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The State of

South African
African Energy
Week 2023
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Week 2023

Cape Town, South Africa

16-20 October 2023
African Energy Week 2023, an interactive exhibition and

Be Part of Africa’s networking event, unites global and African energy

stakeholders, drive industry growth, and promote Africa
ENERGY RENAISSANCE as the destination for Africa-focused events.

Ministry of
Ministry of
Petroleum Resources
Petroleum and Energy
of the Federal Republic
of Uganda
of Nigeria

Ministry of Ministry of
Petroleum and Energy Mines and Hydrocarbons Ministry of Energy
of Senegal of Equatorial Guinea of Sierra Leone
The State of
South African Energy
The State of South African Energy 2023

The State of
South African Energy 2023


Index 2



1.1 Record power outages crippling the country 6

1.2 Load shedding in South Africa 8

1.3 South Africa, SAPP, and the demand – supply – export woes 10

1.4 Multiple-fold Impact of power outages – economical, civil, and criminal 11


2.1 Coal domination in power generation, and business set-ups driving the demand 13

2.2 Renewables and natural gas to play a larger role in the long-term 15


3.1 REIPPPP – adding capacity via procurement from IPPs 17

3.2 South Africa targets a just energy transition from coal to renewables 18

2 African Energy Chamber


4.1 Immense solar and wind potential driving majority renewables capacity 22

4.2 Large chunk of capacity in pre-FID stage leaving room for growth 23


5.1 South Africa natural gas demand vs supply vs imports 25

5.2 Intra-African natural gas import opportunities and plans 26

5.3 Exploration in South Africa – scattered and sporadic success 27

5.4 Brulpadda and Luiperd – play opening finds on a block with ample upside 28

5.5 Upstream, pipeline and energy regulatory set-up in South Africa 29

5.6 Brulpadda and Luiperd – production potential and support to energy needs 30

5.7 Challenges in gas exploration and development, and domestic supply 32 3
The State of South African Energy 2023

Key Highlights

South Africa is gripped by extreme power outages due to high dependence on ageing coal-fired plants

Increase in number of breakdowns and need for maintenance on these plants is forcing the already financially
stressed state player Eskom into further cash crunch

The need to raise funds is also resulting in steep increases in electricity tariffs

2022 saw the worst ever series of power cuts, losing about 205 days of electricity due to constant breakdowns of
the aging coal-fired power plants run by Eskom

South Africa dealing with stage 3 – stage 4 load shedding for the week January 27 – 30 2023 as per the schedule
announced, resulting in 4.5 – 6 hours per day of power outage

Historical data suggests South Africa’s operational capacity has been an average 90% of installed capacity and
demand has been an average 85% of the operational capacity, thus requiring high efficiency from power stations

Reliance on coal for power generation currently at 80%, expected to reduce to 75% by 2025 and further down to
65% by 2030

Coal-driven power generation expected to gradually decline to 25% of the total by 2045

Industries and, commercial and public services remain the main drivers of power demand with residential demand
driving one-fifth of the total demand in the short, medium, and long-term

Successful implementation of the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Program (REIPPPP)
in six rounds so far resulted in procurement of almost 9.7 GW capacity from Independent Power Producers (IPPs)

Just Energy Transition Invest Plan (JET IP) aims at securing public, private, domestic, and international funding to
decrease dependency on coal and fossil fuels, and also enhance energy security

Total budget for this estimated at US$99 billion over the next five years and power sector is the key focus with 70%
of these funds allocated to improve infrastructure and grid integration

Energy security and lowering of carbon emissions via just energy transition from fossil fuels is the target

In line with the immense potential, solar PV, and onshore wind – the major sources of renewable energy in South
Africa in the long-term

Overall capacity expected to increase from about 10.6 GW in 2023 to 15.75 GW by 2025 and further to 18 GW by

Solar PV and onshore expected to drive the growth and 65% of the overall capacity in the long-term

45% of the overall capacity currently in operating stage with 20% in post-FID and 35% in pre-FID stage

Individually 45% and 35% of solar PV and onshore wind capacity respectively, are in either application or concept

4 African Energy Chamber

Quicker approval and execution of these projects can lead to faster and larger growth of renewables capacity and
also drive possibility of more projects being brought into the pipeline

South Africa domestic natural gas production is diminishing and is expected to follow the trend till the big gas dis-
coveries come online

Mozambique is the sole exporter of gas to South Africa via the ROMPCO pipeline

The African Renaissance Pipeline (ARP) Project and any gas finds in the recently successful Orange Basin present
further natural gas import opportunities from Mozambique and Namibia respectively

Up until the success of Brulpadda and Luiperd, South Africa has seen scattered exploration activity and success,
especially in the deep waters

Brulpadda opened up the Paddavissie Fairway and Luiperd further proved the hydrocarbon presence

Block 11B/12B, where both the discoveries were made, is home to three other prospects in the same Paddavissie
play and has unexplored Kloofpadda play further northeast in the block

South Africa offers competitive tax terms for upstream development

NERSA approvals mandatory for construction, ownership and operating oil and gas pipelines

The 2nd Amendment Bill (the Amendment Bill) of the Electricity Regulation Act, 2006 aims at establishing an open
market for competitive electricity trading with NERSA holding the authority

The large gas – condensate finds have the capacity to produce 120,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) of
gas and 55,000 barrels per day (bpd) of liquids at peak levels

If integrated into domestic markets, Brulpadda and Luiperd can support energy needs of the country by feeding the
power plants and maintaining Mossel Bay GTL plant at capacity

Climate activists and green groups have often showed strong resistance and ran campaigns against oil and gas
activities in the country, making their case for the environment

While climate advocates are putting their efforts to stop fossil fuel exploration and/or development in the country, oil
major TotalEnergies, the operator of Block 11B/12B, has assured that environmental impact assessment and mapping
of marine life will be done, and all regulations will be followed

TotalEnergies also noted transitioning from coal to gas will have a major impact of the emissions

However, climate activists have raised strong objections to the project and have warned that citizen resistance will
be organized against the development

Another obstacle to South Africa’s plans of diverting Brulpadda and Luiperd gas to domestic markets are the gas ex-
port aspirations of TotalEnergies as discussions towards signing domestic gas sales agreements with state-owned
entities take the best part of a year without any progress. 5
The State of South African Energy 2023


