ và cung cấp giải pháp khắc phục từng điểm yếu còn yếu để học viên tự tin
bước vào kỳ thi IELTS thực chiến
- Giảng viên, Academic Assistant bám sát, hỗ trợ học viên thường xuyên
- Được học lại miễn phí nếu làm đầy đủ bài tập mà không tiến bộ

Kết quả đạt được:

- Học viên đạt được mục tiêu IELTS Writing đề ra trước khóa học trong thời gian
- Tăng khả năng viết bài học thuật, phát triển logic ý tưởng.
- Tự tin bước vào phòng thi, không ngại đề dễ - khó"

Website: https://ieltsxuanphi.edu.vn/
Hotline: 0916300750 (Xuân Phi)
IELTS Writing Online https://bit.ly/ChuyenSauIELTSWriting
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Website: https://ieltsxuanphi.edu.vn/
Hotline: 0916300750 (Xuân Phi)
IELTS Writing Online https://bit.ly/ChuyenSauIELTSWriting
Lộ trình cá nhân hoá – Bứt phá IELTS
1. 31/10/2020
Question: People say that it is a waste of time for high school students to learn
literature such as novels and poems. Do you agree or disagree?
Some people argue that teaching literature in high schools is a sheer waste
of time since it has little to no practical value. However, I contend that it provides
essential moral orientation to students.
On the one hand, high schoolers might find it hard to apply literature lessons
to real life. Indeed, writers or poets compose their works at a time that is
fundamentally different from the present teenager’s world. More importantly,
characters in novels are clearly fictional, possessing a set of behaviours that are not
always relatable in modern terms. For instance, throughout the poem “Odyssey”,
the hero resolved to use violence to settle all disagreements, an approach that would
not work in our current, more peaceful civilisation.
On the other hand, it appears to me that this subject is crucial to the moral
development of those at high school. While studying novels or poems, they are able
to empathise with the characters, understanding their circumstances in the given
settings instead of making subjective judgements. As a result, young learners would
likely become empathetic graduates who are willing to appreciate contradicting
opinions and cherish differences, eventually becoming more open-minded citizens.
That is a testament why literature should be included in school curriculum.
In conclusion, although novels or poems may seem to be impractical, I am
convinced that literature must have a place in high school programs to nurture well-
educated citizens. Nevertheless, teachers should adopt more creative teaching
methods such as role playing or plot construction to make lessons more relevant to
their students.

Word Count: 254 words

Website: https://ieltsxuanphi.edu.vn/
Hotline: 0916300750 (Xuân Phi)
IELTS Writing Online https://bit.ly/ChuyenSauIELTSWriting
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Practical value Giá trị thực tiễn

Moral orientation Định hướng đạo đức

Fundamentally (adj) Về cơ bản

Fictional (adj) Giả tưởng

Moral development Phát triển nhân cách

Empathise (v) Đồng cảm

Subjective judgements Đánh giá/Phán xét một cách chủ quan

Contradicting opinions Ý kiến trái chiều

Cherish (v) Trân trọng

Cởi mở/sẵn sàng tiếp thu những cái

Open-minded (adj)

Testaments (n) Bằng chứng/Minh chứng

Curriculum (n) Chương trình giáo dục

Impractical (adj) Không thực tế/ Không thực tiễn

Nurture (v) Nuôi dưỡng

Well-educated (adj) Có học thức

Role playing Diễn xuất/Nhập vai

Plot construction Xây dựng kịch bản

Website: https://ieltsxuanphi.edu.vn/
Hotline: 0916300750 (Xuân Phi)
IELTS Writing Online https://bit.ly/ChuyenSauIELTSWriting
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2. 07/11/2020
Question: Some people say that outdoor activities bring more benefits to children’s
development rather than computer games. To what extent do you agree or
It is sometimes argued that doing activities outside is more advantageous to
a child’s overall growth in comparison to playing games on computers. I
completely agree with that argument because of the two following reasons.
Firstly, in contrast to computer games, outdoor activities allow children to
reach their full physical potential. Regular exercise resulting from ball games or
playground activities likely increase appetite and foster the process of metabolism
that break down food into minerals and proteins, building more muscles, stronger
joints and bones. By contrast, video games tend to encourage a sedentary lifestyle,
slowing down both digestion and metabolism. That possibly causes young gamers
to suffer from a shortage of essential nutrition and the failure to discharge noxious
substances, which is a precursor to malnutrition or frailty.
Secondly, playing outsides tends to nurture important mental abilities. For
example, it offers kids a chance to stay in touch with nature, observing various
objects, shapes and colours in diverse sizes and positions, which would boost
children’s spatial visualisation. In addition, children seem more excited to engage
in face to face conversation with their peers in the open air than via a laptop screen.
This kind of talk is scientifically proven to be conducive to the development of
verbal communication skills that are crucial for future success at school and
In conclusion, I am of the opinion that outdoor games are superior to
computerbased ones in facilitating both body growth and mental capabilities in
children. That is why parents should encourage their offspring to spend at least a
few hours a day to be at playgrounds instead of lavishing time on computers or
game consoles.

