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economicdeprivationbetweenthetwo SLOW PROGRESS
surveys,NationalFamilyHealthSurvey- POVERTY RATE (IN %) lockdown,inApril2020,thegovernment
4(2015-16)andNFHS-5(2019-21).How- launchedPradhanMantriGaribKalyan
ever,itclarifiedthatthepovertyestima- 16 AnnaYojana(PMGKAY),whichprovided
tesmaynotfullyassesstheeffectsofthe 5kgoffreefoodgrainsperpersonper
Covid-19pandemiconpoverty,since monthto75percentoftheruraland
morethan70percentofthedata(NFHS- 14 50percentofurbanhouseholds.This
5)wascollectedbeforethepandemic. wasontopoftheusualprovisionof5kg
Accordingtothereport,between 13.37 monthlyfoodgrainsperpersonathighly
2015-16and2019-21,135millionpeople subsidisedpricesundertheNational
escapedmultidimensionalpoverty, 11.3 12 FoodSecurityAct(NFSA)tothesame
whichduringthesefiveyearsdeclined population.
from24.85percentto14.96percent. Thegovernmentwasalsoquickto
Ruralareaswitnessedafasterdeclinein increasetheallocationsunderthe
povertythanurbanareas.However,the 10 MahatmaGandhiNationalRural
MPI,whichmeasuressimultaneousdep- 2017-18 2022-23 EmploymentGuarantee(MGNREGA)
rivationsacrossthethreedimensionsof Note: At purchasing power parity of $2.15 per day
healthandnutrition,education,andsta- per person Source: World Bank cushion.TheexpenditureonMGNREGA
ndardofliving,iscriticisedforincluding rosefrom~618billionin2018-19to~717
administrativeindicatorssuchasbank billionin2019-20,andfurtherto~1.1
accountsandelectricityconnections, Covidlevelsoonafter,andcontinued trillionin2020-21.Thegovernmentalso
trendsforwhicharealmostirreversible. todecline. transferred~500eachforthreemonths
AnInternationalMonetaryFund towomenJanDhanaccountholders
Thegreatpovertydebate (IMF)workingpaper,publishedinJuly duringthepandemic.
TheimpactofIndia'seconomicreforms thisyearandusingCPHSandPLFSdata, TheIMFworkingpaper,whichdid
ofthe1990sonpovertyreductionwas concludedpovertyincreaseddrastically notfactorinthetargetedbenefitsbythe
widelydebatedintheearly2000s.Nobel duringthelockdownperiod,reaching government,heldthatsincethefirst
LaureateAngusDeatonandeconomist morethanfourtimesofthe2019average waveofthepandemicledtoaverysharp
ValerieKozelchristenedit“TheGreat levelbasedonthe$1.9PPPline.Poverty declineinincomeandconsumptionfor
IndianPovertyDebate”,notingthat alsoincreasedduringthesecondwaveof mosthouseholds,narrowingthesupport
theclaimshadoftenbeenfrankly thepandemic,butthesituation throughincome-basedredistributionled

political,buttherewerealso improvedtowardthe tosomehouseholds
importantstatisticalissues. endof2021,and,asof fallingintopoverty.
About20yearslater,“TheGreatInd- thefourthquarterof “Thishighlightsthefact
ianPovertyDebateII”hasbeenfuelled 2021,thenumberof AN IMF WORKING thatwhenfacedwith
PAPER, PUBLISHED largeshocksitisbene-
11years,whichhasforcedeconomiststo backtothepre- IN JULY THIS YEAR AND usingschemeswith

MeasuringCovid’simpactonpovertyiscrucial,butithasbecome useproxiestoestimatetheextentofpov-
USING CPHS AND PLFS broadcoverageandthe
acontestedissueintheabsenceofgovernmentdata wildlyvariedresults.Thedebateintensi-
thatmorethan50per POVERTY INCREASED
PewResearchCentre,inareport secondquarterof2020. THE LOCKDOWN inreducingpoverty,”
ASIT RANJAN MISHRA impactofthepandemiconpovertythan Accordingtofreshestimatesbythe publishedinMarch,2021,claimed “Althoughtherateofjob PERIOD itsaid.
New Delhi, 8 November initiallyprojected. WorldBank,extremepovertyfurther around75millionpeopleinIndiafellinto losswassignificantly Itadvisedthe

