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Contents of the table

1) What is Numerology and its impact on Name ?

2) Why Should you consider a Name Correction & who should get it done ?

3) Science behind Name Correction

4) Who is Mohsinaa Ahmad ?

5) Testimonials

6) FAQ

Do I have to change my documents ?

How much time does it take ?

Can the session be in person as I am in Dubai ?

7) What Question should you ask yourself Before making the decision
1. What is Numerology
and its impact
on Name ?
We all are surrounded by numbers.
From phone numbers to our blood
In numerology, every alphabet is given a
pressure, from our weight to our
code starting from A-1, B-2, and so on
passport, everything that surrounds
and each number represents a planet
us are numbers. These numbers
and specific energy. Hence you can
play an integral part of our identity
calculate if the total name number is
and our lives. This is where
compatible with your Date of Birth.
numerology seeps in.
If your name is not compatible with your
Numerology is the study of
date of birth, it can be a harbinger of
numbers and how they influence
adversity, misfortunes, and feelings of
us. This study relies on the notion
inadequacy, ennui, and hopelessness.
that the universe is a system and
the basic elements taken into
While you may have credited the feeling
picture to understand the larger
of being stuck or not being good to
scheme of things are numbers. It
external factors and your inner
is a universal language and
capabilities, the main reason may be
although appearing to be absurd,
your name. To understand whether your
has found to have a profound
effect on people. Now with
Name is eclipsing you from the world of
information pouring in from all
opportunities and growth, numerology is
around the world , we know that
there to assist you.
Numerology has been used by
Ancient Greeks & Romans since. With name analysis, numerology helps
you understand whether your name is
Now let's understand how aligned and if not, then what necessary
numerology affects your name. steps can be undertaken to rectify your
Remember in school when we used name and unleash your true potential.
to solve coding-decoding problems
and every alphabet was assigned a So do you think you should bring in good
digit? The real scheme of things luck and prosperity with an aligned
works on similar grounds. name ?
2. Why Should you
consider a Name
Correction & who
should get it done ?

Numerology works for everyone , but Jobs & Business Owners

mostly it brings in limitless
opportunities for those who has Never before has the Business &
everything else from the right skill set,
Corporate world been so uncertain,
a hardworking spirit, relentless and so disloyal, so quick to lay off, or so
consistent energy , integrity , but lacks
unlikely to provide its employees with
that bit of luck and somehow falls security, let alone any certain future of
short . decent growth and progress. Job
Security is a thing for the past. Even
With Name correction and alignment sustained profits from the Business are
you are allowing luck to do the rest of a thing of the past let alone the
it , going the extra mile and ensuring possibility of imminent expansion and
success, happiness,growth, sustained growth.
progression,appreciation in your
personal and professional life . If you have already recognised this fact
and you are willing to redirect some of
your efforts to ensure your financial
security then I can help you to
"The survival of your accomplish something Great.
Dreams will Depend on
Your Name vibration and name
your Name Vibration" perception works regardless of your
skills, commitment or occupation. With
Name Alignment for your career, I am
talking about a complete change in your
perspective, credibility, trust, growth,
recognition, rewards and much more
not only for now but for the rest of your
For Relationship
If you have put the effort into a
relationship and still feel that you
This Invisible Power Is Going to mint
are not loved, appreciated, and
millions for you.
cared for. If you have continuous
fights, misunderstandings,
feelings of being alone, not getting
Imagine two businesses selling the same
appreciated and acknowledged
products or services and may be at a
despite the efforts and you seem
similar location yet one business continues
to feel that this is how you have to
to thrive and grow where there are repeat
live the rest of your life then I
customers, more profits, easily find better
have good news for you.
staff and able to retain them well, good
culture and atmosphere in the business
After doing thousands of name
while other business struggles, continuous
corrections and consultations I
attrition, profit does not seem to grow or
can say with 100% certainty that
even worse not able to sustain. The
your Name could be one of the
customers' vendors are mostly
biggest challenges for your good
complaining … We all in business know
and happy relationship.
what I am talking about.
You will agree that Your name
Do you know what differentiates the two
creates your Perception. A
businesses? Well, it's obvious the single
positive perception will have
most differentiating difference is the
NAME Energy.
others to have a positive outlook
towards you. Even if there are
Are you interested in making some serious
negative instances the positive
Profit from your business? Then Invest in
perception will overcome the
the Greatest Profit Making Invisible power
negative and you will be able to
any business has its - Business Name
build better understanding in
relationships as your name forever
Did you know that there are some Name
helps you be perceived in the
vibrations that naturally and automatically
positive light.
make the perception of your business to
its customers as the Go To Business for
Business Name Vibration all the needs?
According to Industry
“Million Dollar
Secret Revealed”

