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Founded 1928 I Recognized by the Government I Candelaria, Quezon 4323

A Review Paper of the movie:

"Miracle from Heaven"

Written by:

Mangurali, Trecia Mae Matira

Submitted to:

Ms. Jennifer Bas

12 ABM Keynes

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Founded 1928 I Recognized by the Government I Candelaria, Quezon 4323

Is it right to claim that God is with us all the certain moments? Although you may not
believe me right first, if you pay close attention to this story, you will learn several
important things along with having your emotions touched. The Beam family is shown in
the story Miracle from Heaven as experiencing unbelievable and miserable situations, but
never losing belief in the Lord. Instead, after what happened, the basis of their trust in the
Lord grew deeper and tighter. Their family experienced many struggles and despite every
challenge, they grew stronger to face all the difficulties that God intended to put in
towards them.

A married couple are residents of Burleson, Texas. The parents of Abbie, Annabel,
and Adelynn are Christy and Kevin Beam. A rare, deadly sickness affected Annabel. Her
parents were really upset since she had a stomach pain all the time. Annabel was
examined by a number of medical professionals, and she was even sent abroad to be
examined in order to ensure her quick recovery. When the results are made openly, the
doctors explain that this condition has no recognized cure. Even though Christy began to
lose faith and hope in the Lord, Kevin did not let that happen; instead, he became Christy's
stronghold. Christy took Anna home, where she was given free freedom. She climbed a 30-
foot-tall tree when an unforeseen event happened.When she awoke from her
unconsciousness after falling, she was completely pain-free. It is safe to think that
Annabel is in good health since the doctor who examined her stated that she was fine and
had no bone fractures or head bleeding. Christy and Kevin praised God for keeping their
little one in that situation.

In this story, I could conclude that if we have faith in him, he won't allow us to
struggle alone. He won't put someone through more testing if they fail the test. How far or
when we can presume that the Lord is constantly at our side and looking over us remains
up to the Lord. As the days pass, keep in mind the Lord's presence. Never fail to express
your family members' appreciation. Let your family overcome any challenges the Lord
comes your way by working together in love. Never forget the Lord; it is better to give him
thankfulness whether or not you want him. I learned that I should love people who would
like to love me in return and keep Lord in my soul. Give the people around me the feeling
that I love them equally the same as they love me. My entire being were opened by this
story to appreciate everybody since it describes what God wanted for all of us who
believe in him.

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