Theimpactofthepandemiconpov- declinedto11.3percentin2022-23,but extremepovertyin2020becauseofthe lowerforregularwage governmentthat
nOctober2022,theWorldBankput ertyandinequalityinIndiahasbeena thatwasstillabovethepre-pandemic pandemic.Incontrast,estimatespublis- andself-employed, ongoingeffortsto
outareportsayingnearly56million contestedissueintheabsenceofgovern- levelof11.09percentrecordedin2018-19. hedbySurjitBhalla,KaranBhasinand manypeopledidnotworkinthesecond improvetargetingshouldcontinue.
Indiansmighthaveplungedinto mentdata.EstimationoftheCovid Itwasasignalthatfurtherdeclinecould ArvindVirmaniinApril2022showedthe quarterof2020.Regularwageworkers “Improvingtargetingcanimprove
extremepovertyin2020-21asa impactonpovertyiscrucialforpolicy beachallenge. povertyrateremainedvirtually weremoreprotectedbecausesome outcomesintermsofpovertyreduction
resultoftheeconomicshockinducedby formulationasmanyanalystsbelievean IntheabsenceofHousehold unchangedduringthepandemicperiod, couldcontinuetoreceivewagesdespite andenhancetheeffectivenessofpublic
theCovid-19pandemic,increasingthe increaseinpovertyinIndiahasundone ConsumerExpenditureSurveydata at0.9percent(at$1.9PPP)duetothein- theirabsencefromwork,butthatwasnot expenditure,whichiscrucialwhen
globaltallyby71millionandmakingit severalyearsofprogressonthisfront. fromthegovernmentafter2011-12,the kindtransfers,suchasfreefoodgrains, thecaseforself-employedandcasual fiscalspaceislimited,”itsaid.
theworstyearforpovertyreduction ThoughIndiaisestimatedtohave multilaterallendinginstitutionused providingasocialsafetynet. workers,”itsaid. PrimeMinisterNarendraModion
sinceWorldWarII. maderemarkableprogressimproving datafromtheConsumerPyramids EconomistsArvindPanagariyaand Saturdayannouncedextensionofthe
Lastmonth,ayearsincethatreport welfareandreducingpovertyratesin HouseholdSurvey(CPHS)conductedby VishalMore,usingthePeriodLabour Reliefthroughtargetedsubsidies ongoingfreerationunderNFSAto
cameout,theBanksignificantlyadjust- recentdecades,extremepoverty(at$2.15 theCentreforMonitoringIndian ForceSurvey(PLFS)datainMarchthis BothBhallaaswellasPanagariyaargued continueforthenextfiveyears.Though
editsestimates,suggestingthatthe purchasingpowerparity)increasedby EconomytoestimatepovertyforIndia. yearconcludedthatonthequarterly thatthefreedistributionofanadditional itspoliticaldividendswillbetestedin
numberofpeoplewhofellintopovertyin twopercentagepointsto14.7percentin Meanwhile,inJulythisyear,theNITI basis,ruralpovertysawamodestrise 5kgfoodgrainsandcashtransfers theongoingAssemblyelections,it
Indiain2020-21wasapproximately thepandemicyearof2020-21before AayogreleasedtheNationalMultidim- onlyduringthestrictlockdownquarter arrestedasharperdeclineinpoverty. highlightsthetoughbattleagainst
29.5million.Thisindicatesalesssevere decliningto11.9percentin2021-22. ensionalPovertyIndex(MPI),capturing ofApril-June2020,butfellbelowthepre- Almostconcurrentlywiththestrict povertythatliesahead.


