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NATURE OF DANCE -reflected in wall paintings, reliefs and in their

literary record in hieroglyphics

Dance- the movement of the body in a rhythmic
way and within the given space. -as a medium of religious expression

-a way to express one's emotion Acient Greek Civilization- dance as aid to military
-a powerful impulse, that make the audience feel
amaze -a form of entertainment and display

Elements of Dance Acient Rome- they stopped valuing such qualities in

art as the nation grew wealthy and powerful
1. Body or Body Movements- our body moves to
express in ways to ourselves using locomotor and -the Roman ceased to create arts
non locomotor movement.
Catholic Church in Europe- the Christian fathers
2. Energy- is a force at which we express our body approved the use of dance, provided that it is a
emotion form of intent were holy and profound

3. Space/Level- to show variation of movements -dance became part of worship and church services
we need to use our surroundings well
Dark and Early Middle Ages- they performed dance
4. Relationship- in dance we often dance with other in village squares to welcome feudal lords in castle
people or groups. Just like conversation we
communicate and react -the common people amused themselves by doing
dances that were social in character
5. Time- timing is a key to any dance. We must
follow the rhythm of the music -beginning of social dance/dancing

Benefits of Dance Two Types of Dancing Performed by Peasants

1. Physical- Dancing is a good way to develop •Round Dance

cardio vascular endurance •Couple Dance
2. Mental- dance can be an intervention in our The Renaissance Period- dance was accepted in
mental health courts as the gradual increase of the capitalist class
3. Social- provides unique opportunity for produced patrons of learning
meaningful and group involvement -dance and art in general gained impetus
Dance also gives the sense of togetherness in a -impetus is a force in our body to make it move
Europe in 15th and 16th Century- new court
4. Cultural- dance promotes cultural tradition in dances performed by nobility came about as well
different places/countries as the rise of art in ballet in Italy
History of Dance -several other forms of dance sprout and spread
Pre-Historic Era- a major form of religious ritual across several country
and social expression with primitive cultures. ACTIVE RECREATIONAL ACTIVITY
-a way of expressing tribal unity and strength Recreational activities are those activities held
-an approach for courtship and mating during one's leisure time. Their purpose is to
refresh oneself by doing activities that are
-means of worship and communication and considered by an individual as enjoyable.
therapeutic experience
These activities may require large body movements
Acient Egypt- become a full blown and was richly or small movements
physical activity undertaken outside. It is a set of

activities within the wider range of physical activity Less than 10 0 to 20 20 to 30 Over 30
options that also include active living, active miutes minutes minutes minutes
transport and sport.

The F.I.T.T. Principle for an Effective Workout

FOR FREQUENCY: choose from 1-5 how many times
Understanding the F.I.T.T. principle helps you you work out.
create a workout plan that will be more effective in 1 2 3 4 5
reaching your fitness goals. F.I.T.T. stands for
frequency, intensity, time, and type of exercise. Less than A few 1 to 2 3 to 5 6 to 7
These are the four elements you need to think once a times per times per times a times per
month month week week week
about to create workouts that fit your goals and
fitness level. Learn how the F.I.T.T. principle works.

Frequency- The first thing to set up with your After getting the total this is the basis of your score.
workout plan is frequency- how often you will
exercise. Your frequency often depends on a Score Evaluation Active Category
variety of factors including the type of workout 81-100 Very Active High
you're doing, how hard you're working, your fitness Lifestyle
level, and your exercise goals.
60-80 Active and Healthy Very Good
Intensity- Intensity has to do with how hard you
40-59 Accetable but Fair
work during exercise. How you can change the
could be better
intensity depends on the type of workout you're
doing. 20-39 Not Good Enough Poor

Time- The next element of your workout plan is Under 20 Sedentary Very Poor
how long you exercise during each session. There
isn't one set rule for how long you should exercise,
and it will typically depend on your fitness level The Physical Benefits of Recreational Activities -
and the type of workout you're doing. When you think of exercising, you probably picture
lifting weights in a gym. Many recreational
Туре- The type of exercise you do is the last part of
activities, however, are also great forms of
the F.I.T.T. principle and an easy one to manipulate
exercise. Essentially, recreational activities are
to avoid overuse injuries or weight loss plateaus.
outdoor pastimes that you engage in mainly for
Are You Living With Healthy life style? your own enjoyment or as personal pursuits to
relax, get fresh air, exercise and live in the
This is the way to compute if you are living a moment.
healthy life style or not. FORMULA: Intensity x
Duration X Frequency = Total Recreation's Effects on Our Moods and Mental
Health- In addition to the physical benefits,
FOR INTENSITY: choose from 1-5 how intense you recreational activities can also do wonders for your
work out mental health. Time spent outdoors has been
1 2 3 4 5 shown to reduce stress and anxiety levels. Outdoor
activities can boost your mood as well. Getting
Light Moderat Moderately Intermitte Sustained
as in e as in heavy, as in nt heavy heavy
outside and doing what you love grounds you and
fishing volleybal cycling and breathing breathing resets you for the day.
l, softball other and and
recreational perspiratio perspiratio Recreational Activities Increase Social Interaction-
sport n, as in n Another amazing benefit of recreational activities is
tennis the social interaction that often comes along with
participating in them. While there are plenty of
FOR DURATION: choose from 1-4 how long you
activities you can do alone, there's also a lot you
work out
can do with or around people.
1 2 3 4
The Benefits of Recreational Activity for Kids -It's
no secret that kids benefit from time spent

outdoors. What may surprise you is just how many
aspects of their lives are impacted by participating
in recreational activities. Playing games in the yard
can help with their motor skills and hand-eye
coordination, and enjoying activities with others
gives them opportunities to learn to navigate social

Light Recreational Activities for Seniors- As we age,

mobility and flexibility become more difficult to
keep up. It's important to stay active as much as
possible to keep our strength up and maintain our
balance- two factors that can help us stay
independent as we get older. Even if you have
some mobility limitations, it doesn't mean you
can't get outside and enjoy the fresh air and
nature; even sitting on a park bench does wonders
for your soul.

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