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A lack of confidence in students can be a barrier to academic success, reduce student

participation in class, and hinder social interaction. It can also limit opportunities for personal and

professional growth. As Norman & Hyland (2003) state confidence is a factor in learning which can have

its effects on students’ participation and progress. Self-confidence is the most important for a student to

take risks and engage in the learning activities in the other hand those who have self-confidence they are

pretty sure about their abilities and also they are setting goals for themselves and work hard to achieve

their goals without worrying about the outcomes (Kanza, 2016). Students with low confidence may be

unable to express their thoughts due to fear of judgment. This can reduce student participation, limiting

their ability to engage with the content and develop critical thinking skills. In addition, a lack of

confidence can lead to the avoidance of challenges, limiting academic and personal growth. Participation

is important for the success of the class. Many researchers on participation have been cited in the study

of (Mahdikhani (2015). It could also have an effect on socializing, collaboration, and establishing

connections, which are all required and necessary skills for the future. Overall, confidence plays a crucial

role in a student's holistic growth. Here are some factor that influencing senior highschool students: fear

of failure or negative assessment: there’s a possibilities that students may be afraid of making mistakes,

being judged harshly, or not meeting their goals. Perfectionism, low self-esteem, or previous negative

experiences. Self-awareness: Some students may not be fully aware of their strengths and talents,

making it difficult to identify and showcase them. Teacher expectations and the school climate:

unwanted or competitive classroom environments can discourage students from taking initiative or

express themselves creatively. Gender stereotypes: traditional gender roles can restrict the types of skills
that students are able to demonstrate. Girls, on the other hand, are less likely to engage in activities that

are perceived as "masculine."

Self-esteem refers to an individual's general perception of their own worth or value. It

encompasses feelings of self-acceptance, self-esteem, and confidence in one's abilities. Positive

experiences, accomplishments, and supportive relationships can boost self-esteem, while negative

experiences will cause criticism or a lack of support can lower it. In an academic setting, a student's self-

esteem is influenced by their perception of their abilities, accomplishments, and overall worth as a

learner. Positive experiences, encouragement, and recognition can boost self-esteem, but challenges,

criticism, or constant comparison can negatively impact it. For encourage positive self-esteem in

students, it is important to create a better environment, set realistic goals, and acknowledge progress.

Self-esteem in an academic setting is closely linked to perceptions of competence and value as a learner.

(Stanulis, 2012) enumerated ten benefits of getting students to participate in classroom discussions.

Positive reinforcement, constructive feedback, and acknowledgement of achievements contribute to a

healthy sense of self-worth. On the other hand, constant criticism, unrealistically high expectations, or a

hostile environment can damage self-esteem. The learning environment, learning methods, and peer

interactions all play an important role. (Parks-Stamm, 2017) and (Herstentein and Platt, 2017), more than

70% of students involved in their study perceived a positive relationship between their own participation

and learning. They also discussed the value of other students’ comments for their learning. Students are

more likely to have a positive self-image when they are respected and appropriately challenged.

Additionally, the ability to overcome challenges and achieve academic success can greatly improve self-

esteem. How can students with low self-esteem be influenced by their grades? Students may make self-

disparaging remarks such as "I'm not good as they are," "I can't do this," "I always do everything wrong,"

"no one likes me," etc. Students with low self-esteem may unintentionally blame things that are not their

fault or are out of their control, or they may try to influence other children's behavior to lessen a sense

of helplessness. During virtual learning (VL), students may respond to hardship by giving up, avoiding

risks, or disengaging from tasks, or by turning off their computers. Students may be reluctant to try new
things or be unable to deal with typical levels of frustration. They may also pretend they don't care, fool

around, or be aggressive to cover up their lack of confidence, or they may suddenly disconnect from the

virtual learning environment (VLE). Students may do well for a period of time, then suddenly become a

failure. They may be afraid of failure or worried that expectations from others are suddenly too high.