CIN : L28129MH1984PLC032008
CIN: L29142TN1961PLC004568 612, V. K. Industrial Estate, 10-14 Pais Street, Byculla (West), Mumbai-400 011
Registered Office : 108, Mount Poonamallee Road, Porur, Chennai 600 116 Tel. No. (022) 23075677 / 23074585, Fax No. (022) 23080022
Email : Website :
Quarter Ended Six Months Ended Year Ended
(under Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015) Sr.
Particular 30.09.2023 30.06.2023 30.09.2022 30.09.2023 30.09.2022 31.03.2023
₹ in Lakhs Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Audited
1 Revenue from Operations 2829.41 2596.22 2697.03 5425.63 5113.73 10683.66
QUARTER HALF YEAR QUARTER QUARTER HALF YEAR QUARTER 2 Profit / (Loss) before Exceptional Item and Tax 33.70 56.24 21.86 89.94 52.06 125.20
S.No. PARTICULARS ENDED ENDED ENDED ENDED ENDED ENDED 3 Profit / (Loss) before Tax 33.70 56.24 21.86 89.94 52.06 125.20
30th Sept 2023 30th Sept 2023 30th Sept 2022 30th Sept 2023 30th Sept 2023 30th Sept 2022
4 Profit / (loss) for the period 28.76 41.18 16.01 69.94 38.13 111.26
Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited
5 Total Comprehensive Income for the period 28.76 41.18 16.01 69.94 38.13 111.26
1 Total income from operations (net) 8121.51 12717.01 464.60 8121.51 12717.01 464.60
Paid up equity share capital
2 Net Profit / (Loss) for the period (before Tax, 6 739.10 739.10 739.10 739.10 739.10 739.10
Exceptional/Extraordinary items) 1143.25 1504.49 (215.44) 1143.14 1504.31 (215.54) (Face Value of ` 10/- each)
3 Net Profit / (Loss) for the period (before Tax,
after Exceptional/Extraordinary items) 1143.25 1640.17 (215.44) 1143.14 1639.99 (215.54) 7 Other Equity - - - - - 2,310.58
4 Net Profit / (Loss) for the period (after Tax, after Earnings per equity share
1143.25 1640.17 (215.44) 1143.14 1639.99 (215.54) 8
Exceptional/Extraordinary items) (Face Value ` 10/- each)
5 Total Comprehensive income for the period (a) Basic 0.39 0.56 0.22 0.95 0.52 1.51
{Profit/(Loss) for the period (after Tax) and other 1142.92 1640.65 (215.44) 1142.81 1640.47 (215.54)
Comprehensive income (after Tax)} (b) Diluted 0.39 0.56 0.22 0.95 0.52 1.51
6 Equity Share Capital 4695.16 4695.16 3089.48 4695.16 4695.16 3089.48 Notes:
7 Reserves excluding Revaluation reserves 2986.88 2986.88 (5215.68) 2980.89 2980.89 (5220.52) 1. The above is an extract of the detailed format of Unaudited Financial Results for the Quarter and Half year ended September
8 Earnings Per Share (for continuing and 30, 2023, filed with the Bombay Stock Exchange under Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
discontinuing operations) (of ` 10/- each)
Requirements) Regulations, 2015.
a) Basic 2.53 3.60 (0.79) 2.53 3.60 (0.79) 2. These Results have been reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors at their meeting held on
b) Diluted 2.31 3.29 (0.79) 2.31 3.29 (0.79) 8th November 2023.
1. The above is an extract of the detailed format of Quarter and half year ended 30th September 2023 unaudited financial 3. These Results have been prepared in accordance with the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 (Ind AS)
results filed with the Stock Exchanges under Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act 2013 and other recognised accounting practices and policies to the
Regulations, 2015. The full format of the unaudited Financial Results for the quarter and half year ended 30th September extent applicable.
2023 are available on the Stock Exchange Websites. ( and and on the Company’s 4. The previous period’s figures have been regrouped / rearranged / reclassified wherever necessary.
website ( 5. The full format of the above Financial Results are available on the Stock Exchange website and on
