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Song Terus Museum is one of the karst tourist destination of East Java.

Song Terus
Mouseum continous to be located in Punung, suub- district Pacitan.

Song Terus Museum continued to be built in two thousand sixteen until the end of
two thousand nineteen. And the prehistoryc importance of mount sewu is the
background for the estabilishment of song terus museum. In the song terus museum
there are rocks, prehistoric tools, and fosils.

Building design song terus museum consist of three floors. The basement contains a
research room, meeting room, and office. The upper contains of a VIP room,
cafetaria, and temporary exibihition space. The top floor contains an a audio-visual
room and auditorium.

Also equipped with a library containing various kinds of history books. One that is
famous and is now a museum collection is a human skeleton named mbah sayem.

The Tiban Mosque is one of the religious tours in Central Java. The Tiban Mosque is
located in Sendangrejo Village, Baturetno District. Until now, no one knows for sure
in detail about the history of when the Tiban Wonokerso Mosque in Wonogiri was
built. The architecture of the Tiban Mosque building is almost entirely original. In
order to connect one part to another, use teak wood pegs, not the iron nails that are
commonly used to build modern mosques today.

At the top or peak of this mosque building there is a unique dome, which is a dome
similar to a crown made of clay. Even though it is made of clay, in fact, until it is more
than 510 years old, the crown has not shown any signs of decay.

The history of the Tiban Wonokerso Mosque in Wonogiri is estimated to have been
built during the Wali Songo era and became an early model in the construction of the
Great Mosque of Demak. The Tiban Mosque which was built by the trustees is
believed to be the mosque found by Ki Ageng Tugu and named the Tiban Mosque.
Such is the history of the story about the Tiban Wonokerso Mosque in Wonogiri

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