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Describe a routine you have in your life that you enjoy

I’m gonna tell you about one of my routines which helps me the most in staying focused: going jogging
in the morning. I often get bogged down with my studies, and it seems like I cannot stay concentrated
if I don’t take a short break to exercise.
I took up this habit about 2 years ago. At that time, I was up to my ears with my studies, to prepare for
my entrance examination so I was a little bit stressed out. Then I thought that I needed to do something
energetic to release some stress, so I decided to have a crack at jogging.
At first, doing this was quite challenging for me because I led a sedentary lifestyle. I just sat in front of
my computer every day to complete my assignments. But after a few days of suffering from muscle
aches, I got used to jogging and kept doing it in the evening.
Well, I have to say that this sport has helped me a lot in strengthening my physical health as well as my
mental health.
I feel like a new person after sweating a bit in the morning. Actually, I feel like I wouldn’t be able to
function without exercise - it’s what gives me energy. I feel proud of myself that this is what keeps me
focused, as it is also a healthy habit to have. I can recharge my batteries and work on my fitness
simultaneously. All in all, I’m in love with this method and it makes me feel amazing!

be bogged down with sth (adj): vướng bận với cái gì

be up to one’s ears with sth (idiom): (bận) bù đầu với việc gì
have a crack at sth (idiom): thử cái gì
muscle aches (n): đau cơ

Describe an article on health you read on a magazine or the Internet

Last month, while I was surfing the internet, I came across an article by chance. Its name, "sleep or
die", was really shocking, and it awakened my curiosity. The article is about the dire consequences of
sleep deprivation. It starts with some mild impacts on people's physical appearance. In particular,
people who do not sleep enough stand more chances of losing hair, having pimples on the face, and
sunken eyes. (As a girl,) I found this an important piece of information. But the article does not stop
there. It keeps mentioning more serious health issues, caused by sleep deprivation. They include loss
of memory, hypertension, heart attack, and even cancer, as well as immature deaths. That's the moment
when I started feeling afraid. I looked back at myself. Before reading the article, I had set it a rule to
play games, and watch movies on the phone, until 2 am. Then I got up at 8 am in the morning. That
meant I had slept only 6 hours a day, and always suffered from serious fatigue. More specifically, the
article also offers some ways to help us fall asleep more easily such as changing sleeping position,
creating a suitable space to relax. It was really helpful especially for night owls like me. And, this article
had a dramatic impact on my perception of getting enough sleep. Then, I decided to make a radical
change, to live a healthy lifestyle.


Describe a problem you got when going shopping

Last November, I had a not-so-interesting shopping experience. As my brother’s birthday was coming
and the weather was rather cold, I decided to buy him a jacket. After considering a thousand models, I
eventually made a decision. Of course, only when the shopkeeper guaranteed that I could get a change
within 7 days did I decide to pay for the item. Well, as I had anticipated, my brother was really interested
in the jacket, but it was a little tight for him. Probably because he had gained some weight after a
summer vacation. That meant I had to take the jacket to the store for a change. But to my surprise and
disappointment, another shopkeeper refused to get me a new one with the excuse that the store only
accepted a change within 5 days, instead of a week as announced by the previous shop assistant. Well,
that really got on my nerves. Of course, as a customer in the era of technology, I knew that I had my
own power. Shortly after, I wrote some reviews about the store on Facebook, and gave the store one
star on Google. A day after, the owner of the fashion store contacted me and apologized for the incident,
and offered me a new jacket with some discounts. Well, it showed that the shop owner really cared
about the reputation of his store. And as my feedback was listened to, I felt a little sense of satisfaction,
and my attitude towards the shop changed.
get on my nerves (idiom): làm ai phát điên

A gift that took you a lot of time to choose

Last year, when my mother’s birthday was coming, I got really confused by a question that sounds
quite simple: “What to give my mother?”. In previous years, I had selected shoes, clothes, fashionable
bags and makeup for her birthdays; therefore, I would like to make a difference. After a while of
consideration, an idea came to my mind that perfume would be a suitable present. Straight after, I went
to a cosmetic shop to consult a professional. That even rendered me more confused as there were
thousands of options. Some had sweet and soft scents; others were fresh and cool, while others were
warm and exquisite (tinh tế). Actually, I had no foggiest idea (không biết tí nào) about my mother’s
taste of scent. Also, the price range of the items also made me perplexed (= confused). A high-end (cao
cấp) bottle of perfume would be beyond my means (vượt qua khả năng tài chính) while a mediocre
(tầm thường) one would not be impressive enough. Fortunately, I got help from the consultant (nhân
viên tư vấn). I told her about my mother, who’s a gentle, and sociable woman. And the consultant
recommended me to select perfume with floral scent, which would perfectly suit my mother’s
personality and it was not too pricey. In total, it took me a whole morning to come up with the final
choice. But in exchange, my mother was over the moon when receiving the gift, and that’s enough to
make my day (làm tôi vui cả ngày).