2. The above unaudited results were reviewed by the Audit Committee on 8th November 2023, approved and taken on For RISHI TECHTEX LIMITED
record by the respective Board at its meeting held on 8th November 2023, in terms of Regulation 33 of SEBI (Listing sd/-
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulation, 2015. Abhishek Patel
Place: Mumbai Managing Director
3. The Group financial results for the Quarter and half year ended 30th September 2023 are prepared in accordance with the
Date : 8th November, 2023 DIN: 05183410
recognition and measurement principles laid down in Ind AS prescribed under Section 133 of the companies Act, 2013 read
Rameshwar Media
with relevant Rules issued thereunder.
4. Figures have been regrouped/reclassified wherever necessary, to conform to this period’s classifications.
5. The operations for the current quarter is from the continuing business of turnkey projects from erstwhile operations and
infrastructure operations.
6. During the quarter under review:
i. the company has converted 350000 warrants to equity shares fully paid on 5th July 2023.
ii. the company has converted 280000 warrants to equity shares fully paid on 9th August 2023.
iii. the company has converted 1420000 warrants to equity shares fully paid on 28th September 2023.
7. The company operates primarily in Infra segment and accordingly the company is not required to present segment
8. Previous period exceptional item includes impact of write back of liability to the tune of Rs. 847.53 Lakhs pertaining to
discontinued Electro-porcelain products division’s and continuing business of turnkey projects from erstwhile operations’s
long outstanding creditors and debtors with credit balances.
9. Current year exceptional item includes the following items,
(i) Receipt of compensation from NHAI for Rs.53.68 Lakhs with regards to banglore land
(ii) Non refundable deposit net of GST amount Rs 82 Lakhs received resultant of leasing of Banglore land whereby giving
easement right by way of giving access through the property, entire amount has been recognised as revenue during the
10. The Company had participated in an e-auction on 09.03.2023 pursuant to which the Company stood as the
successful bidder and purchased the property, being an auction under SARFAESI, a Sale Certificate was issued confirming the
ownership and possession on 27.03.2023. Accordingly, the Company had remitted the sale consideration of Rs. 107.35
Crores. The Company is in the process of registering the Sale Certificate with Sub Registrar Office of Sunguvarchatram.
Pending mutation in favour of the Company the purchase consideration paid amounting to Rs.107.35 crores has been
classified as Capital advance in financial statements.
11. Land at Porur to the extent of 6.53 Acres has been agreed to be transferred to subsidiary WSI Falcon Infra Projects Private
Limited (formerly WS Insulators Private Limited) as a part of joint venture agreement entered for development of IT park and
accordingly reclassified under asset held for sale as at 30 September 2023.
12. The Consolidated financial statements relate to W.S. Industries (India) Limited (the Parent Company), and its Subsidiary
Company. The Parent Company with its subsidiary constitute the Group.
13. The Subsidiary Company considered in the consolidated financial statements is M/s. WSI Falcon Infra Projects Private
Limited (formerly WS Insulators Private Limited), whose country of incorporation is India and the percentage of voting power
by W.S. Industries (India) limited is 100%.
14. The Group is not required to provide Segment Reporting under the criteria specified in IND AS 108.


