Ketogenic Diet

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Abhishek Ghosh

Ketogenic Diet
Abhishek Ghosh
Abhishek Ghosh

Abhishek Ghosh

Abhishek Ghosh

Abhishek Ghosh

What is ketosis?
The Ketogenic Diet Plan​ is not just the ultimate weight loss plan; it’s also
a powerful strategy to improve one’s health. Let's start with the basics.
Ketosis ​is a state in which the body is using k
​ etones a
​ s its primary fuel.
Ketones are the by-product of burning fats.
Our entire lives we’ve been taught that body energy comes from g
​ lucose
(carbohydrates). This is totally false.
Glucose (sugar) is actually a secondary or alternative source of energy. It
was never intended to be used the way we do today. The primary source
of energy is ketones (or fat fuel), which is the byproduct of fat burning.
Think about it. Your body carries around a tremendous amount of stored
fuel—about 70,000 calories’ worth, and that’s on a skinny person. But it
has less than 1,700 calories of stored sugar (called glycogen). It would be
crazy for the body to rely on the short supply of sugar fuel. Reliance on
sugar fuel is why we love to snack all day long.
Ketones are produced when the body is low in carbohydrates (glucose).
Ketones provide a much more efficient and cleaner fuel source than
glucose. Think of ketones as sourcing the energy for an e ​ lectric c​ ar: you
get smooth, quiet, and clean energy. On the other hand, running your
body on glucose is equivalent to using d
​ iesel f​ uel: the process is dirty with
lots of exhaust.
Based on this information, wouldn’t it make more sense that our bodies
run on fat fuel? If you consider the caveman days, if we only had glucose
to run our bodies on, we would all have been dead long ago because the
glucose reserve would only last 48 hours or less. The goal is to switch our
body from sugar fuel to fat fuel.
Our bodies do not have the ability to cope with the toxic amounts of sugar
we consume. The body reacts very badly to excess sugar. Just look at what
Abhishek Ghosh

happens to a diabetic: artery damage, vision damage, nerve and kidney

So, fat fuel is a much more efficient, cleaner and healthier fuel than sugar.
And you have a ready supply of it.

Interestingly, our body’s original fuel source was ketones. It’s only recently
that we’ve been using glucose as the primary energy source. This also
explains the tremendous baggage that comes along with it.
When you are reducing your carbs and excess protein, you are influencing
the hormone ​insulin​. This is the hormone that determines what fuel
source you use.



Insulin not only makes your body use glucose fuel, it also prevents
Abhishek Ghosh

Insulin is the body’s main hormone switch; it determines which fuel you
will use: fat or sugar.​ If insulin is high, no fat will be burned—only sugar. If
insulin is low, fat will be used exclusively as fuel.
What exactly is insulin? Insulin is a hormone (a body message) that is
made by the pancreas, ​which is located under your left rib cage. Look at
insulin as a key that allows sugar (glucose) into your cells.
Abhishek Ghosh

Insulin does six main things (and a lot of minor things too):

1. ​It ​acts as a key​ to open the door, allowing cells to get sugar fuel.
2. ​It ​lowers excess sugar​ in the blood after eating.
3. ​It ​stores sugars​ in the liver and muscles. Stored glucose is called
4. ​It ​converts excess sugar t​ o fat (especially around the belly) and
5. I​t ​allows protein​ (amino acids) into the cell.
6. ​It allows minerals, ​especially potassium​, into the cell.
Abhishek Ghosh

Insulin is the main fat-making hormone, and in its presence, no fat

can be burned​. In studies, you will hear this explained as “insulin inhibits
(prevents) lipolysis (fat burning) in adipocytes (fat cells)”. It prevents fat
from being released from your cells so you can burn it off for
fuel—meaning no fat loss.
Insulin stores fat mainly in your midsection. In fact, your belly size is the
best measurement of how much insulin you have in your bloodstream.
The faster the body breaks down food into sugar, the higher the insulin
response. There is even a scale, called the glycemic index, that measures
this spike of sugar in the blood. (See​ h
​ ttp://​).
The main trigger of insulin is carbohydrates​. You eat carbs, and they
turn into sugar—raising glucose in the blood. That triggers insulin to whisk
in and do its job of lowering blood sugar.
Abhishek Ghosh

High insulin is the underlying cause of the biggest health problems we

experience today.

How do we lower insulin?

1. Eliminate the sugar
2. Eliminate the hidden sugars (Grains, starches, legumes, fruits)
3. Eliminate the combination of sugar or refined carbs with protein
4. Eliminate MSG (flavor enhancer)
5. Eliminate artificial sweeteners
6. Switch from lean (low-fat) (eg : chicken breast) protein to the higher
fat version (eg : chicken thighs)
7. Avoid excess amounts of proteins
8. Avoid GMO, soy and corn oil
9. Avoid eating too frequently
Abhishek Ghosh
Abhishek Ghosh

Benefits of running body on ketones

The benefits are immense—and go way beyond weight loss.
By running on fat fuel with ketosis, you’ll experience ​rewards l​ ike these:
● No more cravings
● Less hunger between meals
● Better memory
● Cardiovascular protection
● Normal blood sugar
● Improved mood
● Improved cholesterol
● Way more energy
● Amazing skin
● Much less inflammation
● Improved sleep


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