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MODULE3: Artworks from Renaissance and Baroque Periods 6.

Political Function – to reinforce and enhance a sense of identity and

Art is an expression from simple to complex ideas created by a skillful brilliant ideological connection to specific political views, issues and opinions
human mind. that people should be wary about.
Artist is the one who applied art unto an art medium, or the one who created the
Artwork is a product of imagination; or an output of application of art made by an MODULE 5: Artworks Tradition and Characteristic of Renaissance and
Baroque Periods
Artworks function can be classified into (2) two: Motivated and Non-
RENAISSANCE PERIOD (1400-1600) comes from the French word
Motivated Function of art (functional) refers to artworks that are
intentionally made for use in conscious actions on the part of the creator or artists. renaitre that means “rebirth”, promoting rediscovery and exploration to
It Illustrates another discipline that people could take advantage or make use of new lands and culture, as far as human philosophy is concern. It is a
the artwork, utilizing to make their life be in comfort. Examples are: Architecture, European transition period from the dark ages, a recovery towards
Furniture, weaving and etc.
modernity, civilization and economic progress with artistic and intellectual
Non-motivated Function of art (non-functional) refers to artworks that is achievement came after all the crisis that took place sometime in the late
integral for being a human, transcends the individual, or do not fulfill a specific middle ages. People became interested in showing human personality
external purpose, but for internal use that somehow balances harmony as an
and anatomy in scientific perspective and deeper landscape. They had
aspect of being human beyond utility. Examples are: Painting, Sculpture,
Literature, Music, and Theater arts. art that were closely inspired by the Greeks artistic tradition – but was
drastically changed from the influence of new culture, allowing secular art
However, there are more reasons artists create art. Here are the (6) six
Common functions we considered of an art: Physical, Social, Personal, to emerge, a new idea of humanism and individuality value of human
Spiritual, Educational and Political. being as a force. It caused a shift away from the traditional one in which
1. Physical Function – to serve as tools and containers. These are
objects which function to make physically comfortable. Examples are: the church was dominant. It made the artworks depict more realistic (real-
Spoon, Building, Chair, Vase and etc. life) figures and natural as human beings.
2. Social Function – to reinforce and enhance the sense of identity as
family, community, society or civilization awareness. Examples are: 7. BAROQUE PERIOD (1600-1800. The period was described from the
Festive Occasions, parades, dances, uniforms. Portuguese word barocco which means “pearl of irregular shape”, a
3. Personal Function – to express personal feelings. Perhaps the artist
wanted to remind or share to the viewers personal experience or period that highly encouraged Catholic Church and Christianity to
thought, that could be a tragedy, or personal memorable moments propagate its dogma. Art communicates religious themes and direct
that could be appreciated, and to be reminded to live each day as if it
were the last. emotional involvement in response to the Protestant Reformation.
4. Spiritual Function – to express spiritual beliefs about what they Artistic styles in this period became in exaggeration motion, and clear
believed in or destiny of life controlled by the force of higher power.
5. Educational Function – to reinforce education value through detail used to produce drama, exuberance with variety degrees of
symbols and signs to illustrate knowledge not given in words but for intensity, full of emotion, tension, dynamic and grandeur as
mannerism became visible.
9. Humanism refers to the devotion of human welfare. It is a
philosophical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of
human beings, individually and collectively.
10. Mannerism refers to a habitual gesture or excessive elongation
of the human figures.

MODULE 6: Arts Media Technique of the Renaissance and Baroque

Great artists are considered geniuses and catalysts of new ideas because of the
different techniques and styles they used when making an art work. The two
periods: Renaissance and Baroque showcased techniques such as Egg
Tempera, Fresco, Oil, Tenebrism and Chiaroscuro that are useful even in the
present times.

Fresco Technique is a procedure of wall painting performed upon freshly

wet lime plaster, which the word fresco translates into Italian word “fresh” means
wet when the paint is applied. It is known as one of the most significant mural-
making techniques in history of art during the Italian Renaissance. While, Egg
Tempera Technique is a method of applying paint to board all through the early
Renaissance. Oil Painting Technique is the process of painting in oil colors.
Commonly used drying oil pigments suspended in a medium that dries by
evaporation or chemical reaction. Lastly, Chiaroscuro painting technique refers
to the use of light and shadow to create the illusion of light from a specific source
shining on the figures and objects in the painting. And lastly, is the Tenebrism
technique refers to the use of extreme contrast of light and dark in figurative
compositions to heighten their dramatic effect.

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