Date: 8th November 2023 CHAIRMAN
DIN: 07036078
ேமாக$% '()* +ற-. ைமய1, ெம4ரா%
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'()* கABரA CDE: @வ:க1
ெச"ைன. நவ 9–
உலக +,-/ 0ன1ைத (நவ4ப6 14)
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PறQR ைமய4 மST4 ெம=ராO
+,-/ ஆராWXP அறMக=டைள
இைண@G +,-/ கI\ரI ]H<M
ெதாட^க இFQபைத ெபFைம_ட"
+,-/ ேநாயாHகH" கI\ரI
PMகIகைள ஆW/ ெசWவதSa4,
ேநாயாHகcMa பா0QR R S T U V W X Y Z [ U \ ] ^ _ ` a V b X c V d X ` a e f U g h i j ` X k h ] ` d h ` l Z m j Z Y X n X U o p n q U r q ` s T t h U u

ஏSபடாமI ;"ெனXச,Mைக_ட" f Z v w x f _ U k y z X l { k T | U X e X U } q U ~ [ U `  e V Z k [ c X U q n j U r X € i u  \ y R Z k [  \ y n ‚ u h € i ƒ „

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கI\ரI பா0QR அைட@தவ6கcMa Š U c ‹ ‰ d Š Š U Œ ˆ  k Ž ] ^ _ ` d r X   ` v Š ‘ Z h U u T ƒ m n e V x i u „ T U `  q Z ‚ ’ x f U ` X \ 

உ,ய P]Xைச_4 வழ^a4 ேநாM]I

இ@த +,-/ கI\ரI ]H<M
ெதாட^கQப=fFM]றG. ெதாட6@G கhகாDMகQப>]றG. {ல4 பல கI\ரI PMகIகைள
சgப10ய ஆW/ ஒ"`I, +,-/ நமG +,-/ கI\ரI ]H<M கhகாD1G ;"w=fேய த>1G
மST4 கI\ரI ஆேராM]ய4 ேநாMக4 +,-CனாI ஏSப>4 P]XைசயHQபைத ேநாMகமாக
இரh>Ma4 இைடேய கI\ரI பா0QR தC6Ma4 ெகாh>iேளா4. இத" {ல4
ெப,ய ெதாட6R இFQபைத ேநாM]I மMகcMa C-QRண6/ +,-/ பா0QRiளவ6கcMa
கhட`@GiளG. acMேகாைஸ ஏSப>1த/4, ேநாைய Ž6வ]Mக கI\ரmI உhடாa4 PMகIகைள
ேசk1G ைவMa4 களlPயமாக பயiளதாக P]XைசயHQபG4, த>Mக ;f_4. +,-/ வF4
ெசயIப>4 கI\ரmI ஏSப>4 PறQபாக இ0I ெசயIப>வதாa4. அபாய4 உiளவ6கcMa
பா0QபாI உFவாa4 ஃேப=f டாMட6. ஆ6.எ4. அlசனா ;"w=fேய அைத Ž6வ]Ma4
mவ6 (Fatty Liver) ேபா"ற ேநாW w`யதாவG: +,-/ P]Xைச_4 அHMக ;f_4.
தSேபாG கவன10Sa வ@GiளG. ேநாயாHகcMa அHMகQப>4 ேம|4 இG a`1G டாMட6
இG a`1G, டாMட6. C. ேமாக" P]Xைசைய C,/Qப>1G4 ரlP1 உ"<]F˜ண"
wTைகxI, +,-/ P]Xைச இ"T ேநாM]I +,-/ கI\ரI ேப™ைகxI,+,-/ ேநாW a`1G
a`Qzட1தMக வைகxI ;"ேன` ]H<Mைக அ`;கQப>1Gவ0I இ@0யாC" RiHCவர^கi
வF]றG. அதSேகSப +,-/ ka@த ம]’XP_4, ெபFைம_4 +,-ைவ த>Ma4 ;ைமயான
கI\ரI ]H<M ெதாட^aவத" அைட]ேறா4. வள6XPைத மாSற P]Xைசx" அவசர1ைத
{ல4 +,-/ P]Xைசைய ேம|4 ேநாWa` மST4 ஆIகஹாI உண61Gவதாக உiளG.
C,/Qப>10_iேளா4. லா"ெச= அIலாத ெகாQR கI\ரI ேநாW டாMட6 ேமாக"O +,-/ PறQR
+,-/ எhேடா]ைரனால~xI ஆ]ய இரh>Ma4 இைடxI ைமய4 மST4 ெச"ைன +,-/
சgப10ய ICMR -INDIAB ஆW/ ெதாட6R இFQபG தSேபாைத ஆராWXP அறMக=டைள இைண@G
ஒ"T ெவHxடQப=டG. அத" பf P]Xைச ;ைறxI R0ய கவன1ைத ெதாட^]_iள +,-/ கI\ரI
இ@0யாCI 101 kImய" மMகi ெகாh>iளG எ"றா6. ]H<M +,-/ மST4 கI\ரI
+,-/ ேநாயாI பா01தGட", அ@த வைகxI வள6XPைத மாSற இைடேயயான ெதாட6R மST4
ேம|4 136 kImய" மMகi ெசயmழQRட" ெதாட6Rைடய C,வான த>QR P]Xைசx"
+,-/Ma ;@ைதய ஃQŒ டயாபfO ெகாQR கI\ரI ேநாW அள/ {ல4 +,-/ P]XைசxI R0ய
எ"4 ŽைலxI உiளன6. ம0Qz>வG4, அைவ ”CரமாகாமI சகாQத1ைத உFவாMa4.
க! – #$%ரக' த>Mக/4, அைத Ž6வ]QபG4
எ^கi P]Xைசx" ேநாMகமாக டாMட6 ேமாக"O +,-/ PறQR
இ)தய', பா/01 இFMa4 எ"T4 w`னா6. ைமய10" கI\ரI ேநாW P]Xைச
+,-/ ேநாx" Cைள/கHI ந•ன ;ைறxI ஃைபQேரா ŽRண6 (Consultant Hepatologist)
கhகi, PT+ரக^கi, இFதய4, Oேக" ேபா"ற ேம4ப=ட டாMட6 அOC" ]F˜ணா CளM]
பாத^கi மST4 நர4RகHI ெதா-I—=ப கhட`தI ேபPனா6.
ஏSப>4 பா0QRகi a`1G
பலF4 அ`@0FM]ேறா4. அேத
ேபா"T +,-/ மST4 கI\ரI
ெதாட$ மைழ: ச*ர,- ேகா0123 n       o    p

