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▪ Basic of Syllogism Weightage of the Topic:

▪ Either – or Concept ❑ 5 Marks - Prelims
▪ Neither – nor Concept ❑ 5 Marks - Mains
▪ 10th Sept. – Practice of PYQs of Syllogism and Latest
Trending Pattern
4 types of Statement -
Statement: All A are B - Universal Positive
Statement: Some A are B - Particular Positive
Statement: No A are B - Universal Negative
Statement: Some A are not B - Particular negative
Statement: All A are B - Universal Positive
Other Name of All - 100%, Every, Each, Any, All,
Only but in Reverse Condition,

2. “Only” are interpreted as follows:

Only A are B means All B are A
Ex: Only Film are Serials is rewritten as All Serials are Films
Statement: All A are B - Universal Positive
Other Name of All – 100%, Every, Each, All, Any, Only but in Reverse Condition,

Conclusion –
1. All B are A
2. Some A are B
3. Some B are A
4. No A is B
5. No B is A
6. Some A are not B
7. Some B are not A
Statement: Some A are B - Particular Positive
Mostly, Many, More Some
Almost Some
At least Some
Often Some
"A few" and "few" Some
% Value less than 100 and more than 0 Some
Statement: Some A are B Conclusion –
1. All B are A
2. All A are B
3. Some B are A
4. No A is B
5. No B is A
6. Some A are not B
7. Some B are not A
Statement: No A are B- Universal Negative NONE, NOT A SINGLE

Conclusion –
Statement: No A are B 1. All B are A
2. All A are B
3. Some B are A
4. Some A are B
5. No B is A
6. Some A are not B
7. Some B are not A
Statement: Some A are not B - Particular negative
“Not Every”, “Not All“

Not All A is B means Some A are not B

Ex: Not all batsmen are bowler is interpreted as follows:
Some batsmen are not bowlers.
Statement: Some A are not B Conclusion –
1. All B are A
2. All A are B
3. Some B are A
4. Some A are B
5. No B is A
6. No A is
7. Some B are not A
Statements: कथन:
Some grab is in कुछ grab in है
Only a few in is step केवल कुछ in step है
No in is stop कोई भी in stop नह ीं है
Conclusions: ननष्कर्ष:
I. Some stop is not step I. कुछ stop step नह ीं है
II. All in can be step II. सभी in step हो सकते है

A. Only conclusion I follows

B. Both the conclusions I and II follow
C. Neither conclusion I nor II follows
D. Only conclusion II follows
E. Either conclusion I or II follows
Statements: कथन:
Few set is world कुछ set world है
Some world is acute कुछ world acute है
Mostly acute is angle अधिक ींश acute angle है
Conclusion: ननष्कर्ष:
I. No angle is set I. कोई भी angle set नह ीं है
II. A few acute is set II. कुछ acute set है

A. Only conclusion I follows

B. Both the conclusions I and II follow
C. Neither conclusion I nor II follows
D. Only conclusion II follows
E. Either conclusion I or II follows
Statements: कथन:
Only a few alto is car केवल कुछ alto car है
No altroz is wagnor कोई भी altroz wagnor नह ीं है
Only a few car is wagnor केवल कुछ car wagnor है
Conclusions: ननष्कर्ष:
I. All car being wagnor is a possibility I. सभी car के wagnor होने की सींभ वन है
II. All alto can be car. II. सभी alto car हो सकते हैं

A. Only conclusion I follows

B. Both the conclusions I and II follow
C. Neither conclusion I nor II follows
D. Only conclusion II follows
E. Either conclusion I or II follows
Statements: कथन:
All ram is backup सभी ram backup है
Some backup is bold कुछ backup bold है
A few bold is print कुछ bold print है
Conclusions: ननष्कर्ष:
I. Some print can be ram I. कुछ print ram हो सकते हैं
II. No bold is backup II. कोई भी bold backup नह ीं है

A. Only conclusion I follows

B. Both the conclusions I and II follow
C. Neither conclusion I nor II follows
D. Only conclusion II follows
E. Either conclusion I or II follows
Statements: कथन:
A few painting is bright कुछ painting bright है
Mostly bright is color अधिक ींश bright color है
All color is black सभी color black है
Conclusions: ननष्कर्ष:
I. Some painting is black I. कुछ painting black है
II. No painting is black II. कोई भी painting black नह ीं है

A. Only conclusion I follows

B. Both the conclusions I and II follow
C. Neither conclusion I nor II follows
D. Only conclusion II follows
E. Either conclusion I or II follows
Statements कथन:
Some singer is music कुछ singer music है
Only a few music is loud केवल कुछ music loud है
None of the loud is flute कोई भी loud flute नह ीं है
Conclusions: ननष्कर्ष:
I. Some flute is a singer is a possibility I. कुछ flute के singer होने की सींभ वन है
II. No flute is a singer II. कोई भी flute singer नह ीं है

A. Only conclusion I follows

B. Both the conclusions I and II follow
C. Neither conclusion I nor II follows
D. Only conclusion II follows
E. Either conclusion I or II follows
Statements: कथन:
No country is state कोई भी country state नह ीं है
Every state is city प्रत्येक state city है
Only a few city is town केवल कुछ city town है
Conclusions: ननष्कर्ष:
I. Some state being town is a possibility I. कुछ state के town होने की सींभ वन है
II. No city is country II. कोई भी city country नह ीं है

A. Only conclusion I follows

B. Both the conclusions I and II follow
C. Neither conclusion I nor II follows
D. Only conclusion II follows
E. Either conclusion I or II follows
Statements: कथन:
Only a few child is boy केवल कुछ child boy है
All boy is girl सभी boy girl है
Only a few girl is person केवल कुछ girl person है
Conclusions: ननष्कर्ष:
I. All boys being child is a possibility I. सभी boys के child होने की सींभ वन है
II. Some boy can be person II. कुछ boy person हो सकते है

A. Only conclusion I follows

B. Both the conclusions I and II follow
C. Neither conclusion I nor II follows
D. Only conclusion II follows
E. Either conclusion I or II follows
Statements: कथन:
Mostly one is two अधिक ींश one two है
Only few four is one केवल कुछ four one है
Each four is five प्रत्येक four five है
Conclusions: ननष्कर्ष:
I. No two is five I. कोई भी two five नह ीं है
II. Some four is two II. कुछ four two है

A. Only conclusion I follows

B. Both the conclusions I and II follow
C. Neither conclusion I nor II follows
D. Only conclusion II follows
E. Either conclusion I or II follows
Statements: कथन:
No oil is water कोई भी oil water नह ीं है
None of the water is land कोई भी water land नह ीं है
Only a few land is air केवल कुछ land air है
Conclusions: ननष्कर्ष:
I. Some air can never be water I. कुछ air कभी भी water नह ीं हो सकते हैं
II. No land is oil II. कोई भी land oil नह ीं है

A. Only conclusion I follows

B. Both the conclusions I and II follow
C. Neither conclusion I nor II follows
D. Only conclusion II follows
E. Either conclusion I or II follows

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