You will be surprised to know that All these companies have the
some of the biggest companies in same number vibration. The catch
the world have correct name with this number vibration is that
vibrations by design or default. if the business continuously does
its own research and development
For Technology Companies that the reward will be higher than any
are into research & product other name vibration at the same
innovation, the Name Number time if the focus changes from
Vibration 7 is the best. Who has research and innovation then it
not heard of companies like Apple, stops giving results.
Samsung, Sony, Tesla, IBM, Nokia,
Accenture, and many more ?
3. Science behind Name
What is Name Correction &
why does it create results ?

Name correction means adding or

subtracting alphabets to your
current name. With the change of
spelling of your name, the Name
Vibration gets changed. The Name
remains the same but spelled
differently so that is harmonious It's like a TV if you want to watch a
with your Date Of Birth. different channel all you have to do is
change the frequency of the network and
you watch something that you desire
Your name is your individual identity,
however the TV remains the same.
With repetition, you can embed your
Similarly The Change in the spelling of
subconscious mind with your aligned
your name is the change in the frequency
name. As your subconscious mind
of the name vibration and thus can
accepts your new name vibration your
change your results as your name
frequency changes.
vibration changes , your Name remains .
4. Who is Mohsinaa Ahmad ?

Mohsinaa Ahmad is an acclaimed

Name Expert and a Master
Numerologist. Mohsinaa has more
than 8 years of experience in aligning
Personal names, Baby Names and
Business names for success &
profitability with clients in Dubai,
India, Bollywood, UK, USA, Australia,

Mohsinaa Ahmad has helped

thousands of people through Name
Correction and Empowering them
with the best Vibration so that they
fulfill their life purpose .

Mohsinaa is a Coach for Women NUMBERS SPEAK

Empowerment and genuinely helps
Women in different phase of life to let
go of the limiting beliefs and take 8+Years of Experience
control of their lives through filtering
their thoughts to create clarity and
Focus, Visualization & Manifestation , 2000+Happy Clients
Claiming Their True Selves.

4 Programs & Training's

5. Testimonials
Nicolleta P
It's unbelievable how a simple step
like name alignment can do wonders!
I was going through a rough patch in
my life and everything was haphazard.
As nothing was working for me, I
decided to go for name alignment.
And trust me, I am surprised how one
step made everything fall into place.
Guys if you are having second thoughts,
my suggestion- just go for it and you
will be more than happy.

Soumyaa S
In this competitive world, creating a mark
and finding your niche is a difficult task.
I had always wanted to excel in the
corporate world but somehow there used
to be unforeseen obstacles that always
pulled me back. On my friend's
recommendation, I went ahead with name
correction and this was the best decision
of my life.

Zakir Zaid
Being an entrepreneur in today's world
is a tedious task. Things started to work
for me when I took Mohsinaa ma'am's
guidance and chose a name for my firm
that was aligned. Never thought just
opting for a correct name is the one
step that can help reach zenith.
Sonnal L
I was going through a rough patch
in my relationship for months and
we took every step to make it work;
but nothing was working. It was
only after my name alignment
session I realised that my partner
and I had incompatible name. I
took the necessary steps and now
I am pleased to say that everything
has become better. It's crazy how
this thing works !

Sidharrth G
I lacked confidence and nothing was
helping me. From incessant workshops
to numerous PD classes, I spent a lot but
it was all worthless. Finally, on someone's
recommendation I went ahead with name
correction and this was a game changer
for me.

