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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of CEBU PROVINCE
District of Badian
S.Y. 2023 - 2024

Name: Grade: Date: Score:

A. Directions: Read each item carefully and encircle the letter of your answer.
1. What are the parts of a paragraph?
A. Character, Events and Settings C. First Part, Second Part and Third Part
B. Problem, Solution and Conclusion D. Topic Sentence, Supporting Sentences and Concluding Sentence
2. Which of the following is can be the best concluding sentence for the paragraph below?
My pet dog is my best friend. We walk around the garden every morning. We play together at the park in the
afternoon. He is always with me wherever I go. I love my pet so much. He listens attentively to my funny jokes.
A. Dog is the best animal. C. I am lucky for having a nice pet dog.
B. My pet dog is the kindest one. D. My pet dog knows how to give comfort and happiness like a real best friend.
3. A concluding sentence .
A. Summarizes the main idea of the paragraph. C.Tells the reader what the paragraph will be about.
B. It provides information to the topic sentence. D. It supports the topic sentence.
4. Philippines is home to beautiful beaches.” Which is NOT relevant to the given topic?
A. Mayon Volcano in Albay is famous for its perfect cone shape.
B. The white beach of Boracay attracts tourists to visit its clear water and fine white sand.
C. Badian has its famous Badian Island and Lambug Beach where tourist spend their time to see its beautiful sunset.
D. Caramoan Beach in Caramoan, Camarines Sur invites everyone to escape the city for a while and try some
adventures while enjoying the breathtaking scenery of the island.
5. What part of the paragraph introduces the main idea?
A. Concluding Sentence B. Supporting Sentences C. Topic Sentence D. Main Sentence
6. This part of a paragraph includes sentences that support the topic sentence.
A. Concluding Sentence B. Supporting Sentences C. Topic Sentence D. Main Sentence
7. Which of the following can be used in getting the meaning of unfamiliar words?
A. dictionary B. notebook C. diary D. thesaurus
8. Why do we use a dictionary?
A. It helps us remember numbers. C. It provides solutions to a problem.
B. It tells us what the words mean. D. Tells us the antonyms and synonyms of the words.


Candiis, Badian, Cebu
School ID: 119002
Contact No. 09219215176 1
9. Use the dictionary below. What is the meaning of the word complacent?

A.morally right or justifiable

B. facts provided or learned about something or someone
C. marked by self-satisfaction especially by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies
D. in the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university
10. Use the dictionary below. What is the meaning of the word vigorous?

A. morally right or justifiable

B. acting in accord with divine or moral law
C. Full of physical or mental strength or active force: STRONG
D. Arising from an outraged sense of justice or morality
11. Using the dictionary in number 4, what word means morally right or justifiable?
A. complacent B. righteous C. vigorous D. strong
17. A cat is to animal as sampaguita is to __________.
A. flower B. grass C. plant D. root
15. Heel is to foot as the palm is to ___________ .
A. hand B. head C. leg D. stomach
13. Grass is to soil as seaweed is to ___________ .
A. air B. garden C. pot D. water
14. Elbow is to arm as the knee is to ____________.
A. finger B. leg C. nose D. walking
12. A lion is to animal as rose is to ___________.
A. flower B. grass C. plant D. roots
16. Feet are to walk as hands are to ___________ .
A. hear B. see C. smell D. touch
18. Heel is to foot as the palm is to __________.
A. hand B. head C. leg D. stomach
19. Jack fell from the tree. His leg is painful. The underlined word means___________.
A. full of joy B. without joy C. full of pain D. without pain
20. The homeless man sleeps in the park. Homeless means____________.
A. has a home B. without a home C. with more than one home D. with a mansion as a home


Candiis, Badian, Cebu
School ID: 119002
Contact No. 09219215176 2
B. Directions: Read and understand the given texts below. Identify the text type and write Problem and Solution,
Description, or Procedural on your answer sheet.
_____________21. Garbage and trash are everywhere. If we do not stop this soon, the Earth will become polluted, and it
will be impossible to live in it. We must learn to segregate our wastes. If everyone will practice reduce,
reuse, and recycle, then there is hope.
_____________22. Calamansi juice is all-natural and refreshing. First, prepare three calamansi and slice open. Next,
squeeze the juice in a glass. Then, add water and sugar to taste. Finally, you can add ice before serving.
_____________23. My favorite toy is a Hello Kitty Stuffed Toy. It has a big, red ribbon on its head. Its round and black
eyes seem to wink. It has a cute, yellow nose. It is soft and always fragrant. I hug it tight when I sleep.
_____________24. My bedroom is my favorite spot in the house. We painted it blue and pasted glow in the dark stars on
its walls. From its ceiling hang round balls with dim, yellow lights. It feels comfortable and relaxing to stay
_____________25. Are you feeling hungry and want to prepare something easy? Why not cook instant noodles? First, boil
water in a pan and put the noodles. Next, when noodles are soft, drain water. Then, on a plate, prepare
seasoning and other special ingredients. Finally, mix cooked noodles with prepared seasoning. Enjoy!
_____________26. I need to buy new shoes. I know Mother cannot give me money because we only have enough. I
decided to run errands for other people like cleaning the lawn, throwing the garbage, and feeding the
dogs. In a few weeks, I went to the shoe shop to get my new pair of shoes.
_____________27. Can you do laundry on your own? Here’s how? First, separate white clothes from colored ones. Next,
in a basin with detergent and water, brush off the dirt from white clothes. Then, brush and remove dirt
from colored clothes. Finally, rinse excess detergent from clothes using clean water. Repeat as needed.
_____________28. Jana feels worried. She cannot find the necklace that Mom gave her. Jana thought hard and suddenly
remembered that she removed it before taking a bath. She felt relieved when she found the necklace in
the shower.
_____________25. Weekends are the busiest days at the playground. The colorful slides are filled with laughing children.
The see-saw goes up and down with kids who shout with excitement once in a while. The swings fly back
and forth endlessly.
_____________26. My plants don’t seem to grow well. I looked at them closely and found worms on their leaves. I
removed the worms and watered them often. I noticed a great change in the plants. They have grown
healthy since then.

C. Directions: Read the following pairs of below. Analyze how the underlined word was used in each sentence. Identify if
the meaning expresses CONNOTATION or DENOTATION.
________________27. The turtle crawls back to the sea.
________________28. Since his father died, he always look so blue.
________________29. We are running late because you are a turtle.
________________30. Ants slowly carried the breadcrumbs to their anthill.
________________31. You are a hardworking ant, doing jobs day and night.
________________32. Butterflies fly gently. They like to eat nectar from flowers.
________________33. The pupils were alarmed as the snake hissed past the lawn.
________________34. Maris and Lisa are like cat and dog. They always don’t get along.
________________35. Everytime I see my idol on TV I always felt butterflies in my stomach.
________________36. Saying bad things about others when they are not around makes you a snake.

Prepared by::

Ms. Garden Gay S. Basalo


Candiis, Badian, Cebu
School ID: 119002
Contact No. 09219215176 3

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