Physics Project

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Physics project

Physics project

Name - Binit Nunia

Class - 11
Rollno - 32
Name - Binit Nunia
Class - 11
Roll no - 32
This is to certify that “ Binit Nunia’’
Class XI has satisfactorily
completed the project on “ capillary
rise ” under the guidance of “
kamlesh kumar ” during the
session 2023-2024

Signature Signature Signature

Internal Examiner External Examiner Principal

I would like to express my special

thanks of gratitude to my chemistry
teacher "kamlesh kumar ", who
gave me the golden opportunity to
do this wonderful project of "
capillary rise".

I came to know about so many new

things I am really thankful to them.
Secondly i would also like to thank
my parents and friends who helped
me a lot in finalizing this project
within the limited time frame.
• Introduction
• Principal of capillary action
• Factor influencing capillary
• Capillary rise Experiment
• Mathematical formula
• Application in nature
• Laboratory experiment
• Challenges and limitations
• Conclusion
• Reference

• Capillary rise in fine sands is

important because of the wide
distribution of unconsolidated
sediment covering the earth

• Data on capillary rise varies

considerably; further review is
necessary to constrain data

• Researching the controls of

capillary rise in fine-grained
sand will help provide insight
into applied situations affecting
industry, infrastructure,
agriculture, and environmental

^The capillary method is one

of the oldest methods used to
determine the surface tension
in liquids or gases. Capillary
rise takes place due to the
cohesive and the adhesive
forces that force the liquid to
rise in the tube through a very
small diameter
There are many reasons for the rise of water in capillary.
The height to which the water rises in the capillary tube
depends on the following factors.
Capillary rise is inversely proportional to the density of the
Directly proportional to the surface tension of the liquid
Inversely proportional to the bore of the capillary tube.
In the case of a capillary tube, its bore size is very small
due to which the points on the surface are very close to the
walls and the rest of the surface becomes curved. When we
immerse capillary in water which is concave on the upward
side, the air pressure at that time becomes atmospheric
pressure. The pressure on the convex side of the free
surface is less than that on the concave side. The pressure
at points just below the flat surface of water in the
surrounding vessel is atmospheric pressure. The system
loses its equilibrium due to which the water rises in the

Note :
Adhesion of water to the walls of a vessel will cause an
upward force on the liquid at the edges and result in a
meniscus which turns upward. Capillary action occurs
when the adhesion to the walls is stronger than the
cohesive forces between the liquid molecules
Capillary rise

The capillary rise method is a

common technique used to measure
the surface tension of a liquid, such
as water. When a capillary tube is
placed in a liquid, the liquid will rise
in the tube due to the surface
tension acting along the
circumference of the tube's contact
Mathematical formula
Application in nature

Capillary action helps bring water

up into the roots. But capillary
action can only "pull" water up a
small distance, after which it
cannot overcome gravity. To get
water up to all the branches and
leaves, the forces of adhesion and
cohesion go to work in the plant's
xylem to move water to the furthest
Take three capillary tubes of
different radii. Clean the tubes and
dry them and then clamp them to a
metallic plate to increase the radius.
Clamp a pointer after the third
capillary tube. Clamp the horizontal
handle of the metallic plate in a
vertical stand so that the capillary
tube and the pointer become
Challenges and

Capillary tube device is not

useful at variable load. High
cleaning is required. There
should be no moister or any dirt
particles in the tube. Compressor
leads to damage when there are
any liquid particles remaining in
the evaporator at the time of
shut down.

Results indicate that the

capillary rise progressively
reduces for increasing α,
contrary to Jurin's law
predictions. It is observed
further that the meniscus seems
not to change in shape while
varying the tube orientation.
Possible consequences of the
above observations on the
statics of capillary tubes are
For successfully
completing my project file.
I have taken help from
the following website

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