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English Language Test

This test consists of three parts:

Part Questio

I. Grammar 35

II. Vocabulary 35

III. Comprehension 15

Total 85

Part I: Grammar
1. Yesterday both cars near the entrance.

(a) park (c) are parked

(b) parked (d) were parked

2. Bader's car was in the garage, he finished his errands.

(a) Therefore (c) Moreover

(b) Although (d) Also

3. The changes recently.

(a) has been made (c ) was making

(b) have been made (d) has been making

4. Ali asked his friend so loudly during; the lecture.

(a) not speaking (c ) not to speak

(b) don’t speak (d) not speak

5. Bassam is as Ali.

(a) old (c) older

(b) older than (d) as old

6. Abdulaziz now for an oil company. He quit his job in the

(a) works (c) working

(b) work (d) worked

7. In 1986, nuclear accident in the world occurred in Russia.

(a) worse (c) worst

(b) the worst (d) a worse

8. Kuwait has a warm climate, Russia has a cold one.

(a) unless (c) while

(b) until (d) when

9. How much time is to complete this assignment?

(a) needed (c) needing

(b) need (d) needs

10. The bus at 8:00 am tomorrow.

(a) leave (c) leaving

(b) left (d) leaves

11. He to be very careful when travelling alone.

(a) told (c) tells

(b) was told (d) was telling

12. Amal should a doctor about her health.

(a) see (c) sees

(b) to see (d) is seeing

13. Ahmed his favourite film last night.

(a) has watched (c) is watching

(b) watches (d) watched

14. Aisha is very busy. If she had more time, she our club

(a) will join (c) would join

(b) joins (d) joined

15. When you are very hungry, a hot meal always delicious.

(a) taste (c) tasted

(b) tastes (d) tasting

16. She get up early tomorrow to catch the flight.

(a) -d (c) have to

(b) .s to (d) have

17. Only people live on Failaka Island now.

(a) few (c) a few

(b) less (d) less than

18. Manal has been successful many difficulties.

(a) in spite of (c) because of

(b) instead of (d) as a result of

19. They don't mind all that way by car.

(a) travel (c) travelling

(b) travelled (d) travels

20. We bought as honey as we could.

(a) some (c) many

(b) much (d) few

21. You work too hard. You ought to a long vacation.

(a) take (c) took

(b) be taken (d) has taken

22. They not make a hotel reservation, so they had no place to stay.

(a) did (c) have

(b) had (d) do

23. Hassan has a new j ob very much.

(a) he liked (c) he is liked

(b) which he likes (d) whom he likes

24. The light bulb for a long time, so it burnt out.

(a) had been used (c) had used

(b) has been used (d) has used

25. Kuwait a trading country for a long time.

(a) is (c) was being

(b) has been (d) have been

26. I will be leaving August for my summer vacation.

(a) on (c) for

(b) at (d) in

27. Abdullah will fly to Dubai next week if he time.

(a) has (c) will have

(b) had (d) going to have

28. The flowers have just to the bride.

(a) sent (c) been sent

(b) sending (d) been sending

29. other book on the shelf is as helpful as this one.

(a) Not (c) No

(b) Nor (d) None

30. This is an excellent article. Where did you find ?

(a) him (c) her

(b) it (d) them

31. Tea is grown not in hot places in cool ones.

(a) but (c) and

(b) so (d) yet

32. Where , food can usually be found.

(a) water is there (c) is there water

(b) is water there (d) there is water

33. problems with the new system?

(a) There are many (c) Many are there

(b) Are there many (d) Are many there

34. Sarah can't visit us because she to stay with her children.

(a) must (c) has

(b) should (d) need

35. Our flower garden always beautiful after it rains.

(a) look (c) looked

(b) looks (d) looking

Part II: Vocabulary
36. Since Huda cannot use sugar, she uses an sweetener instead.

(a) artificial (c) agreeable

(b) efficient (d) envious

37. The Sultan Center sells birthday party

(a) competitions (c ) receptions

(b) congratulations (d) decorations

38. The earthquake in southern Iran was a horrible

(a) disaster (c) liability

(b) collapse (d) injury

39. The family had to the thief who stole everything from their house.

(a) impress (c) instruct

(b) identify (d) intend

40. The government the latest news on the P.O.W.'s to the newspapers.

(a) reported (c) composed

(b) organized (d) adopted

41. We have no to your plan. You can go ahead with it.

(a) objection (c) possession

(b) decision (d) commission

42. is a clean type of energy which all people need.