Word count: 274 words

Website: https://ieltsxuanphi.edu.vn/
Hotline: 0916300750 (Xuân Phi)
IELTS Writing Online https://bit.ly/ChuyenSauIELTSWriting
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Overall growth Sự phát triển toàn diện

Physical potential Tiềm năng thể chất

Regular exercise Hoạt động thể chất thường xuyên

Playground activities Hoạt động ngoài sân chơi

Increase appetite Tăng sự ngon miệng

Sedentary (adj) Ngồi một chỗ, ít đi lại

Shortage of essential nutrition Thiếu hụt các chất dinh dưỡng cần thiết

Precursor to something Dấu hiệu/ điềm báo cho cái gì

Stay in touch with nature Gần gũi với thiên nhiên

Spatial visualisation Hình dung về không gian

Scientifically proven Được khoa học chứng minh

Conducive to something Có lợi cho cái gì

Facilitate Tạo điều kiện

Lavish time on something Phung phí thời gian vào cái gì

Website: https://ieltsxuanphi.edu.vn/
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3. 12/11/2020
Question: Society is based on rules and laws. It could not function if individuals
were free to do whatever they wanted to do. To what extent do you agree or
It has been noted that the rule of law is the foundation of modern
civilisation. While some believe that a society without laws can function
properly thanks to human characteristics, I contend that it will completely
collapse due to bad behaviour.

On the one hand, certain shared beliefs have made countries with no official
rules possible throughout the history of mankind. In fact, centuries before the
first laws were introduced, the ancient Chinese had been able to gather in
millions as a nation to save them from natural disasters and enemies since they
all shared an intuitive sense of community. Furthermore, in modern Bhutan,
national or organisational rules are essentially redundant as most citizens
already live in harmony with each other as the result of Buddhist practices which
promote compassion across races or social classes.

Nevertheless, I am of the opinion that if people are free to do whatever they

desire, social order would be destroyed by misbehaviour. In Vietnam, for
example, at a crowded intersection without clear regulations and instructions,
many commuters would happily block others for a quick pass. Worse still, if
there is an accident, some ill-tempered drivers are quick to throw punches at
each other right in the middle of the road, which instantly brings the traffic to a
complete standstill. As similar consequences can be predicted in other fields
such as commerce and politics, the normal operation at a societal level is likely
to collapse entirely.

In conclusion, civilisations without agreed rules could exist if citizens

possessed specific qualities. However, I believe societies will stop operating
because of poorly- behaved individuals. From my perspective, governments
should continue to enact strict laws that promote discipline and order for their
countries to thrive in the modern era.

Word count: 289 words

Website: https://ieltsxuanphi.edu.vn/
Hotline: 0916300750 (Xuân Phi)
IELTS Writing Online https://bit.ly/ChuyenSauIELTSWriting
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Foundation of modern civilisation Nền móng của xã hội hiện đại

Civilisation (n) Nền văn minh

Races and social classes Các chủng tộc và tầng lớp xã hội

Sense of community Ý thức cộng đồng

Social order Trật tự xã hội

Live in harmony Sống hòa hợp

Compassion (n) Tình thương, lòng thương cảm

Intuitive (adj) Thuộc về trực giác

Poorly-behaved (adj) Cư xử tệ

Bring something to a standstill Làm cho cái gì bị trì trệ

Enact laws Ban hành luật

Ill-tempered (adj) Xấu tính

Website: https://ieltsxuanphi.edu.vn/
Hotline: 0916300750 (Xuân Phi)
IELTS Writing Online https://bit.ly/ChuyenSauIELTSWriting
Lộ trình cá nhân hoá – Bứt phá IELTS
4. 21/11/2020
Question: Some think that all entertainment TV programmes should educate people
about the importance of social issues. To what extent do you agree or disagree??
It is sometimes suggested that every entertainment program shown on TV could
be used as a vehicle to highlight the importance of societal problems. Although these
shows might have a large audience, I believe an attempt to educate these specific
viewers is unlikely to succeed.

