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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
School Division Office of Las Piñas City
Las Piñas City National Senior Highschool Dona
Josefa Campus
Josefa Ave. Doña Josefa Village, Almanza 1 Las
Piñas City

Portfolio in
Earth & Life
Submitted from: Yrezabal Francesca
Nicole D.
Grade & Section: 11 Simplicity
Submitted to: Ron Ron C. Cabrera
Table of Content
*Main Function
*Main Function *Parts and Function
*Parts and Function *5 Diseases, Symptoms &
*5 Diseases, Symptoms & Medication

*Main Function 6.NERVOUS SYSTEM
*Parts and Function *Main Function
*5 Diseases, Symptoms & *Parts and Function
Medication *5 Diseases, Symptoms &
*Main Function
*Parts and Function *Main Function
*5 Diseases, Symptoms & *Parts and Function
Medication *5 Diseases, Symptoms &
*Main Function
*Parts and Function
*5 Diseases, Symptoms &
Main functions of
Digestive system
The digestive system breaks down
food into simple nutrients such as
carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
These can then be absorbed into your
blood, so your body can use them for
energy, growth and repair. Anything
that isn't used is waste, and leaves the
body as faeces
Parts and Function of
Digestive system
Food starts to move through your GI tract when you
eat. When you swallow, your tongue pushes the food
into your throat. A small flap of tissue, called the
epiglottis, folds over your windpipe to prevent
choking and the food passes into your esophagus.
Once you begin swallowing, the process becomes
automatic. Your brain signals the muscles of the
esophagus and peristalsis begins.
After food enters your stomach, the stomach muscles
mix the food and liquid with digestive juices. The
stomach slowly empties its contents, called chyme, into
your small intestine.
Small Intestine
Made up of three segments — the duodenum, jejunum,
and ileum — the small intestine is a 22-foot long muscular
tube that breaks down food using enzymes released by
the pancreas and bile from the liver.
The pancreas secretes digestive enzymes into the
duodenum that break down protein, fats and
carbohydrates. The pancreas also makes insulin,
passing it directly into the bloodstream.
The liver has many functions, but its main job
within the digestive system is to process the
nutrients absorbed from the small intestine.

The gallbladder stores and concentrates bile from the
liver, and then releases it into the duodenum in the
small intestine to help absorb and digest fats.

The colon is responsible for processing waste so that
emptying your bowels is easy and convenient. It’s a 6-
foot long muscular tube that connects the small
intestine to the rectum

The colon is responsible for processing waste so that
emptying your bowels is easy and convenient. It’s a 6-
foot long muscular tube that connects the small
intestine to the rectum

The anus is the last part of the digestive tract. It is a
2-inch long canal consisting of the pelvic floor
muscles and the two anal sphincters (internal and
5 Diseases of
Digestive system
1. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
IBS is a "functional" disorder, because changes in the functioning
of the digestive system cause the collection of symptoms referred
to as IBS. IBS is a problem with the movement (motility) of the
digestive tract rather than a result of damage to the tissues of the
digestive system
2. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
IBD refers to two conditions (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative
colitis) characterized by chronic inflammation of the
gastrointestinal tract that results in damage to the GI tract.

3. Gastroesophageal reflux disease

a condition in which the acid from the stomach backs up into the
esophagus, which is the tube that carries food from the mouth to
the stomach. When acid reflux occurs more than twice weekly, is
chronic, or causes uncomfortable symptoms or damage, it is
considered to be gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
4. Celiac Disease
Also called gluten-sensitive enteropathy, celiac sprue, or non-tropical
sprue, celiac disease is an autoimmune condition in which the immune
system responds abnormally to a protein called gluten, leading to
damage of the lining of the small intestine, which is responsible for
absorbing food and nutrients.
5. Diverticulitis
This is a form of diverticular disease, which occurs when small
pouches in the large intestinal (colonic) wall called diverticula, are
5 Symptoms of
Digestive system
1. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
•Abdominal Pain
•Diarrhea and Constipation
•Nausea and Vomiting
2. Iflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
•Abdominal pain and cramping
•Blood in your stool
•Reduced appetite

3. Gastroesophageal reflux disease

•A burning sensation in your chest
•Backwash (regurgitation) of food or sour liquid
•Upper abdominal or chest pain
•Trouble swallowing (dysphagia)
•Sensation of a lump in your throat
4. Celiac Disease
•Chronic diarrhea
•Lactose intolerance
•Pain in the abdomen

