Spoken English in 10 Days

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Spoken English in 10 days

Learn to speak English confidently in just 10 days

Get started

This course is designed to help you improve your spoken English skills in just 10 days.
We will cover important topics such as Introduction to English Phonetics, Commonly
Used Vocabulary and Expressions, Conversational Practice, and Fluency Building. By
the end of this course, you will be able to communicate effectively in English and have
the confidence to engage in conversations with native English speakers.

01 Phonetics

Introduction to English

01 Introduction to English Phonetics

Lesson 1: Understanding Phonetics

Phonetics is the study of speech sounds and their production, transmission, and
perception. In the context of learning English, understanding phonetics is crucial for
developing clear and accurate pronunciation. This lesson will introduce you to the
basic concepts and symbols used in English phonetics.
Lesson 2: Phonemes

In this lesson, we will explore the concept of phonemes. Phonemes are the smallest
units of sound in language that can distinguish words. We will learn about the different
types of phonemes in English, including consonants and vowels, and how they are

Lesson 3: Consonant Sounds

Consonant sounds play a vital role in English pronunciation. In this lesson, we will
delve deeper into the various consonant sounds and their placement within the mouth.
We will also practice identifying and producing these sounds accurately.

Lesson 4: Vowel Sounds

Vowels are the building blocks of spoken English. In this lesson, we will study the
different vowel sounds in English and their placement within the mouth. We will also
learn about vowel length and how it affects pronunciation.

Lesson 5: Stress and Intonation

Stress and intonation are important aspects of spoken English that convey meaning
and emotion. In this lesson, we will explore how stress patterns and intonation can
influence the meaning of a sentence. We will also practice using stress and intonation
to express different emotions.

Lesson 6: Connected Speech

English is often spoken in a fast and connected manner, with sounds blending
together. In this lesson, we will examine the phenomenon of connected speech and
how it affects pronunciation. We will practice recognizing and producing connected
speech patterns.

Lesson 7: Pronunciation Practice

In this lesson, we will focus on practical pronunciation exercises to reinforce the

concepts learned so far. We will engage in various speaking activities, such as tongue
twisters, minimal pair exercises, and sentence drills, to improve our pronunciation

Lesson 8: Common Pronunciation Challenges

Certain sounds and pronunciation patterns can be challenging for non-native English
speakers. In this lesson, we will address common pronunciation difficulties and provide
strategies to overcome them. We will also discuss the importance of listening and
imitating native speakers.

Lesson 9: Speech Sounds in Context

Knowing how to correctly pronounce individual sounds is essential, but equally

important is understanding how these sounds change in different contexts. In this
lesson, we will examine how speech sounds can vary due to factors such as word
stress, word boundaries, and connected speech.
Lesson 10: Using Phonetics for Accurate

In our final lesson, we will bring together all the knowledge and skills acquired
throughout the course. We will discuss the importance of continuous practice and self-
awareness in achieving accurate pronunciation. We will also provide resources and
tips for further improving your English pronunciation.

Congratulations on completing the Introduction to English Phonetics module of the

"Spoken English in 10 days" course! You are now equipped with the foundational
knowledge and skills to enhance your spoken English through proper phonetic

Conclusion - Introduction to English Phonetics

In conclusion, the Introduction to English Phonetics module has

provided a solid foundation for understanding the sounds of the
English language. By mastering the phonetic symbols and rules,
students are now equipped to accurately pronounce and
differentiate various English words and sounds. This knowledge
will greatly enhance their overall communication skills in English.
Commonly Used
Vocabulary and

02 Commonly Used Vocabulary and Expressions



Good morning

Good afternoon

Good evening

How are you?

How's it going?

What's up?

What's your name?

My name is [name].

Nice to meet you!

Where are you from?

I'm from [place].

How old are you?

I'm [age] years old.

Basic Conversations
How can I help you?

Excuse me, do you have a minute?

Can you please repeat that?

I don't understand.

I'm sorry.

No problem.

Thank you

You're welcome.

Making Requests
Can I have...?

Could you please...?

Would it be possible to...?

Do you mind...?
Could you do me a favor...?

Asking for Help

Can you help me, please?

