Syntax Quiz 1 Nov 2023 - Test Paper

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In-class quiz 1

PART 1. Identify the verb sub-category and the functions of the major elements in the following
sentences (1-8), using S, V, dO, iO, sP, oP, PC, aA and (for sentence adverbials) sA. (40 pts)

1. The private jet is a symbol of wealth.

S v sP
2. He has dedicated his life to scientific research
S V(complex) dO oP
3. They intentionally labeled the parcel fragile.
S Aa v (complex) dO oP
4. Annually, we are expecting a lot of applicants for the job.
sA S V (trans) dO
5. Twelve people died in the accident at the factory.
S v (intrans) aA aA
6. Whether or not we go to Mexico for our holiday depends entirely on the cost.
S V(prep) aA PC
7. The teacher explained the rules to the children before their trip to Hoi An.
S v(ditrans) dO iO aA
8. He's been nominated by the Green Party as their candidate in the next election.
S V(trans) aA aA aA
PART 2. Draw a phrase marker for each of the following sentences (9-14). Expand all the nodes
to show the internal structure of each phrase. DON’T use triangles (60 pts)

9. The government has introduced fixed fee schemes for the new year.
10. The international organizations should be playing a more prominent role in promoting human rights.
11. Victims of the crash will be compensated for their injuries.
12. He's still feeling quite weak after his operation.
13. Undoubtedly, the operation proved a complete success.
14. John takes after his mother's side of the family.

This is the end of the test.

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