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Chapter I


This chapter provides a brief overview of the presented study. This chapter

introduces the reader to the scope, problem statement, significance of the study, and

research question, as well as the assumptions, limitations, and delimitation of the


Indang, a first-class municipality that is centrally located in the highlands of

Cavite, is tagged as the “Kaong Capital of the Philippines” because of the countless Irok

trees that thrive along its waterways. This rustic university town with a population of

70,000 is home to the 72-hectare main campus of the 109-year-old Cavite State

University. Indang—with a lofty 380 m (1,247 feet) elevation with a lush rolling terrain

bisected by numerous creeks and streams that are fed by over 80 springs—is the ideal

place for kaong trees to flourish along its tributaries. Irok is a medium-sized palm

growing up to 20 meters (m) tall. Called ‘sugar palm’ in English, it is native to tropical

Asia, from eastern India to Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Also called Irok in

other Southern Tagalog provinces, this solitary palm with a dark fibrous bark that wraps

around its trunk thrives best in places straddling between 300 to 1,000 m above sea level.

(Urlanda, 2018)

Irok Festival will be held from November 30 to December 2 in Indang, Cavite. It

is done during the celebration of Indang Day. Float parade, street dancing, sports

activities, lantern contest made out of Irok leaves and the grand parade is held in the town


The topography of Indang is characterized by gently sloping or rolling terrain.

Almost 40.36% of its total land area is within the slope grade of 3-8%, while 2,135

hectares are within the slope range of 8-15% which is characterized by

undulating/sloping terrain. The land elevation range from 230 to 380 meters above sea

level. The land area is furthermore fairy well dissected by numerous creeks and streams

that are deeply cut, characterized by steep and abrupt banks. Rivers, creeks and spring

supply the water needed for both agricultural and household purposes. (Municipality of

Indang, 2018)

Local resources are the supply used by a particular place to increase its wealth.

The business opportunity is the potential business that can be made using the present

product or supply of a place.

The coverage of this study consists of the future businessman as the beneficiary

and the society of Indang to become popular because of the Irok products that will be

making. This study will be conducted to determine the possible business opportunity out

of Irok as Indangs local resources. To know if there is any emerging business out of Irok.

“Since the colonial days, Indang has been producing the much sought after

Sukang Irok (vinegar) from kaong”, (Arturo C. Erana).”Sukang Irok (vinegar) is the only

existing product out of Irok that can be made to introduce especially next year there will

be a feast of Irok.

Since the “Irok Festival” will be celebrated this 2020, we decided to conduct a

study because we would like to know if there is any emerging business were its main

product is Irok (sugar palm).

Statement of the Problem

This study will be conducted to determine the business opportunities out of Irok

as Indang’s local resource. Specifically, the study aims to answer the following question.

1. What are the different products that can be produced out of Irok tree?

2. What are the raw materials used in making those products?

3. What are the utensils and equipment used in making those products?

4. What are the packaging materials used in making those products?

5. What are the marketing strategies that will be used to promote products from Irok


Significance of the Study

This study entitled “An Industrial Study of Irok as Reference for Business

Opportunities of Indang Cavite’s Local Resource” is beneficial to the following:


This study will help the Indangeño’s to have an idea of how they are going to

build and upgrade their business using Irok as their product and to produce a distinctive


Indang Community

This study will help the Indang Community to become popular because of the

development of Irok as their business and to be widely known as a trader of Irok.

Future Business Owners and Investors

This study will help the Future Business Owners and Investors to know and to

have an idea about Irok as a possible business opportunity in Indang.

Future Researchers

This study will help future researchers to know what is the possible business to

build out of Irok.

Scope and Delimitation

This study was limited only in determining the possible source of business

opportunity using Irok as the local resource of Indang. This study utilized an interview

about is there any existing business of Irok here in Indang. And also to know what is the

possible business out of Irok.

Definition of Terms

Random sampling- A sample chosen randomly is meant to be an unbiased

representation of the total population.

Marketing strategies- a plan of action designed to promote and sell a product or



Review of Related Literature

The Irok (Tagalog) or sugar palm (English) is a member of the Palmae (palm)

family. This plant commonly grows in the tropical regions. Just like the Philippines,

Malaysia, and Indonesia. Kaong is a medium-sized palm growing up to 20 meters (m)

tall. Called ‘sugar palm’ in English, it is native to tropical Asia, from eastern India to

Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Also called irok in other Southern Tagalog

provinces, this solitary palm with a dark fibrous bark that wraps around its trunk thrives

best in places straddling between 300 to 1,000 m above sea level. (Urlanda, 2015).

