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Application Layer Protocols

By — Akhilesh Kulkarni, Swanand Kulkarni, Maneet Kour, Kshitij



In the vast realm of computer networking and the internet, the

application layer plays a pivotal role in enabling the communication
and interaction we take for granted every day. It’s the uppermost
layer in the OSI model (Open Systems Interconnection), and it’s
where the magic happens — where we interact with web
applications, send emails, stream videos, and communicate with
each other across the globe. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the
application layer, exploring what it is, its significance, and the
technologies that make it all possible.

What is the Application Layer?

The application layer is the top layer of the OSI model, and it
serves as the interface between the user and the lower layers of the
network stack. Its primary function is to enable communication
between different applications and provide end-users with the
services they need. In simpler terms, it’s the layer where we, as end-
users, interact with the digital world.

Application Layer protocol

2. FTP
6. DNS

TELNET (Teletype Network) is a protocol that has played a
significant role in enabling remote communication and access to
devices across networks.

TELNET uses port 23 as its default port for communication. When a

client establishes a TELNET session with a server, it typically
connects to port 23 on the server to initiate the TELNET

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a fundamental protocol in the realm
of computer networking, empowering seamless and efficient file
transfers between devices over a network.
Modes of FTP Connection
Active Mode: The server initiates a connection to the client on a
negotiated port for data transfer.

Passive Mode: The client establishes the data connection to the

server, allowing it to traverse firewalls and NAT (Network Address
Translation) setups more effectively.

TFTP stands for Trivial File Transfer Protocol. TFTP is defined as a
protocol that is used to transfer a file from a client to a server and
from a server to a client. TFTP is majorly used when no complex
interactions are required by the client and server.
Port Number used by TFTP is 69.

SMTP stands for Simple mail transfer protocol is used to transfer
the mails. It defines how both commands and responses must be
sent back and forth. It is used two times, between the sender and the
sender’s mail server and between the two mail servers.

SNMP stands for Simple Network Management Protocol. This
protocol gathers data by polling the devices from the network to the
management station at fixed or random intervals, requiring them to
disclose certain information.
SNMP uses port numbers 161 (TCP) and 162 (UDP).
The Domain Name System (DNS) is an indispensable part of the
internet that acts as a virtual phone book, translating human-
readable domain names into IP addresses, facilitating efficient and
user-friendly internet browsing.

Port 53 (UDP and TCP):

UDP (User Datagram Protocol): DNS queries are often sent over
UDP on port 53. UDP is a connectionless protocol, and it is faster for
DNS queries.
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol): DNS responses that exceed
the maximum limit for UDP (512 bytes) are sent over TCP on port
53. TCP is used for zone transfers and large responses.

DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. It is a
network management protocol present in the application layer. With
its help, an Internet Protocol IP address can be assigned to any
device or node on a network dynamically so that they can
communicate using this IP. The main goal of DHCP protocol is to
assign unique IP addresses to the hosts.
DHCP uses port numbers 67 and 68.

HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. It is the foundation
of the World Wide Web (WWW). HTTP works on the client server
model. This protocol is used for transmitting hypermedia
documents like HTML. This protocol was designed particularly for
the communications between the web browsers and web servers, but
this protocol can also be used for several other purposes. HTTP is a
stateless protocol , which means the server is not responsible for
maintaining the previous client’s requests.
HTTP uses port number 80.

The Role of Web Applications

Web applications are a prime example of the power of the

application layer. They are built on a combination of server-side and
client-side technologies that allow users to interact with data and
services on the web. A typical web application communicates with
the server using HTTP, but it can also incorporate other protocols
for additional functionality.

From e-commerce websites to social media platforms and online

banking, web applications have become an integral part of our daily
lives. They rely on a complex network of technologies and protocols
that work seamlessly in the application layer to provide us with
interactive and dynamic experiences.


The application layer is the gateway to our digital world. It

empowers us to communicate, transact, and access information
effortlessly. It encompasses a vast array of protocols and
technologies, each contributing to our online experiences.
Understanding the application layer is crucial for both end-users
and developers, as it provides insights into how our favorite
applications and services function. It’s the magic behind the digital
curtain that continues to evolve and shape the way we connect with
the world.

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