5. Diverticulitis
•Nausea and vomiting.
•Abdominal tenderness.
5 Medication of
Digestive system
1. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
•Avoid foods that trigger your symptoms
•Eat high-fiber foods
•Drink plenty of fluids
•Exercise regularly
•Get enough sleep
2. Iflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
•Anti-inflammatory drugs
•Immune system suppressors
•Nutritional support
3. Gastroesophageal reflux disease
•Antacids that neutralize stomach acid.
•Prescription-strength proton pump inhibitors.
•LINX device.
•Medications to reduce acid production. in your
4. Celiac Disease
•Chronic diarrhea
•Lactose intolerance
•Pain in the abdomen

5. Diverticulitis
•Serology testing
•Genetic testing
•Endoscopy capsule
Main Function of
Circulatory system
The circulatory system carries oxygen,
nutrients, and hormones to cells, and
removes waste products, like carbon dioxide.
These roadways travel in one direction only,
to keep things going where they should..
Parts & Functions of
Circulatory system
pulmonary circulation
is a short loop from the
heart to the lungs and
back again.
Systemic circulation
carries blood from the
heart to all the other parts
of the body and back again.
5 Diseases of
Circulatory system
•Problems with your heart’s pumping action.
•Changes to your heart’s structure.
•Inefficient blood flow.
•Blocked or narrowed blood vessels.
•Weakened blood vessels.

Pulmonary circulation
•Pulmonary embolism
•Pulmonary hypertension
•Pulmonary edema

Systemic circulation
• Rheumatic fever
•Sickle cell anemia
5 Symptoms of
Circulatory system
Some common symptoms that may
indicate a problem with the
circulatory system include:

1. High blood pressure

2. High cholesterol levels
3. Coronary artery disease
4. Heart attack (myocardial infarction)
5. Stroke
Pulmonary circulation
1. Shortness of breath, especially during physical activity
2. Wheezing
3. Chest tightness or discomfort
4. Heart palpitations
5. Cough.
Systemic circulation
1. Shortness of breath
2. Fatigue or weakness
3. Chest pain or tightness
4. Dizziness or lightheadedness
5. Unusual heart rate, such as an abnormally fast or
slow heart rate.
5 Medication of
Circulatory system
1. Statins: these reduce cholesterol levels and help
prevent blockages in the coronary arteries.
2. Beta-blockers: these reduce heart rate and reduce
blood pressure by blocking certain receptors.
3. Angina medication (nitrates): these increase blood flow
by causing relaxation of the blood vessels.
4. ACE inhibitors: these reduce blood pressure by
reducing the force the heart exerts on the arteries.
5. Diuretics: these increase the amount of urine produced
and help remove fluids from the body.
Pulmonary circulation
1. Oxygen therapy: Oxygen therapy is the administration
of supplemental oxygen through tubes or masks.
2. Bronchodilators: these are medications that relax and
open the airways, making it easier to breathe.
3. Inhalers: these are devices that deliver medications
directly to the lungs, helping to reduce inflammation
and reduce shortness of breath.
4. Methylxanthine: these are medications that help
reduce pulmonary hypertension.
5. Anticoagulants: these reduce the risk of blood clots.
Systemic circulation
1. Angina medication (nitrates): These increase blood
flow by causing relaxation of the blood vessels and
lower blood pressure in the heart.
2. Beta-blockers
3. ACE inhibitors
4. Diuretics
5. Anticoagulants
6. Statins
Main & Functions of
The integumentary system is the outer layer of
the body, responsible for protecting the body
from external environments. It's composed of
the skin, hair, and nails, and is responsible for
numerous vital functions, including maintaining
body temperature, protection against the
environment, and maintaining water balance in
the body. Additionally, the integumentary
system serves as a barrier to prevent the entry
of harmful substances and pathogens into the
Parts & Functions of
1. Skin
The skin protects the body by acting as a
barrier, shielding the internal organs from
the external environment. The skin also
plays a vital role in temperature
regulation, water retention, and immune

2. Hair
The hair acts as protection against
external environmental factors, and also
serves as insulation for the body. The hair
also contributes to the aesthetic
appearance of the body.

