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Weight (kg): 65 HRmax: 204 Jack Daniels Training Tables Intensity

✘ Metric 1 Male
0 Rest HR: 50 Points Grid
Valid age range is between 5 and 100. Age = 54 Lactate Threshold Zone (LT)
Distance: Marathon Time: 3:30:00 VDOT = 44.6 LT Pace: 7:30 mile 4:40 km LT HR: 180 - 188 ✘Metric 1 KM x2 0
Zone / Distance Recovery Easy Aerobic Zone Mod Aero Hi Aero Marathon 1/2 Mar 15k 12k 10k 8k 5k 3k 1 Mile
Heart Rate Tweak Miles - 26.2188 Meters - 42195.0 Distance in Miles --> 26.21875 13.10938 9.32057 7.456455 6.21371 4.97097 3.106856 1.864114 1.0
1. Moderate 2. Advanced % V02max = 81.3.% Distance in Meters --> 42195.0 21097.5 15000.0 12000.0 10000.0 8000.0 5000.0 3000.0 1609.3
3. Aggressive 1 Daniels' Calculated % of VO2max --> 81.3% 85.2% 87.7% 89.3% 90.6% 92.0% 94.8% 98.9% 106.6%
% of HRmax 65.0% 70.0% 73.0% 75.0% 78.0% 81.0% 84.0% 87.4% 89.5% 90.9% 92.0% 93.2% 95.5% 99.0% 100.0%
% of HR Reserve 53.6% 60.3% 64.2% 66.9% 70.9% 74.9% 78.8% 83.3% 86.1% 87.9% 89.3% 90.9% 94.1% 98.7% 100.0%
Train / Race HR 133 143 149 153 159 165 171 178 183 185 188 190 195 202 204
Pace / Mile 10:19 9:35 9:11 8:57 8:38 8:19 8:00 7:40 7:31 7:25 7:20 7:14 7:02 6:39 6:10
Pace / km 6:24 5:57 5:42 5:33 5:22 5:10 4:58 4:46 4:40 4:36 4:33 4:30 4:22 4:08 3:49
2nd edition 1st edition Race Times --> 3:30:00 1:40:43 1:10:10 0:55:23 0:45:39 0:36:02 0:21:54 0:12:24 0:06:10

No two runners are exactly alike. The many tables of projections and calculations in this worksheet are intended to be used as guidelines to
and goal setting. The pace calculations and other results of the worksheet are general approximations, and should not be considered absol
As the saying goes... "Your mileage may vary".

Throughout this worksheet, all user entry fields are blue text on a white background. All other values are calculated and should not be edite
measurement system preference, HRmax, resting heart rate, and best recent race result (or best guestimate) in the fields in the upper-left c
*Note: The mectric option here is for height and weight only. Each of the tables in the worksheet has its own option to switch to metric.

Using only that information, a fitness adjusted training heart rate profile along with accompanying training / racing paces
Then, using the HR and pace info, Intensity Points are calculated for the various distances listed along the left side of the Intensity Points

More fit runners can maintain a higher HR at a given race distance than less fit runners (especially at longer distances), and this is reflected
an elite runner may be able to run a marathon at 87-89% of HRmax, while a novice may only be able to maintain 80-82% of HRmax during
impacting this, including of course fitness level. But it's also due to the fact that time spent running is a significant factor with relation to main
A slower runner must ration his/her energy over a longer period of time, therefore needs to run at a lower effort to complete the distance.

