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Passive to Active Questions Latest Passive to Active MCQ Objective Questions a c PIPE ABA Rel ial AR Secs Start Complete Exam Preparation leet oes es Tere Download App Loerie rs Ex.) Question 1: View this Question Online > Select the option that expresses the given sentence in active voice. She is given proper guidance by her boss. 1. Her boss will give her proper guidance. 2. Her boss has given her proper guidance. 3. Her boss gave her propéguidance. 4. Herboss@les her proper guidance. A... of the above Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 4: Her boss gives her proper guidance. coaching India’s Super Teachers for all govt. exams Under One Roof BD ooo ae isin Ace your English and preparations for with us and master Passive to Active for your exams. Learn today! tion Passive to Active Question 1 Detailed,Sol The correct answer is: Her boss gives her proper guidance © Key Points + Passive Voice Structure: Subject + Form cf “to be" + Past Participle + Ai + Active Voice Structure: Subject + Verb + Object + Inactive voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action. + Therefore, "her boss" becomes the subject and “gives” becomes the verb. + The sentence in its original form is in passive voice, where the subject receives the action. + Active Voice Sentences: Her boss gives her proper guidance. + In the active voice sentence, "Her boss" (the doer of the action) is the subject, “gives” is the verb, and "her proper guidance" is the object. + This structure makes the sentence more direct and emphasizes the doer of the action. Therefore, the correct answer is option 4. ge Teese neta eee ets Pela mee Cmts Leto) rn ecw Posciapeery esac | » ond D>» Download App : Question 2: SOC. SCCe Be CP RON Mt Sees ees Ee eo ee ae CES VOCS. The test was passed by only a few students, 1. Only a few students > Oy 2 ~" not passed by many students, 3. Mary students did not pass the test. 4. Very few students passed the test. 5. None of the above Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 1: Only a few students passed the test. ‘ . Passive to Active Question 2 Detailed Solution . The correct answer is "Only a few students passed the test.” © Key Points v)>~ + The given sentence is in Passive Voices itis it Simple Past Tense. + As per the given question, we must change it to Active Voice. * The structure of the giv ice is a8'follows: > Subject + V2 + ee ye Voice) + Subject (objecti was/were + V3 + Object (subjective case). (Passive Voice) + Example: © Their cousin showed them some rare photographs. (Active Volce) © They were shown some rare photographs by their cousin. (Passive Voice) + In the passive voice, the action “passing” is performed by the doer “Only a few students.” + “Only a few students” is the subject and “test” is the object in the active voice. + The correct answer is Option 1. Correct sentence: Only a few students passed the test. PDE see Berle) Start Complete Exam Preparation ORG aE as i Peay one Pac Descent y researc gd Px) Download App Question 3: View this Question Online > Convert the following sentence from passive to active voice: “The assignment was thoughtfully checked and graded by the professor.” Pcie trousneuy checked and graded the assignment. 2. The professor was thoughtful in checking and grading the assignment. 3. The professor has thoughtfully checked and graded the assignment. 4, The professor will thoughtfully check and grade the assignment. 5. The professor were thoughtful in checking and grading the assignment. Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 1 : The professor thoughtfully checked and graded the assignment. Passive to Active Question 3 Detailed Solution The correct answer i assignment.” ‘Option 1" “The professor thoughtfully checked and graded the © Key Points « The original sentence is in sjupple past passive voice. + In active voice, the subjectict the action. * The action verb is in its base + The structure of the sentence in active voice is subject + verb + object. Therefore, the correct answer is- The professor thoughtfully checked and graded the assignment. & Additional Information + Option 2: The framing of sentence changes the meaning of original sentence. + Option 3: This option denotes present perfect tense. + Option 4: This would be future simple tense, not matching with original sentence’s tense. & eee ecu) Start Complete Exam Preparation CCR eo Exc) Reston resend Download App i] Peat oy ee Question 4: View this Question Online > Change this to active voice: “The hikers were rescued by the local mountain rescue team.” 1. The local mountain rescue team was rescued the hikers. 2. The local mountain, rescue team rescued the hikers. 3 - mountain rescue team is rescuing the hikers. 