The nails play a role in protecting the
fingers and toes, preventing wear and
tear, and also contributing to the
aesthetic qualities of the body.
5 diseases of
Some of the most common diseases
that affect the integumentary system
1. Skin cancer
2. Eczema
3. Varicose veins
4. Rosacea
5. Acne vulgaris
5 Symptoms of
Skin cancer
1. Unusual skin growth (new moles or
changes in existing moles)
2. Changes in the color or texture of the skin
3. Redness, irritation, or soreness of the skin
4. Bleeding of the skin
5. Skin itching or pain in the affected area.
1. Persistent itching
2. Dry skin that may appear flaky
3. Redness
4. Cracking and bleeding skin
5. Skin scaling and oozing of fluids
Varicose veins
1.Swelling of the veins
2. Heaviness or fatigue in legs
3. Pain or discomfort in the varicose vein area
4. Itching or burning sensation in varicose vein
1. Flushed skin on the face, especially on
the cheeks
2. Small, red, inflamed bumps on the skin
3. Blood vessels may become visible in
the affected area
4. Skin may feel burning or stinging
5. Dryness, tightness, or flaky skin in the
affected area.

Acne Vulgaris
1. Red bumps, blisters, or pimples on the
2. Enlarged pores
3. Skin redness, inflammation and
4. Skin scarring (acne scars), especially in
the face area
5. Blackheads or white heads in pores.
5 Medication of
Some common medications used to treat conditions
related to the integumentary system include:

1. Corticosteroids: these are powerful anti-

inflammatory drugs that can reduce swelling and
redness in the affected area.
2. Antihistamines: these are medications that block
histamine receptors, which can help reduce itching,
redness, and swelling.
3. Antibiotics: these medications can help kill bacteria
and prevent infections in the affected area.
4. Retinoids: these are medications that work to clear up
acne breakouts and prevent new pimple formation.
Main Function of
The reproductive system is a complex system
responsible for reproduction and the production of
offspring. It's composed of reproductive organs that
produce and store gametes, or reproductive cells
(sperm and eggs), as well as organs that produce
hormones to help regulate reproduction. The
reproductive system is essential for maintaining the
population of a species and ensures that offspring
carries the genetic traits of the parents. The
reproductive system helps in creating and maintaining
gene diversity across generations and facilitates genetic
transfer, providing new genetic material for
development of offspring.
Main functions of
male reproductive
The main function of the male reproductive system is to
produce male reproductive cells or sperm, which is
used to fertilize female reproductive cells or eggs for
the development of new organisms. The male
reproductive system is made up of several different
organs, including the penis, testicles and seminal
glands, and the prostate gland.
5 disease of male
Some of the most common diseases
that affect the male reproductive
system include:
1. Prostate cancer
2. Infertility
3. Low testosterone levels
4. Erectile dysfunction
5. Testicular cancer
5 Symptoms of male
1.Prostate cancer
1. Difficulty or pain during
2. Blood in urine or semen
3. Unexplained pain or discomfort
in the pelvic or groin area
4. Frequent or urgent need to
5. Loss of interest in sex, reduced
sexual performance, or pain during

1. Irregular or absent sperm
production or low sperm count
2. Difficulty in achieving pregnancy
3. Sexual dysfunction like erectile
dysfunction or lack of sexual desire
4. Reduced testosterone levels or
5. Changes in semen texture or
3. Low Testosterone Levels
1. Low stamina or energy levels
2. Loss of libido or sexual desire
3. Loss of muscle mass or strength
4. Changes in mood or difficulty in
5. Breast swelling in males
4. Erectile dysfunction
1. Difficulty in attaining or maintaining an
2. Loss of erectile firmness
3. Pain or discomfort during the erection
4. Trouble sustaining an erection for
sexual intercourse
5. Changes in the appearance of the
erection, such as curved or twisted
5. Testicular cancer
1. Pain or discomfort in the testicle
2. Swelling of testicles
3. Changes in the size, shape, texture
or appearance of the testicles
4. Unusual bleeding or discharge from
the testicles
5. Swelling or lymph nodes in the
scrotum area.
5 Medication of male
Prostate Cancer
1. 5-alpha reductase inhibitors: this is a group of drugs
that block the production of male sex hormones (such
as testosterone and DHT) in the body, helping to slow
down tumor growth.
2. Anti-androgens: these drugs block the effects of the
male sex hormones that promote tumor growth.
3. Anticonvulsants: some anticonvulsants have anti-
cancer properties and can help reduce tumor growth.
4. Chemotherapy: this is using drugs to kill cancer cells
and slow down tumor growth.
Main Function of
The main function of the female reproductive system is
to produce female reproductive cells (or eggs) and to
provide a safe and nourishing environment for the
development of the fetus. In addition, the reproductive
system is responsible for the production and release of
female reproductive hormones, which play a key role in
regulating the reproductive cycle, fertility, and other
aspects of sexual development. The reproductive
system is composed of several organs, including the
ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, and vagina.
Parts & Functions of
1. Ovaries
This is responsible for
producing female
reproductive cells or
eggs, and hormones
such as estrogen and

