B.inggris (BLM Revisi)

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Passive Voice in Report Text (Title : Bogor)

Bogor is a City in northern Java Island, Indonesia. it is
the part of West Java Province. Together with Jakarta,
Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi, the City is included in
the Jabodetabek metropolitan area. Bogor has been
known as the ‘Rain City’ of Indonesia and
‘Buitenzorg City’. the City stretches across 118,5 km2
areas. Bogor is World famous for its Bogor Botanical
Garden, a Conservation site for several plants and
The City was Born in June 3rd 1482, when
Padjadjaran Kingdom was existed in West Java. You
can see the city’s Landmarks such as Tugu Kujang,
Prasasti Batu Tulis, Cimahpar Integrated Conservation
Offices, Telaga Cikeas, etc. Bogor City is surrounded
by several Mounts like Gunung Gede, and Gunung
halimun salak.
The City is become a culinary center famous for
traditional food like soto mie bodor, laksa bogor,
asinan bogor
1.passive: the City is included in the Jabodetabek
metropolitan area.
Active:jabodetabek metropolitan area is include
the city
(Present simple:s+to be(am,are,is)+o+adv)

2.passive:Bogor has been known as the ‘Rain City’

of Indonesia and ‘Buitenzorg City’.
Active:indonesia have a rain city is bogor

3.passive:The City was Born in June 3rd 1482, when

Padjadjaran Kingdom was existed in West Java.
Active: when padjadjaran kingdom was existed in
west java june 3rd born the city
4.passive:Bogor City is surrounded by several
Mounts like Gunung Gede, and Gunung halimun
Active:the several mounts surrounding the bogor

5.passive:The City is become a culinary center

famous for traditional food
Active:culinary center famous for tradiotional food
become the city

2. Passive Voice in Explanation Text (Title : How

Earthquakes Happen)
Earthquake is one of natural disaster that destroying a
certain area the most. It recently happens in
Tasikmalaya, West Java Province. Earthquakes are
caused by suddenly breaks of underground rock
along a fault. This sudden release a huge amount of
seismic waves Energy. The ground will be shaken
when it happen. When two plates or two blocks of rock
are rubbing against each other, they will be
sticked together. But, they don’t slide smoothly.
The rocks are not moving but still pushing against each
other. After several times, the rocks will be broken
due to all the pressure that’s built up. When those
rocks break, the earthquakes happen. This is horrible
and we have to maintain our Environment, so there will
be no earthquakes happen.
6.Passive: Earthquakes are caused by suddenly
breaks of underground rock along a fault.
Active:the sudden breaks underground rock cause

7.passive:The ground will be shaken when it

Active:when it happens in shakens the ground

8.passive:they will be sticked together.

Active:it stick them together

9.passive:the rocks will be broken due to all the

pressure that’s built up.
Active:its breaks the rock due tu all the pressure
that's built up

True Love of Mother

Once upon a time, there were a mother and her child who
lived near the forest. They were so poor so that they lived in
an ugly cottage and wore worn-out dresses.
One day, there was a plague in the village. The child was
infected by the plague. The mother would like to bring her
child to the doctor. However, they didn’t have money to pay
for the doctor.
The mother asked the people about the medicine. She went
to the forest and looked for some herbal roots. She made the
medicine and treated her child carefully. The children’s
condition was getting better.
After that, the child recovered from the diseases.
Unfortunately, the mother was getting infected. And, since
her body was so weak and didn’t get enough sleep, she
passed away after several days.
10.simple past tense
passive: The child was infected by the plague.
active:the plague infected the child

dear mr.jeff
thank yoy for teaching me during the semester, you have been
my influential teacher who had changed my mind to reach
my future career.i was really happy to join you class because
you always angaged every student to participate ij your
class.after leaving your class,i reazile you have teugh me
gently.i always paid more attention in you class because you
are the most interesting teacher aver.i think you are the best
teacher at university.agai,thanj you for everything.see you

11.future perfect tense

passive: you have been my influential teacher whi had
changed my mind to reach my future career
aktif:teacher changed my mind for the sake of achieving the

My happy moment
My family and I Went to the beach last weekend. First, we
took a minibus to the Bus Station, it was very crowded our
journey took two hours and.We were so happy when we
arrived at the beach My father and mother lay down on the
sand. my father read a newspaper,while my brother happily
sang a numver of populer songs.after we played,we ate our
picnic lunchit was agreat and fun day.of course.there were
some bad moments.ira spasheld our father with some water
our father was not plased.but in the end,we enjoyed the sunset

