Computer Practice

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MS - word Practice

Project 1
Performing the following on Ms Word as it is formatted below. (30min)

Business Letters/Correspondence/
Documents which are written well, easy to understand, and kept to the point are composed by people who
have clarified their thoughts before writing. All business letters have purpose the first rule of letter
writing is to make that objective perfectly clear to your recipient. Make your letters effective by
THINKING before you write, and always writing what you think.
2004 e.c 2005 e.c 2006 e.c

Instruction :-Based on the above information perform the following question.

1. Copy the paragraph one times
2. Make the title Bold ,Italics and 16 font size
3. Save the Document on the desktop, by creating folder named ”JIMMA” by the file
Name “Waliso”
Project 2
Performing the following on Ms Word as it is. (15 min)

S/n Name


e appraisal
Total Data

1 Strongly agree 38% 25% 22%
2 Agree 20% 12% 26%
3 Nether Agree Nor Disagree 49% 14% 56%
4 Disagree 18% 74% 87%
5 Strongly Disagree 62% 8% 37%

Instruction:-Based on the above information perform the following question.

1. Make the title of table Bold, Align left, font size 14 and Algerian Font
2. Layout # Design Table1 by using medium Shading 2
3. Save the Document on the desktop, by creating folder “ETHIOPIA” on the file Name
Exercise on MS Excel sheet
Project 1
Enter the following data on Ms excel sheet (50 min)
ABC Company Wants To Know the Following data

Month Unit price Unit sold Total revenue Total Expense Net profit
January 25 140
February 37 100
March 48 114
April 19 204
May 28 201
Instruction:-Based on the above information perform the following question.
1. Total Revenue = Unit Price X Unit Sold

2. Total Expense = 15% of the Total Revenue
3. Net profit = Total Revenue – Total Expense
4. Insert A Colum chart for the Month and Unit price only
Chart Title = ABC Company
X-Axis= Month
Y-Axis= Product
5. Save the Document on the desktop, on the previous folder “JIMMA” by creating
folder Named “WPTC” by the file name “DD”

Project 2
Enter the following data on Ms excel sheet
ABC Company Wants To Know the Following data
Month Unit price Unit sold Total revenue Total Expense Net profit
January 25 140
February 37 100
March 48 114
April 19 204
May 28 201
Instruction:-Based on the above information perform the following question.
6. Total Revenue = Unit Price X Unit Sold
7. Total Expense = 15% of the Total Revenue
8. Net profit = Total Revenue – Total Expense
9. Insert A Colum chart for the Month and Unit price only
Chart Title = ABC Company
X-Axis= Month
Y-Axis= Product
10. Save the Document on the desktop, on the folder “ETHIOPIA” by creating folder Name
“WPTC” by the file name “DD”
Project 3
Performing the following on Microsoft Excel Sheet
Payment for Worker

s/n Name Basic Income tax Pension Total deduction Net Salary
1 Tsehay Muluneh 3,000.00
2 Wenshet Sleshi 3,500.00
3 Hayat Ahimed 2,800.00
4 Muntaha Umer 4,000.00
5 Tigist Tiruneh 2,600.00
6 Negesu Fekadu 5,000.00
7 Chaltu Soresa 1,000.00
8 Znash Benti 1,800.00
9 Kibinesh Gobisa 4,000.00
10 Ayantu Hirpa 3,800.00
12 Merertu Terefe 1,600.00
13 Gemechu Gemenda 1,700.00
14 Bulti Refera 500.00
15 Balcha Gobisa 2,500.00
Instruction:-Based on the above information perform the following question.
1. Income Tax
 <=150------0  2351-3550*25%-235
 151-650*10%-15  3551-5000*30%-412.5
 651-1400*15%-47.5  >=5001*35-612
 1401-2350*20%-117.5

2. Pension = 6% of the BS
3. Total Deduction = Income Tax + Pension
4. Net Salary = Basic Salary - Total Deduction
5. Save the file with the file name “DHD” by creating folder named “WOLISO” on the desktop.

