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Name: Onin John Paul P.

Binuya Date: 05-10-23

Section: BSCpE 2A Score:

Performance Task 5
IC Chaser Lights on PCB

I. Materials
1. Printed Circuit Board (PCB) – 5” x 4”
2. IC 555 and IC 4017
3. Resistors – 1 pc. 10K Ω and 10 pcs. 220 Ω
4. Variable Resistor – 1 pc. 10K Ω
5. LEDs – 10 pcs. Blue
6. 9V Battery
7. Marker
8. Wires (for power supply)
9. Jumper Wire – 5 pcs.
10. Capacitors – 1 pc. 10 µF (Polarized) and 1 pc. 0.01 µF (Ceramic)
11. Ferric Chloride
12. Acetone
13. Soldering iron and lead
14. Drill
II. Procedures
1. Based on this schematic circuit diagram, create a pattern on the PCB using the
marker’s ink.

2. Using the ferric chloride, etch the PCB to reveal the created circuit pattern.

3. Then, drill the holes necessary for the connection of the components.

4. Solder the required semiconductors to complete the task.

During the process of tracing the given schematic diagram of the circuit, I learned that
integrated circuits, or IC have a designated numbering of pins with each function. This is the
reason why following the diagram strictly is recommended because any error in the process of
pinning will result in the circuit not working properly as intended. To avoid that in the PCB
fabrication, I used five jumper wires to ensure that the components are connected to the correct
In addition, the variable resistor determines the transitioning speed of each LED. It has an
inversely proportional relationship with the transitioning speed of the LEDs where higher
resistance causes the LEDs to run slow, and lower resistance results in the LEDs running fast.
However, when we replace the variable resistor with an ordinary one, the transitioning speed of
the LEDs does not change and remains constant.

IV. Conclusions
After accomplishing the activity, the following conclusions were made:
1. Creating the circuit pattern for the PCB version requires time and knowledge since
we need to consider the numbering of pins of IC 555 and 4017.
2. The order of the LEDs can be manipulated to form a shape or image, such as a
square, circle, and heart but we need to make sure that they are connected in the
right pins and output number is observed.
3. The value of the variable resistor is inversely proportional to the transitioning speed
of each LED in the circuit.
4. The required components were successfully soldered on the PCB using the diagram
above, and the IC chaser lights were achieved with the use of the 9V battery.


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