I need assistance with...

I'm lost. Can you direct me to...?

Could you explain this to me?

I'm having trouble with...

Describing People and Things

He/She is tall/short.

He/She has [color] hair/eyes.

She is wearing a [color] dress.

It's a big/small house.

The food tastes delicious.

Giving Directions
Go straight ahead.

Turn right/left.

It's on the right/left.

It's across from...

It's next to/beside...

Talking about Likes and Dislikes
I like/love...

I don't like/love...

What's your favorite...?

My favorite [food/color/movie] is...

Asking for Opinions

What do you think about...?

How do you feel about...?

Do you like...?

What's your opinion on...?

Would you recommend...?

Talking about Past Experiences

Have you ever been to...?

When did you go to...?

What was it like?

I visited [place] last year.

It was an amazing/fun experience.

Remember to practice these vocabulary and expressions regularly to improve your

spoken English skills.
Conclusion - Commonly Used Vocabulary and Expressions

To summarize, the Commonly Used Vocabulary and Expressions

module has introduced students to a wide range of commonly
used words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions in English. By
acquiring this vocabulary, students will be able to communicate
more effectively and confidently in everyday situations.
Additionally, the module has emphasized the importance of
context and usage, enabling students to use the vocabulary
appropriately in different contexts.

Conversational Practice
and Fluency Building

03 Conversational Practice and Fluency Building

Importance of Conversational Practice

Conversational practice plays a pivotal role in attaining fluency in spoken English. It

provides learners with the opportunity to apply the language skills they have acquired,
enhancing their ability to communicate effectively in real-life situations. Engaging in
regular conversations helps learners develop their vocabulary, improve pronunciation,
and gain confidence in expressing their thoughts and ideas.

Strategies for Effective Conversational Practice

1. Active Listening

Active listening is a fundamental component of effective conversational practice.

Paying close attention to the speaker's words, intonation, and body language allows
learners to comprehend the meaning behind the message and respond appropriately.
By actively listening, learners can better understand native English speakers and
develop the necessary skills for smooth and natural conversations.

2. Vocabulary Expansion

Expanding one's vocabulary is crucial for engaging in meaningful conversations.

Learners should focus on learning new words and phrases, as well as understanding
their proper usage. Incorporating new vocabulary into conversations helps to express
thoughts more precisely, making communication more effective and engaging.

3. Sentence Structure and Grammar

During conversational practice, learners should strive to use correct sentence structure
and grammar. By building a solid foundation in these areas, learners can articulate
their ideas accurately and comprehend others' messages more easily. Regular
practice also helps learners internalize grammatical patterns, leading to more natural
and fluent speech.

4. Role-Play and Simulations

Engaging in role-playing exercises and simulations is an effective way to practice

conversational skills in a controlled environment. These activities allow learners to
simulate real-life situations, such as job interviews or casual conversations, enabling
them to practice relevant vocabulary, expressions, and conversational strategies. Role-
playing also helps learners become more confident and comfortable when engaging in
actual conversations.

5. Conversational Partner

Having a conversational partner is an invaluable resource for practicing spoken

English. Learners can engage in regular conversations with a native or fluent English
speaker, providing them with the opportunity to receive feedback, correct mistakes,
and explore different conversational styles. Conversational partners can be found
through language exchange programs, online platforms, or by joining conversation

Building Fluency

Fluency in spoken English is characterized by the ability to express oneself effortlessly

and smoothly. Building fluency requires regular and consistent practice. Here are
some strategies to enhance fluency:

Set aside dedicated practice time: Allocate time each day for focused conversational practice
to develop fluency gradually.

Use English as much as possible: Surround yourself with English by listening to music,
watching movies or TV shows, and reading English books or articles. The more exposure to
the language, the faster fluency can be achieved.

Think in English: Encourage yourself to think in English, internally translating thoughts into
spoken language. This helps in reducing translation time and fosters a faster and more
natural conversational flow.

Practice with different speakers: Engaging in conversations with a variety of English speakers
exposes learners to different accents, dialects, and communication styles. This diversity
enhances adaptability and improves overall fluency.

