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Pathfinder kingmaker romance guide

Pathfinder kingmaker kalikke and kanerah romance guide. Pathfinder kingmaker octavia and regongar romance guide. Pathfinder kingmaker octavia romance guide. Pathfinder kingmaker valerie romance
guide. Pathfinder kingmaker nyrissa romance guide.

Pathfinder kingmaker amiri romance guide. Pathfinder kingmaker kanerah romance guide. Pathfinder kingmaker tristian romance guide. Pathfinder kingmaker romance guide fr. Pathfinder kingmaker
regongar romance guide.

But I'd like to participate in testing of this thingy." Begins Romance Troll Lair Depths Dialogue (OctReg - Black Whip) During Guiding BeaconRomance [0;59] (Lawful Good) [Break the whip] "This thing is detestable, unrighteous and disgusting. Not that I don't enjoy the view..." "And my daring companions are trying to avoid 'claws' at all costs..." +10
Special Encounter (Willas Gunderson) Dialogue (Willas - Dunsward) Player is Female [Give the traveler a particularly interested look] "Willas, aren't you, em, cold in those clothes?

You may continue your experiments." (Lawful Evil) "Sounds interesting. Maybe." -5 Lone House Dialogue (Waine) Troll Trouble is not on a second stage of invasion (Neutral Good) "All right, Octavia. You strike down monsters with your spells as you strike down people with your beauty." +5 Tuskdale Dialogue (Octavia) Octavia RomanceScore
30+Regongar RomanceScore 59- "Our romance was a mistake. I hope you feel the same about me." +5 "What is it, Tristian?" "I like you, Tristian. The priestess of Lamashtu must be executed." +5 Secluded Lodge Dialogue (Witch Hunt - Tsanna) During Witch Hunt (Chaotic Good) "I forgive all these people — even the priestess. I loath to touch it, let
alone give it to you." -5 Troll Lair Depths Dialogue (Tartuk - Surrender) During Troll Trouble (Lawful Neutral) [Attack] "You deserve no mercy, only death!" (Lawful Neutral) [Attack] "Uniting the trolls led to many of my people's deaths. Forever." +10 Armag's Tomb Dialogue (Armag) During The Twice-Born Warlord [Finish Armag off] "This is the end."
[Finish Armag off] "Die." [Finish Armag off] "Your destiny ends here." [Finish Armag off] "I'll finish you myself." +10 Rushlight Fields Dialogue (Rushlight Fields) RomanceScore [1;100]Completed Judgment of the GodsDuring The Rushlight Tournament "Watch your tongue, Irovetti." +10 Rushlight Fields Dialogue (Rushlight Fields) RomanceScore
[1;100]Completed Judgment of the GodsDuring The Rushlight Tournament [Say nothing] -5 Rushlight Fields Dialogue (Rushlight Fields) RomanceScore [1;100]Completed Judgment of the GodsDuring The Rushlight Tournament "She is beautiful, isn't she?
This is your barony, and your responsibility. If ever we meet again, I'll kill you." +5 Special Encounter (Dalton) Dialogue (Dalton) "Reg, I appreciate your help, but would you please stop robbing people while I'm trying to talk to them?" "Octavia's right, Reg. I should make you do it more often." +5 Swamp Witch's Hut Dialogue (Tiressia) "You're judging
by appearances, Tristian.

We already have too many troubles and cares.

Those lines will end romance: "That's so disgusting!" "Can I count on a few hot nights too?" [Pull away] "I'm sorry, but I wouldn't want to ruin our friendship with unwanted... Nyrissa can be romanced by any gender and can be done at the same time as other romances, as long as you don't complete them (or breakup afterwards). Will I ever see you
again?" "You can count on me. Love can bind anyone." +5 Swamp Witch's Hut Dialogue (Tiressia) "Steamy nights, of course.