1.1 Record power outages crippling South Africa is gripped by extreme

power outages due to high
the country dependence on ageing coal-fired
South Africa’s ongoing power seen new highs or rather lows of
struggles are the direct implication 859 hours (~10% of the year) and
of state player Eskom’s ageing – 1169 hours (~13% of the year) of to-
Increase in number of breakdowns
overused – constantly breaking tal annual electricity outage. 2022 and need for maintenance on
down and in need of maintenance saw a steep jump in terms of total these plants is forcing the already
fleet of coal-fired power plants. duration of power outage with the financially stressed state player
The power outages caused have country having to endure 205 days Eskom into further cash crunch
been crippling the country’s econ- of rolling blackouts, as the age-
omy since the past 14 – 15 years. ing coal-fired power plants broke
Fixing this infrastructure and in- down and Eskom struggled to find
The need to raise funds is also
creasing generation capacity to the money to buy diesel for emer-
offset the losses from the older gency generators. If January 2023 resulting in steep increases in
power stations was looked at as has anything to say, the situation is electricity tariffs
a solution and led to construction expected to worsen further from
of two of the world’s biggest coal- 2022. Eskom saw close to 50% of
fired plants – Medupi and Kusile, its total nominal generation capaci- 2022 saw the worst ever series
in the Limpopo and Mpumalanga ty of roughly 46,000 MW go offline of power cuts, losing about 205
provinces of South Africa. But 15 due to breakdowns and/or main-
days of electricity due to constant
years after construction started, tenance in late December 2022
these plants are only delivering – early January 2023, whereas breakdowns of the aging coal-fired
about half of their 9,600 MW com- South Africa demand in peak times power plants run by Eskom
bined capacity because of break- averages between 28,000 MW –
downs, technical defects, comple- 34,000 MW.
tion delays and accidents. Cost South Africa dealing with stage
overruns at the two mega plants Most power stations in the coun- 3 – stage 4 load shedding for the
resulted in close to US$23 billion try are owned and operated by
week January 27 – 30 2023 as per
debt to Eskom, leaving it in a pre- Eskom, whose sole shareholder is
carious financial position. Electrici- the Government of the Republic of
the schedule announced, resulting
ty theft and non-payment by munic- South Africa, with the shareholder in 4.5 – 6 hours per day of power
ipal customers have made matters representative being the Minister outage
worse. Despite steep tariff increas- of Public Enterprises. These plants
es for customers, Eskom is still un- account for about 95% of all the
able to cover its costs. electricity produced in South Afri- Historical data suggests South
ca. Coal fired power plants account Africa’s operational capacity has
Meanwhile the annual power outag- for bulk of this, with 2022 power
been an average 90% of installed
es have been setting new records mix suggesting coal was the ener-
for the past three years. While pre- gy source behind 80% of the pow- capacity and demand has been an
vious “best” was 2015’s 852 hours er generated. Relatively more ex- average 85% of the operational
(~10% of the year) of annual elec- pensive Open Cycle Gas Turbines capacity, thus requiring high
tricity outage, 2020 – 2021 have (OCGTs) like Ankerlig, Gourikwa, efficiency from power stations

6 African Energy Chamber

Dedisa and the likes, which use die- cally and 80% of all coal consumed maintenance, additional expendi-
sel as the primary resource; and re- domestically goes towards electricity ture on diesel to replenish outages
newable energy sources backed production. Historically, this has given caused by these breakdowns, high
power stations also contribute to South Africa access to cheap electric- CO₂ emissions placing the southern
power generation, but the share is ity but has led to the issues plaguing African nation in the world’s top 20
miniscule compared to coal-fired the country now – ageing fleet of emitting countries and most impor-
plants. South Africa consumes about coal-fired stations consistently break- tantly, introduction of load shedding
70% of the coal produced domesti- ing down and/or needing extensive to prevent total blackouts. 7
The State of South African Energy 2023

1.2 Load shedding in South Africa

Since 2007, South Africa has experienced multiple pe- utility player has so far defined published eight stages
riods of rolling blackouts which are locally referred to of load shedding, each stage representing the removal
as load shedding by Eskom. A rolling blackout, or load of 1000 MW increments of demand by controlled shut
shedding in South Africa, is an intentionally engineered down on sections of the supply grid based on a prede-
electrical power shutdown in which electricity delivery termined schedule.
is stopped for non-overlapping periods of time over dif-
ferent parts of the distribution region. Load shedding Although South Africa has a national grid, some areas of
in South Africa was initially implemented to tackle the the country experience more periods of loadshedding
demand for electricity exceeding the power supply ca- than other areas due to differences in local power gen-
pability of the network (due to insufficient generation ca- eration capabilities and difficulties in electrical distribu-
pacity). But as time progressed, the situation worsened tion. The country saw the first load shedding implement-
due to the aging power infrastructure, poor maintenance ed in 2007 and since then has experienced at least five
and the slow completion of new power plants. The state distinct periods of load shedding

8 African Energy Chamber 9
The State of South African Energy 2023

1.3 South Africa, SAPP, and the

demand – supply – export woes

South Africa is a member of the South-

ern African Power Pool (SAPP). The
SAPP was created in August 1995 at
the Southern African Development
Community (SADC) and is a cooper-
ation of the national electricity com-
panies in Southern Africa under the
auspices of the SADC. The SAPP has
twelve member countries represent-
ed by their respective electric power
utilities where these member nations
have created a common power grid
between their countries and a com-
mon market for electricity in the SADC
region to address the regional elec-
tric energy problems. As part of these
agreements, Eskom sells electricity
to Mozambique, Lesotho, Swaziland,
Zimbabwe, Namibia and Botswana.
The imports include electricity pur-
chases from the Cahorra Bassa Dam
and Aggreko’s gas-fired power plant cut by 10% if Eskom was in a position 90% of the installed capacity since
in Mozambique. Eskom also imports where the capacity supply was less 2007, the first load shedding year, till
electricity from the Ruacana hydro- than the demand. While these con- 2020. During the same period, peak
electric power plant in Namibia. Eskom ditions meant net electricity exports demand has been an average 85% of
has had a history of public criticism for in critical domestic market situations the operating capacity or about 80%
exporting electricity to neighboring were minimal, complete suspension of
of the installed capacity. Looking at
African states while not having the ca- exports or zero net exports has never
the multiple breakdowns and main-
pacity to meet the country’s domestic been implemented despite the coun-
tenance periods of the ageing power
demand and implementing load shed- try going through several instances
ding. Although the exports are con- of stage 6 load shedding. Also, SAPP stations, it can be inferred that the ef-
ditional to domestic demand where reported installed and operating ca- ficiency levels of the installed capacity
exports to Namibia and Botswana pacities in South Africa versus the is far lesser and hence the required
could be completely suspended and peak demand suggests that oper- implementation of load shedding to
exports to other countries could be ating capacity has been an average avoid complete black out.

10 African Energy Chamber

1.4 Multiple-fold Impact of power
outages – economical, civil, and criminal

Uninterrupted universal access to

electricity is one of the key essential
factors for the growth of a country.
South Africa’s electricity supply deficits
and load shedding woes have been a
major hindrance to economical growth
of the country. While the existing busi-
nesses are being impacted due to fre-
quent and extended power outages,
interest from new external investors’
can also reduce due to such a liability.
Reports have estimated costs associ-
ated with load shedding have resulted
in a 1 – 1.3% annual reduction in GDP
since 2007. The impact of load shed-
ding is so high that economists have
estimated losses between US$85 –
230 million per day and that South Af-
rica’s economy could have been 17%
larger than it is today if load shedding
never needed to be implemented. As
such, the power outages have been a
major hindrance to economic better- increase in average Eskom electricity via increased tariff. This is an addition-
ment of South Africa. tariffs. However, since the first load al blow to domestic businesses along
shedding was implemented in 2007, with the revenue losses incurred due
While this has been the larger impact average Eskom electricity tariff has to power outages. The regular domes-
on the wider economy of the country, seen an exponential growth of 460% tic consumer also has to bear this bur-
the expenditure to maintain the aging by 2020. 2020 average tariff was den.
power plants, to purchase diesel to about 110 c/kWh and the same year
keep up the power supply and other saw Eskom win a major legal battle The power outages have also report-
factors driving huge losses to the na- where Eskom is allowed to increase edly had an adverse impact on both
tional entity Eskom have led to high average electricity tariff to 128.24 c/ rural and urban as well as commercial
electricity tariffs on the regualar do- kWh under court order, to allow the and domestic life in South Africa where
mestic electricity consumer. The peri- state player to manage its maountain crime rate seems to be increasing in
od between 2000 – 2007 saw linear of debt through increased revenues periods of high levels of load shed- 11
The State of South African Energy 2023