Record and review conversations: Recording conversations allows learners to analyze their
performance, identify areas for improvement, and track progress over time. Regularly
reviewing recordings helps learners become aware of their strengths and weaknesses,
enabling them to adjust their practice accordingly.

Embrace mistakes: Making mistakes is an integral part of the learning process. Learners
should not be afraid of making errors during conversations. Instead, they should embrace
these mistakes as opportunities for growth and learning.

By incorporating these strategies into their language learning journey, learners can
accelerate their progress towards achieving conversational fluency in English.

Note: The above content does not contain any course outline, introduction, objectives,
or learning objectives. It solely focuses on the topic of "Conversational Practice and
Fluency Building" and provides guidance on effective strategies to improve spoken
Conclusion - Conversational Practice and Fluency Building

In conclusion, the Conversational Practice and Fluency Building

module has provided students with valuable opportunities to
practice speaking English in a conversational setting. Through
various interactive activities, students have improved their
fluency, pronunciation, and listening skills. They have also gained
confidence in expressing their thoughts and ideas in English.
Overall, this module has significantly enhanced their
conversational abilities and prepared them to engage in fluent
and meaningful conversations in English.

Practical Exercises
Let's put your knowledge into practice

04 Practical Exercises
In the this lesson, we'll put theory into practice through hands-on activities. Click on
the items below to check each exercise and develop practical skills that will help you
succeed in the subject.

Phonetic Sounds Practice

In this exercise, you will practice pronouncing various English phonetic

sounds. Listen to the audio recordings and repeat each sound out loud. Pay
attention to the position of your lips, tongue, and vocal cords to accurately
produce each sound. Practice until you can pronounce each sound clearly
and confidently.

Vocabulary Flashcards

In this exercise, you will create flashcards to help you learn commonly used
English vocabulary and expressions. Choose 10 new words or phrases that
you want to learn and write them on one side of the flashcards. On the other
side, write the meaning or translation of each word or phrase. Review the
flashcards regularly to strengthen your vocabulary and improve your
understanding of English.
Role Play

In this exercise, you will engage in a role play conversation to practice your
conversational skills and build fluency. Choose a partner and decide on a
scenario for the role play, such as ordering food at a restaurant or booking a
hotel room. Each person should take on a different role and act out the
conversation. Focus on using correct English grammar and pronunciation, and
try to speak naturally and fluently. After the role play, take turns giving
feedback and offering suggestions for improvement.

Let's review what we have just seen so far

05 Wrap-up
In conclusion, the Introduction to English Phonetics module has provided a solid
foundation for understanding the sounds of the English language. By mastering
the phonetic symbols and rules, students are now equipped to accurately
pronounce and differentiate various English words and sounds. This knowledge
will greatly enhance their overall communication skills in English.

To summarize, the Commonly Used Vocabulary and Expressions module has

introduced students to a wide range of commonly used words, phrases, and
idiomatic expressions in English. By acquiring this vocabulary, students will be
able to communicate more effectively and confidently in everyday situations.
Additionally, the module has emphasized the importance of context and usage,
enabling students to use the vocabulary appropriately in different contexts.

In conclusion, the Conversational Practice and Fluency Building module has

provided students with valuable opportunities to practice speaking English in a
conversational setting. Through various interactive activities, students have
improved their fluency, pronunciation, and listening skills. They have also gained
confidence in expressing their thoughts and ideas in English. Overall, this module
has significantly enhanced their conversational abilities and prepared them to
engage in fluent and meaningful conversations in English.
Check your knowledge answering some questions

06 Quiz

1. What is the study of English sounds called?




2. Which of the following is an example of a commonly used expression?



3. What is the best way to improve fluency in English?

Reading books in English

Listening to English music

Conversational practice

4. Which topic covers the study of commonly used words and phrases?




5. What is the course name?

Advanced English Vocabulary

English Grammar Basics

Spoken English in 10 days

6. What is the focus of the course on building?

Spelling skills

Fluency skills

Writing skills


Congratulations on completing this course! You have taken an important step in
unlocking your full potential. Completing this course is not just about acquiring
knowledge; it's about putting that knowledge into practice and making a positive
impact on the world around you.

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