4. The local mountain rescue team has rescued the hikers 5. The local mountain rescue teams is rescuing the hiker. Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 2: The local mountain rescue team rescued the hikers. Passive to Active Question 4 Detailed Solution The correct answer is ‘Option 2' i.e. * The local mountain rescue team rescued the hikers." @& Key Points + The given sentence is in the past simple passive voice. + When changing from passive toactivewoiceythe ‘subject’ and ‘object’ swap positions. + In the active voice, the structure is ‘subject verb + object. + ‘Option 2' perfectly <_< construction by having the subject (The local mountain rescue team) perform the actiol Therefore, the correct answer is- ‘The local mountain rescue team rescued the hikers." © Addi nal Informa’ n + ‘Option 1' is grammatically incorrect; "wes rescued’ misrepresents the action done by the mountain rescue team. + ‘Option 3° changes the tense to present continuous, which differs from the originel sentence’s past simple tense. + ‘Option 4 switches the tense to present perfect, which is also different from the tense in the original sentence. eRe Sen ea amc tc Start Complete Exam Preparation ieee ee Pera ies col resend a ee Download App Question 5: View this Question Online > Convert the sentence to active voice: "A fascinating Workshop on pottery crafting was conducted by renowned artist Emily Sullivanvat the art fair.” 1. Renowned artist Emily Sullivan cOhducted a fascinating workshop on pottery crafting at the art fair. 2. At the art fair, a fascinating workshop on pottery crat ™~ 3. A fascinating workshop on pottery crafting at the art fair was conducted by renowned artist Emily Sullivan, g was conducted by renowned artist an +, Renowned artist Emily Sullivan had conducted a fascinating workshop on pottery crafting at the art fair. Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 1: Renowned artist Emily Sullivan conducted a fascinating workshop on pottery crafting/@t the art fair. Passive to Active Question & Detailed Solution The correct answer is ‘Option 1" © Key Points + The original sentence is in the past Simple tense, passive voice. + In converting to active Voiggethe action deer comes first (renowned artist Emily Sullivan), followed by the verb in - tense (conducted), then the object (a fascinating workshop on pottery crafting). * Option 2 and 3 remain in the passive voice. + Option 4 incorrectly use the past perfect tense. Therefore, the correct answer is- Option 1. §& Additional Information + Option 2 and 3 are incorrect as they fail to change the sentence from passive to active voice. They remain as the original sentence. + Option 4 incorrectly changes the tense from past simple to past perfect which is not requested Top Passive to Active MCQ Objective ra eee ane eC) Start Complete Exam Preparation Coca oi ees Practice sige eee Question Bank Download App Exc) Question 6 View this Question Online > Select the option that expresses the given sentence in active voice. The hunchback was being laughed at by everyone 1. Everyone is laughing at the hunchback 2. Everyone laughs et the hunchback 3. Everyone laughed at the hunchback. ¢O C 4. Everyone was laughing at the rc rene oes low) Onti yone was laughing at the hunchback. Passive to Active Question 6 Detailed Solution The correct answer is option 4) i.e. Everyone was laughing at the hunchback. CD key-Points + In Active Voice, a sentence emphasizes subject performing an action. + In Passive Voice, a sentence emphasizes the action or the object of the sentence. + The given sentence is in the passive voice and ‘The hunchback’ is the subject and “everyone' is the object. + When we convert this sentence into ative voiee, the subject ‘The hunchback’ of the passive voice becomes the object, the object ‘everyone’ becomes the subject. + The passive format ‘was + being + V3" is used and the active format ‘was + ing” should be used, * This is the active and passive voice rule for the past continuous tense. + Hence, “Everyone was laughing at the hunchback" is the correct active voice. Faaaiti Unk . + Verbs of passive format have a different set of tenses (*V: of the Verb) as given below in the table: e2 Third form PASSIVE CONVE Vis/are + V3 Football is playec lam/is/are + being [TENSE ACTIVE Present Simple He plays football Present COnUNUOUS Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Past Simple Past Continuous ee He has played football He has been playing football He played football He was playing football +> Has/have + been+ v3 Not used and lunusual. Was/were + V3 eae! Football has bee! Not used and un Football was play Football was beir Past Perfect He had played football Had + been + V3 Football had bee Not used and Past Perfect Continuous _|He had been playing football_|unusual Not used and un Future Simple He will play football Iwill + be + V2 Football will be Not used and lunusual Not used and un Football will have him, Future Continuous He will be playing football Will have been + V3 Not used and unusual Future Perfect Future Perfect Continuous He will have played football He will have been playing football Not used and un Ca eee eri eto RSE Tameu (1 CM ele ede) 8 Download App BCC oS Mock Tests Daily Live he Gag ett esieac rd Posse ‘Question 7 ~ View this Question Online > Select the option that expresses the given sentence in active voice. All weapons were surrendered by them: 1. They had surrenderediall weapons. 