Aleyana A
Honestly, I never knew that
numerology was important while
deciding a name for your business.
While my business was going fine,
I saw remarkable growth only when
I changed the name of my business.
So if you wish to bring in success
and prosperity, then get the name
of your business aligned and be
amazed by how one step can
result in a domino effect.
6. Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to change in my
You don't even have to change
the Name
in the documents if you don't
want to and still benefit from it.

How much time does it take?

It takes upto 3 to 4 months for
the results to show up. If your
subconscious mind accepts the
name early results can be seen
earlier as well.

Can the session be in person as

I am in Dubai ?
All sessions are on zoom video
calls which is face to face and
we cater to global clients working
in different time zones .
No in person sessions are available.
7. It's Time to Decide

Are you being held hostage because

of your Name? By now you know
how important it is to have the
correct Name vibration and
alignment with your date of birth.
I have created a check list for you
for the most obvious results people
get with incorrect alignment.

If you tick this checklist right then

you must get your name corrected
and immediately book an
appointment with me. This
investment can prove to be the
most important investment of
your life.

I feel like a victim

I feel unlucky
I have to put extra effort for same results compared to others
I feel as if everything is obstructing my path to success
I feel engulfed with negativity
I think I am not getting the results of your success
I feel unappreciated by your partner
I feel invisible
I feel misunderstood most time
I get into reputation damage , controversies
8.Did you know that name AJAY DEVGN
alignment is also used by Do you think your name creates barri-
persons in Bollywood? er in your success? Can your name
help you in getting results?
Yes it can.As you know that film ind-
KIARA ADVANI ustry is a very competitive field.
Ajay Devgn was not getting the roles
Do you believe that your name has an and the fame that he wanted.Then,
impact on how your career develops? he corrected his name from
Do you know that Kiara Advani AJAY DEVGAN to AJAY DEVGN.
changed her name before beginning This was his breakthrough in his ca-
her career in Bollywood? reer.He started getting films like Sing-
Yes, You heard me right. ham,Golmaal,Drishyam which made
Kiara Advani is one of the finest him a superstar that he is today.
examples of how correct name align-
ment helps an individual.
She wasn't receiving the recognition
she deserved in the early stages of
her career. Then she changed her
name from ALIA ADVANI to KIARA
ADVANI. Using her aligned name, she
was able to advance in her work and
find the success she deserved. Since
then, She has not looked back.
Can your name help you get the ARE YOU AWARE OF THE
result you were waiting
for?The answer is Yes.If you are a BUSINESSES THAT
big fan of bollywood,then you must CHANGED THEIR NAME
know the actor Rajkumar Rao.Did AND GREW?
you know that he changed his LETS FIND OUT.
name from RAJ KUMAR YADAV to
RAJKUMMAR RAO. After aligning
his name in 2014,he started getting RAYMOND
the films like Queen, Bareilly ki barfi,
Stree and many more.You see how Are you concerned for the future of
with a right name he has now your company? Do you also wish to
become one of the most success- expand your company? You must be
ful actors of the decade. He is now familiar with the name RAYMOND. But
considered a big name in bolly- did you know, that it was formerly
wood industry. called as RAYMONDS? No you didn’t

When Raymond first opened for busi-

ness, it was a small woollen mill in
Thane, but with the appropriate name
alignment, it quickly spread throughout
India and is today one of the top textile
companies in the country.
So you see how a correct name gives
an advantage to your business.

Do you think that a name can help Is your company not being rec-
you grow your business? If you are ognised? We all recognise
a foodie,then you must have heard Amazon as the largest e-com-
about Haldiram’s. It started its merce company , which started in
business in Rajasthan and 1994. Did you know that it went
expanded all over India. Do you from being known as CADABRA
know how? Yes you are thinking to AMAZON? Yes, you did read
right.They changed their name that right.
from HALDIRAM to HALDI- The company's name was
RAM’S.With the change in name, changed after the owner, Jeff
their business grew at a very fast Bezos, realized the old moniker
pace and it is now India’s largest had lost its shine.And that one
snack company. Do you think it is decision turned his business into
limited just within India? The the behemoth it is today.
answer is a big NO. Haldiram’s
now have its outlets in more than
80 countries. So are you also will-
ing to align the right name for your

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