Irok or sweet palm is a promising cash crop with potential for the establishment of

plantations or, at the least, for deliberate growing to supplement the natural stands Irok is

a monoecious solitary palm. The trunk is up to 15-20 m with a diameter of about 30-40

cm. Leaves are pinnate, up to 8.5 m long. Leaf-sheaths with fibrous black hairs cover the

stem. Auxiliary inflorescences arise singly first from the top and continue downward

until the palm dies. Fruits turn yellow at maturity, having a diameter of about 5 cm. Each

fruit has 2-3 seeds. (ICRAF, undated). Also called gomuti and sweet palm (Arenga

pinnata), this plant has multiple uses. Practically all parts, from root to apex, are useful.

In the Philippines, its major product is the sweetened, cooked meat (endosperm) from

young fruits. The average number of fruits per inflorescence is 480. Every tree produces

5,000 to 7,000 seeds. (Bareja, 2010)

As the demand for alternative sugars increases, a team of researchers led

by Dr. Lydia Manguiat of DOST-Calabarzon, has found another healthy substitute in Irok

palms (Arenga pinnata). Irok palms or sugar palms are best known for their fruit

processed into salad ingredients and the popular Irok vinegar. A recent study under the

“Development of Low GI Palm Sugar” Program, researchers found out that kaong sap

contains a GI value of 40 which is five points higher than coco sap sugar. “While a tad

higher compared to coconut sap sugar, kaong sap sugar is still categorized as low GI

foods,” said Dr. Manguiat.

According to Dr. Manguiat, Irok sap sugar has been in existence ever since,

especially in Cavite and Quezon are. It is served as a local delicacy in the form of

pakaskas. “With its distinct caramel taste, the local palm sugar can be developed into a

high-value commodity, as well as it's by-products," she added. According to Dr. Lorenzo

Lapitan of Cavite State University, “Kaong palms have a high potential for sugar

production due to the abundance of palms in the country coupled with its high sugar

conversion ratio.”

According to CavSU’s studies, a single Irok plant can produce 2500 liters of sap

which totals roughly to about 1000 kg of sugar per hectare. Similar with the coco sap

sugar, Irok palm sugar is also a very good source of many key minerals and vitamins

including potassium, magnesium, protein, calcium, and iron in beneficial quantities not

present in refined sugars “The program will greatly enhance the palm industry, which can

help our local farmers augment their income as well as providing healthy options to sweet

lovers,” Dr. Manguiat claimed. Aside from kaong, other local palms such as nipa and buri

are being studied for their sugar production potential and other by-products such as

syrups and vinegar. (Escondo, 2013).

Irok is thought to be indigenous where it is currently distributed, except for the

Pacific Islands and a few places in Africa where it has been introduced. It is thought to

have originated in Indonesia but is now widely distributed through India, Sri Lanka,

Southern China, Southern Asia, New Guinea, and Guam. It is mostly found near villages.

It is found growing wild in the primary or secondary forest from sea level to 1200

elevation (Janick and Paull, 2008).

The most popular commercial by-product of the sugar palm is it's being

sweetened fruit, which is used as an ingredient in fruit salads and desserts. Philippines

exports of processed Irok fruit grew annually by an average of 5.3 percent over the last

five years. Bottled Irok preserves are also very popular on the domestic market

particularly during graduation months, fiesta months, and the Christmas season. This only

means that Irok can be export to other places.

Taking care of Irok trees does not need much work and cost. These trees sprouted

naturally from the seeds. According to the rural farmers, their spread was indirectly

conducted by the civets which eat the Irok fruits, digested them and discharged them in

some places not far from their main trees. That is why commonly the Irok trees are grown

in cluster within certain is either a forest or dry land. These clusters of Irok trees are

seldom approached by the villagers they try to avoid as far as possible being injured by

their thorn which can cause infected wounds and can lead to death. It means that Irok is

not very hard to plant because it does not need much work and cost to plant.

Masano (1989) showed that 85% of Irok seeds taken from the excrement of civet

were successfully germinated and grow while those which were taken from the tree and

directly planted by man only 44% succeeded to germinate and grew. This experiment is

under the folk believed that it is the Civet that has the role to generate and spread the Irok

and that grows only naturally (without the intervention of man). If It is true that there are

some difficulties to plant this tree intentionally, then there is a possibility that sooner or

later the Irok trees come extinct because of the continuously clearing away the forest.