You'll notice a small (S)how Button in the upper left of this section. This exposes a bit of addition info, including precise race distances in b
a Heart Rate Tweak option. This option allows modeling the Heart Rate scale in three different modes; Moderate, Advanced, and Aggressi
higher heart rates at the given race distances than the default model suggests. Those runners may find the Advanced or Aggressive modes
any of this, I suggest leaving this setting at 1. Moderate. It's probably the best match for the majority of people. You can

Because the race time projection components of Daniels' formulas have proven to be too difficult for me to master, I am forced to use anoth
projected race times (Pete Riegel's formula). Therefore, the race time proections in this worksheet will not match the race times in Mr. Dani
very closely. Daniels' VDOT is a sort of normalized representation of relative VO2max. VDOT values were derived with the assumption tha
and running economy are equal among all runners. Of course, this isn't the case. However, for establishing racing and training intensities, V
factors work very well.To fully understand the concepts behind VDOT, and for excellent overall training insight, I highly recommend picking

The Intensigy Points Grid provides a method of quantifying the stress or workload of a particular workout type across a wide range of pac
This allows comparison of relative workloads of the various types of workouts, and provides a means of tracking combined intensity over we
Intensity Point calculations are based on data taken from Jack Daniels' Intensity Training Table (Table 2.2) from "Daniels' Running Formul
More training points per minute are given to workouts as the intensity increases. The faster and/or longer the workout, the more points are

In his book, Daniels' table shows Intensity Points in terms of minutes run. The Intensity Grid above shows approximate
To find the Intensity Points for a workout (or portion of a workout), find the miles on the left side of the Intensity Table, then look across tha
the effort level of the workout (either in terms of training heart rate or pace).

The Intensity Points Calculator is a little tool to calculate and total Intensity points for up to 10 runs of variable distance, time, pace, and
The calculator operates in 4 different modes: Time and Distance, Time and Pace, Distance and Pace, and Time and Heart Rate.
Select the preferred mode by entering the appropriate number (1 through 4) in the Mode Entry Box.

Daniels outlines the following general guidelines regarding total weekly point levels:
[Novice High School - 50 points] [Advanced High School - 100 points] [College - 150 points] [Elite - 200 points]

The Intesity section is rather large, and can be hidden if you're not interested in seeing this info all the time.

The Tempo Pace, Impact of Temperarture, and Impact of Weight sections are also derived from informaiton courtesy of Mr Daniels.
In all cases, I worked up factors which closely approximate the results found in the tables in Daniels' books.
Using data from Table 7.1 in Daniels' 2nd Edition, the Tempo Pace table starts with a baseline 20 minute Threshold Pace
ranging from 25 to 60 minutes. Tempo paces shown are appropriate for the fitness level indicated by the race distance & time entered at th

The Interval Split Times Calculator below the Tempo Pace Chart calculates even split times for key Interval training paces,
and has the option of calculating for US/Imperial or Metric distances.

The Training Range Guidelines table outlines Greg McMillan's training ranges, and provides an alternative set of
for comparison. The race distance ranges defining each training type are quoted directly from McMillan's site. However, due to differences
the actual pace ranges are only approximations and do not exactly match those on McMillan's site.

The Joe Friel Training Zone Guidelines table outlines Joe Friel's training Zones, and provides a 2nd alternative set of guidelines from a p
for comparison. The formulas for this section are based on the information on Joe's "Quick Guide to Training with Heart Rate, Power and P
The worksheet uses 90% of Heart Rate max for the default LTHR, and the calculated Lactate Threshold Pace as the default FTPa.
If you do Joe's 30 minute test to determine your actual LTHR or FTPa, you can override the defaults with your actuals.

The Adverse Impact of Temperature table calculations are extracted from Table 10.1 in the 1st Edition of Daniels' book. This table was om
Perhaps he found that performance loss due to heat was too variable to accurately predict. What ever the reason, I still find it interesting to
temperatures affect running performance, even if the table results have a potential for a high degree of variability or error. I'm not saying for
but Daniels must have had some reason for omitting this table in the 2nd edition. Daniels references durations representing marathon time
I assume a similar slowdown is experienced for all racing distances.

The Projected Impact of Weight calculation comes from information from Daniels and Gilbert's "Oxygen Power" booklet, published in 1979
The formula is; current weight times current VDOT divided by projected weight = projected VDOT. A few pounds can make quite a differenc
(Yes, as of the completion of this worksheet, I do weigh 195 lbs with an extimated VDOT score of 44….. Feel my pain!)

