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VIVA VOCE QUESTIONS 1. Define learning. ‘Ans. Learning may be defined as “any relatively perin by experience”. - 1 change in lichaviout oF behavioural potential produced 2. What might bring temporal behavioural changes? Ans, Changes in behaviour might occur due 10 the eflecis of tiredness, repeated monotonous work and drugs. These are temporary in nature. 3. What is habituation? Give an example. Ans, Itisa case of change in one’s behaviour. ‘The change is because of the continuous exposure to agents that arouse some activity oF action, Biting nails while watching horror movie. 4. What is conditioning? Ans. Conditioning is the process of training a person of particular situation. mal to do something or to behave in a certain way in a 5. What is classical conditioning? Ans, Clasical conditioning basically involves forming an association between two stimuli resulting in a learned response. §. Give an example of naturally occuring stimulus. Ans, Salivating in response to the smell of food is a good example of a naturally occuring stimulus. Yhat does UCS and UCR stands for? Ans, UCS - unconditioned stimulus ; UCR - unconditioned response. What is food and salivation in conditioning experiment? Ans. Food is unconditioned stimulus and salivation is unconditioned response. © What is unconditioned response? ‘Ans. The unconditioned response is the unlearned response that occurs naturally in response é the unconditioned stimulus. 3 Give an example of unconditioned response. Ans. For example, the feeling of hunger in response to the smell of food is the unconditioned response. 1%4.Give an example of conditioned stimulus in your daily life. Ane. For example, listening lunch bell in the school, automatically stimulates hunger, 12. Which animal was used in Pavlov conditioning experiment? Ans, Dog ie What happened to dog after performing classical conditioning experiment on it? . The dog secreted saliva after listening, to the sound of the bell, expecting its food t0 be served, beonuse dog thought bell and food were connected, through classical conditioning 14, What was Little Albert experiment? Ans, Jn the Little Albert experiment a 9 months old infant known ay Liute Albert was presented with various scinvuli such as a monkey, masks, a rat and a rabbic in order to generate Feat a 15. What was the outcome of Little Albert experiment? ea Ans. After repeating the experiment for over 7 weeks, whenever Albert was shown a rat, he would cry y. ii i? 16. What is the researcher’s name who conducted Little Albert experiment? Ans. Watson 17. Why was Little Albert experiment unethical? | i Ans. The experiment has shown cruelty to a little iifant, by generating fear striking a hammer on steel bar just behind his head, ; ‘ Fi A ical? 18. In modern times, do you think experimenting with animals is also unethical! ? Ans. Yes, experimenting with animals is also unethical, because itis a form of cruelty towards animals. 19. Do you think government should keep restrictions on such kind of experiments? Ans. Yes, government should regulate such kind of experiments. 20. How important is conditioning in our daily lives? Ans. Using conditioning teachers and parents can shape the behaviours of children in a right manner. So that they can grow up as well behaved,

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