உiள ெதாட6R சgப10I kக
இைடேய ெச4ல ப2த$க723 14 வைர தைட T / 2 3

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;M]ய1Gவ4 ெபSTiளG. எ^கi CFGநக6, நவ. 9– ;"<=> நாைள 104 ேத0 ;தI 14 V 5 6 + V / E 2 3 / E / R / _ 7 ?

ெதாட6XPயான ஆராWXPx" CFGநக6 மாவ=ட4, ஆ4 ேத0 வைர ப1த6கi ேகாx|Ma W 6 + ^ G ? c R < 6 J 0 ? U I 2 3 F 2 : - - 2 ?

வ10ராxFQR அFேக ேமSa1 ெசIல ேகாxI Ž6வாக4 மST4

N / E / D / 2 3 1 Q 6 < 6 E O ? C E E / E / S / :

{ல4 ெகாQR கI\ரI T / F 2 ? Q 3 - E E / 1 = I G G > G P +

மST4 ைடQ2 +,-/ ேநாWMa ெதாட6XP மைலQ பa0xI வன1Gைற சா6zI ஏSகனேவ + + + + + K - 2 1 2 1 6 E - :

சGர], ™@தர மகாm^க4 ேகாxI அம0 வழ^கQப=fF@தG.

M - : F 7 F

இைடxலான PMகIகi a`1G , 1 . O / ? 4 5 6 + T / 2 3 1 F 0 7 9 / : ?

அ ை ம@ G i ள G . இ@ŽைலxI ெதாட6 கனமைழ W 6 + > 5 m ? Q 3 / E A : / F - 0 / : V 2 : - - 2 ?

இ@த ேகாx|Ma காரணமாக சGர], ேகாx|Ma

V + * + W / : / O / E / W / S / : ? C 9 _ / 2 2 7 : ?

Q 3 - E E / 1 = I G G > G > +

ம ா த@ ே த ா T 4 ெசI|4 ஓைடகHI +6வர1G + + + + + + H - F D 6 E A - E 2

z ர ே த ா ஷ 4 , அ0க,1Giளதா|4, ெதாட6@G `






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6. 30 , 2023    .185.47    .   ,     - 1 2 3 - : 1 E D - : F 6 E 6 : 2 3 : 6 7 S 3 O 6 7 :

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 : 08.11.2023     Q 6 7 E F - < L 6 : C D D < 1 J / E 2 5 K < / 1 E 2 1 L L

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