12.simple past tense

passive: we were so happy when we arrived by the beach
actif:when we got to the beach, we had so much fun

When we arrived at the villa it was baking hot. The first thing
that dad did was to take a shower.he said that he needed to
cool off after such a long journey. There was a swimming
pool so we spent a lot of time mucking about in the water or
splashing water over dad
on the third day we visited a beach.the waves were just right
for surfing so we rented some body broads.dad was worried
that we would drown so he spend the afternoon standing
by the sea waching us.it was a brezee! the waves were
strong enough to fload in on but not too powerful.when we
got home,mom wanted to see all the photos.i had a
magnificent picture of dad's very res face face from too much
sun.all in all,i think that it was a great holiday and i can't wait
ti go back
13.simple past tense
passive:dad was worried that we would drown so he spent
the afternoon standing by the sea waching us
active:dad worries and spends his time watching us

On Wednesday, my students and I went to Yogyakarta. We

stayed at Dirgahayu Hotel which is not far from Malioboro.
On Thursday, we visited the temples in Prambanan. There
are three big temples,
the Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu temples. They are really
amazing. We visited only
Brahmana and Syiwa temples, because Wisnu temple is being
On Friday morning we went to Yogya Kraton. We spent about
two hours there. We were lucky because we were led
by a smart and friendly guide. Then we continued our
journey to Borobudur. We arrived there at four p.m. At 5
p.m. we
heard the announcement that Borobudur gate would be
In the evening we left for Jakarta by wisata bus.
14.Simple past tense
Passive:We weee lucky because we were led by a smart and
friendly guide
active:our guide is very smart and friendly

Solar energy is one great alternative for future energy

sources. It is environmentally friendly and is renewable, thus
making it an excellent energy source. According to the United
States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); enough
sunlight reaches the earth’s surface every year to produce
approximately 1.000 times the amount of energy produced
by burning all fossil fuels mined and extracted during the
same time period. As with most renewable energy systems,
the initial costs of setting up these solar energy projects is
quite expensive. However, the savings on electricity bills in
the long-term should make up for this and year after year,
the costs of these solar energy are falling which will make it
more affordable and widespread. Solar energy will also be
powering some 70.000 homes and several hundred
businesses in Britain soon after the government announced a
£ 10 million investment into photovoltaic (PV) technologies
over the next three years. Photovoltaic cells provide an
unlimited supply of free power by converting sunlight into
electricity using modern semiconductors. Vast array of these
cells will be placed on roofs and walls around the country to
provide buildings with a renewable source of energy for
lighting, heating, and storage. Street lighting and traffic
signals can also benefit from this power supply further
reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and nuclear energy.
15..Simple future:
Passive :Vast arrays of these cells will be planced oof roof and
walls are
active:on the roof and on the walls will be arranged cells
16..simple past tense
passive:this mosque was founted on the bank of the kuin
active:on the bank of the river Kuin built a mosque
they are associated with severe thunderstorms and are often
accompanied by high wind and seas

17..simple past tense

passive:are made almost entirely of water,which is why you
can look trought them
active:you see it because it's made of water
18.simple past tense
passive: jellyfish are found in oceans and seas all over the
active:where to find

a waterpoud is a whiring column of fair and water
mist.waterspouds fall in two categories:.fair wather
waterspouds and tonadic waterspoud are tornadoes that
from over water,or move from land to water.the have the
same charateristic as aland tornado.they are associated with
savare thunderstorms and are often accompanied by hight
winds and seas. large hail,and frequebt dangerous lighting
19.simple presen tense
passive:they are associated with savare thundersorms and
are often accompined by hight wind and seas
active:are often accompined by hight wind anf seas
When we arrived at the villa it was baking hot. The first thing
that dad did was to take a shower.he said that he needed to
cool off after such a long journey. There was a swimming
pool so we spent a lot of time mucking about in the water or
splashing water over dadon the third day we visited a
beach.the waves were just right for surfing so we rented
some body broads.dad was worried that we would drown
so he spend the afternoon standing by the sea waching us.it
was a brezee! the waves were strong enough to fload in on
but not too powerful.when we got home,mom wanted to see
all the photos.i had a magnificent picture of dad's very res
face face from too much sun.all in all,i think that it was a
great holiday and i can't wait ti go back
20.simple past tense
passive:dad was worried that we would drown so he spent
the afternoon standing by the sea waching us
active:dad worries and spends his time watching us

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