This chapter includes the research methodology. For additional details, in this

part, the researcher figure out the research design, the methods of data collection, the

selection of the sample, the researcher process, the type of data analysis, the ethical

considerations and the research limitations of the project.

Research Design

The design of this research is qualitative research. Qualitative Research is used to

collect an understanding of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations. It gives

insights or helps to progress ideas. The questions consist of background knowledge of

farmers and business owners in harvesting and making some Irok products.


The researchers will conduct Random Sampling to know the right person in

Cavite, specifically in the Municipality of Indang, to be our respondents to help the

researchers to gather knowledge in forming a business.

Ethical Review

The researcher is ensuring the value and truthfulness and seeking for informed

consent. The researchers will respect the privacy and confidentiality of the research

respondents and will ensure that the respondents will avoid harm to their participants.

The researcher will ensure that the respondents will always feel relieved while

conducting the research.

Instruments of data collection

In collecting data, the researcher will ask questions to the participants and got the

information, but we will make sure that the questions are connected to the study and it is

important that the participants have experienced and observed it because the best

information came from individuals who are familiar about the topic. These are all the

materials that the researchers needed in conducting the interview. First, the researchers

needed participants that have experienced in the topic. Next, the researchers had a

questionnaire for them to interview the participants and those questions were connected

to the study. Then, the researchers used a mobile phone as a recorder so they can easily

record the answer of the participants in the questions. The researchers will ask questions

that will give insights to the participant's background and the researchers make their way

into the heart of the interview. We will make sure that the interview questions were not

offensive in this way.


First, the researcher will provide a permission letter that we will be giving to the

selected person who knows about Irok in Indang, Cavite. Permission letters for the

interview were also being given to the participants of the study. Then the researchers will

provide questions which they will use in interviewing our target respondents. The

questions were validated by the chosen validator before the research adviser was

administered. Then, the group members will be assigned to a chosen place and conduct a

face to face interview with the participants. Each interview will only last up to 5-10

minutes and all the answers of the respondents were digitally recorded and the

interviewers got the precise information. Lastly, the researchers will interpret all the data

that they all gathered.

Data Collection and Analysis

In this study, the participants underwent interviews; therefore, the data collected

in this study were recorded interviews. After the data collection, the researchers

transcribed and evaluated the data gathered.

Chapter IV

Result and Discussion

Interview Findings

The participants were two (2) farmers and a business owner from Barangay Pulo,

Harasan and Tambong Malaki. They were selected based on who's only available. The

researchers interviewed each participant that lasted about 5-10 minutes. The given

questions were about the participant's experience and struggles in their Irok Businesses.

The following were the question asked:

Farmer in Pulo/Harasan:

1. How does Irok tree planted and reproduced?

2. How does the Irok farmer maintain their plant so they can supply many Irok?

3. Can fertilizers be used to sugar palm to fasten up its process of growth?

4. Where does Irok commonly grow?

5. What are the products that can be produced out of Irok tree?

Business Owners

1. What are the raw materials used in making those products?

2. What are the utensils and equipment used in making those products?

3. What are the packaging materials used in making those products?

4. What is the marketing strategy that will be used to promote products from Irok


Interviews Findings

The following are the gathered information from the interview conducted:

1. How does Irok tree planted and reproduced?

Respondent A: “Ang puno ay kusang tumutubo galing sa magulang na prutas”

(Translation: The tree just grew up from the old fruit)

Respondent B: “Ang mga magulang na bunga na nalaglag doon na magsisimulang

tumubo ang puno.

(Translation: It is the parents of the fruit that fall there so the tree begins

to grow.)

All of the respondents said that the Irok tree is just grown up from the old fruits that

fall from the tree. It has been proven in the study done by Godofredo U. Stuart Jr. (2015),

Kaong or sugar palm is a palm tree, with a stout trunk with distinct annular scars,

growing to a height of 12 to 15 meters, with a diameter of about 40 centimeters. Leaves

are ascending, 6 to 8.5 meters long, ascending, the sheathing basal parts covered with

stout black fibers (kabo-negro fibers). Fruits are rounded or depressed rounded, about 5

centimeters in diameter, containing 2 to 3 seeds.