Continuing down are a couple tables for analyzing appropriate and healthy weight ranges (BMI and Dr Stillman guidelines

The last table going down is the Intensity Distribution Table, used to calculate by what percentage each type of training contributes to tota
work invites burnout and/or injury. This table is designed to help develop a balanced distribution of the various types of training. Cursor ove
basic guidelines for the length or duration of each type of workout. Since not everyone runs the same types of workouts on the same days,
These fields may be edited to days of the week, if preferred.

Long runs are entered in the last column. Long Run mileage may be entered all in the Aerobic Zone field, or it may be entered as a com
warm-up, an aerobic zone piece, and a marathon or LT paced piece. The worksheet uses the total of all components to calculate the long r

To the right of the these tables is the Add & Subtract Time calculator. The pace averaging calculation within the Add section is intended fo
but will average any combination of times. The Multiplier (default is x1.0) can be used to multiply one or more entries by any desired factor
mile split time, then set the multiplier to some number of desired miles. A total time for the distance will then be calculated. This works even
To change the multiplier just enter the new factor, the x symbol shows by default. As a reminder, the multiplier turns red anytime it is set to

To the right of the Time Addition/Subbtration calculator is the Extended Projection Table, a more complete listing of race time Projections
WMA Age/Sex Grading Table of equivalent race efforts. Both the base age and comparison age (vs Age) can be edited to any age betwe
male or female. This info doesn't come from Daniels, but it can be fun to compare your times with runners of different ages, your former se
to see who *really* ran the best effort! I averaged factors across all distances for each 1 year age division, rather than using the entire data
Therefore, these results likely differ somewhat from other MWA / WAVA calculators. (MWA - World Masters Athletics

Below the Extended Projection Table is the Adjusted Time Section. The Baseline Time defaults to the Entry Time at the top of the sheet, bu
The Age Graded Time table calculates an equivalent time for a 25 year old open class runner with a BMI of 18.5 competing
The Weight Change and Temperature tables calculate approximate time adustments for projected weight differences and race temperatu
The Combined Adjusted Time table adds all or any combination of adjustments to the intial time. Note that distance is irrelevant for these
The Peak Potential table allows users to ponder a hypothetical maximum potential at their current age and weight. The calculation is mad
age factors to the Open Standard (World Record) as recorded in the 2006 WMA Age Grading Tables. Achieving close to this time would rep

I make some general assupmtions for the Adjusted Time and Peak Potential calcs that wil not be universally correct, such as the assump
recommended healthy weight for that scale) is the "ideal weight" for runners, and that the user would not lose any aerobic capacity or stren
Users should not place ultimate faith in these results. The intention is to give some general insight into potential max performance.

The remaining tables in the lower right section provide various miscellaneous calculations and US to metric / metric to US measurement

This worksheet developed by Herman Nieuwendaal - - 06/02/2006

Download the latest version at:

Bibliography/Works Cited
Daniels, Jack, and Jimmy Gilbert. Oxygen Power: Performance Tables for Distance Runners. Jack Daniels, Jimmy Gilbert c1
Daniels, Jack. Daniels' Running Formula (1nd Edition). Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics, c1998.
Daniels, Jack. Daniels' Running Formula (2nd Edition). Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics, c2005.

McMillan, Greg. McMillan's 6 Step Training System - Step #4: The 12 Key Workouts. McMillan Running Company, Inc. Copyr
Website - Web Page Cited -

Friel, Joe. Quick Guide to Training with Heart Rate, Power and Pace.
Website - Web Page Cited - Joe Friel's Quick Guide to Training

Riegel, Pete. Developed the race time projection model used in this worksheet. T2=T1*(D2/D1)^1.06
Founding Member, Association of Road Racing Statisticians. <><>
World Masters Association (WMA - Formerly WAVA) - Maintain and update WMA Age Graded Tables. <
are intended to be used as guidelines to aid in training plan development
ns, and should not be considered absolutes.