2 = all weapons. 3. They are surrendering all weapons. 4, They have surrendered all weapons. Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 2: They surrendered all weapons. Passive to Active Question 7 Detailed Solution The correct answer is ‘They surrendered all weapons’. © Key Points + The given sentence is in Passive Voice. As per the given question, we have to change it into Active Voice. + The structure of the given sentence is'as follows: + Subject + V2+ Object. (Active Voice) + Subject (objectivesease)+ was/were + V3 + Object (subjective case). (Passive Voice) + Example mA. * Their cousin sho some rare photographs. (Active Voice) © They were shown some rare photographs by their cousin. (Passive Voice) + The subject of the given sentence is ‘All weapons’. + The object of the given sentence is ‘Them’, + The subject will be put in place of the object and the object will be put in place of the subject. + And ‘were surrendered’ will be changed into ‘surrendered’. Correct Sentence: They surrendered all weapons. India’s #1 Learning Platform Start Complete Exam Preparation Coca ost Pan Practice mba UU} Mastercl Question Bank Ga eee D Download App Question 8 View this Question Online > Select the option that expresses the given sentence in active voice. Let the farewell be bidden to,our seniors. 1. We should be bidden farewell by our seniors. 2 ORR should bid farewell to us. 9. Let us Bid Tarewell to Our seniors. 4. Our seniors should be bidden farewell. Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 3 : Let us bid farewell to our seniors. Passive to Active Question 8 Detailed Solution The correct answer is Let us bid farewell to our seniors. @ Key Points + The given sentence is an imperative sentence + The sentences with which en order, advice“@r request is expressed are called imperative sentences. + An imperative see Be passe voice has the following form: Let + object + be + past participle. + Sentence structure: = Active: Let us enjoy this game. + Passive: Let this game be enjoyed by us. + Thus, the option that expresses the given sentence in active voice is option 3, Correct Active Voice: Let us bid farewell to our seniors. & eRe amen eta) Start Complete Exam Preparation CCC ous ince: mine ees MasterCl Download App Question Bank Exc) Question 9 View this Question Online > Select the option that expresses the given sentence in active voice. Trumpets are being blown by the soldiers ta announce the victory. 1. The soldiers were blowing the trumpets to announce the victary. 2. The soldiers blow the trumpets to announce the victory. 3. The wh ers blew the trumpets to announce the victory, 4. The soldiers are blowing the trumpets to announce the victory. Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 4: The soldiers are blowing the trumpets to announce the victory. Passive to Active Question 9 Detailed Solution The correct answer is ‘The soldiers are blowing the trumpets to announce the victory’. © Key Points + The given sentence is in the Passive Voice. As per the given question we have to change the sentence into Active Ve - + The given sentence is an example of ‘present continuous’. + The structure of these kinds of sentences is: + Subject + is/am/are + V, + ing + Object. (Active Voice) + Subject(Objective Case) + is/am/are + being+ V; + by + Object (subjective case). (Passive Voice) + Example: * He is riding a bike, (Active Voice) ° A bike is being ridden by him. (Passive Voice) + The subject of the given sentence is ‘Trumpets’ and the object of the given sentence is ‘the soldiers’. + The subject will be put in place of the object and the object will be put in place of the subject. + Here, ‘are being blown’ will be changed into ‘are blowing’. Correct Sentence: The soldiers are blowing the trumpets to announce the victory. eS een eco Ceo i mr cos Start Complete Exam Preparation Prey ce Da ieee Question Bank Exc) Download App Question 10 co ¢ View this Question Online > @ in active voice. Select the option that expresses the gi How many candidates hai i yy him before lunch? 