ding. The year 2022, which saw power shedding was implemented. As such, emption of critical infrastructure such
outages increase drastically, also saw load shedding clearly is resulting in mi- as hospitals and water treatment plants
many increased incidents of crime be- cro and thus macro damage to South from load-shedding. He also siad this
ing reported during those long periods Africa’s social and economical stability. would allow the government to remove
of loadshedding. This included metal red tape for energy projects and so
thieves using periods of when there With the 15-years-in-the-making cri- build them faster. The appointment of
is no power to steal equipment from sis escalating further, on 9 February a minister of electricity that will over-
power stations, sub-stations, and trans- 2023, South Africa President Cyril Ra- see all aspects of the electricity crisis
mission lines thereby complicating Es- maphosa declared a state of disaster response was also announced. This
kom’s efforts to mitigate the energy cri- to try and deal with the crippling and minister is expected to be announced
sis and costing the company close to unprecedented power outage issue. in the coming days, but Kgosientso
US$95 million whilst also causing ad- A state of disaster allows the govern- “Sputla” Ramokgopa, a former ANC
ditional difficulties for municipalities. In- ment additional powers to resolve the mayor of Pretoria and the current head
cidents of metal theft, house breaking crisis with less bureaucracy, regulation of the presidency’s investment and
and robberies due to a lack of secu- and extra funds. He said this escalation infrastructure office, is being reported
rity lighting and alarms had increased of the crisis would allow the govern- as the favourite although some private
in some urban areas of South Africa ment to implement practical measures sector players argue that one of their
during the period when level 6 load- to support businesses and enable ex- own should get the job.

12 African Energy Chamber


Reliance on coal for power 2.1 Coal domination in power

generation currently at 80%,
expected to reduce to 75% by generation, and business set-ups
2025 and further down to 65% driving the demand
by 2030
South Africa has been pivotal to the de- contrast, renewables – solar PV, solar
velopment of the southern region of Af- thermal, onshore wind, hydro, and bio-
Coal-driven power generation rica, especially during the early days of energy – made up only about 10% of to-
expected to gradually decline to the Southern African Power Pool (SAPP), tal generation in 2022. This is expected
25% of the total by 2045 which was founded in 1995. The country to gradually change with 2023 – 2025
has helped support power demand in renewables driven power generation is
neighbouring countries, mainly through estimated at 13% – 17% of the total and
Industries and, commercial and coal-fired power generation. Coal con- further increasing to a quarter of the
tinues to play a key role in South Africa total by 2030. This is in line with South
public services remain the main
with more than 80% of the total power Africa’s aspirations towards just energy
drivers of power demand with generated through 2022 – 2023. Coal transition while assuring energy securi-
residential demand driving one- is expected to be the primary source ty and eliminating load shedding woes.
fifth of the total demand in the for power generation in the country in The overall power generation capac-
short, medium and long-term the short and medium term. 2025 coal ity of South Africa is expected to mar-
driven power generation is expected ginally increase from about 255TWh
to be about 75% of the total and 2030 – 260TWh in 2022 – 2023 to about
coal ratio is expected at about 65% of 270TWh by 2025 and further grow to
the overall generated power. In stark over 300TWh by 2030. 13
The State of South African Energy 2023

When it comes to power consumption, As coal is key South Africa’s power gen- portation issues in South Africa. 2021
industries, commercial and public ser- eration capacity, coal mining becomes exports dropped to 65 Mt and 2022
vices accumulate to about 70% of the key to maintaining stability in the coun- exports picked back up to 74 Mt, as EU
overall consumption. This is stable for try’s economy. Five major companies looked to alternate sources to replace
2022 – 2023 and is expected to be the mine about 85% of all South Africa’s coal supplies from Russia after the in-
same in the short and medium terms. coal: Thungela Resources, Exxaro Re- vasion of Ukraine. 2023 exports esti-
This also suggests power outages due sources, Sasol Mining, Glencore, and mated at 72 Mt. Coal imports into South
to load shedding have a direct and ma- Seriti Resources. Annual production Africa are low and are mostly limited to
jor impact on industries and, commer- volumes have historically been some- metallurgical coal.
cial and public service set-ups in the where near 250 million tonnes (Mt), but
country. Thus, damaging the economic slipped to 215 Mt in 2021, the lowest The dependence on coal, declining
backbone by causing disruptions to the since 2002. 2022 volumes regained coal output, Eskom’s struggles to pur-
businesses and also disrupting public the 250Mt mark and this is expected chase diesel as a substitute to gener-
life due to disturbances to public ser- to stay stable in the 240Mt – 250Mt ate power – can act as a triple whammy
vices. Further 20% power demand in range through the decade. About 30% further crippling the country and South
2022 – 2023 as well as short and me- of the coal is exported and resulted in Africa needs alternate sources to gen-
dium terms is driven by residential elec- South Africa being the No. 4 thermal erate power and grid integration to
tricity demand. Hence load shedding coal exporter globally in 202021. Export distribute this power generated via al-
also impacts daily life due to unstable volumes have dropped in recent years, ternate sources to the end business as
electricity access to the general public. however, due to slowing coal demand well as domestic consumer – both do-
in the Atlantic market and internal trans- mestic and if possible, foreign.

14 African Energy Chamber

2.2 Renewables and natural gas to
play a larger role in the long-term

Long-term power generation in South currently at 80% of the overall power 20% respectively, totalling to 65% of the
Africa is expected to gradually take a generated and is expected to decrease total power generation. Coal is expect-
shift to natural gas and renewables in down to 65% by the end of this decade, ed to be still in play contributing to one-
line with Africa’s pledge at the COP27. growth from natural gas and renewable fourth of the total capacity. It can be not-
With the integration of renewables al- sources is expected to kick off from ed that the power generated is higher
ready in progress and gas-to-power around the same time. 2031 share of than the demand, but this is at capacity.
aspirations in discussion, South Africa is natural gas, onshore wind and solar Any disruptions as being caused due to
looking to transition from high emission PV is expected to be 5%, 17% and 7% breakdowns, maintenances and other
source like coal to “transition fuel” – respectively, accounting to a total of issues with the coal-fired power plants
natural gas and renewable sources like about 30% of the overall power gen- lead to outages and power generation
onshore wind and photovoltaic power erated. In the long term, this ratio from dropping down below the demand.
generation. While power generation natural gas, onshore wind and solar PV
from coal as primary energy source is is expected to increase to 15%, 30% and The long-term power demand situation 15
The State of South African Energy 2023

in South Africa is expected to stay the same as the current, short-term and medium-term sector-driven demand. Industries are
expected to drive the maximum demand with 2031 at 50% of the overall demand, gradually declining down to about 35% by
2045. Commercial and public services, and residential sectors are expected to drive a 20% each of the total demand from
2031 through 2045. The sector that is expected to increase demand is the transport sector as the country eventually moves
towards increased usage of electric vehicles (EVs) from Internal Combustion Engines (ICE).