Describe a dinner that you really enjoyed

On my 17th birthday, I invited my partners in crime (=close friends) to an eatery near our school to
celebrate the event. I decided to have a hot pot as it would give us lots of time to talk and have fun. The
restaurant’s floor was covered with wood, and walls were decorated with dried tree branches and
flowers, which gave us coziness (sự ấm cúng) and a great sense of comfort. The party was started with
the most exciting part, gift giving. As it’s winter, my friends gave me a new jacket as a present and
they wished me health, happiness, and good luck. Then we had some fried peanuts as a dessert, which
whet our appetite (làm ai có cảm giác thèm ăn) for the main course of seafood hot pot. Everything was
fresh, briny (mặn mòi), and surprisingly cheap. Of course, one thing we couldn’t miss was some cups
of beer, which tasted a little bitter, sharp, and pungent (hăng, mạnh) with a creamy layer of foam (lớp
bọt mịn) on the top. During the meal, my friends and I had endless talks about our studies, our hobbies,
the future and so on. I was constantly tickled pink (bị chọc cười) by my friends, who were really joke
machines that never failed to amuse others. In other words, the party was full of laughter. And we
didn’t forget to fill our smartphones with thousands of pictures to capture such an unforgettable
Describe an unusual meal you had

Well, I‘ll take this chance to tell you about the time when I tried some special barbecue foods at a
barbecue restaurant 3 years ago. One day, my voluntary group decided to eat out and we decided to go
to a newly opened BBQ restaurant near our school, which had good reviews on Facebook. We ordered
four dishes with three different tastes. One of them, which really interested me, was grilled Turkish
mutton, flavored with something spicy, rich and aromatic. It not only tasted delicious, but also looked
appealing. Also, it went well with two kinds of dipping sauces and was served with salad, which gave
it a mild taste to contrast with the spicy flavors. What I really enjoyed was that we could watch it, as it
was cooked in front of us. The cook amazed us with his skills. It’s like he’s dancing with the food, with
his swift movements. Well, back to the food, I loved how juicy it was and the aroma it had. Just
mentioning it is enough to make my mouth water and make my stomach growl. I mean, the BBQ was
out of this world. During the meal, we talked a lot about what we had done that year and about our
plans for the new year. We had such a blast. And though the food was quite expensive, it’s worth every
mutton (n): thịt cừu
rich (adj): đặm vị
aromatic (adj): thơm
dipping sauce (n): nước chấm
a mild taste (n): vị lạt
makes one’s mouth water (idiom): khiến ai thèm nhỏ dãi
makes one’s stomach growl (v): khiến bụng dạ cồn cào
out of this world (idiom): tuyệt vời
be worth every penny (idiom): đáng đồng tiền bát gạo


Describe a place you visited on vacation

Last year, as I passed the high school entrance examination with flying colors, my parents awarded me
a trip to Paris, the capital of light. The city really left me with strong impressions. Very first thing to
talk about Paris is its romantic sceneries. Those include buildings whose designs date back to the 1980s.
The picturesque streets, with their inexpressible beauty, served as perfect backgrounds for selfies of
mine and my mother. Also, while we wandered on the streets, my mind was sometimes blown away by
sculptures of renaissance style. Of course, there’s one thing I couldn't miss when visiting Paris. It’s the
Eiffel Tower. From its observatory, I had a panoramic view over the whole city, which was really
enough for me to release stress.At night, when the tower was lit, it provided me with a totally different
picture of itself. Together with twinkling lights from the surrounding constructions, it created a poetic
background. You know, it really allowed my mind to wander (đi lang thang). Besides, for an emotional
eater like me, there’s another thing I had to do. It’s enjoying the city’s cuisine. One of the signature
foods of Paris was surely bread. Paris’ bread, whose name is baguette, has its special taste and texture.
Its cover is crusty (giòn, cứng) while the inside melts in the mouth. Combined with its natural sweet,
the food never fails to whet gourmets’ appetite. And it’s really eccentric to me. Last but not least, what
made me interested in Paris was that the city was blessed with a clean atmosphere with breezes
constantly bringing moisture from the Seine river throughout the city.