2. How does the Irok farmer maintain their plant so they can supply many Irok?

Respondent A: “Meron din naman nag aalaga na nililinisan nila yung puno, pero

pang karaniwan hindi na talaga inaalagaan

(Translation: There is someone who taking care of their trees, but in

certainly Irok tree is not being cared because it is self reliant and it can

grow by itself.)

Respondent B: Tatanggalin yung mga ligaw na damo na hindi naman

nakakatulong sa paglaki ng puno.

(Translation: Remove the misplaced grass that will not help for growing.)

Respondent A stated that there is someone who taking care of their trees, but in

certainty, Irok tree is not being cared, because it is self-reliable and it can grow by itself;

For respondent B, said that just remove the misplaced grass that will not help for

growing. It has been proven in the study done by W.T.M. Smits (2019), It is a way

of farming that relies on techniques such as crop rotation, green manure, compost, crop

residues, animal manure, legumes, off-farm organic wastes, mechanical cultivation,

mineral-bearing rocks, and aspects of biological pest control to maintain soil

productivity and fertility, to supply plant nutrients.

3. Can fertilizers be used to sugar palm to fasten up its process of growth?

Respondent A: Kung malapit lang sa inyong bahay o kung nakikita mo na sakop

ito ng lupain mo maari mo itong lagyan ng abono para mas lumaki pa ang

kanyang bunga.

(Translation: If it is near to your house or part of your land area maybe

you can add fertilizer for more growing of fruits.)

Respondent B: Pwede naman abonohan, pero mas madalas kusa na syang

tumutubo kahit hindi na sya lagyan ng pataba para lumago.

(Translation: You can add fertilizer, but in reality you don’t need to add

fertilizer because it develops itself.)

Respondent A stated that If it is near to your house or part of your land area

maybe you can add fertilizer for more growing of fruits; For respondent B, said that you

can add fertilizer, but in reality, you don't need to add fertilizer because it develops itself.

It has been proven in the study done by Preston, tg T. R. (1992) The multipurpose sugar

palm trees have played an important role in an integrated system. They are very efficient

utilizes of solar energy and may not require any fertilizer inputs. They provide high

energy feeds, low in fiber but with very low protein contents.

4. Where does Irok commonly grow?

Respondent A: Tumutubo ito sa tabing ilog.

(Translation: It grows along the river bank.)

Respondent B: Karaniwang tumutubo sa tabing ilog.

(Translation: It usually grows on the river bank.)

All the participants say that Irok grows near the river bank. It has been proven in

the study done by Khieu Borin (1996) Sugar palm grows best in warm conditions with a

maximum amount of light and abundant water supply on very fertile soils.

5. What are the products that can be produced out of Irok tree?

Respondent A: Ang dahon pwede mong gawing walis tingting at yong bulaklak

naman suka. Kasi nung araw ang alam ko diyan, yung pinaka yonot niyan ay

nagagawag tali ngayon naman ay wala ng nag gagawa ng ganun. Pero yun ay

walis, suka, at saka yun ngang bunga ng irok.

(Translation: You can make a broom using Irok leaves, also you can make

vinegar using the flower of Irok because at that time I knew it, its most

black fiber was calling it a rope, but now there is no one doing it.)

Respondent B: Pwede mong gawing kaong, na natitinda sa mga grocery.

(Translation: You can make it as a kaong, which is already sold at the


Respondent A stated that You can make a broom using Irok leaves, also you can

make vinegar using the flower of Irok.; For respondent B, said that You can make it as a

kaong, which is already sold at the grocery. It has been proven in the study done by

Randy V. Urlanda (2015) Palm sugar is produced by tapping the sap (tuba) from the

inflorescence (a cluster of flowers arranged on a stem that is composed of a main branch)

of the tree and boiling it to produce a thick syrup. This is allowed to crystallize into

native sugar cakes. Then pounded with a wooden mallet to become ground brown sugar.

Business Owner:

1. What are the raw materials used in making those products?

Respondent A: Kapag magulang na ang tangkay ng bulaklak na pinang

gagalingan ng suka at kapag ito ay nakabuka na, doon pa lamang puputulin

upang tumulo ang katas na suka.

(Translation: When the stalk of the flower in which the vine is grown becomes

ripe and when it is out, it will only be cut down to drain the vinegar.)