On the one hand, it seems logical that these TV shows might be of help due to
their relative popularity. For example, the live recording of the Vietnamese Rap Battle
final night reached a record audience of 1 million TV viewers and subsequently
achieved 10 million views on Youtube in its first 24 hours. If this show had contained
a segment focusing on one or more social issues, such as the plight of those dealing
with the floods in central Vietnam, this information might have reached millions,
directing public attention to this campaign, potentially encouraging many to donate.

Nevertheless, I contend that raising awareness of social problems through

entertainment programmes is ineffective because of two main reasons. Firstly, most
audience members simply seek to unwind after working or studying, so they would
rather be entertained by fun easy laughs than be weighed down by complicated issues
such as climate change that might add stress rather than alleviate it. Any messages
delivered, therefore, will likely to be ignored, leaving no significant effect. Worse still,
some viewers might feel annoyed, having a hostile attitude towards the campaigns
behind the unwelcomed interference, which could make these efforts

In conclusion, the popularity of entertainment shows enables important issues to

attract greater public attention, but I am of the opinion that key messages would not
be effective and could turn people off. Alternatively, campaigners should use social
network sites such as Facebook with advanced tools to reach their target audience for
greater effect.

Word Count: 294 words

Website: https://ieltsxuanphi.edu.vn/
Hotline: 0916300750 (Xuân Phi)
IELTS Writing Online https://bit.ly/ChuyenSauIELTSWriting
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Societal problems Các vấn đề xã hội

Be of help Có ích

Popularity (n) Sự phổ biến

Segment (n) Phân đoạn

Plight (n) Cảnh ngộ, hoàn cảnh

Direct attention to sb/sth Hướng sự chú ý đến ai/cái gì

Raising awareness Nâng cao nhận thức

Unwind (v) Thư giãn

Hostile attitude Thái độ thù ghét

Weigh down sb/sth (ph.v) Khiến ai/cái gì thấy nặng nề

Alleviate (v) Làm nhẹ đi

Interference (n) Sự làm phiền

Counterproductive (adj) Phản tác dụng

Turn sb off (ph.v) Khiến ai mất hứng

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Hotline: 0916300750 (Xuân Phi)
IELTS Writing Online https://bit.ly/ChuyenSauIELTSWriting
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5. 28/11/2020
Question: Governments should make laws about people’s nutrition and food choice.
Others argue that it is their choice. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Many people suggest governments issue laws that regulate citizens’ selection of
food as a vehicle to combat poor eating habits. I am strongly opposed to this idea with
respect to personal preferences.
On the one hand, legislation detailing food consumption could help promote a
healthier diet. Indeed, lawmakers might set a standard intake of essential nutrition as
advised by nutritionists as well as completely remove unhealthy dishes such as heavily
processed foods from a list of possible picks. Anyone who does not follow the
guideline could face a small monetary fine while companies that sell unlisted products
could be banned from operating. Thanks to these measures, citizens are more likely to
adopt a balanced diet which is scientifically proven to be the key to overall well-being.
On the other hand, a law that regulates people’s consumption of foods is unlikely to
accommodate everyone’s needs. In fact, a person’s choice of dishes for his meal depends
on various personal reasons ranging from taste preferences, and nutritional demands
to financial constraints. Some choose to sit down at a McDonald’s for a Big Mac possibly
because they are fans of cheesy beef patties or it might be the only lunch set they can afford
if they are on special offer. Furthermore, I don’t believe it is the role of the state to
prevent people from enjoying their guilty pleasures on rare occasions. That is why, in
my opinion, asking everyone to follow strict guidelines is simply unethical, failing to
address the needs and rights of each individual in a society.
In conclusion, although governmental control of one’s consumption might be of
help to a more science-based diet, I believe people must be allowed to consume
whatever they desire. As an alternative to decrees, ministries of health should run
nationwide healthy eating campaigns

Word Count: 299 words.

Website: https://ieltsxuanphi.edu.vn/
Hotline: 0916300750 (Xuân Phi)
IELTS Writing Online https://bit.ly/ChuyenSauIELTSWriting
Lộ trình cá nhân hoá – Bứt phá IELTS



Regulate (v) Quy định

As an alternative to decrees Thay vì các nghị định

Unethical (adj) Phi đạo đức

Legislation (n) Luật pháp

Unlisted (adj) Không được liệt kê

Nutritionist (n) Chuyên gia dinh dưỡng

Processed foods Đồ ăn chế biến sẵn

Overall well-being Sức khỏe tổng quát

Accommodate (v) Thích nghi, phù hợp với

Address the needs Xác định nhu cầu

Financial constraints Những hạn chế tài chính

Guilty pleasure Thú vui tội lỗi

Personal preference Sở thích cá nhân

Website: https://ieltsxuanphi.edu.vn/
Hotline: 0916300750 (Xuân Phi)
IELTS Writing Online https://bit.ly/ChuyenSauIELTSWriting
Lộ trình cá nhân hoá – Bứt phá IELTS

6. 05/12/2020
Question: Some people say that modern technology has made shopping today easier,
while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
It is sometimes argued that technical advancements such as e-commerce sites have
enhanced shopping experiences. Although I overwhelmingly agree with this, I also
hold the belief that it has brought about both confusion and annoyance to shoppers.