2. Fallopian Tube
This is a passageway
that transports the
eggs from the ovaries
to the uterus.

3. Uterus
This is a hollow organ
that houses and
nourishes the
developing fetus until
it's ready to be born.
4. Cervix
This is the narrow, funnel-
shaped passageway that
connects the uterus to the
5 Diseases of Female
1. Pelvic inflammatory disease: this is a condition caused by
bacteria in the female reproductive system that can cause
inflammation and scars on the fallopian tubes and ovaries.
2. Ovarian cancer: this form of cancer is caused by
uncontrolled growth of cells in one or both ovaries.
3. Ovarian cysts: this is a sac that contains fluid or semi-solid
material and forms on or within a woman's ovary. It commonly
causes lower abdominal pain, bloating, and pelvic pressure.
4. Menstruation problems: this can include irregular or missed
Fallopian Tube
1. Ectopic pregnancy: this is a condition in which the
fertilized embryo implants outside of the uterus, usually
in the fallopian tube. It can cause severe pain, bleeding,
and potentially life-threatening complications.
2. Tubal blockage: this is when a blockage prevents the
flow of the fallopian tube and can cause infertility.
3. Inflammation and infection: this can cause swelling,
pain, redness, discharge or bleeding from the fallopian
1. Fibroids: these are benign (non-cancerous) growths
that can form in the uterus and cause heavy and painful
periods, bloating and pelvic pressure, and difficulty
getting pregnant.
2. Endometriosis: this is a condition where tissues
similar to the lining of the uterus grow outside the
uterus, causing pain and fertility issues.
3. Polyps: these are small growths that form in the
uterus and can cause pain or bleeding during periods.
4. Uterine cancer: this is a malignant (cancerous) tumor
that develops in the

1. Cervical cancer: this is a malignant (cancerous) tumor
that occurs in the cervix and can cause abnormal
bleeding, pain during intercourse, and vaginal
2. Cervical polyps: these are non-cancerous growths
that can cause bleeding, pain during intercourse, and
vaginal discharge.
3. Cervical stenosis: this is when the cervix becomes
narrower and can cause pain, menstrual pain, infertility
issues, and difficulty in childbirth.
5 Medication of
1. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT): this is a treatment plan that uses
synthetic hormones to replace lost hormones and treat conditions such as
menopause and ovulation issues.
2. Contraceptive pills: this is a combination of hormones that help prevent
pregnancy by preventing ovulation or causing ovulation to occur less
3. Provera: this is a medication that can help ease symptoms such as
bloating and breast tenderness, and can also help regulate menstrual
Fallopian Tube
1. Antiviral medications: these are medications designed to fight viral
infections, which can cause inflammation and blockages in the
fallopian tubes.
2. Antibiotic medication: these help kill bacteria that might be
causing an infection in the fallopian tube.
3. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT): this can help promote
ovulation or regulate menstrual cycles by supplying the body with
hormones to stimulate hormonal production.
1. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT): this can help
ease symptoms such as endometriosis, PCOS, and other
menstrual cycle/fertility issues.
2. Choline: this is a medication that can help relieve
period pain, cramping, and nausea related to ovulation
or menstruation.
3. Progestin: this is a medication that stimulates the
ovaries to produce progesterone, which is an essential
hormone for maintaining pregnancy and supporting

