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Project Name: TOWN HOUSE EXTENSION Design by: -

Owner: JAIME UY Mark: 3S1

Check by: Nicolas L. Operario Jr.


Material Properties
Concrete f'c = 21.00 MPa Reinforcing fy = 276.00 MPa

Slab Properties
Short Span, La = 2.30 m Thickness = 100.00 mm
Long Span, Lb = 3.60 m Floor Finish = 25.00 mm
○ Check if One Way slab / Two way Slab
♦ La/Lb = 2.30m / 3.60m = 0.64, Therefore the Slab is Two Way
○ Solve for the thickness of the Slab
♦ Minimum Thickness = (2000 x (2.30m + 3.60m)) / 180.00 = 65.56mm
♦ Use thickness for Slab, t = 100.00mm
♦ Use floor finish, t = 25.00mm

Solve for the Load Data and Calculation

Live Load = 1.90kPa Additional Load = 4.57kPa
♦ Slab Weight = 23.50kN/m³ x 100.00mm = 2.35kN/m
♦ Total Dead Load = 2.35kN/m + 4.57kN/m + (23.50kN/m³ x 25.00mm) = 7.51kN/m
♦ 1.40DL = 1.40 x 7.51kN/m = 10.51kN/m Note
♦ 1.60DL = 1.60 x 1.90kN/m = 3.04kN/m 1.) Bars along the shorter span shall be placed below those along the longer span at midspan
♦ Total Factored Load = 10.51kN/m + 3.04kN/m = 7.51kN/m and over the longer span at sections near support (column line).
2.) Bar spacing along column strip can be approximately 1-1/2 times of the middle strip
but in no case greater than 3 times the slab thickness.
Solve for Moment (Refer to Tables 12.3, 12.4, and 12.5), Case No. = Case_4
3.) If top bars of adjacent slabs differ at their common support, the smaller spacing shall govern.
○ Moment Coefficients
♦ Coefficients for Negative Moments in Slabs, Ca = 0.085,Cb = 0.000Sample Reinforcement Calculation, Ma,pos = 3.78kN.m
♦ Coefficients for Dead Load Positive Moments in Slabs, Ca = 0.050,Cb = 0.009
○ Solving for the Ru
♦ Coefficients for Live Load Positive Moments in Slabs, Ca = 0.062,Cb = 0.011
♦ Ru = (3.78kN.m (10⁶)) / (0.90(1000mm)(75.00mm)) = 0.75MPa
○ Compute the Moment
♦ Negative Moments at continuous edges (Table 12.3) ○ Solving for the required ρ
Ma, negative = 0.085 x (7.51kN/m) x (2.30m)² = 6.09kN.m ♦ ρ = (0.85fc/fy) (1-√(1-(2Ru)/(0.85fc))) = 0.0028
Mb, negative = 0.000 x (7.51kN/m) x (3.60m)² = 0.00kN.m
○ Solving for the required ρ min
♦ Positive Moments (Tables 12.4 and 12.5)
♦ ρ1 = √fc / (4▪fy) = √21.00MPa / (4▪276.00MPa) = 0.004151
Ma, DL, positive = 0.050 x (10.51kN/m) x (2.30m)² = 2.78kN.m
♦ ρ2 = 1.4/fy = 1.4/276.00MPa = 0.005072
Ma, LL, positive = 0.062 x (3.04kN/m) x (2.30m)² = 1.00kN.m
♦ Therefore ρ min = 0.005072
Ma, positive = 2.78kN.m + 1.00kN.m = 3.78kN.m
○ Solving for the ρ max
Mb, DL, positive = 0.009 x (10.51kN/m) x (3.60m)² = 1.23kN.m
♦ ρ max = 0.75▪(0.85▪fc▪/fy)(600/(600+fy)) = 0.002762
Mb, LL, positive = 0.011 x (3.04kN/m) x (3.60m)² = 0.43kN.m
Mb, positive = 1.23kN.m + 0.43kN.m = 1.66kN.m ○ Solving for the Steel Area
♦ Negative Moments at discontinuous edges (1/3 x positive moments) ♦ Steel Area = ρbd = 0.003683▪(1000mm)(75.00mm)) = 200.00mm²
Ma/3, positive = 3.78kN.m / 3 = 1.26kN.m
○ Solving for the required spacing
Mb/3, positive = 1.66kN.m / 3 = 0.55kN.m
♦ Spacing = 1000▪Ab/As = 250mm
Solve for Shear ○ Check for minimum spacing,
○ Shear Coefficients
♦ 3t = 3*100mm = 300mm
♦ Ratio of load W in la and lb directions for shear in slab and load on supports
♦ 450mm
Wa = 0.85, Wb = 0.15, θVc = 0.85(1/6)(√fc)(bw)(d) = 26.29kN
○ Check for the Shear
Say, 10Ø @ 250mm on Center
♦ Va = 0.850(13.55kN/m) (2.30m)/2 = 13.25kN
Ok for Shear!
♦ Vb = 0.150(13.55kN/m) (3.60m)/2 = 3.66kN

Calculate ρ values, As and spacing s,

Short Direction Long Direction
Mu (kN/m) Ru (MPa) Req’d ρ Use ρ As Spacing Use Space Mu (kN/m) Ru (MPa) Req’d ρ Use ρ As Spacing Use Space
Ma,neg =6.09kNm 1.20MPa 0.0045 0.0051 200.00mm² 200.00mm 200.00mm Ma,neg =0.00kNm 0.00MPa 0.0000 0.0000 200.00mm² 350.00mm 300.00mm
Ma,pos =3.78kNm 0.75MPa 0.0028 0.0037 200.00mm² 250.00mm 250.00mm Ma,pos =1.66kNm 0.33MPa 0.0012 0.0016 200.00mm² 350.00mm 300.00mm
Ma/3,neg =1.26kNm 0.25MPa 0.0009 0.0012 200.00mm² 350.00mm 300.00mm Ma/3,neg =0.55kNm 0.11MPa 0.0004 0.0005 200.00mm² 350.00mm 300.00mm

Summary Reinforcement Top Reinforcement Bottom Reinforcement

@ Continuous @ Midspan @ Discontinuous

Short Direction Bars
Top Bar 10Ø @ 200mm None 10Ø @ 300mm
Bot Bar 10Ø @ 500mm 10Ø @ 250mm 10Ø @ 250mm
Long Direction Bars
Top Bar 10Ø @ 300mm None 10Ø @ 300mm
Bot Bar
Spacing of Reinforcemnt Bars (mm)
10Ø @ 300mm 10Ø @ 300mm 10Ø @ 300mm

L/2 = Middle Strip

L/4 = Column Strip

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