They may also be afraid their success was due to luck or worried that expectations from others will be

too high. Teachers and parents must be aware of individual differences, provide opportunities for skill

development, and promote a growth mindset that encourages students to see challenges as

opportunities for learning and improvement. In the end, high academic self-esteem builds the

foundation for a student's overall self-confidence and motivation to learn. Teachers play an important

role in establishing and maintaining healthy environments for children to learn and grow. They can help

students who are not confident in themselves or are afraid to make mistakes to build their feelings of

confidence. Teachers can also play an important role in referring students experiencing low self-esteem

to professionals in the building who can be of assistance.

This study emphasizes the importance of understanding why some students are reluctant to

express their talents in formal settings. Students' resistance to judgment, low self-esteem, peer pressure,

and external pressures can all play a vital role in this. We aim to provide educators with insights that will

help them create a positive learning environment by examining these factors, thereby fostering a sense

of belonging and empowerment among students. The findings of this study could lead to interventions

that address these core issues and create more inclusive and nurturing learning environments.

Moreover, the report explores the effect of societal stereotypes and cultural norms on students' inability

to express their abilities. For example, social norms and gender norms can contribute to a lack of

confidence in certain areas. Combining these external influences with individual psychological factors

will give a comprehensive picture of the dynamics at play. Teachers can tailor interventions that not only

address individual insecurities but also tackle organizational barriers by highlighting these multiple

aspects, creating a safe environment in which each student is able to express and express their individual

Purpose of the Research

This purpose of this study is to figure out what factors influencing the students’ reluctance to showcase

their abilities. The issue will look into different factors that leads them to unwillingness to showcase their

talents. Specifically it sought answers to the following questions.

1. What is the demographic profile of the students’ respondents?

1.1 Gender

1.2 Age

1.3 Strand

2. What are the factors that affecting Senior High School students' unwillingness to showcase their

abilities in academic settings?

3. What is the importance of showcasing individual's abilities?

4. What will be the possible solution to increase their abilities willingness to showcase their talents?

C. Theoretical Framework

Theories of Self-Esteem: Early and Modern

Self-esteem was defined by a simple formula by William James, who said that self-esteem equals success

divided by our pretentions. In this case, pretensions refer to our goals, values, and what we believe

about our potential. We therefore see ourselves as failures if our actual accomplishments are low and

our hoped potential and goals are high. Conversely, and you will probably remember an example like

this, if your success meets your needs, you feel good about yourself and your self-esteem increases.

Early childhood experiences and parental influences were often cited as a factor in decision making.

Positive and negative interactions during the teen years, according to these theories, can significantly
influence an individual's self-esteem. Freud said, for example, that the resolution of psychosexual stages

could have an effect on one's self-esteem. Modern theories take a more holistic approach, including

cognitive, social, and cultural variables. Albert bandura, a social cognitive scientist, argues that

observational learning and social comparisons play a vital role in the development of self-esteem. In

addition, self-determination theory argues that autonomy, competence, and relatedness are essential

factors in shaping self-esteem. Although early theories focused on early experiences, modern theories

considered a broader range of factors, including cognitive pathways, social interactions, and cultural

contexts in assessing self-esteem.

D. Literature Survey

If the students aren't confident in themselves, they may be tempted to engage in class discussions, ask

questions, and take risks in their studies. It’s also possible that they will continue to live in their shadow

and choose to remain merely because they don't want to be mocked by others. Norman and hyland

(2003) emphasize the importance of confidence as a factor in learning. They argue that confidence plays

a crucial role in determining students' levels of participation and overall progress in an academic context.

The study is likely to explore how confidence in students influences their participation in learning

activities and ultimately their academic growth. Understanding the dynamics of confidence in learning is

crucial to devising effective learning strategies that promote student success.

According to the study by sasson (2019), a lack of motivation can be explained by insufficient levels of

desire and excitement for task completion. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing and addressing

this issue in a variety of ways. It is important for us to understand the possible motivations for doing the

task. Understanding and addressing a lack of enthusiasm is vital because it directly affects work

performance and overall productivity. When individuals lack motivation, they may be unable to initiate,

sustain, or complete tasks, limiting their personal and professional growth. Identifying the root causes of
this problem helps to plan interventions that will boost motivation and help achieve a more engaged and

effective approach to tasks.