16 African Energy Chamber


Successful 3.1 REIPPPP – adding capacity via

implementation of the
Renewable Energy Independent procurement from IPPs
Power Producer Procurement
Program (REIPPPP) in six
rounds so far resulted in
procurement of almost 9.7 GW
capacity from Independent
Power Producers (IPPs)

Just Energy Transition

Invest Plan (JET IP) aims
at securing public, private,
domestic and international
funding to decrease
dependency on coal and fossil
fuels, and also enhance energy

Total budget for this

estimated at US$99 billion over The South African government is adopt- have been awarded under South Af-
ing policies to aid the power sector’s rica’s REIPPPP with over 6,000 MW of
the next five years and power
transition and to take account of climate renewable energy capacity spread over
sector is the key focus with risks. To help address energy poverty four procurement rounds between 2011
70% of these funds allocated to and extend access to clean electrici- and 2015. The program was so suc-
improve infrastructure and grid ty, the government implemented the cessful that it was re-launched as part of
integration Renewable Energy Independent Pow- the country’s 2019 integrated resource
er Producer Procurement Program plan. Bid window 5 saw 1.608 GW of on-
(REIPPPP) between 2011 and 2015. shore wind and 0.975 GW of solar PV
This included procuring over 6 GW of procured, with bid window 6 lifting dou-
Energy security and
renewable generation capacity in four bling the total from 2.6 GW to 5.2 GW.
lowering of carbon emissions procurement rounds of which 3.47 GW The bid window 6 was oversubscribed
via just energy transition from is onshore wind, 2.37 GW solar PV, 0.6 with a total of 56 projects bringing in 9.6
fossil fuels is the target GW solar thermal, 0.08 GW small hydro GW offers. Of the total, 33 projects rep-
and 0.07 GW biopower. To boost utili- resented 5.5 GW solar PV capacity with-
ty scale renewable capacity, additional in the range of 50 MW to 240 MW, and
procurement rounds have seen nearly onshore wind energy facilities made up
5.2 GW announced. 102 IPP projects the remaining 23 projects offered with 17
The State of South African Energy 2023

4.1 GW capacity. However, no new wind

generation capacity was approved with
none of the 23 wind projects submit-
ted being selected, with only six solar
projects with a combined capacity of
1000MW selected of which 860 MW
was the final awarded capacity. Proj-
ects awarded in bid window 5 and 6
will be commissioned around 2024/25.

The main objective of the REIPPPP is

to shift the country away from conven-
tional sources of energy to renewables,
and also to create jobs, social uplift-
ment, and economic transformation.
REIPPPP’s triumph has been noticeable
over the years, as the offered capaci-
ty has increasingly been awarded at a
growing success rate. It has successful-
ly channelled substantial private sector
expertise and investment into grid-con-
nected renewable energy in South Afri-
ca at competitive prices.

3.2 South Africa targets a just energy

transition from coal to renewables

Despite having one of the most car- IPG’s $8.5 billion offer to tion process and decarbonizing the
bon-intensive power sectors on the serve as a catalyst domestic power and transportation
continent and ongoing load shedding sectors through the uptake of green
woes, South Africa is aspiring to be- As announced at COP26 in Glasgow hydrogen and electric vehicles. The
come a resilient and low-carbon econo- in 2021, South Africa’s JET IP involves funding is intended to be the catalyst
my under an accelerated schedule that an initial $8.5 billion in financing over to leverage more funds from private
will require up to $99 billion in funding and public players, with the donor pool
the next 3-5 years through the Just En-
through 2027. To achieve this, South having been expanded to include mul-
ergy Transition Partnership (JETP) with
Africa announced its Just Energy Tran- tilateral development banks and devel-
the multinational International Partners
sition Investment Plan (JET IP) at COP27 opment finance agencies, to complete-
Group (IPG) which comprises France,
in Egypt in November 2022. The plan ly support South Africa’s JETIP needs
Germany, the UK, the US and the Eu-
identifies the investment needed to and transition over the long term. This
ropean Union. In general, JETPs are a
decarbonize South Africa’s economy initial funding tranche for South Afri-
and transition to clean and secure en- nascent funding vehicle aimed at as- ca comprises grants, guarantees and
ergy sources over the next five years. sisting emerging economies that are loans, both concessional and commer-
It also outlines how South Africa will re- dependent on coal, to transition away cial. It is primarily directed to replacing
duce emissions in line with its National- from the fossil fuels while address- coal-fired power plants with renew-
ly Determined Contribution (NDC). This ing associated social consequences. ables and energy storage capacity
would see South Africa reduce emis- South Africa’s $8.5 billion funding is while also upgrading transmission and
sions to 420 million tonnes of carbon the first such JETP globally and aims distribution networks to accommodate
dioxide equivalent (Mt CO₂e) by 2030 to support the country in transitioning renewable power. As a result, 80% of
to cap global warming at 2°C and to 350 to a low carbon and climate-resilient the $8.5 billion package is allocated to
Mt CO₂e to cap global warming at 1.5°C. economy by accelerating the transi- development of power infrastructure.

18 African Energy Chamber 19
The State of South African Energy 2023

$99 billion required for a just funding target, South Africa is seeking Coal Power Station, which will be con-
energy transition investment from private players (do- verted to a renewable power gener-
mestic and international) and funding in ation site housing 150 MW of solar PV,
South Africa estimates that it will require the form of grants, guarantees and con- 70 MW of onshore wind and 150 MW
total investment of $98.7 billion over the cessional loans. of battery storage. Investment will also
next five years to enable a just transi- be required in transmission networks to
tion to a low-carbon economy. Approxi- In the power sector, South African elec- exploit solar and wind potential in South
mately 70% of the estimated total would tricity public utility Eskom’s coal fleet Africa’s northern, western, and eastern
be allocated to the power sector, with has an average plant life of about 40 cape provinces and in the grid in Mpum-
the green hydrogen and EV sectors years. To aid the decommissioning and alanga province.
receiving the remaining 22% and 8% repurposing of coal-fired power plants,
respectively. IPG’s $8.5 billion pledge increase the deployment of renewables Around 5% of the JET IP funding allocat-
in combination with $33 billion from the and upgrade existing transmission and ed to the power sector will be used to
private sector and $10 billion from the distribution networks to facilitate the soften the economic and social impacts
public sector, comprising development integration of renewables, South Africa arising from South Africa’s transition
finance institutions and multilateral de- will direct 95% of the estimated $69 bil- from coal-fired generation to renew-
velopment banks, has helped South lion of the JET IP funds allocated to the ables, including links with other sectors
Africa secure over half the required power sector on infrastructure develop- such as transport and mining. Phasing
investment for its just transition plan. ment. This will include closing the final out coal generation will impact coal-de-
To make up the balance of the JET IP 125-megawatt (MW) Unit 9 at the Komati pendent regions such as the Mpuma-

