Evaluasi Faktor Interaksi

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11/3/23, 6:17 PM Quiz Evaluasi Faktor Interaksi: Attempt review

Dashboard / My courses / IFB-203 FF 2023/1 / Project Akhir UTS dan Evaluasi / Quiz Evaluasi Faktor Interaksi

Started on Friday, 3 November 2023, 6:02 PM

State Finished
Completed on Friday, 3 November 2023, 6:17 PM
Time taken 14 mins 58 secs
Grade 100.00 out of 100.00

Question 1 Masalah karena presentasi aksi yang tidak bisa dimengerti oleh pengguna dan sulit bagi pengguna untuk
Correct menerjemahkan output dan maksud dari sistem, yang menyebabkan ketidaksesuaian antara harapan
Mark 5.00 out pengguna dengan penyajian kondisi sistem, adalah pengertian dari?
of 5.00

Select one:
a. Execution cycle

b. Gulf of Execution

c. Gulf of Evaluation 

d. Evaluation cycle

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Gulf of Evaluation

Question 2 Apa kunci komponen utama dari siklus eksekusi dan evaluasi di huamn-computer interaction?

Mark 5.00 out Select one or more:

of 5.00
a. User goal formation 

b. Size of the computer screen

c. User command execution 

d. Total hard disk space

e. System interpretation and response 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answers are: User goal formation, System interpretation and response, User command execution

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Question 3 Match the following types of human-computer interaction with their corresponding descriptions.

Mark 5.00 out An interaction type where a list of options is provided and the user selects the Menu Selection
of 5.00
appropriate one.

A style of interaction that involves a representation of the application’s objects Direct Manipulation
and actions.

A method of interaction where the user inputs data in specific fields on the Form Fill-in

An interaction style where the user gives a command to the computer to Command Language
perform certain tasks.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: An interaction type where a list of options is provided and the user selects the
appropriate one. → Menu Selection, A style of interaction that involves a representation of the application’s
objects and actions. → Direct Manipulation, A method of interaction where the user inputs data in specific
fields on the screen. → Form Fill-in, An interaction style where the user gives a command to the computer to
perform certain tasks. → Command Language

Question 4 Manakah di bawah ini yang termasuk ke dalam contoh direct manipulation in HCI

Mark 5.00 out Select one:

of 5.00
a. Configuring network settings through a control panel

b. Dragging and dropping files into folders 

c. Using a command prompt to execute commands

d. Writing a computer program in a high-level language

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Dragging and dropping files into folders

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Question 5 Susun proses dalam siklus interaksi yaitu siklus eksekusi dan siklus evaluasi.
Berikut ini adalah tahapan dalam proses siklus eksekusi:
Mark 5.00 out
of 5.00 menetapkan tujuan 

memformulasikan intention (aksi) 

menetapkan rangkaian aksi dalam antarmuka 

melaksanakan aksi 

Berdasarkan dari proses eksekusi tersebut, dilanjutkan dengan siklus evaluasi. Berikut ini adalah tahapan dalam
siklus evaluasi:
melihat kondisi sistem

menginterpretasikan kondisi sistem

mengevaluasi kondisi sistem sehubungan dengan goal & intention

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is:

Susun proses dalam siklus interaksi yaitu siklus eksekusi dan siklus evaluasi.

Berikut ini adalah tahapan dalam proses siklus eksekusi:

[menetapkan tujuan]
[memformulasikan intention (aksi)]

[menetapkan rangkaian aksi dalam antarmuka]

[melaksanakan aksi]

Berdasarkan dari proses eksekusi tersebut, dilanjutkan dengan siklus evaluasi. Berikut ini adalah tahapan dalam
siklus evaluasi:
[melihat kondisi sistem]

[menginterpretasikan kondisi sistem]

[mengevaluasi kondisi sistem sehubungan dengan goal & intention]

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Question 6 What are the characteristics of a 'slip' according to Norman's Gulf of Execution?

Mark 5.00 out Select one or more:

of 5.00
a. The user thinks the 'magnifying glass' icon is a 'Search' function

b. The user doesn't know the system well

c. They can be corrected, for example, by better screen design, perhaps placing more space between

d. The user mistypes or accidentally presses a mouse button at the wrong time 

e. The user has correctly formulated an action but failed to execute it correctly 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answers are: The user mistypes or accidentally presses a mouse button at the wrong time, The user
has correctly formulated an action but failed to execute it correctly

Question 7 Jenis interaksi apa dalam HCI yang melibatkan bahasa lisan untuk berkomunikasi dengan sistem komputer?

Mark 5.00 out Select one:

of 5.00
a. Speech Recognition Interface (SRI) 

b. Tangible User Interface (TUI)

c. Graphical User Interface (GUI)

d. Command Line Interface (CLI)

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Speech Recognition Interface (SRI)

Question 8 What is a slip according to Norman's gulf of execution?


Mark 5.00 out Select one:

of 5.00
a. Jika pengguna tidak mengetahui sistem dengan baik , pengguna mungkin bahkan tidak merumuskan
tujuan yang benar

b. Ketika pengguna salah ketik atau secara tidak sengaja menekan tombol mouse pada waktu yang
salah 

c. Pengguna telah merumuskan tindakan yang benar, namun gagal menjalankan tindakan itu dengan

d. Contohnya, pengguna mungkin berpikir bahwa ikon ‘magnifying glass’ adalah fungsi ‘Search', namun
sebenarnya memperbesar teks

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Ketika pengguna salah ketik atau secara tidak sengaja menekan tombol mouse pada
waktu yang salah

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Question 9 Match the following terms with their corresponding descriptions.


Mark 5.00 out Ketika pengguna salah ketik atau secara tidak sengaja menekan tombol mouse Slip
of 5.00
pada waktu yang salah.

