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/ Module 3: Workplace Management - Unit

Standard 11473

/ Activity 1 - Roleplay US11473

/ Performance Review Notes

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Activity 1 - Roleplay US11473

Performance Review Notes
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Performance Review Notes

by Barry Emmanuel Phillips - Wednesday, 15
November 2023, 2:06 PM


Review the employee's job

description and performance goals.
Gather feedback from colleagues,
peers, and other relevant sources.
Prepare specific examples of the
employee's achievements and areas
for improvement.

Clear Communication:

Clearly communicate the purpose and

format of the performance review.
Use clear and specific language to
convey feedback.
Encourage open communication and
questions from the employee.

Focus on Behavior and Results:

Evaluate actual behaviors and results

rather than making generalizations.
Link performance to specific goals
and expectations set during the
previous review period.


Conduct the performance review in a

timely manner, preferably close to the
end of the review period.
Address any performance issues
promptly to prevent them from

Balance of Positive and Constructive


Acknowledge and appreciate the

employee's strengths and
Provide constructive feedback on
areas that need improvement,
offering specific suggestions for

Goal Setting for the Future:

Collaboratively set realistic and

achievable goals for the upcoming
review period.
Ensure that goals align with both
individual and organizational

Fairness and Consistency:

Ensure that the performance review

process is fair and consistent across
all employees.
Avoid biases and be objective in

Employee Input:

Allow the employee to share their

perspective on their performance.
Consider the employee's career
aspirations and development goals.

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◀︎ US11473 SO1 - Presentation

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