1. How many interviewed before lunch? many candidates had he interviewed before lunch? iow many candidates did he interview before lunch? 4. How many candidates was he interviewing before lunch? ‘Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 2: How many candidates had he interviewed before lunch? Passive to Active Question 10 Detailed Solution The correct answer is "How many candidates had he interviewed before lunch?’. o @ Key Points G + The given sentence is an example of Passive Voice. As per the gi 1, We have to change it into Active Voice. + The process of transforms: + In ‘active-passive’ transformation except for (who and whom) rest of the Wh-family Pronouns will remain unchanged. = Here in the given question ‘How many candidates’ will remain unchanged. + ‘had been interviewed’ will be changed into ‘had interviewed’ The objective case ‘him’ will be changed into ‘he’ because it will be used as a subject in the active form. Thus, the correct answer is Option 2. Correct Sentence: How many candidates had he interviewed before lunch? cd ERE amr pr tielal Start Complete Exam Preparation CBee Rot (lec feted eos ca Cel Question Bank xtc) Download App ‘Question 11 View this Question Online > Select the option that expresses the given sentence in active voice. The coloured clothes should nat be washed with the whites. 1. Do not washed thé Coloured clothes with the whites. 2, a not wash the coloured clothes with the whites. 3. Do not be washing the coloured clothes with the whites. 4. You shauld not have washed the coloured clothes with the whites, Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 2: You should not wash the coloured clothes with the whites. Passive to Active Question 11 Detailed Solution The correct answer is You should not wash the coloured clothes with the whites.’ © Key Points change it into Active + The process of transfon is as follows: = Since modal verb has been used in the passive voice, therefore, the active voice will follow the given structure: ™ Passive Voice - modal verb(should) + be + V3 ™ Active Voice - modal verb(should) + V, + Here, ‘should not be washed” will be changed into ‘should not wash’. + The given sentence gy example of Passive Voice, As per the given question we have to ESSE STINE PE FIL MYCE FANE CONGO CHE Pere Ee Meee Coal reer er et Start Complete Exam Preparation RCC Can ous Gree feed ieee MasterCl Question Bank Download App xc Question 12 View this Question Online > Select the option that expresses the given sentence in active voice. | have been informed of their decision. 1. They have informed mevof their decision. a 3. They informed me of their decision. formed me of their decision. 4. They are informing me of their decision. Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 1 : They have informed me of their decision. Passive to Active Question 12 Detailed Solution The correct answer is “They have informed me of their decision.” @ Key Points + There are a few things to keepin mind,befate changing a sentence from passive to active voice. + In the given sentence, -omes the Object of the sentence in the active voice as the action is received by it. “ + In the given sentence, # ‘ct pronoun “I" changes to "me" in active voice + Inactive voice, the subject is highlighted so “they” will be placed at the beginning as the action is performed By it? + In active voice, we don't need to use the past participle “been” with the main verb. * In the passive voice, "been" is used to create the present perfect tense. The correct sentence is: They have informed me of their decision. Hence, the correct answer is option 1. a Ca eee eeu) Start Complete Exam Preparation Par) beac aac irre Ce oo ee ACCC aR occa Download App Question 13 View this Question Online > Select the option that expresses the given sentence in active voice: Iwas bade by Hemant to retire entirely from my family business. 1. Hemant bade me to retire entirely from my family business. 2. Hemant bade me retired entirely from my family business. 3 -" bade meto retiring entirely from my family business. 4. Hemant bade me retire entirely from my family business. Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 4: Hemant bade me retire entirely from my family business. Passive to Active Question 13 Detailed Solution The correct answer is Option 4) i.e. Hemant bade me retire entirely from my family business. © Key Points + The following verbs are followed by bare infinitive in the active voice. + But these aren't followed by a bare infinitive in the passive voice. > let, bid, help, make, etc. + Example: < He bade me leave the party. (active) > Iwas bade to leave the party. (passive) + Following this structure, we get the 4th option as the correct answer. + Following these steps, we finally get- Hemant bade me retire entirely from my family business. acai ional Information What is a Direct (Bare) wee, Direct Infinitive or Bare Infinitive is the infinitive without ‘to’ that is "verb1". What is an INFINITIVE? Infinitive is a kind of noun with certain features of a verb. "to" is used with infinitives following the structure - “to + verb1" The verb ‘bid’ is the Same in all three verb forms but ‘bade’ is also used extensively as the past simple/participle. a India's #1 Learning Platform aa Start Complete Exam Preparation Po Cites Download App ‘Question 14 View this Question Online > Select the option that expresses the given sentence in active voice. The incident was narrated by somebody to Naresh. 1. Somebody was narrating the incident to Naresh. 2. Somebody narrated the incident to Naresh. % was about to narrate the incident to Naresh 4, Somebody will narrate the incident to Naresh, Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 2: Somebody narrated the incident to Naresh. Passive to Active Question 14 Detailed Solution The correct answer is “Somebody narrated the incident to Naresh.” © Key Points + There are a few things to keep in mind when changing a sentence from passive to active voice. = The agent in the passive voice becomes the subject(doer of the aétion) ofthe active voice. « In the given sentence, “somebody” becomes the subjeckin the active voice. + We can omit the usage of "by" in the active voice. We use ‘the preposition “by” to show the agent in the passive voice. © We can also omit the usage of "to be"sforms, imlah active voice. So we can omit "was" which is the past tense of "to, be" inithe'given sentence. = The given sentence is in the Simple past tense. Hence, the correct answer is oot. The correct sentence is: Somebody narrated the incident to Naresh. ‘g Hinglish + OIG GT passive to active voice # Iacd GH SS Tel H] A WT aeU, « piste voles 8 Uae active vole voice Sate aa tach uae! o TEU AT Tay F, “somebody” Sid alate 4 fauy FA SATS! « FHactive voice # “by” Dy aai t BTg Ho #1 CAL Th passive voice A RRGTA fee ‘by’ preposition HI Sua él + FH active voice H "to be" WH & GUM HI Hi Bs Tad SI © FUlU GA “was” Gl BS Tad € a fal We AG F “to be" HT 4 HITS! . Fear7a1 are simple past tense ST €! & India’s #1 Learning Platform PSE Tame CM cies Li cel) Cae ree an esc Tec iors ceo Creetearng 2a Download App Question 15 View this Question Online > Direction: sentence has been given in Active/Passive voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active voice. The students are made to stand up for the National anthem by the rules of school policy. 1. The school policy dictates the students to stand-up tional Anthem. 2. The school rules have made the st \ onl the National Anthem. 3. The school policy makes Ss ‘as up for the National Anthem. 4. By the om students are made to stand up for the National Anthem. Xe Solution Below) Option 3: The school policy makes the students stand up for the National Anthem. Passive to Active Question 16 Detailed Solution The correct answer is ‘The school policy makes the students stand up for the National Anthem: © Key Points + In Active Voice, a sentence emphasizes the subject, performing an action. + In Passive Voice, a sentence emphasizes the action or the object of the sentence. + The given sentence is in the passive voice and ‘The students’ is the subject and ‘the school rules’ is the object. + When we convert this sentence into an active voice, the subject ‘The country’ of the active voice becomes the object, the object ‘the school rules’ becomes the subject. + The passive format “are + V3 (made)" should be converted into the active format °V; (make)" + This is the active and passive voice rule for the present simple tense. Hence, the correct answer is option 3 oO © Additional Information + Verbs of passive format have a different set of tenses (*V3 - ety or aaa form of the Verb) as given below in the table: TENSE Present Simple PASSIVE CONVE Present Continuous Has/have + been+ v3 INot used and Present Perfect Present Perfect Football has beet Continuous He has been playing football unusual. Not used and un Past Simple He played football lWas/were + V3 Football was pla Past Continuous He was playing football |Was/were + being + v3 Football was beir Past Perfect Past Perfect Continuous He had played football He had been playing football Had + been + V3__[Football had bee Not used and un Future Simple He will play football Football will be p Future Continuous Future Perfect He will be playing football He will have played football Football will be & him Football will have him Will + be + being + V3 Will have been + V3 Future Perfect Continuous He will have been playing football Not used and Junusual Not used and un

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