1. NSAIDs: this is a type of medication that is anti-
inflammatory and can also help with fever and pain
during menstruation.
2. Dolutegravir: this is an antiviral medication that can
help prevent and treat HIV infections.
3. Antibiotics: these can combat bacterial infections
which can cause inflammation, discharge, and
Main Function of
Respiratory system
The main function of the respiratory system is
to transport oxygen into the blood circulation
and remove carbon dioxide from the body.
Additionally, the lungs store oxygen and
remove carbon dioxide from the blood, while
also serving as a barrier against bacteria and
other foreign particles. The lungs are essential
for providing nutrients and oxygen to the
body, and for removing waste products from
the body.
Parts & Function of
Respiratory system
The main function of the throat is to enable
the passage of food and air on their way into
and out of the body. It also helps protect the
lungs and airway, allowing for breathing and
speech, and enabling digestion to take place.
The throat consists of two distinct channels:
the food channel (esophagus) and the
respiratory channel (trachea).
2. Nose
The nose is responsible for heating, humidifying,
filtering, and smelling air. Part of the nose called
nasal mucus membranes can trap particles and
prevent them from reaching the lungs.
3. Lungs
The lungs have two main functions: breathing and
gas exchange. Breathing helps to provide oxygen
to the body and remove carbon dioxide in order
to keep the body alive. Gas exchange happens
when oxygen (O2) is exchanged with carbon
dioxide (CO2) in the blood. This process allows
the body to take in oxygen and dispose of carbon
dioxide. Gas exchange allows the body to
function normally, so the lungs are essential to
maintain life.
4. Pharynx
This is responsible for
protecting the airway by
preventing food or
other substances from
entering the airway. It
also plays a role in the
swallowing process.
This is a structure
consisting of the larynx
and the trachea, which is
responsible for allowing
the passage of air into the
5 disease of
Respiratory system
This is a lung condition that causes
wheezing, shortness of breath, and
coughing during a breathing attack. It's
characterized by inflammation and narrow
airways in the lungs.
this is a condition in which the air
passages in the lungs become inflamed
and narrowed, which can cause
breathing problems and a cough.
This is an infection that affects the lung
tissue, causing the air sacs to fill with
pus or other substances. This can
cause breathing difficulties, fever, and
other symptoms.
5 Symptoms of
Respiratory system
1. Shortness of breath
2. Dry cough or coughing
that produces phlegm
3. Wheezing
4. Feeling of tightness in
the chest
5. Pain in the neck, chest,
or collarbone
Medication of
Respiratory system
* Antihistamines: this is a type of drug that can block
histamine receptors and ease symptoms of allergies,
asthma, and other respiratory conditions.
* Steroids: this is a type of medication that can reduce
inflammation and suppress the immune system and
ease symptoms such as shortness of breath and
sneezing (especially in allergies).
* Bronchodilators: this is a drug that helps relax the
lungs and increase air flow into the lungs. It can help
ease COPD, shortness of breath, and air flow
Main Function of
Nervous system
The main function of the nervous system is to
process and transmit information from and to
the body. It regulates and controls bodily
functions, communicates signals and messages
throughout the body, and helps coordinate
movement and behavior. The nervous system
comprises the central nervous system (brain and
spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system
(nerves, ganglia, and nerves in the body).

The central nervous system processes

information and sends signals to the muscles,
glands, and other parts of the body. It is
responsible for controlling voluntary actions,
higher cognitive functions, thoughts, emotions,
and body functions such as breathing and heart
Parts & Function of
Nervous system
1. Central Nervous
This is made up of the
brain and spinal cord and
is responsible for
processing, organizing,
and transmitting
information throughout
the body.
2. Peripheral Nervous
This includes nerves and
ganglia (which is basically a
cluster of nerves) that are
responsible for receiving and
transmitting signals from the
brain to the rest of the body.
Disease of
Nervous System
Multiple sclerosis (MS):
This is a condition in which the immune
system attacks the protective sheath
around nerves, which can cause fatigue,
weakness, vision problems, and other
Parkinson's Disease
This is a degenerative (chronic)
condition that causes a lack of energy,
tremors, or shakes. It can impact
muscle and coordination abilities.
This is a general term for a range of
conditions that affect memory,
planning, language, decision-making and
other cognitive functions.
Symptoms of
Nervous System
This is a general feeling of tiredness or lack of
energy. It can often be a result of a neurological
condition such as nerve damage, brain injury, or
neurological diseases like MS.
Lack of coordination or balance
This can cause sudden falls or lack of balance,
which can be particularly dangerous for those
with mobility issues.
Poor memory
this is often a symptom of
cognitive disorders like dementia.
Muscle Weakness
this can include mild weakness to
paralysis depending on the
symptom and condition.
Medication for
Nervous system
Some common medications used to treat nervous
system disorders and conditions include:

* Anti-seizure medications: this is a type of drug that

can help prevent seizures by slowing down the activity
of the neurons in the nervous system.
* Antidepressants: this is a type of drug that can help
regulate hormone levels in the brain, which is often
linked to depression or low mood.
* Painkillers: this is a general term for medication that
helps relieve pain. Common painkillers can include
opioids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Main function of
Urinary system
The urinary system is comprised of
several parts, including the kidneys,
ureters, bladder, and urethra.
Parts & Function of
Urinary system

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