Project 1
Enter the following data on Ms excel sheet (50 min)
ABC Company Wants To Know the Following data

Month Unit price Unit sold Total revenue Total Expense Net profit
January 25 140
February 37 100
March 48 114
April 19 204
May 28 201
Instruction:-Based on the above information perform the following question.
11. Total Revenue = Unit Price X Unit Sold
12. Total Expense = 15% of the Total Revenue
13. Net profit = Total Revenue – Total Expense
14. Insert A Colum chart for the Month and Unit price only
Chart Title = ABC Company
X-Axis= Month
Y-Axis= Product
15. Save the Document on the desktop, on the previous folder “JIMMA” by creating
folder Named “WPTC” by the file name “DD”
Project 2
Enter the following data on Ms excel sheet
ABC Company Wants To Know the Following data
Month Unit price Unit sold Total revenue Total Expense Net profit
January 25 140
February 37 100
March 48 114
April 19 204
May 28 201
Instruction:-Based on the above information perform the following question.
16. Total Revenue = Unit Price X Unit Sold
17. Total Expense = 15% of the Total Revenue
18. Net profit = Total Revenue – Total Expense
19. Insert A Colum chart for the Month and Unit price only
Chart Title = ABC Company
X-Axis= Month
Y-Axis= Product
20. Save the Document on the desktop, on the folder “ETHIOPIA” by creating folder Name
“WPTC” by the file name “DD”

Project 3
Performing the following on Microsoft Excel Sheet
Payment for Worker
s/n Name Basic Income tax Pension Total deduction Net Salary
1 Tsehay Muluneh 3,000.00
2 Wenshet Sleshi 3,500.00
3 Hayat Ahimed 2,800.00
4 Muntaha Umer 4,000.00
5 Tigist Tiruneh 2,600.00
6 Negesu Fekadu 5,000.00
7 Chaltu Soresa 1,000.00
8 Znash Benti 1,800.00
9 Kibinesh Gobisa 4,000.00
10 Ayantu Hirpa 3,800.00
12 Merertu Terefe 1,600.00
13 Gemechu Gemenda 1,700.00
14 Bulti Refera 500.00
15 Balcha Gobisa 2,500.00
Instruction:-Based on the above information perform the following question.
1. Income Tax
 <=150------0  2351-3550*25%-235
 151-650*10%-15  3551-5000*30%-412.5
 651-1400*15%-47.5  >=5001*35-662.5
 1401-2350*20%-117.5

2. Pension = 6% of the BS
3. Total Deduction = Income Tax + Pension
4. Net Salary = Basic Salary - Total Deduction
5. Save the file with the file name “DHD” by creating folder named “WOLISO” on the desktop.
6.Format your worksheet, as you like.
1. Open a new workbook and create the following data on sheet 3.
LM Trading
Cost Benefit Analysis
Product Qty Unit Transp. Total Tax Commission Total Net
Name Price Cost Price Expense Profit
Computer 15 8000 200
Printer 4 3000 30
Scanner 10 1200 10
Mouse 20 88 10
CD 100 12 5
Floppy 105 5 5
Speaker 25 92 25
CD Drive 15 670 15

2. Calculate the value of Total Price, Tax, Commission, Total Expense and Net profit based on the
following information.
- Total Price = Unit Price * Qty
- Tax = 1% of Total Price
- Commission = 5% of Total Price
- Total Expense = Unit price + Transportation Cost + Tax + Commission
- Net Profit = Total Price – Total Expense
3. Insert sheet and name it as Receipt.


1. Open a new work book and create the following data on sheet1

ODA Company
Annual Sales Summary
Product\Qtr Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 Total Aver Max Min
Product1 34501 45892 10452 12045
Product2 5234 6534 8625 2354
Product3 5423 7635 2536 7636
Product4 4253 6534 2545 7637
Product5 1536 5244 1532 2463
2. Save the above workbook with a file name of ODA Company2 under C:
3. Apply a dollar symbol for all numeric value.
4. Calculate Total, Average, Maximum and Minimum value of each product.
5. Underline with double line under Total sales value.
6. Format your worksheet, as you like.

Project 2
Instruction: Based on the information given below, you are supposed to
perform the following tasks:-
XYZ plc is a business firm engaging in selling merchandise good and items for
the customer’s existing in Woliso City. Let assume that you are assigned as
clerical worker in charges of doing basic clerical work activities on behalf of the
business firm.
Q#1. Demonstrate how you work effectively in a business environment?
Q#2. Perform how to organize and complete the daily work activities?
Q#3. Demonstrate how to receive and respond to work place communication?
Q#4. Demonstrate work value/work ethics?
Q#5. Show the procedures of continuous improvement of your good (the 5-S) to
meet the demand of your customer?

Q#6 Show entrepreneurial principles, concepts and how to become an
entrepreneur (entrepreneurial competency, effort and characteristics)?

Project 1:
Instruction: Given the following Cases in Geresu Enterprise and perform the
following tasks.
Geresu Enterprise is a private business working in distributing standard
electronics product from Garard Company and selling its products in local
market area. Assume that you are assigned as a sales person in the Enterprise,
in doing so when you are to sell the product to customer you face that some of
the products are failed to operate in correct manner.
Q#1. Describe how you work effectively with others?
Q#2. What business equipments or mechanisms do you use to report the
problem happened to concerned body?

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