The article "everyone at japari school (2018)" highlights the widespread problem of low motivation, both

for students and teachers. Addressing this challenge is vital, as sustained motivation is essential to

successful learning and positive educational outcomes. Understanding the root causes and implementing

targeted learning plans will result in a more interactive and supportive learning environment for all

parties. To better tailor education, it could involve examining teaching methods, curriculum relevance, or

identifying individual learning styles. Teachers, students, and parents can collaborate to create a culture

of inspiration by highlighting the importance of learning and providing the necessary support services. To

address low motivation, one must take a multifaceted approach to create an environment in which both

students and teachers are able to learn and teach effectively.

* in the study by kolubinski et al. (2019), the researchers discovered that certain factors, particularly

negative metacognitions, self-critical rumination, and self-criticism, were linked to an individual's self-

esteem. This indicates a connection between one's metacognitive skills, reflective thinking patterns, and

the tendency to engage in self-critical thinking, all of which play a role in determining and impacting

one's overall self-esteem. A lack of awareness and control of thought processes can result in a decrease

in self-esteem. This means that individuals who engage in harmful metacognitive habits more often will

perceive themselves less positively. The report also highlights the effect of self-critical rumination,

showing that persistent, negative reflection about oneself can be a significant contributor to lower self-

esteem levels. The association of self-criticism and other factors demonstrates the importance of how

individuals evaluate and judge their own actions, habits, and characteristics, which influence their overall

self-esteem. Understanding these connections can be helpful in devising interventions or strategies

aimed at raising self-esteem by addressing these specific cognitive and reflective aspects.

* filippello et al.'s report reveals that the study was flawed. In 2019, a significant association between an

individual's self-esteem and their academic performance was uncovered. According to the study
findings, higher self-esteem correlates with increased levels of academic involvement or participation in

educational activities. Understanding the relationship between self-esteem and academic engagement

can have a huge effect on the development of interventions or support services in educational settings.

Provides valuable insights into the relationship of psychology and education. According to the findings,

an individual's perception of self-worth has a direct effect on their academic performance, potentially

affecting factors such as motivation, resilience, and overall commitment to learning. According to this

association, encouraging positive self-esteem could be a practical strategy for educators and

policymakers looking to enhance students' academic experiences. The report also emphasizes the

intricate relationship between psychological influences and educational outcomes, stressing the

importance of a holistic approach to student well-being in the academic context.

E. Significance of the Study

This research is aimed at finding the different factors affecting students’ reluctance showcasing

their abilities.

This study is Important to the following individuals:

To the Students, it is important to have confidence in ourselves and recognize that showcasing

our talents can contribute to our personal growth in various ways. Even as teenagers, we are constantly

evolving and striving to become better individuals. We are influenced by numerous factors, each of

which has an impact on our development and emotions.

To the Parents, It is of important to provide guidance to our children regarding their unique

abilities. This guidance not only cultivates their self-esteem but also empowers them to confidently

showcase their talents without the fear of ridicule. Furthermore, understanding our children's abilities

allows us to establish a deeper connection with them, fostering stronger bonds and cherished memories.

To the Teachers, it is important to assess the information collected and identify students who

require additional support, it is crucial for teachers to take a comprehensive approach. They should
consider the broader context of each student's reluctance to showcase their talents and understand how

it affects their daily lives. Moreover, teachers should strive for an outcome that fosters a genuine

appreciation for the diverse nature of talents and abilities among students. By doing so, they can create

an inclusive and supportive environment that nurtures the potential of every individual.

F. definition of terms

G. Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope of the study Unveiling Potential: Exploring Factors Influencing Senior HighSchool Students'

Reluctance to Showcase Their Abilities in Educational Settings. In each grade level in senior high we

randomly selected fiftheen (15) students in grade 11 and fiftheen (15) students in grade 12 with the total

sample of thirthy (30) respondents in Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Catanuan.

Other issues that are not regarded as being related to reluctant students will not be covered by this

study. Exactly the same questionnaires are given to each respondent to complete. The study's findings

will only be relevant to the participants; they will not be used to evaluate the reasons behind students'

reluctance to showcase their skills to people who are not included in the study's sample. The

questionnaire, which the researchers have prepared, will be the primary source of data.

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