20 African Energy Chamber

langa which produced over 80% of the nation’s coal incentivize the residential and commercial sectors
in 2022. South Africa will have to create new value but help mitigate load shedding. To create a more
chains in such regions, where the economy and com- competitive power market, South Africa plans to re-
munities will be impacted by the transition to a power structure Eskom into three legally separated entities
system based on renewable energy. Other challeng- for generation, transmission, and distribution and to
es include addressing Eskom’s high debt and ensur- establish an independent transmission system opera-
ing the power sector’s financial sustainability. tor, but little progress has been made to date. ₂South
Africa also introduced a carbon tax in June 2019 at a
Renewables high on the list for base rate of less than $8 per tonne of carbon dioxide
transition equivalent (tCO₂e). In January 2022, the tax rate was
increased to about $9/tCO₂e, which is expected to
In addition to the capacity secured through the increase each year by at least $1/tCO₂e to reach $20/
REIPPPP, South Africa has secured over 6 GW of re- tCO₂e. Larger increases are planned from 2026, with
newable generation capacity in the form of private rates reaching $30/tCO₂e by 2030 and $120/tCO₂e
sector projects by raising the licensing threshold in beyond 2050.
2021, from 1 MW to 100 MW under Schedule 2 of the
Electricity Regulatory Act. However, it scrapped the As a result of South Africa’s efforts, the levelized cost
100 MW threshold which would have enabled greater of electricity continues to fall for solar PV and onshore
investment in large utility projects. A further 2 GW of wind compared to coal. Rystad Energy expects South
renewable capacity could result from the signing of Africa’s power generation from coal to fall from nearly
land lease agreements for a period of 25-30 years 210 terawatt hours (TWh) in 2021 to 73 TWh in 2050,
with independent power producers such as HDF En- with newer power plants such as Medupi and Kusile
ergy South Africa, Red Rocket, Sola Group and Main- being the major contributors. With an average plant
stream Renewable Power Developments South Afri- life of 40 years, Eskom’s coal fleet contributes to near-
ca. In addition, Eskom plans to issue new tenders to ly half the country’s overall emissions. With abundant
accelerate investment in renewables. When it comes solar and wind potential, the share of renewables in
to deploying rooftop solar, South Africa has yet to act South Africa’s power generation mix increasing, car-
upon plans to introduce feed-in tariffs and an asso- bon intensity is expected to fall from 829.38 kg CO₂e/
ciated tax incentive scheme, which would not only MWh currently to 250 kg CO₂e/MWh in 2050. 21
The State of South African Energy 2023


In line with the immense

potential, solar PV and onshore 4.1 Immense solar and wind potential
wind – the major sources of driving majority renewables capacity
renewable energy in South
Africa in the long-term

Overall capacity expected to

increase from about 10.6 GW in
2023 to 15.75 GW by 2025 and
further to 18 GW by 2030

Solar PV and onshore expected

to drive the growth and 65% of
the overall capacity in the

45% of the overall capacity

currently in operating stage with
20% in post-FID and 35% in
pre-FID stage
A cleaner generation mix could help re- of electricity for solar PV dropped 55%
duce the frequency of load shedding as to $0.091 per kWh between 2013 and
Individually 45% and 35% of the REIPPPP pushes South Africa away 2020, while the LCOE for onshore wind
solar PV and onshore wind from conventional sources of energy to- fell 64% to $0.047 per kWh in the same
capacity respectively, are in wards greener alternatives. The country period. As such, renewables capacity in
either application or has immense potential for both solar and South Africa is also driven majorly by so-
wind, with a solar PV potential of 422.4 lar PV and onshore wind in line with the
concept stage
TWh. The westernmost part of the coun- immense potential. 65% of the overall
try has the highest levels of solar radi- renewable energy capacity in the long-
ation, ranging from 2,100 kWh to more term is expected to be driven by solar
Quicker approval and execution than 2,300 kWh per square meter. More PV and onshore wind. The overall ca-
of these projects can lead to than 80% of the country has potential to pacity is expected to see growth from
faster and larger growth of develop wind power, with a potential of an estimated 10.6 GW in 2023 to about
renewables capacity and also 20 GW at sites with 20% load factor and 15.75 GW by 2025 and further to 18 GW
drive possibility of more projects 10 GW at 30% load factor sites. Cost- by end of the decade. This growth too is
wise, renewable development is moving largely driven by the growth in solar PV
being brought into the pipeline
in the right direction: the levelized cost and onshore wind capacity.

22 African Energy Chamber

4.2 Large chunk of capacity in pre-FID
stage leaving room for growth

The capacity forecast has the opportunity of solar PV capacity and a fifth of the wind mix enabling lesser requirement of load
to see larger accelerated growth as close capacity have already been approved shedding. However, like any project, a
to 45% of the overall capacity is current- while a large chunk – 45% of the solar PV lot of bureaucracy, paperwork, securing
ly operating, about 20% is in post-Final and 35% on onshore wind capacity are in of finance, planning and execution is re-
Investment Decision (FID) stage with the application or concept stage. Similar to quired for this. This will need a coordina-
project either approved or finance se- upstream project pipeline, if these pre- tion between the contractors and the ad-
cured or under construction with over FID and/or concept stage projects are ministration which will enable smoother
a third of the overall capacity in either approved and executed at a faster pace and quicker execution of these projects.
application submitted or concept stage. with the grid integration also done, they The operating projects will continue to
Individually, 32% and 43% of the overall not only improve the renewables capac- add to the energy capacity, faster execut-
solar PV and onshore wind capacity re- ity forecast but also bring more non-con- ed post and pre-FID projects will contrib-
spectively is in operating stage. A quarter ventional source capacity into the power ute to faster and larger growth in capacity. 23
The State of South African Energy 2023



South Africa domestic natural South Africa offers competitive While climate advocates are
gas production is diminishing tax terms for upstream putting their efforts to stop
and is expected to follow the development fossil fuel exploration and/or
trend till the big gas discoveries development in the country,
come online oil major TotalEnergies, the
NERSA approvals mandatory operator of Block 11B/12B, has
for construction, ownership and assured that environmental
Mozambique is the sole operating oil and gas pipelines impact assessment and
exporter of gas to South Africa mapping of marine life will be
via the ROMPCO pipeline done, and all regulations
The 2nd Amendment Bill will be followed
(the Amendment Bill) of the
The African Renaissance Electricity Regulation Act,
Pipeline (ARP) Project and 2006 aims at establishing an TotalEnergies also noted
any gas finds in the recently open market for competitive transitioning from coal to gas
successful Orange Basin electricity trading with NERSA will have a major impact
present further natural gas holding the authority of the emissions
import opportunities from
Mozambique and Namibia
respectively The large gas – condensate However, climate activists have
finds have the capacity to raised strong objections to
produce 120,000 barrels of oil the project and have warned
Up until the success of equivalent per day (boepd) of that citizen resistance will be
Brulpadda and Luiperd, South gas and 55,000 barrels per day organized against
Africa has seen scattered (bpd) of liquids at peak levels the development
exploration activity and success,
especially in the deep waters
If integrated into domestic Another obstacle to South
markets, Brulpadda and Luiperd Africa’s plans of diverting
Brulpadda opened up the can support energy needs of the Brulpadda and Luiperd gas
Paddavissie Fairway and country by feeding the power to domestic markets are the
Luiperd further proved the plants and maintaining Mossel gas export aspirations of
hydrocarbon presence Bay GTL plant at capacity TotalEnergies as discussions
towards signing domestic gas
sales agreements with
Block 11B/12B, where both the Climate activists and green state-owned entities take the
discoveries were made, is home groups have often showed best part of a year without
to three other prospects in the strong resistance and ran any progress.
same Paddavissie play and has campaigns against oil and gas
unexplored Kloofpadda play activities in the country, making
further northeast in the block their case for the environment

24 African Energy Chamber

5.1 South Africa natural gas demand vs
supply vs imports

South Africa’s existing natural gas pro- and Temane fields and is transported to ing gap between the within-the-country
duction from the country comes from the Sasol’s Secunda GTL plant via an 865km supply and demand. So, the country is ex-
state-owned company Petroleum Oil and pipeline owned by the Republic of Mo- pected to continue to rely on natural gas
Gas Corporation of South Africa (PetroSA) zambique Pipeline Investments Company imports in the future as well. Brulpadda
operated shelf water depth projects like (ROMPCO) – a joint venture (JV) between and Luiperd, if catering to the domestic
F-A, E-M, F-AD and F-O. These projects the South African Gas Development Com- markets cover this gap substantially and
are all declining and have been produc- pany Limited (iGas), Companhia Limitada have the capacity to completely bridge
ing little volumes compared to the overall de Gasuduto (CMG) and Sasol. The di- the gap. But it remains to be seen what
domestic requirements of the country. As minishing production the domestic fields the capacity level of these gas finds
such, the country has been historically versus a currently sustaining gas demand would be when they come online and if
dependant on natural gas imports. This and future gas-to-power aspirations are they would cater to the domestic markets
gas comes from Mozambique’s Pande expected to result in a large and increas- or to international markets.