The respondent said that when the stalk of the flower in which the vine is grown

becomes ripe and when it is out, it will only be cut down to drain the vinegar. It has been

proven in the study done by Smits, W.T.M. (1988) All parts of the palm are used, and for

a multitude of products. The main products are derived from tapping the inflorescence

stalks: a sweet aromatic juice, both fresh and fermented, vinegar resulting from continued

fermentation. Other food products are starch, extracted from the pith of the trunk, which

may be used to prepare specialty foods. Products from fibrous material take second place

after those derived from tapping. Fibers are recovered from the roots, the pith of the trunk

and leaf stalks, but most important is the long black grey fibers (yonot) surrounding the

trunk. The leaflets are used in basketry, their stalks for brooms and sate sticks. The trunk

consists of a soft starchy core with many tough fibers and a woody cylinder.

2. What are the utensils and equipment used in making those products?

Respondent A: sa tapayan o kaya sa drum na plastic

(Translation: Vase jar or plastic drum.)

The respondent says they use Vase jar or plastic drums. It has been proven in the

study done by Borin Khieu et al. (1996) Sap can only be harvested from mature palms,

the stalk is cut and a collecting container is placed over it. They transfer it to special

bamboo containers. The saps are then poured into large earthen fermenting jars

called tapayan.

3. What are the packaging materials used in making those products?

Respondent A: ang pinaglalagyan namin ay bote ng wilkins o kaya bote ng coke

(Translation: We put it in the container and the bottle of coke.)

The respondent says they put the vinegar on a container of Wilkins and in a bottle

of coke. It has been proven in the study done by M A R V Z (2010) Irok vinegar can be

easily made by fermenting fresh sap into a plastic or earthen jar until it becomes sour.

Then pack into plastic bottles and place under the heat of the sun for a few days. The very

common package is a used 1.5 liters Coke bottle.

4. What are the marketing strategies that will be used to promote products from

Irok tree?

Respondent A: Nilalagay namin kung saan mas mabilis makita ng mga tao o kaya

naman sa mga sari-sari store.

(Translation: We place it where people can saw it easier to attract them or

we distribute.)

The respondent said that they place it where people can saw it easier to attract

them or we distribute. It has been proven in the study done by BJ Bueno & Scott Jeffrey

(2013) Engage an audience of existing customers in an active dialogue, speaking to the

needs and wants of this particular customer group. Instead of focusing on generating the

next transaction, community marketing promotes greater loyalty and higher levels of

engagement within an existing brand community. Learn how to build brand communities

here. Community marketing can also lead to word of mouth marketing.

Chapter V

Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation

This chapter presented the summary, conclusion, and recommendations that were

drawn from the findings gathered.


The research entitled, "An Industrial Study of Irok as Reference for Business

Opportunities of Indang Cavite’s Local Resource" was conducted at different barangays

at Indang, Cavite from October 2019. The participants were selected whose only

available farmers and business owners in different barangays. The data from the two (2)

farmers and one (1) business owner at Tambo Malaki, Harasan and Pulo taken from

individual interviews conducted.

It was discovered that each of the participants has their own experience when it

comes to harvesting irok and making the products out of Irok. Respondent A stated that

she can make a broom using Irok leaves, also you can make vinegar using the flower of

Irok because at that time I knew it, its most black fiber was calling it rope. Respondent B

said that she can make it as a kaong, which is already sold at the grocery. Based on the

overall results from the interviews, it has been proven that they can make different

products out of Irok that can possibly become a business.


In this study entitled "An Industrial Study of Irok as Reference for Business

Opportunities of Indang Cavite’s Local Resource ", it could be concluded that Irok has a

possible opportunity to build more product for a business. Aside from the Irok vinegar,

other products can be made out of Irok tree (walis tingting, long black grey fibers (yonot),

and kaong) that has been mentioned from the answers of the respondents.


Based on the result that has been presented, some recommendations have been

formulated for the following sectors and individual: For the Indangeño’s: The

Indangeño’s having an idea of making Irok products as a business. Indang Community:

They can build a business and different products for the tourist who visits our place. It

can also make the Indang Community well-known because of its product produced.

Indang community is recommended to build a souvenir center, where the tourist can buy

their souvenir. Future Business Owners and Investors: They can have an idea about Irok

as a possible business opportunity in Indang. Because Irok trees are impossible to

disappear here in indang because there are many rivers where the Irok tree grows. For

future researchers: They can improve the packaging of the existing product, so they can

produce a product that can attract more people. And they can also study about how to

market the product. They can also seek support from the municipality of Indang.


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