baguette /bæɡˈet/ (n): bánh mì Việt Nam

Describe a place in a village that you visited

About 3 years ago, I had a special trip that left me with strong impressions. It’s the last days of the year,
and ‘cos we were free from school, my friends and I decided to go somewhere far away, as a way to
separate ourselves from stress, and to discover the outside world. The trip was taken by motorcycles
‘cos we wanted to inhale the fresh air during the trip. We passed through several places but we decided
to stop at a fishing village, all because of its rusty and pristine beauty. Instead of unbearable noises in
cities, the village gave us moments of peace and tranquility. The only sounds we could hear were the
lovely noise of young children playing together, and the whisper of waves hitting the shore. When we
arrived there, we could immediately feel the friendliness of the villagers, who welcomed us with
radiant smiles and even invited us for lunch. While we were taking a rest, the villagers came back to
work, right in the fiery sun. It seemed that they were all tireless and could work round the clock. The
only thing they wished was to catch as many fish as possible and earn a little more, for a brighter future
for their children. A similarity they all shared was a tanned skin and a ripped body, which I believed to
be the result of extreme hard work. Well, another point we marveled at was the bewitching beauty of
the beach replete with golden sand, and the crystal blue sea. Well, the village is no ordinary escape
from the hustle and bustle of urban life, I could say.
a ripped body (n): 1 cơ thể cường tráng
radiant smile (n): nụ cười tỏa nắng
marvel at sth (v): ngạc nhiên trước cái gì (đẹp)
bewitching (a): mê hoặc
no ordinary escape from sth (n): 1 cách để thoát khỏi cái gì
hustle and bustle (n): sự hối hả
rustic and pristine beauty (n): vẻ đẹp mộc mạc và hoang sơ

Describe another city you would like to stay for a short time

The place I’m gonna tell you about is Hoi An ancient town – a dreamland with many interesting things.
The first time I visited this town was 5 years ago. As soon as I arrived there, I felt that it was the place
where I should have been born. Hoi An is located in the center of Vietnam. It has its own unique
characters and emotional pull. The town has something for everyone: glorious history, stunning
architecture, amazing foods and picturesque landscapes. Living in Hoi An, people can have a chance
to have a bike trip around the town and admire its ancient and poetic beauty. It was truly a once-in-
a-lifetime experience for us. At night, people can go around the town and try local cuisines which are
not only scrumptious but also reasonably priced. One more thing that makes this town so interesting
and unique is its buildings that reflect the influences of both indigenous and foreign architecture, which
you can hardly find anywhere else. Despite being a tourist destination, life there is really peaceful,
many of my friends who live there claim that. Living there, we can escape from the hustle and bustle
of the rat race in our city and enjoy ourselves more with a pleasant place, cool air, gentle locals, and
the romance of Hoi An. Though I really love this place, I still cannot part ways with my beloved family
and friends in my hometown, so I just want to live there for a short period of time.
admire (v): thưởng ngoạn
picturesque landscape (n): cảnh đẹp nên thơ
scrumptious (adj): ngon
once-in-a-lifetime experience (trải nghiệm hiếm có trong đời)
the rat race (n): nhịp sống hối hả
Describe a town or city where you would like to live in the future

If I could live anywhere in the world, I would choose Singapore. There are different reasons why
Singapore is an ideal place of residence in my eyes, but the major reason is that when living there I
would never feel bored. First, Singaporean cuisine is famous for its street foods, especially ones sold
in ChinaTown. They are cheap and cheerful. You can have a hearty meal for just 25 dollars. Another
point that makes me interested in Singapore is that the country is a cultural hotspot where I experience
Chinese, Indian, Malaysian and English cultures at the same time. There are pagodas that I have been
familiar with. There are also mosques and Indian churches whose classical architecture never ceases
to stir up my curiosity. Also, I would spend my weekends in Sentosa island, the entertainment center
of the country. There, I would visit Universal Studio and mix myself in the world of movies and
cartoons. Or, I could mix myself in nature by taking a walk in a random park in the country. You know,
Singapore is one of the greenest and cleanest cities in the world. There, trees are everywhere, in the
parks, in offices, on apartment roofs, and even inside the country’s residential airport, the Changi
Airport. And, you would not be able to see any piece of trash on the street. Last but not least,
Singaporean people are known for their politeness and friendliness, giving expats a welcoming
atmosphere. Well, if the dream came true, my life would be fulfilled.