On the one hand, up-to-date technology has improved the customer experience
in both online and offline shops. Firstly, with the advent of e-commerce websites,
products are made globally available without geographical constraints. That means
a Nike fan in Vietnam is able to order the much anticipated “Fly 4%” running shoes as
soon as they are added to sites such as Amazon US or Sportswear.com. Secondly,
physical store visitors seem to welcome the convenience of computer operated
payment methods and customer service. A buyer can instantly pay for his purchases
by scanning a QR code at a checkout counter, while a customer assistant could
promptly award him a loyalty card with personalised offers as suggested by customer
relationship management software.

Nevertheless, I believe modern technology has caused shoppers to be

overwhelmed by choices and annoyed by disrupted buying processes. To illustrate, a
quick Google search for a simple item such as baby diaper results in about three
hundred providers, each of which boast about being the most trusted brand in baby
care. Therefore, it seems harder for the diaper buyer to pick one among an enormous
number of possibilities compared to just a few options in a nearby traditional shop.
In addition, cutting edge technology could still contain flaws or bugs that annoy
shoppers. For example, the MOMO e-wallet has failed to connect to the database of
its retailing parter for week-long periods, which left thousands of dissatisfied users
queueing to their bills with cashiers.

In summary, although shoppers now have greater choices and convenience, their
buying experience has deteriorated to some extent because of technical interference.
Therefore, merchants should carry out extensive customer research before deciding
on adopting these the technologies to satisfy the expectations of today’s consumers.

Word Count: 326

Website: https://ieltsxuanphi.edu.vn/
Hotline: 0916300750 (Xuân Phi)
IELTS Writing Online
Lộ trình cá nhân hoá – Bứt phá IELTS



E-commerce sites Các nền tảng thương mại điện tử

Sự ra đời/xuất hiện của

The advent of sth một phát minh nào đó

Geographical constraint Hạn chế về mặt địa lý

A much anticipated item Một mặt hàng rất được trông chờ

Computer operated Phương pháp thanh toán bằng

payment method công nghệ

Customer Relationship Management Bộ phận Quan hệ Khách hàng

Disrupted buying process Quá trình mua sắm bị gián đoạn

Deteriorate (v) Trở nên tệ hơn

Cutting-edge (adj) Hiện đại, tân tiến nhất

Boast about V-ing Tự hào về việc gì

Sort out Giải quyết vấn đề

Promptly Ngay lập tức

An enormous number of + N Một số lượng lớn

Retailing partner Đối tác bán lẻ

Website: https://ieltsxuanphi.edu.vn/
Hotline: 0916300750 (Xuân Phi)
IELTS Writing Online
Lộ trình cá nhân hoá – Bứt phá IELTS

7. 12/12/2020
Question: To succeed in business, one needs to know math. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?
Many people regard math skills as a key factor to achieve success in business as
it facilitates the decision making process. However, I believe it is only one out of
various factors that contribute to business success and therefore non-essential.

On the one hand, math enables key people to make better decisions. One
application of business mathematics is to provide statistics that can predict future
These predictions might lay a firm foundation for more informed and evidence-
based decisions, replacing biased ones based on managers’ gut feelings. For decades,
Unilever has utilised a statistical model that can forecast the supply and demand of
fast-moving consumer goods, allowing the company leaders to promptly plan
production and sales of each product category.

On the other hand, I believe that one can run a business successfully without
excellent math skills. In fact, many entrepreneurs have built billion-dollar enterprises
thanks to great personal qualities. A good example in this case is Nguyen Thanh Duc,
the chairman of NTD Group. He was known to be a disruptive student that failed
almost all school subjects including math, yet he rose to become an inspirational leader
who could motivate his employees to strive to gain collective success for the
corporation. In addition, his success is attributed to the courage to take the risks that
rational calculations, such as those that guide Unilever, would rule out. As these
leadership qualities concurred with a good fortune, his startup has evolved into a
multinational business empire, becoming market leaders in many industries including
real estate, fishery and forestry.