s are calculated and should not be edited. Enter your height & weight,
uestimate) in the fields in the upper-left corner of the worksheet.
as its own option to switch to metric.

training / racing paces are calculated.

long the left side of the Intensity Points table.

at longer distances), and this is reflected in the heart rate profile. For example,
e to maintain 80-82% of HRmax during a marathon. There are several factors
s a significant factor with relation to maintaining a particular heart rate.
lower effort to complete the distance.

nfo, including precise race distances in both Imperial and Metric form, as well as
es; Moderate, Advanced, and Aggressive. Some runners find they can maintain
find the Advanced or Aggressive modes a better match. If you're not sure about
y of people. You can (H)ide this section when not in use if you wish.

r me to master, I am forced to use another projection model to calculate

will not match the race times in Mr. Daniels VDOT tables exactly, but do trend
es were derived with the assumption that aerobic capacity, lactate threshold,
blishing racing and training intensities, VDOT's normalized
ing insight, I highly recommend picking up a copy of Daniels' book.

workout type across a wide range of pace and durations.

ns of tracking combined intensity over weekly or monthly training periods.
able 2.2) from "Daniels' Running Formula, 2nd Edition".
longer the workout, the more points are accumulated.

ve shows approximate equivalent point values from the perspective of miles run.
the Intensity Table, then look across that row to the column that reflects

ns of variable distance, time, pace, and heart rate..

ce, and Time and Heart Rate.

te - 200 points]

informaiton courtesy of Mr Daniels.

minute Threshold Pace run and adjusts the pace for Tempo Runs
by the race distance & time entered at the top of the worsheet.

ey Interval training paces,

nges, and provides an alternative set of guidelines from a professional source

llan's site. However, due to differences in race pace calculation methods,

nd alternative set of guidelines from a professional source

Training with Heart Rate, Power and Pace".
hold Pace as the default FTPa.
s with your actuals.

dition of Daniels' book. This table was omitted in Daniels' 2nd Edition.
ver the reason, I still find it interesting to have some idea how high
e of variability or error. I'm not saying for sure there is a lot of error,
s durations representing marathon times in his table.

xygen Power" booklet, published in 1979.

A few pounds can make quite a difference!
4….. Feel my pain!)

Dr Stillman guidelines), and a table of Absolute VO2max calculations.

e each type of training contributes to total weekly mileage. Too much speed / quality
the various types of training. Cursor over the Run Type Names in the table to see
me types of workouts on the same days, a Day 1, Day 2, etc convention is used.

one field, or it may be entered as a combination of different components, such as a

of all components to calculate the long run percentage of weekly total mileage.

ion within the Add section is intended for use when all splits are of equal distance,
ne or more entries by any desired factor. One use for this would be to enter a one
will then be calculated. This works even with decimal values such as 6.2 or 26.2!
e multiplier turns red anytime it is set to a value other than 1.0.

complete listing of race time Projections for various distances. Included is a

vs Age) can be edited to any age between 5 and 100, and designated as either
unners of different ages, your former self, and/or members of the opposite sex,
division, rather than using the entire data field from the 2006 WMA tables.
Masters Athletics, formerly WAVA -World Association of Veteran Athletes )

he Entry Time at the top of the sheet, but can be overwritten with any time value.
unner with a BMI of 18.5 competing under optimal conditions.
d weight differences and race temperatures greater than 60 degrees fahrenheit.
Note that distance is irrelevant for these calculations.
age and weight. The calculation is made by applying the user's BMI and
es. Achieving close to this time would represent an Elite level perfomance effort.

universally correct, such as the assumption that a BMI of 18.5 (the minimum
d not lose any aerobic capacity or strength if they dropped down to that.
nto potential max performance.

o metric / metric to US measurement conversions.

This update is ing Tables Dated: 5/2/2011

ners. Jack Daniels, Jimmy Gilbert c1979

Millan Running Company, Inc. Copyright © 2006

Joe Friel's Quick Guide to Training with Heart Rate, Power and Pace

aded Tables. <>

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