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What is an Eating Disorder?

Eating Disorders describe illnesses that are
characterized by irregular eating habits and
severe distress or concern about body weight or

Eating disturbances may include inadequate or

excessive food intake which can ultimately
damage an individual’s well-being. The most
common forms of eating disorders include control during the binge; experiencing shame,
Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and distress or guilt afterwards; and not regularly
Binge Eating Disorder and affect both females using unhealthy compensatory measures to
and males. counter the binge eating.

Eating disturbances may include inadequate or

excessive food intake which can ultimately Signs & Symptoms of an Eating
damage an individual’s well-being. The most
common forms of eating disorders include Disorder
Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Binge
Eating Disorder and affect both females and A man or woman suffering from an eating
males. disorder may reveal several signs and
symptoms, some which are:

Three Most Common Eating  Chronic dieting despite being

Disorders hazardously underweight
 Constant weight fluctuations
Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder
 Obsession with calories and fat contents
characterized by weight loss (or lack of
of food
appropriate weight gain in growing children);
difficulties maintaining an appropriate body  Engaging in ritualistic eating patterns,
weight for height, age, and stature; and, in many such as cutting food into tiny pieces,
individuals, distorted body image. People with eating alone, and/or hiding food
anorexia generally restrict the number of  Continued fixation with food, recipes, or
calories and the types of food they eat. Some cooking; the individual may cook
people with the disorder also exercise intricate meals for others but refrain
compulsively, purge via vomiting and laxatives, from partaking
and/or binge eat.
 Depression or lethargic stage
 Avoidance of social functions, family, and
Bulimia Nervosa is characterized by a cycle of friends. May become isolated and
binge eating and compensatory behaviors such withdrawn
as self-induced vomiting designed to undo or
compensate for the effects of binge eating.  Switching between periods of overeating
and fasting

Binge Eating Disorder is the most common

eating disorder in the United States, is
characterized by recurrent episodes of eating
large quantities of food; a feeling of a loss of
Treatment for an Eating

Treatment for an eating disorder is

usually comprised of one or more of the
following and addressed with medical COUNSELING AT UMHS
doctors, nutritionists, and therapists for
complete care: Amanda Massicott, MA
Student Counselor
Medical Care and Monitoring-The Main Administration Building – Room
highest concern in the treatment of
eating disorders is addressing any Email:
health issues that may have been a Phone: (869) 466-2043 x120
consequence of eating disordered
behaviors. For urgent after-hours mental health
crisis please contact: (869) 662-4686
Nutrition: This would involve weight
restoration and stabilization, guidance In the case of a life threatening
for normal eating, and the integration emergency, please call:
of an individualized meal plan. The hospital at (869) 465-2551
Or dial 911
Therapy: Different forms of
psychotherapy, such as individual,
family, or group, can be helpful in
addressing the underlying causes of
eating disorders. Therapy is a
fundamental piece of treatment
because it affords an individual in
recovery the opportunity to address
and heal from traumatic life events
and learn healthier coping skills and
methods for expressing emotions,
communicating and maintaining
healthy relationships.

Medications: Some medications may

be effective in helping resolve mood
or anxiety symptoms that can occur
with an eating disorder or in reducing
binge-eating and purging behaviors.

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