In conclusion, although statistical math could help make better decisions, I am

of the opinion that risk taking, inspirational personality traits and luck are crucial to
drive an enterprise to success. That is why business schools should focus more on
honoring interpersonal skills including leadership and communication.

Word Count: 305

Website: https://ieltsxuanphi.edu.vn/
Hotline: 0916300750 (Xuân Phi)
IELTS Writing Online
Lộ trình cá nhân hoá – Bứt phá IELTS


Statistical model Mô hình thống kê

Rational calculations Những tính toán dựa trên lý trí

Evidence-based decision Quyết định dựa trên bằng chứng

Biased decision Quyết định thiên kiến

Gut feeling Linh cảm, trực giác

Lay a firm foundation Tạo một nền móng vững chãi

Collective success Thành công chung của tập thể

Fast-moving consumer goods Nhóm hàng tiêu dùng nhanh

Tạo điều kiện cho/Làm cái gì trở nên dễ

Facilitate sth dàng

Evolve into sth Phát triển lớn mạnh thành cái gì

Rule out Loại trừ

Drive sth to success Đưa cái gì tới thành công

Billion-dollar enterprise Doanh nghiệp tỷ đô

Non-essential Không thiết yếu

Interpersonal skills Kỹ năng giao tiếp

Website: https://ieltsxuanphi.edu.vn/
Hotline: 0916300750 (Xuân Phi)
IELTS Writing Online
Lộ trình cá nhân hoá – Bứt phá IELTS

8. 19/12/2020
Question: In some countries, only few young people go to classical music concerts or
play classical music. Why is it happening? Should young people be encouraged to
attend and learn more?

It is true that youngsters have little preference for classical music in some parts
of the world. This could be explained by the elitist nature of the genre itself; however,
I contend that young people should be motivated to go to live concerts or play a
classical instrument as these would help them to be more creative and attentive.

To begin with, young listeners are generally unfamiliar with classical music
mainly because it seems to be too challenging for them to comprehend complex
masterpieces or to be a part of a classical orchestra. Indeed, this genre is naturally
sophisticated, which usually demands its audiences to have a keen musical perception
and life experience, which are less common among teenagers. Meanwhile, it takes
years of intensive training for one to perform just the intro of “Nocturne” by Chopin,
whereas a complete beginner only needs a few months of infrequent practice to excel
at covering mainstream songs from Justin Bieber or Taylor Swift. These factors are
the reason why most young people are in favour of simpler types of music such as Pop
or R&B.

Nevertheless, classical music should be made popular among youngsters as it has

been scientifically proven to boost creativity and concentration. Brain scanning has
revealed that classical performances ignite various parts of the brain, of which many
are linked with enhanced imagination and creative thinking. In an experiment carried
out in an Australian university, students who can play symphonies composed by
Beethoven or Mozart tend to have a longer attention span of about 30 minutes
compared to only 7 minutes of other students. It seems obvious to me that these
benefits are of paramount importance and would help classical music lovers to gain
an advantage in their study and work.

In conclusion, although classical music might be hard to perceive or play, its

merits including boosted creativity and improved focus have convinced me that
youngsters definitely should attend more classical concerts and classes. To encourage
them, schools and other educational institutions could invite famous musicians to
perform on special occasions and share their passion for this worthy musical genre.

Word count: 351

Website: https://ieltsxuanphi.edu.vn/
Hotline: 0916300750 (Xuân Phi)
IELTS Writing Online
Lộ trình cá nhân hoá – Bứt phá IELTS


Elitist nature of sth Phẩm chất tinh hoa của một cái gì

A classical orchestra Một dàn nhạc cổ điển

A worthy music genre Một thể loại âm nhạc đáng quý

Sophisticated (adj) Tinh vi, tinh túy

A keen music perception Khả năng cảm thụ âm nhạc tốt

A symphony (n) Một bản nhạc giao hưởng

Years of intensive training Nhiều năm đào tạo chuyên sâu

Attention span Khoảng thời gian tập trung

Be of paramount importance Có tầm quan trọng hàng đầu

Infrequent practice Luyện tập không thường xuyên

Classical performance Màn trình diễn nhạc cổ điển

Excel at doing sth Thành thạo trong việc gì

Boost creativity and concentration Tăng sức sáng tạo và độ tập trung

Perceive (v) Nhận thức

Attentive (adj) Chú ý

Enhanced imagination Trí tưởng tượng được nâng cao

--- End of Document ---

Website: https://ieltsxuanphi.edu.vn/
Hotline: 0916300750 (Xuân Phi)

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