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Results and Discussion

I. Tilapia External Morphology

The external anatomy of the tilapia plays crucial roles in the fish's survival and adaptation to its
environment. The dorsal rays and dorsal fins provide lift and stability, aiding in the tilapia's
swimming capabilities. The caudal fin, or tail fin, is essential for both propulsion and steering,
enabling the fish to navigate effectively. Pelvic fins, located on the underside, contribute to
balance and stability during movement. The anal fin, positioned behind the anus, assists in
swimming and maintaining equilibrium. The lateral line serves as a sensory system, allowing the
tilapia to detect changes in water pressure and movement, enhancing its awareness of the
The nares, or nostrils, are used for smelling, which is vital for locating food and identifying
potential threats. The mouth is the primary organ for eating, facilitating the ingestion of nutrients.
The operculum, a gill cover, safeguards the fish's gills, crucial for respiration. Scales act as a
protective layer, shielding the tilapia's body from injuries and infections. Pectoral fins, situated
on the sides, contribute to steering and braking, enhancing the fish's maneuverability. The
caudal peduncle, connecting the body to the tail fin, plays a role in the overall movement and
agility of the fish. The anal spine, thought to protect against predators, serves as a defensive
II. Locating and Identifying Internal Organs

The tilapia specimen used for the dissection has already entered a stage of
decomposition, with significant liquefaction of internal organs. This liquefaction hinders
the identification and location of specific organs. However, the heart, liver, kidney, and
the alimentary canal were identified.

III. Respiratory System

Teleost fish breathe using their gills, which are located on the sides of their heads. The
gills are made up of many thin filaments that are covered in tiny blood vessels. Water
flows over the gills from the mouth and out through the operculum. As the water flows
over the gills, oxygen from the water diffuses into the blood vessels in the gill filaments,
and carbon dioxide from the blood diffuses into the water. This process is called
countercurrent exchange because the blood and water flow in opposite directions. This
maximizes the efficiency of gas exchange. Once the blood is oxygenated, it is pumped
throughout the fish's body to deliver oxygen to its tissues. The deoxygenated blood from
the tissues returns to the gills, where it releases carbon dioxide back into the water.
Structure of a teleost gill. Moyes, C. D., & Schulte, P. M. (2014). Principles of Animal Physiology (2nd ed.). Pearson
Education Limited.

Reference :

Moyes, C. D., & Schulte, P. M. (2014). Principles of Animal Physiology (2nd ed.). Pearson
Education Limited.

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