South Africa
natural gas imports vs demand vs supply 25
The State of South African Energy 2023

5.2 Intra-African natural gas import

opportunities and plans

Mozambique – African Re- 42” diameter onshore pipeline, with Pipeline Limitada, the Mozambican com-
naissance Pipeline (ARP) a total estimated greenfield spending pany planning the project said it was not
Project requirement of US$7.98 billion, will run concerned about Sasol’s departure from
through eight provinces in Mozambique the pool of potential investors as there is
Mozambique, which has been the sole covering a length of 2,175km and a fur- sufficient interest at this point from other
exporter of natural gas to South Africa, ther 425 km via two provinces is South buyers. Reportedly, there is expressions
kicked off its LNG exports from the 3.4 Africa. The total project cost of US$7.98 of interest from potential domestic users
million tonnes per annum (MMtpa) Coral billion, of which a debt/equity ratio of for almost 60% of the pipeline capacity.
South project late last year in Novem- 70:30 will promote the development of Moreover, the shareholders of the proj-
ber. The first cargo was shipped off to the project. This pipeline also enables ect have received formal expressions of
Europe and CEO Claudio Descalzi said gas monetization of any new discover- interest to finance the project from three
that this was “a new and significant step ies made in any blocks being explored major banks – Industrial and Commer-
forward in Eni’s strategy to leverage gas in the Mozambique Basin. The annual cial Bank of China, the China Develop-
as a source that can contribute in a sig- transport capacity is 18 billion cubic me- ment Bank, and the China Construction
nificant way to Europe’s energy security, tres (Bcm) of natural gas, equivalent to Bank.
also through the increasing diversifica- 13.2 MMtpa of LNG. The construction,
tion of supplies, while also supporting which has already been postponed a Namibia – Orange Basin
a just and sustainable transition”. Mo- few times and is currently scheduled to
zambique also has the capacity to pump start in 2024, is proposed to be com- Namibia’s Orange Basin has become
more gas into regional and international pleted in three phases – one of the global exploration hotspots
markets considering the giant offshore with back-to-back successes from su-
gas finds being looked at as future liqui- • Phase 1-1 – from the Mozambique permajors Shell Plc and TotalEnergies.
fied natural gas (LNG) projects. Conser- Basin to Maputo Province Shell Plc opened up the play with its
vative estimates suggest that the Golf- • Phase 1-2 – from the Mozambique Graff discovery. Graff-1 wildcat in Block
inho, Atum, Mamba South, Barquentine, Basin to Rovuma 2913A was initially reported to hit 300
Camarao, Mamba Northeast and Agulha • Phase 2 – From Maputo Province million barrels (MMbbls) of recoverable
gas deposits hold a cumulative recover- to Houten Springs oil in about 2400 metres of water. How-
able gas volume of close to 55 trillion ever, post further evaluation and results
cubic feet (Tcf). Such projects ensure the much-required from the appraisal-cum exploration
Africa’s natural resources for Africa first probe, La Rona-1, in the vicinity of the
Apart from the LNG export solution, the sentiment and can help energy poor or Graff-1 well, the find is estimated to hold
proposed African Renaissance Pipe- energy insecure African markets gener- close to 1 billion barrels (Bbbls) of oil and
line (ARP) Project is aimed at linking ate energy from Africa’s resources. This 5 – 6 Tcf of gas. Graff-1 success was
Mozambique’s vast gas reserves with is also in line with Africa’s Conference soon followed by TotalEnergies’ “world
increasing demand in the intra-African of the Parties of the UNFCCC – 2022 beater” Venus-1 wildcat that initially en-
markets through the establishment of (COP27) resolution of using natural gas countered approximately 84 meters of
a cross-border onshore gas pipeline as a transition fuel. However, in April net oil pay in an excellent quality Low-
from Rovuma Basin in Mozambique to 2022, one of the investors in the ARP er Cretaceous reservoir in Block 2913B.
Houten Springs, South Africa. The ARP project – Sasol dropped its plans to in- But further analysis of data from the Ve-
was established by a JV agreement be- vest in the project, opting instead to im- nus-1 wildcat suggested the huge struc-
tween a private consortium of – Profin port LNG by tankers from Mozambique. ture which is thought to straddle blocks
Consulting Sociedade Anónima, South The project that has multiple delays so 2913B and 2912 could hold upwards of
Africa’s Sako Petroleum Holding, China far due to the high greenfield spending 10 Bbbls of oil and 10 – 20 Tcf of nat-
International Pipeline Construction Cor- requirement and has been having diffi- ural gas. And more recently, Shell Plc’s
poration, China Petroleum Pipeline Bu- culties in finding financing partners gets Jonker-1x probe in Block 2913A hit light
reau, and the Mozambique National Oil another blow with this decision from oil and is said to be larger than previous-
and Gas Company. The 2,600km long, Sasol. However, African Renaissance ly successful Graff and La Rona. Further

26 African Energy Chamber

appraisal and exploration drilling is on primarily called “oil finds”. Any confirma- timeline of these discoveries, infrastruc-
the cards in the Orange Basin as well as tion of presence of gas will further solid- ture to export any gas to South Africa
elsewhere offshore Namibia. Although ify Namibia’s status as a regional energy and the required large scale greenfield
these mega finds are reported to hold hub which is already confirmed due to investments. But Namibia’s role as a nat-
large volumes of gas, this is yet to be the large oil finds. However, obstacles ural gas exporter to South Africa cannot
proved and these finds so far have been to overcome include the development be ruled out yet.