Gulf of Execution
Aksi-aksi yang dibentuk user tidak bisa dibentuk sistem

Jika pengguna tidak mengetahui sistem dengan baik , pengguna mungkin bahkan Mistake
tidak merumuskan tujuan yang benar.

Gulf of Evaluation
Presentasi aksi tidak bisa dimengerti pengguna

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Ketika pengguna salah ketik atau secara tidak sengaja menekan tombol mouse pada
waktu yang salah. → Slip, Aksi-aksi yang dibentuk user tidak bisa dibentuk sistem → Gulf of Execution, Jika
pengguna tidak mengetahui sistem dengan baik , pengguna mungkin bahkan tidak merumuskan tujuan yang
benar. → Mistake, Presentasi aksi tidak bisa dimengerti pengguna → Gulf of Evaluation

Question 10 What does the text suggest as a solution for correcting slips?

Mark 5.00 out Select one:

of 5.00
a. Improving the ergonomic factors

b. Completely redesigning the system

c. Understanding the system better

d. Improving the screen design, such as placing more space between buttons 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Improving the screen design, such as placing more space between buttons

Question 11 Dalam HCI tidak terlepas dari usability testing. Apa tujuan utama dari usability testing?

Mark 5.00 out Select one:

of 5.00
a. To analyze the accuracy of computer simulations

b. To assess the security of computer systems

c. To measure the effectiveness of user interfaces 

d. To evaluate the efficiency of computer algorithms

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: To measure the effectiveness of user interfaces

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Question 12 Manakah contoh di bawah ini yang termasuk ke dalam cognitive interaction in HCI

Mark 5.00 out Select one:

of 5.00
a. Browsing files in a folder hierarchy

b. Scrolling through a webpage using a mouse

c. Solving a puzzle in a computer game 

d. Clicking on a button to submit a form

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Solving a puzzle in a computer game

Question 13 What is the Gulf of Execution?


Mark 5.00 out Select one:

of 5.00
a. Aksi-aksi yang dibentuk user tidak bisa dibentuk sistem

b. Faktor ergonomis

c. Pemahaman perilaku sistem

d. Aksi dari user sulit dirumuskan input sistem 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Aksi dari user sulit dirumuskan input sistem

Question 14 Manakah yang termasuk ke dalam tipe interaksi physical gestures and body movements?

Mark 5.00 out Select one:

of 5.00
a. Tangible User Interface (TUI) 

b. Graphical User Interface (GUI)

c. Speech Recognition Interface (SRI)

d. Command Line Interface (CLI)

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Tangible User Interface (TUI)

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Question 15 Match the following factors with the corresponding gulf they influence.

Mark 5.00 out Ketepatan umpan balik Gulf of Execution 

of 5.00

Hubungan antar obyek tampilan/interaksi Gulf of Execution 

Pemahaman perilaku sistem Gulf of Execution 

Kejelasan simbol Gulf of Execution 

Layout tampilan Gulf of Evaluation 

Faktor ergonomis Gulf of Evaluation 

Relevansi informasi Gulf of Evaluation 

Kesalahan manusia Gulf of Evaluation 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Ketepatan umpan balik → Gulf of Execution, Hubungan antar obyek tampilan/interaksi
→ Gulf of Execution, Pemahaman perilaku sistem → Gulf of Execution, Kejelasan simbol → Gulf of Execution,
Layout tampilan → Gulf of Evaluation, Faktor ergonomis → Gulf of Evaluation, Relevansi informasi → Gulf of
Evaluation, Kesalahan manusia → Gulf of Evaluation

Question 16
Apa faktor yang membedakan slip dengan kesalahan dalam model Norman?

Mark 5.00 out

of 5.00
Select one:
a. Penempatan tombol yang tidak sesuai.

Dampak kesalahan pada hasil yang diharapkan.

c. Ketidakmampuan pengguna untuk menjalankan tindakan yang benar. 

d. Kesalahan yang terjadi akibat tindakan pengguna yang tidak diinginkan.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Ketidakmampuan pengguna untuk menjalankan tindakan yang benar.

Question 17 What factors influence the Gulf of Execution?


Mark 5.00 out Select one or more:

of 5.00
a. Ergonomic factors

b. Relasi antara display objects

c. Relevansi infomasi

d. Memahami perilaku sistem 

e. Accuracy of feedback 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answers are: Memahami perilaku sistem, Accuracy of feedback

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Question 18 What is the Gulf of Evaluation?


Mark 5.00 out Select one:

of 5.00
a. Presentasi aksi tidak bisa dimengerti pengguna

b. Layout tampilan

c. User sulit menerjemahkan output dan maksud dari sistem 

d. Hubungan antar obyek tampilan/interaksi

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: User sulit menerjemahkan output dan maksud dari sistem

Question 19 Match the following terms with their definitions in the context of interaction cycle.

Mark 5.00 out The stage where the user assesses the effect of their actions on the system. Evaluation 
of 5.00

The stage in which the user carries out a command on the interface. Execution 

The objectives that the user wants to achieve with the interaction. Goals 

The information returned to the user about the effect of the action. Feedback 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: The stage where the user assesses the effect of their actions on the system. → Evaluation,
The stage in which the user carries out a command on the interface. → Execution, The objectives that the user
wants to achieve with the interaction. → Goals, The information returned to the user about the effect of the
action. → Feedback

Question 20 Apa tujuan utama dari feedback in HCI?


Mark 5.00 out Select one:

of 5.00
a. To acknowledge user inputs and actions 

b. To optimize computer program execution

c. To analyze user behavior and preferences

d. To provide information on computer system resources

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: To acknowledge user inputs and actions

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