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Практичне заняття №33

Тема: Banking Security

Мета заняття: Вчитися сприймати мовлення на слух, розуміти зміст
іншомовного тексту,ознайомитися з новою лексикою з теми, навчитися
використовувати її у мовленні, розвивати вміння висловлювати власну думку
іноземною мовою.
Тривалість заняття: 90 хвилин.

Зміст заняття

Ознайомлювальна частина: Checking the group presence.

Основна частина
Warming up :
- Write on the board the following a white - hat hacker, a black-hat hacker and ask
the students if they can explain what they mean. After listening to their answers give your
definition to the phrases.
A white- hat hacker - a specialist of cybersecurity.
A black-hat hacker - a criminal who steals computer information.
Extra: origionally 'a white-hat' means positive characteristic of a man. If you like his
personality, you may say: He is a white-hat guy. ( He is nice,there's no harm in him).
Before listening to Jon, a bank security officer, make sure that the students know the
IT terminology they run across in the interview. The students should find the definitions to
the following words and phrases. Students work in pairs and then present their choices:
1 - phishing a) a fault, a mistake found in security
2 - worms b) net model transforming data
3 - ping sweep c) stealing bank accounts' information
4 - TCP/IP d) enter the net
5 - penetrate the net e) a technique used to determine which of IP
addresses map to live hosts
6 - security flaws f) a kind of virus
Keys: 1c; 2f; 3e; 4b; 5d; 6a.
Play the audio first and get the students to make notes about each answer Jon gives
about his responsibilities as a white-hat hacker.
Ask students to share their ideas about Jon's job. Students read their notes what they
got from the interview. Studenfs work in pairs and exchange their information about Jon.
Then play the audio again and ask the students to complete the sentences from ex 8 on p.43
about bank security.
Keys: 1. white hat; 2. ping sweep; 3.TCP/IP; 4. certificates; 5. worms; 6. spear
After listening:
Suggest that the students should check the definition of the phrases from the interview.
They work in pairs and then present their ideas to the class.
Get the students to look through the questions from ex 9 on page 43 and match Jon's
answers from the audio. Pay their attention that one of the questions was not asked.
Keys: 1D; 2E; 3C; 4 Not asked; 5 A; 6B.
Ask the students to give the answers to the question 4. Is it safe to use credit cards
Inform the students that they are going to read the text about a computer infection.
Students work individually filling in the blanks with the suggested words. Then students
check their answers working in pairs.
Keys: 1.worm; 2.BotNet; 3.zombies; 4.denial of service; 5. identity theft; 6. keylogger;
7. pharming; 8.spyware.
After reading:
Ask students the following questions based on the text.
1. What is Conficker like? How does it differ from a virus?
2. What has Conficker created?
3. How many computers has it infected at present?
4. What could these be used for?
5. Who controls infected computers?
6. How can the users' information be stolen?
7. Suggest some ways to protect your computers from viruses.
Students answer the questions adding some information about how to protect personal
computers from penetrating.

Використана література

Literature: English for Telecoms and Information Technology. Tom Ricca-McCarthy,

Michael Duckworth. Express Series, Oxford.

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