Describe your favourite clothes

Of all the gifts I have received, the one I cherish the most is a hoodie jacket that my best friend gave
me on my 20th birthday. About the jacket, it has a special design that makes it look like a huge “A”
letter and it’s rather baggy (rộng). The outer layer is made of polyester, making it feel soft and good
on the skin while the inside layer is made of cotton, keeping me warm on freezing winter days. It is
light blue in color, giving me some sense of relaxation whenever I put it on. Well, one interesting thing
about the jacket is that it is two-sided. That means I can evert (lộn trong ra ngoài) it and turn it into
another jacket with a totally different color. The inside is white and light orange checkered, which
makes me rather outstanding in the crowd. The jacket is water-proof, so, combined with the hood, it
can be a replacement for a raincoat in heavy rain and I can walk in a small rain without getting wet. In
short, it’s highly convenient. Well, one thing I haven’t mentioned is that it’s decorated with a brown
bear embroidered on the chest and it looks extremely lovely. I put on the jacket rather frequently
because it’s rather easy to mix and match with other items like a shirt inside, a pair of jeans and a pair
of trainers. All of those points show how delicate my friend was when choosing the present.

mix and match (v): phối đồ


Describe a short term job you want to have in a foreign country

I have the American dream. In other words, it’s my goal to study abroad in the US. And if the dream is
realized, I will surely have to find a way to make ends meet in such an expensive country. And perhaps
the easiest job I could find there is to become a waitress. The job requires no certification, and it’s not
too demanding. Also, it will give me flextime (tgian linh hoạt). Well, the official salary of a waitress
may not be really high, but in America, it’s a tradition that restaurant customers give tips to the waiters
and waitresses. Therefore, the job may help me get by (xoay sở) during my studies. You know, for ages,
I have been fond of the image of an active Asian student working and supporting herself in a foreign
country, instead of becoming a burden on her parents’ shoulder. Besides, working as a waitress, I will
be able to learn a lot, including punctuality and patience as well as enhancing my problem-solving skill.
Moreover, by communicating with the locals every day, I’ll surely improve my interpersonal skills, and
my English speaking and listening ability, which will be extremely beneficial to my future career.

Describe a job you think is interesting

You know, becoming a hotel manager has always been my dream career path. I am passionate about
this job for many different reasons. The very first is its high salary. As far as I know, a hotel manager
makes from 100 to 200 grand a year, which would provide me with a comfortable lifestyle.

Additionally, as people's living standards continue to rise, there is a continuous increase in their
demands for long trips, to exotic lands. This trend creates an abundance of opportunities for those in
the hospitality industry, including hotel managers.
What also makes this job appealing is the frequent travel it entails. Attending seminars and conferences
is a key aspect of a hotel manager's job, which means I would have the chance to travel to different
countries, while enjoying free flight tickets and accommodation.

In particular, I am planning to study abroad in Switzerland, as the country is famous for its pristine
beauty. I am excited to witness the magnificence of mountains covered in white snow and bungalows
surrounded by green lawns, which offer breathtaking views. Although studying in Switzerland can be
expensive, I believe it will be a worthy investment for my future career.

Also, as a hotel manager, I would have the opportunity to interact with people from different cultural
backgrounds, learn about their customs and traditions, and broaden my horizons. Overall, my passion
for becoming a hotel manager is driven by a combination of financial security, travel opportunities, and
personal growth.

passionate about sth (adj): đam mê với cái gì

grand (n - informal): ngàn đô
exotic (adj): mới lạ
an abundance of (quant): rất nhiều
the hospitality industry (n): ngành khách sạn
entail (v): kéo theo
pristine (adj): hoang sơ
magnificence (n): sự ngoạn mục
bungalow (n): nhà sàn
breathtaking view (n): cảnh đẹp ngoạn mục, ná thở
broaden one’s horizons (idiom): mở rộng vốn hiểu biết
drive (v): thúc đẩy

Describe a perfect job you would like to have in the future

I’m not sure if you can tell, but I’m a daydreamer. So, I have an immense love for melodies. And if I
could choose to have any job in the world, it would be becoming a singer. There are a myriad of reasons
why singing is an ideal job for me. If the dream comes true, I will be performing catchy songs on the
stage. And I can live and work with my passion. When singing, most of the time, I can set myself in a
relaxed mood. Some other times, I experience different shades of emotion, from the deepest sadness
to ecstasy. And through the songs, I can express my feelings rather than hide them inside. Another
point, which is not the major one but is also worth considering, is that the job may take me to fame and
fortune. You know, an A-lister can make a bundle after each concert. But more importantly, I love
being surrounded by adoring fans and I love to hear my name chanted by the cheering crowd. When
I was little, I thought that all the singers were raking in money, just look at how Taylor Swift held only
a tour and made over 300 million USD. However, when I was older, I realized that becoming a
successful singer is easier said than done. It’s a highly competitive job and it requires a huge set of
skills, not only a powerful and melodious voice, but also dancing and more. And, till now, the dream
remains a dream.
A-lister (n): sao hạng A
make a bundle (v): kiếm bộn tiền
adoring fan (n): fan cuồng
chant (v): hò reo
be easier said than done (expression): nói dễ hơn làm
rake in + [money] (v): kiếm bộn tiền

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