Lesson 48

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Lesson 48 Ders 48

1) How was your holiday? 1) Tatilin nasıldı?

2) Did anything interesting happen? Any highlights? 2) Hiç ilginç bir şey oldu mu? Önemli, ilginç bir şey?
3) It was great! 3) Harikaydı!
4) It was very interesting. 4) Çok ilginçti.
5) How did it go? (exam, interview, meeting) 5) Nasıl geçti? (sınav, mülakat, toplantı)

6) It went very well. 6) Çok iyi geçti.

7) It was quite good. 7) Oldukça iyiydi.
8) It was a wonderful experience. 8) Şahane bir deneyimdi.
9) It wasn’t boring. 9) Sıkıcı değildi.
10) The concert was so exciting. 10) Konser çok heyecan vericiydi.
11) I’m glad we went there. 11) Oraya gittiğimize memnun oldum.
12) When I was a kid I had a cat. 12) Ben çocukken bir kedim vardı.
13) When I was in the US I tried camping for the first time. 13) Ben ABD’deyken ilk kez kamp yapmayı denedim.

I'm so excited about the concert. X The concert is exciting.

I’m interested in acting. X Acting is interesting.
I’m bored. X The film is boring.
You are confused. X Math is confusing.
He is embarrassed. X embarrassing situation

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