Credibility Checklist

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By Stephen M.R. Covey, 2006 - Covey Link Inc.

INSTRUCTIONS: This is a self-administered checklist. No one will see nor check your answers except
yourself. Please be honest with yourself so that you will know how to proceed towards your own
personal growth.
Each row is a continuum from the left column statement to the right column statement. If the
statement found on the left column describes you best, then you respond by encircling #1. If the
statement found on the right column describes you best, then encircle #5. If your response is more
or less in between the two statements, then encircle the numbers from 2 to 4. There should be only
one encircled number for every row.

Part 1:
Statement Score Statement
I sometimes “justify telling “white lies” At every level, I am thoroughly honest in
misrepresent people or situations, or 1 2 3 4 5 my interactions with others.
“spin” the truth to get the results I want.
At times there is a mismatch between What I say and do is what I really think
what I think and what I say, or between 1 2 3 4 5 and feel; I consistently “walk my talk”.
my actions and my values.
I am not fully clear on my values. It’s I am clear on my values and am
difficult for me to stand up for something 1 2 3 4 5 courageous in standing up for them
when others disagree
It’s hard for me to acknowledge that I am generally open to the possibility of
someone else may be right, or that there learning new ideas that may cause me to
is additional information out there that 1 2 3 4 5 rethink issues or even to redefine values.
may cause me to change my mind
I have difficult time setting or achieving I am able to consistently make and keep
personal goals or commitments 1 2 3 4 5 commitments to myself and to others.

PART 1 TOTAL SCORE ___________

Part 2:
Statement Score Statement
I don’t really care that much about people, I generally care about other people and
except those closest to me. It’s hard for am deeply concerned about the well-
me to think about concerns outside of my 1 2 3 4 5 being of others
own challenges in life
I don’t think a lot about why I do what I I am consciously aware of my motives and
do. I’ve rarely (if ever) tried to do deep 1 2 3 4 5 I refine them to make sure that I am doing
interior work to improve my motives the right thing for the right reasons.
In my dealings with others, I usually focus I actively seek solutions that will provide a
on getting what I want 1 2 3 4 5 “win” for everyone involved.
Based on my behavior, most people Other people can clearly tell by the things
wouldn’t necessarily think I had their best 1 2 3 4 5 I do that I really do have their best
interests in mind. interests in mind.
Deep down, I believe that if someone else I sincerely believe that there is more than
gets something (resources, opportunities, 1 2 3 4 5 enough of everything to go around.
credit), that means I don’t.

PART 2 TOTAL SCORE ___________

Part 3:
Statement Score Statement
I feel like I’m not really utilizing my talents There is a high match between my talents
in my current job. 1 2 3 4 5 and my opportunities in the work I am
I have not gained the knowledge or fully I have acquired the knowledge and
developed the skills I need to really be 1 2 3 4 5 mastered the skills required for my job.
effective at work.
I seldom take time to improve my I relentlessly upgrade and increase my
knowledge and skills at work or in any 1 2 3 4 5 knowledge and skills in all the important
other area in my life. areas of my life.
I am not sure what my strengths are; I am I have identified my strengths and my
focused on trying to improve in my areas 1 2 3 4 5 focus is on using them effectively.
of weakness.
At this point I really don’t know how much I know how to effectively establish, grow,
about how to build trust 1 2 3 4 5 extend and effectively restore trust, and I
consciously work to make it happen.

PART 3 TOTAL SCORE ___________

Part 4:
Statement Score Statement
I don’t have a very good track record. My My track record clearly gives others the
resume certainly won’t “knock anyone’s 1 2 3 4 5 confidence that I will achieve desired
socks off”. results.
I focus my efforts on doing what I’ve been I focus my efforts on delivering results, not
told to do. 1 2 3 4 5 activities.
When it comes to communicating my I appropriate communicate my track
track record, either I don’t say anything (I record to others in a way that inspires
don’t want to come across as bragging), or 1 2 3 4 5 confidence.
I say too much and turn people off.
I often fail to finish what I start. With rare exception, if I start something, I
1 2 3 4 5 finish it.
I don’t worry as much about how I get the I consistently get results in ways that
results – just that I get them. 1 2 3 4 5 inspires trust.

PART 4 TOTAL SCORE ___________

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