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Instructions: Read the questions and write the correct answers on the blank.

1. Worked with the “Wild boy of Aveyron” In the history of Special Education,
What happened in the mid 19th century?

2. Separate, special classes In the history of Special Education, What happened in

the early 20th century?

3. Civil Rights movement In the history of Special Education, What happened in the
1960's ?

4. Mainstreaming programs In the history of Special Education, What happened in

1970’s in the Philippines?

5. Zero Reject One of the Core Principles of IDEA, all students shall receive public

6. Nondiscriminatory Evaluation One of the Core Principles of IDEA, to determine

whether or not a student has a disability and unbiased assessments used for making

7. Parent and Family Rights to Confidentiality One of the Core Principles of IDEA, a
child's information is confidential; parents have access to everything.

8. LRE One of the Core Principles of IDEA, the child being educated in their natural
environment or in general education setting as much as possible,

9. FAPE One of the Core Principles of IDEA, requiring schools to provide free services.

10. Procedural Safeguards One of the Core Principles of IDEA, that decisions are
made with parent input and in compliance with laws.
II. Direction: Choose the letter of your best answer.

1. The following are the barriers to parent participation , except;

A. Cultural Understanding
B. Food Supplies
C. Transportation
D. Time and Language

2. A law mandates special education services for children ages three to five years

A. Education of the Handicapped Act (EHA)

B. Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA)
C. Elementary and Secondary Education Act
D. Federal Law

3. ____________ increased federal special education funding and charged states with
the task of creating full educational opportunities.

A. Education of the Handicapped Act (EHA)

B. Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA)
C. Elementary and Secondary Education Act
D. Education for All (EFA)

4. ____________ mandated the funding to states to assist them in creating and

improving programs and services.

A. Education of the Handicapped Act (EHA)

B. Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA)
C. Elementary and Secondary Education Act
D. Education for All (EFA)

5. What article of the R.A. 7610 contains Child Prostitution and Other Sexual Abuse?*

A. Article III
B. Article IV
C. Article V
D. Article VI

6.What article of the R.A. 7610 contains Obscene Publications and Indecent Shows?*

A. Article III
B. Article IV
C. Article V
D. Article VI
7. What article of the R.A. 7610 contains Other Acts of Abuse?

A. Article III
B. Article IV
C. Article V
D. Article VI

8.What article of the R.A. 7610 contains Child Trafficking?

A. Article III
B. Article IV
C. Article V
D. Article VI

9. R.A. 7611, it is an act for Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation and
Discrimination Act.

A. True
B. False
C. Maybe
D. None of These

10. Privileged of the basic needs for survival of the child; considered as Child abused.

A. True
B. False
C. Maybe
D. None of These

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