(a) Simplicity (c) Robotics

(b) Electronics (d) Electricity

43. The earth has a(n) shape.

(a) spherical (c) circular

(b) oval (d) curved

44. A frog is a kind of

(a) amphibian (c) bacterium

(b) reptile (d) insect

45. If you go to New York, you may have to ride the

(a) staircase (c) mainland

(b) subway (d) landscape

46. At first Hamad didn't like his job, but __ he got used to it.

(a) unfortunately (c) eventually

(b) indirectly (d) occasionally

47. Please don't my statements. I have facts to prove them.

(a) confess (c) conquer

(b) conserve (d) contradict

48. Ali has to with his homework after missing two weeks of classes.

(a) pull out (c) set off

(b) catch up (d) take away

49. The for spring semester classes 2006 is available at the Registrar’s

(a) schedule (c) routine

(b) reception (d) invoice

50. The in this book help children to understand the story.

(a) illuminations (c) explosions

(b) illustrations (d) elevations

51. It's easy to _______ dinars into dollars using a calculator.

(a) reject (c) convert

(b) collect (d) transmit

52. Nadia wants a _ in television journalism.

(a) director (c) recreation

(b) celebrity (d) career

53. You can the temperature of a liquid by using a thermometer.

(a) reproduce (c) determine

(b) guess (d) realize

54. Kuwait Airways flies to different all over the world.

(a) obligations (c) relations

(b) destinations (d) companions

55. The police have not solved the of the stolen jewels.

(a) wasteland (c) battle

(b) proposal (d) mystery

56. The for the World Health Organization is WHO.

(a) distinction (c) explanation

(b) compensation (d) abbreviation

57. It is sometimes hard to work and family obligations.

(a) edit (c) retire

(b) disinfect (d) balance

58. The man is in prison because he was in several bank robberies.

(a) involved (c) located

(b) continued (d) promoted

59. The inside of my house is painted blue while the is painted white.

(a) exposure (c) excess

(b) exterior (d) expansion

60. I used the testing manual to the testing procedure.

(a) encourage (c) review

(b) advertise (d) reconsider

61. Be _. Your teacher cannot give you a good grade if you don't
deserve it.

(a) irresponsible (c) considerable

(b) reasonable (d) illogical

62. The instrument scientists use to observe stars is called the

(a) microscope (c) stethoscope

(b) gyroscope (d) telescope

63. Firefighters struggled to the fire.

(a) explode (c) exchange

(b) execute (d) extinguish

64. It's good to have ___________ goals to work towards.

(a) frank (c) visual

(b) realistic (d) dubious

65. The angry employees___________the big salary cut.

(a) proposed (c) preferred

(b) protested (d) profited

66. A five-star hotel is careful about guest__________ .

(a) species (c) preferences

(b) postmarks (d) regards

67. When Khalid came home wet, it w as__________ that he had fallen into the
swimming pool.

(a) virtuous (c) transparent

(b) obvious (d) effective

68. Farmers rely on _ _ _ ______ to improve the quality of soil.

(a) famine (c) fertilizer

(b) livelihood (d) drought

69. The tennis player ________ her ankle during the match.

(a) slipped (c) burned

(b) dropped (d) sprained

70. When a tire becomes___________after many years, it must be changed.

(a) painted (c) worn-out

(b) soiled (d) drawn in

Part III: Comprehension
People in China used to go to work in different ways. Very few could go by car
since there were no private cars in China. In fact, there was only one automobile per
10,000 people, which added up to fewer than 100,000 cars in the whole country. All
of those cars were either taxis or government vehicles. Most workers travelled by
bicycle. They used a model that did not have gears or lights, although it had a bell 5
that was in constant use. Even though bicycles were very expensive, there were two
million in Beijing, and perhaps twice as many in Shanghai. People who did not have
bicycles travelled in crowded buses or in three-wheeled vehicles that could take six
passengers. There were also a few rickshaws in which two passengers proudly rode 10
under an old cloth shelter.