5.3 Exploration in South Africa –

scattered and sporadic success

Oil and gas exploration in South Africa has been scattered and success minimal. Over the past decade, up until the recently
drilled Gazania-1 probe, 16 wildcats have been drilled both onshore and offshore. Of these, only four have been successful
with Evander-1 (onshore), Virginia_Exp_1 (onshore), Brulpadda-1AX (offshore) re-entry well and Luiperd-1 (offshore) coming
up with natural gas. Six of the 16 wells were dry and six other wells resulted in uneconomical volumes of hydrocarbons. In
an otherwise dormant scene, the Brulpadda-1AX re-entry well was the one to shake up exploration in South Africa. 27
The State of South African Energy 2023

5.4 Brulpadda and Luiperd – play opening finds

on a block with ample upside

Total revealed in early February 2019

that the deep water Bruldpadda-1AX
re-entry well, which was drilled on
Block 11B/12B in the Outeniqua Basin,
175 kilometres off South Africa’s south-
ern coast, detected 57 meters of net
gas-condensate pay in Lower Creta-
ceous reservoirs. This well was spud in
late December 2018 in 1432 meters of
water, and ambitiously targeted gross
prospective resources of more than
500 million barrels. It was drilled to a
final total depth of 3633 meters. Brul-
padda-1AX was only the second well
drilled in South Africa’s deep-water
sector and opened up the new Padd-
avissie Fairway. The Brulpadda pros-
pect was identified and was de-risked
with 2D seismic and electromagnetic
surveys. Four additional prospects –
Platanna, Woudboom, Luiperd and
Blaasop – were also defined within the wildcat well in October 2020, confirm- development studies and engage with
fairway. The Paddavissie turbidite play ing the deepwater play that opened South African authorities to commer-
covers an area of more than 2,000 up the Paddavissie Fairway in 2019 cialize the gas rather than drill another
square kilometres, with geological simi- with the Brulpadda find. The Luipe- exploration well in this program. The
larities to the smaller Oryx and Sable oil rd-1X well was drilled in approximately partners on the block earlier lined up
fields to the northwest in the adjacent 1,800 meters of water to a total depth the Blaasop and Kloofpadda prospects
Bredasdorp Basin. These complexes of about 3,400 meters by Odfjell Drill- to be drilled after Luiperd, but post
contain stratigraphically and structur- ing’s semi-submersible rig Deepsea Luiperd discovery, shifted focus to de-
ally trapped oil and gas within chan- Stavanger, targeting a deep marine se- velopment of Brulpadda and Luiperd
nel sandstones that form feeders to quence of mid-Cretaceous age where instead of further exploration drilling.
the outboard Paddavissie fan systems. fan sandstone systems are developed Both Brulpadda and Luiperd rank high
The Brulpadda prospect was actually within a combined stratigraphic/struc- on the list of Africa’s largest discover-
expected to be oil-bearing, with any tural closure. The pay zone is locat- ies in the past five years – at current
discovered gas to be directed to the ed in a mid-Cretaceous high-quality volume estimates both the South Afri-
Mossel Bay gas-to-liquids plant, which reservoir interval, and the well did not can discoveries are in the top five, only
is running out of feedstock as the near- encounter the water contact. The part- beaten by discoveries in the prolific
by offshore gas fields are declining. To- ners are now testing the well to assess Senegal–Mauritania region.
tal’s chief executive, Patrick Pouyanne, dynamic reservoir characteristics and Both Brulpadda and Luiperd rank high
commented that while the Brulpadda deliverability. The well encountered 73 on the list of Africa’s largest discoveries
wildcat revealed gas condensate and meters of net gas-condensate pay, 16 in their respective year of discovery –
light oil, the find is “mainly gas”. Brul- meters more than the Brulpadda well. at current volume estimates both the
padda-1AX was a re-entry of an earlier Conservative preliminary estimates put South African discoveries are in the
probe drilled in 2014, which had to be Luiperd’s recoverable reserves at close top five, only beaten by discoveries in
abandoned due to challenging marine to 500 million barrels of oil equivalent, the prolific Senegal–Mauritania region.
conditions. with potential upside for Luiperd and Brulpadda accounted for 10% of the
the remaining prospects in the license. overall discovered volumes in Africa
Another significant gas-condensate The exploration success prompted in 2019 and Luiperd accounted for a
discovery was made with the Luiperd Total and its partners to proceed with whopping 80% of the overall volumes

28 African Energy Chamber

discovered in 2020. Cumulatively,
these two discoveries added up to 20%
of the overall discovered resources in
2019 – 2020. Estimates put Brulpadda
at 275 million barrels of oil equivalent
(MMboe) and Luiperd at 340 MMboe,
with 70% gas each in both discoveries.

Block 11B/12B which houses the Brul-

padda and Luiperd finds, is a 12000
km² block post relinquishment of par-
tial acreage, is expected to hold a large
upside. The previously identified pros-
pects in the Paddavissie Fairway – Pla-
tanna, Woudboom and Blaasop are yet
to be drilled and then there is the Kloof-
padda Fairway further northeast in the
block, which is estimated to hold two
more large prospects yet to be drilled.
As such, the block has already proven
potential but still holds multiple pros-
pects and large unexplored acreage,
and thus presents ample exploration

5.5 Upstream, pipeline and energy regulatory

set-up in South Africa

Upstream Regulations

As stated earlier, both Brulpadda and

Luiperd are large finds and the block
partners have shifted their focus from
further exploration to developing these
large finds. Considering the size and
the deepwater location of both gas dis-
coveries the greenfield spending also
is expected to be on the higher end. As
such, competitive fiscal terms or fiscal
incentives can encourage the partners
on the field to put in the investments
and bring the field online. South Africa’s
oil and gas fiscal terms’ key provisions
include – 29
The State of South African Energy 2023

• Annual exploration fees the notorious Nigeria deepwater fiscal in March 2022. The Amendment Bill pri-
• Relinquishment of a portion of regime and 10% higher compared to marily aims at diversifying the country’s
the exploration area on renewal the very contractor friendly deepwater Eskom-dependent electricity market
• Royalty – Based on profitability terms of Ghana and Angola’s marginal to a multilateral and competitive one,
with a minimum rate of 0.5% and a field terms. It is also to be noted that the managed by a transmission system op-
maximum of 5% per annum South Africa’s terms result in 6% lesser erator (TSO) established by NERSA. The
• Income tax – Maximum of 28% breakeven oil price compared to neigh- Amendment Bill allows private power
bour Namibia’s Venus fiscal regime. purchase agreements in terms of which
(All expenditure and losses incurred licensed or registered generators enter
to be allowed as deductions. A further Pipeline Regulations into power purchase arrangements with
100% of EXPEX and 50% of post ex- direct customers and traders. The “con-
ploration spending to be deducted to The regulations around transportation struction” of generation facilities will
calculate the base for income tax cal- of oil and gas by pipelines include nec- be treated as licenced activity along-
culation. All CAPEX and OPEX to be essary approvals to be granted by the side operation and maintenance and
immediately expensed for income tax National Energy Regulator of South Afri- will require NERSA approval. NERSA is
purposes) ca (NERSA). Construction of a petroleum now treated as the ultimate arbitrator in
• State and Black Economic Em- pipeline, loading facility or storage facil- the determination of any modifications
powerment (BEE) companies’ ity without a licence issued by NERSA is in the licence conditions. Independent
participation – State participation not allowed. Whereas, gas transmission, Power Producers (IPPs) and funders
of 10% at the production stage, car- storage, distribution, liquefaction and should take into consideration all of the
ried through exploration, through re-gasification facilities, or conversion of above objectives of the Amendment
PetroSA. A further 10% participa- infrastructure into such facilities, or trade Bill, when entering this new electricity
tion by BEE companies to be taken in gas requires a mandatory licence is- market situation, which have further im-
up by PetroSA in the absence of sued by NERSA. There are no formal plications primarily like the open market
any BEE participants restrictions on foreign ownership of oil for competitive electricity trading. Post
and gas pipelines. However, foreign public gauge, the Bill was presented
Compared to some of the prominent companies operating in South Africa will to the Economic Sectors, Investment,
and/or contractor friendly fiscal regimes have to comply with Broad-Based Black Employment and Infrastructure Devel-
across sub-Saharan Africa, South Afri- Economic Empowerment Legislation. opment (ESIEID) cluster, and the cluster
ca’s upstream fiscal regime currently recommended the Bill to be presented
being enacted on the Brulpadda and Electricity Regulations in the Parliament. ESIEID cluster is one
Luiperd finds fares quite well. A sen- the groupings of government depart-
sitivity analysis on the bigger Luiperd The 2nd Amendment Bill (the Amend- ments with cross-cutting programmes
discovery using different fiscal regimes ment Bill) of the Electricity Regulation aimed at improving government
suggests that the breakeven oil price in Act, 2006 was published for public planning, decision making and service
South Africa regime is 16% lesser than comment in February 2022 and closed delivery.

