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问候和询问位置 1

Good afternoon! Sir, madam, table for two? /ɡʊd ˌæftərˈnuːn/ /sɜːr/ /ˈmædəm/
/ˈteɪbəl fɔːr tuː/
Yes, do you have a table by the window? /jes/ /duː juː hæv ə ˈteɪbəl baɪ ðə
Yes, sir, madam, this way please! /jes/ /sɜːr/ /ˈmædəm/ /ðɪs weɪ pliːz/
查看菜单和点饮料 1

Excuse me, can I see the menu? /ɪkˈskjuːz miː/ /kæn aɪ siː ðə ˈmenjuː/
Here is our menu, what would you like to drink? /hɪr ɪz aʊr ˈmenjuː/ /wɒt wʊd juː
laɪk tuː drɪŋk/
We’ll have two juices, please! /wiːl hæv tuː ˈdʒuːsɪz/ /pliːz/
点菜 1

Are you ready to order now? /ɑːr juː ˈredi tuː ˈɔːrdər naʊ/
Yes, we are. Could we have the soup of the day, please? What is the soup of the
day? /jes/ /wiː ɑːr/ /kʊd wiː hæv ðə suːp ʌv ðə deɪ/ /pliːz/ /wɒt ɪz ðə suːp ʌv ðə
It’s Italian vegetable soup, is that okay? /ɪts ɪˈtæliən ˈvɛdʒtəbəl suːp/ /ɪz ðæt
What is the most special dish in the restaurant? /wɒt ɪz ðə moʊst ˈspɛʃəl dɪʃ ɪn ðə
The T-bone steak is not bad, you can try this main course! /ðə tiː boʊn steɪk ɪz
nɒt bæd/ /juː kæn traɪ ðɪs meɪn kɔːrs/
Good idea, I like steak, I’ll have it! /ɡʊd aɪˈdiːə/ /aɪ laɪk steɪk/ /aɪl hæv ɪt/
How would you like your steak cooked? We have rare, medium rare, medium, well done.
/haʊ wʊd juː laɪk jɔːr steɪk kʊkt/ /wiː hæv rɛər/ /ˈmiːdiəm rɛər/ /ˈmiːdiəm/ /wɛl
Medium, please. I don’t like it too raw or too cooked. /ˈmiːdiəm/ /pliːz/ /aɪ doʊnt
laɪk ɪt tuː rɔː/ /ɔːr tuː kʊkt/
等待食物 1

Okay, please wait a moment! /oʊˈkeɪ/ /pliːz weɪt ə ˈmoʊmənt/

食物上桌 1

Sir, madam, your steak is ready, enjoy your meal! /sɜːr/ /ˈmædəm/ /jɔːr steɪk ɪz
ˈredi/ /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ jɔːr miːl/
感谢服务员 1

Okay, thank you, you’ve been very helpful! /oʊˈkeɪ/ /ˈθæŋk juː/ /juːv biːn ˈvɛri
品尝食物 1

Wow! This tastes amazing! /waʊ/ /ðɪs teɪsts əˈmeɪzɪŋ/

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