71. The best title for this paragraph would b e ___________.

(a) "Transportation in China"

(b) "Bicycles in China"
(c) "The Car in China"
(d) "Workers and Bicycles"

72. Most people in China travelled by bicycle because___________.

(a) there were no taxis

(b) they couldn't own cars
(c) there weren't enough rickshaws
(d) bicycles were inexpensive

73. Most bicycles in China had __________ .

(a) gears (c) bells

(b) shelters (d) lights

74. There were approximately ___________ bicycles in Shanghai.

(a) 10,000. (c) two million.

(b) 100,000. (d) four million.

75. The majority of people in China went to work b y __________

(a) car (c) taxi

(b) rickshaw (d) bicycle


In 1919, a prize of 25,000 dollars was offered to the first person who could fly
nonstop from New York to Paris. Six people had died trying to get the prize before a
young pilot named Charles Lindbergh decided to try the flight - alone.

On May 20, 1927 at 7:52 a.m., Lindbergh climbed into a small plane called
the Spirit of St. Louis. Until 8 p.m. Lindbergh had flown over land, but then he 5
started to cross the sea. At 1:52 a.m. he was half-way to Paris, but it was hard for
him to keep awake. When morning came, he saw fishing boats and the Irish
coast. Ireland sent out the news that Lindbergh was headed for France. The
French became excited and rushed to the airport. At 10:18 p.m. the waiting
crowd saw his plane come in for a landing and roll to a stop. Lindbergh looked 10
out and saw people waving at him. He had done it! He had flown across the
Atlantic Ocean.

76. Lindbergh was the_____________person to try to win the prize.

(a) first (c) sixth

(b) second (d) seventh

77. Lindbergh's main problem during the second half of the flight was that he _

(a) had engine trouble (c) felt very sleepy

(b) couldn't see land (d) became quite ill

78. People began to rush to the airport to see Lindbergh when____________.

(a) they heard the sound of his engine

(b) they heard the news that he was coming
(c) his plane came in for a landing
(d) his plane was half way to Paris

79. Lindbergh arrived in Paris____________ .

(a) early in the morning (c) early in the evening

(b) late in the afternoon (d) late at night

80. Lindbergh won the prize because h e ____________ .

(a) flew across the Atlantic without stopping

(b) flew a plane named the Spirit of St. Louis
(c) was alone during the flight to France
(d) was the first American to land in Paris


Americans today believe strongly in freedom of the press, the right of newspaper
or magazine publishers to print what they want. In colonial times, however, the royal
governors held power over the press. Anyone who dared to write critically about
government officials might be charged with defamation - printing statements that
unfairly harm a person's reputation.

In 1735, John Peter Zenger, publisher of the New York Weekly Journal, was
arrested for libeling* the governor. After spending almost twelve months in jail,
Zenger finally came to trial. Zenger's lawyer made a brilliant defense. He said that
Zenger had been speaking and writing the truth. Certainly, the lawyer insisted, it
was no crime to speak and write the truth. The jury agreed and set Zenger free,
while the people in the courtroom cheered.

Zenger's trial is important in history for two reasons. First, it showed that while
people can be punished for libel, they cannot be punished for telling or printing the
truth. Second, it marked a big step toward freedom of the press in America.

* libel (false written statement that damages one's reputation)

81. The article mainly discusses_____________ .
(a) the actions of the governor of New York
(b) Zenger's time in jail
(c) Zenger's court case
(d) the New York Weekly Journal

82. According to the author, Zenger's court case______________.

(a) was a victory for freedom of the press
(b) was an insignificant event
(c) never should have come to trial
(d) is an example of libel

83. It can be concluded from the article that the author_____________.

(a) disapproved of Zenger's lawyer
(b) thinks freedom of the press should be limited
(c) likes Zenger's style of writing
(d) supports freedom of the press

84. The word 'defamation' in the first paragraph, line 4 means ____________ .
(a) writing false accusations
(b) writing critically about government officials
(c) printing statements about a person's character
(d) power over the press

85. The word'He'in the second paragraph, line 8 refers to _____________.

(a) John Peter Zenger (c) the governor of New York
(b) Zenger's lawyer (d) the jury


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