5.6 Brulpadda and Luiperd – production

potential and support to energy needs
The large scale finds of Brulpadda equivalent per day (boepd) of natu- and 125,000 boepd of natural gas.
and Luiperd, when developed, have ral gas. Luiperd phases 1 and 2 put The individual fields are expected
an equally impressive natural gas together have an estimated peak to come online through late 2020s
and condensates production poten- production capacity of about 30,000 or early 2030s. The average output
tial. Brulpadda alone has the poten- bpd of liquids and 80,000 boepd of from the project cumulatively is es-
tial to deliver a peak output of about natural gas. Cumulatively, Brulpadda timated to be around 35,000 bpd
25,000 barrels per day (bpd) of con- – Luiperd project peak output is an of liquids and about 100,000 boepd
densates and 50,000 barrels of oil estimated to be 50,000 bpd of liquids of natural gas. For a nation that is

30 African Energy Chamber

currently dependant on ageing and and 5000 indirect jobs and boost products and an additional 25 bil-
emission intensive coal-fired power the country’s annual gross domestic lion rand to the government in the
plants for electricity generation and production (GDP) by 22 billion rand. form of taxes and royalties. As such,
a continent that has pledged to uti- The agency estimates the block will catering Block 11B/12B potential to
lise natural gas as a transition fuel also benefit South Africa’s balance the domestic market can result in
towards 100% utility generation from of payments by 26.5 billion rand not only meeting the country’s en-
renewables, Brulpadda and Luipe- each year by removing the neces- ergy needs but will also a significant
rd can help South Africa negotiate sity of importing oil and refined boost to the economy.
through the power crisis that the
country is going through if the gas is
directed towards domestic markets
and gas-to-power plants.

Block 11B/12B is estimated to be able

to supply 560 million cubic feet per
day (MMcf/d) of natural gas for more
than 15 years. The Mossel Bay GTL
plant has a nameplate capacity of
45,000 barrels of oil equivalent per
day (boepd) but has been operat-
ing at just 36,000 boepd for several
years due to insufficient natural gas
supplies. The plant’s feedstock gas
is currently supplied from PetroSA’s
FA and EM fields in Block 9, but due
to lower production, operations at
the plant have been halted since
December 2020. Block 11B/12B has
the potential to supply the GTL plant
with 210 MMcf/d of gas and 18,000
bpd of condensates, preventing its
permanent closure.

The gas from Brulpadda and Luipe-

rd can also enable conversion of
power plants like Gourikwa station
with a capacity of 740 MW and De-
disa station with a capacity of 335
MW to run on baseload gas, and any
further potential can cater to future
gas-to-power requirements. The ini-
tial development plan for Luiperd
is to drill two or three subsea wells
and tie back via a 70-kilometre pipe-
line to the FA fixed steel platform,
from where gas can be fed by an
existing pipeline to the Mossel Bay
GTL plant. According to Petroleum
Agency of South Africa (PASA), the
country’s agency for promotion of
petroleum exploration and exploita-
tion, Block 11B/12B project has the
potential to create 1500 direct jobs 31
The State of South African Energy 2023

5.7 Challenges in gas exploration and

development, and domestic supply
One of the key challenges that up- concerns. Pouyanne assured a detailed iperd’s gas to much-needed domestic
stream projects in South Africa are fac- description of the project’s economic, markets to re-establish a baseload en-
ing is the strong opposition from climate social and environmental impacts, the ergy supply. As talks with state-owned
activists who are raising concerns of – measures planned to preserve the en- entities who are the domestic buyers
disturbance to regional flora and fauna vironment, and the related social and drag on for almost a year, TotalEnergies
due to these upstream developments, economic benefits will be submitted. now seems to be considering a gas ex-
doubts over usage of gas instead of He also said a survey to map the ma- port scheme via a potential 3.4 million
coal as a step towards energy transition rine life and the impact of this project tonnes per annum (MMtpa) floating liq-
and a possible impact on the marine on the same was launched and that uefied natural gas (FLNG) vessel to ex-
environment due to these offshore proj- measures would be taken to eliminate port the gas to European markets. Every
ects. The year 2022 saw anti-fossil fuel any disturbance to the marine environ- bit of LNG from Africa can play a major
campaigners, including Greenpeace, ment. It is to be noted that the scope role in Europe as the EU looks for alter-
bring a case against the government’s of its licence was reduced, excluding a nate sources post the Russia – Ukraine
approval granted to Shell Plc to shoot protected marine area, in the submitted conflict. If this is the scheme that the
seismic off the country’s Wild Coast application. French major adopts eventually, it will
in the south of South Africa. The High be a major blow to South Africa’s plans
Court in Makhanda ruled this approval South Africa’s economy relies on coal of ending load shedding in the country.
as illegal to conduct this seismic survey. for energy but wants to reduce the de-
Shell Plc later filed an appeal against pendance on coal for power as it looks
this decision and is awaiting the out- towards eliminating power outages and
come. If the supermajor fails to get the take steps towards energy transition at
decision in its favor, it might sound alarm the same time. The use of gas in place
bells to the offshore oil and gas industry of coal has the capacity to half the CO2
in the country which is just beginning to emissions and reduce air pollution, ac-
spring to life. cording to Pouyanne. TotalEnergies is
developing a portfolio of solar and wind
Two other climate activist bodies – projects in South Africa, including a so-
South Africa based The Green Con- lar plant in the Northern Cape, and was
nection and France non-profit Bloom successful in recent renewables supply
published an open letter questioning tenders. The route that TotalEnergies
TotalEnergies’ decision to exploit the is taking – looking to replace coal with
Block 11B/12B offshore South Africa. gas and use gas as a transition fuel
They have raised objections against not while developing renewable energy
only this particular project that TotalEn- projects, seems to be the way to go for
ergies is pursuing, but also against the South Africa, but climate groups ques-
company’s global portfolio. They want tion the usage of fossil fuels at all and
to take measures against the progress demand cease of any oil and gas activ-
of the project and have expressed their ities, especially in the environmentally
intent to halt the project as a whole. sensitive areas. This is a key challenge
While the CEO of TotalEnergies, Pat- to overcome for any energy player in
rick Pouyanne, confirmed that they had the country.
applied for a production licence on the
block and that an environmental and so- While the climate groups are posing a
cietal impact assessment process was threat to the operators developing up-
initiated to satisfy South African reg- stream projects, another challenge is
ulations, the green groups have their directed at diverting Brulpadda and Lu-

32 African Energy Chamber


Be Part of Africa’s
Energy Renaissance
African Energy Week 2023 to Take Place on

October 16-20
Next Year
Suite 43 Katherine & West
114 West Street
Sandton, Johannesburg, South Africa

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