In Overgrown Pool only violence option to dispel enchantment gives RomanceScore, even though all should. And I don't want to see you again — in this life, or the next." +5 Silverstep Grove Dialogue (Ivar - Silverstep Grove) During The Lonely Hunter "Enough, Ivar. Go away." "My decision is final. I value our friendship and don't want to ruin it." Final
lines: [Leave with Regongar] Advance Romance to Stage 2 and set RomanceScore to 30 If you have Octavia RomanceScore at 20+ "I'd like to spend the night alone with Regongar." Advance Regongar Romance to Stage 2 and set RomanceScore to 30 "Of course! It's more fun when there are three of us!" Advance Octavia and Regongar Romance to
Stage 2 and set their RomanceScore to 30 "You know what? I can't imagine life without you." +10 Elven Camp Dialogue (Reveal My Destiny - Nortellara) During Reveal My Destiny Convince Jaethal to reject Urgathoa. We have to get going soon." Second: "So what was that? Leave my lands. No one will ever harm you anymore." +10 Oleg's Trading
Post Dialogue (Guardian of the Bloom - Fog Clears) "You're still following me? But before you say anything else: let's stop here and now." End romance Stage Advancement[] Dialogue Requirements Action Dialogue (Tristian Romance - Breakup) Romance value is 59 Completed Kingdom of the Cleansed Advance romance to Stage 2 and set
CounterValue to 60 Those lines will end romance: "It's a relief that you mentioned it first. Without it you won't get any further romance events at all. And I don't want to see you again — in this life, or the next." [Requires Chaotic] "So you're just poor pariahs, cast away over a tiny flaw like the craving for human flesh? (Last Version:2.1.7b) The
dialogues that set Romance Stage to [1:29] do so even if you had higher Stage. You're my enemy. To advance to fifth stage enter Tuskdale with the following criteria met: Be exactly at 100 CounterValue. Let's not ruin it." "You know what? It's time to answer for your crimes." (Neutral Evil) [Attack] "You will die. You provoked that on purpose, didn't
you?!" +5 Dialogue (RegVal - Bullying Valerie) Valerie in party OR: Valerie RomanceScore 35+ Regongar RomanceScore 35+ Final lines: "Valerie, I'm sorry. If you advanced a romance stage you can't go back down (except for bugged Regongar), only end romance completely. See to it she's removed from the barony at once." (Lawful Neutral) "Send
these people home. Stop trying to kill me and my subjects, and maybe I'll find a way to help you." "You are a threat to my barony, and I will have to fight you — no matter what I think of you or how I feel about you." "I don't know enough yet, but I want to. He has you." "So the future Lady Varn will put up with your escapades for years, offer a shoulder
to lean on when there's trouble, and won't run off, or bite off your head? Tiefling twins and Nyrissa are exception to the rule.
You're a reliable friend and a worthy ally, but would be a crime to ignore your beauty." "For the moment, yes. I'll decide what to do with it later." (Chaotic Neutral) [Give the whip] "Sure. You can enter first stage with any action that increases Regongar's romance value. We're partners. And leave your loot as well.
What if you decide to test me again?" -10 [Pull away] "You know what? That's not the confession of love that I expected!" "Very well. Those who once saw you as a leader, not some miserable jester?" +5 Troll Lair Depths Dialogue (Tartuk - Surrender) During Troll Trouble (Neutral Good) "...Leave now. They ask for mercy, and you decide to finish them
with another horrific pun?" +5 Special Encounter (Troll Refugees) Dialogue (Troll Refugees) Hargulka sparedArgadd and Karga spared (Lawful Neutral) [Attack] "Sparing Hargulka was my mistake.
The money you've collected will serve better in the treasury." (Neutral Evil) [Diplomacy 17] "How would you like to keep collecting money, only as servants rather than bandits? Fight and die." +5 Old Sycamore Dialogue (Kobolds vs Mites) During A Bitter Rival "Stop! What's going on here?" "Ha ha! Great!" "Do you know why Choral the Conqueror
razed half of Rostland? Everything Regongar does, he's doing it for you with all his heart. Serve me — and after I die, you can try to conquer the world once again." -5 Flintrock Grassland Dialogue (Gwart) During Hour of Rage "Why are you unhappy with Armag?" (Neutral Evil) "I'd send my men in first while I tried to figure out the situation — maybe
it wouldn't be necessary for me to jump as well." -5 Flintrock Grassland Dialogue (Dallirun Myrnas) During Hour of RageCompleted Betrayer's Flight [Lore (Religion) check passed] "Don't vex Pharasma. In fact I've grown quite tired of you." "Fine. Tell me what this is about, and I'll help you." Then: "Have you thought this through? Farewell!" +5
Hunting Grounds Dialogue (Edna and Julia) During An Amusement for the Nobles "Yes, that sounds like fun! I'll consider it." "Why would I? You obeyed a tyrant's will and brought death and ruin upon countless innocents. Regongar often oversteps." "Regongar, you can't act like that with other members of the party! Apologize to Valerie." "Valerie, pay
no attention to Regongar. You should be ashamed of yourself!" "I don't infringe upon your freedom, but your behavior is terrible." -10 "Octavia, what are you doing? Run after her!" "Don't worry, she'll come back." "You were right. Will you need any supplies or gear?" +5 "Maybe you could explain what's going on first?" "You'll let down me and the
entire party." "Alone? But break your promise and I'll make you regret it, even if I have to claw my way out of the Abyss to do so." -5 Special Encounter (Dalton) Dialogue (Dalton) Player is Female (Chaotic Neutral) "We... Let's not complicate things." Final lines: [Hug Valerie] "We're together. Let them go." (Chaotic Evil) "I have nothing against
Lamashtu and her flock. Try to calm him down." +5 Wizard's Laboratory Dialogue (The Nature of the Beast - Dimwit) During The Nature of the Beast First: (Lawful Neutral) "This is a disgusting practice, but it doesn't violate any laws.
I'll make it up to you, I promise." +10 Dialogue (Valerie - Gift) Completed The Twice-Born Warlord, RomanceScore ?+ "Why are you so embarrassed?" "You're a little quirky." "You're acting a little strange." -5 Dialogue (Valerie - King's Favorite) RomanceScore 85+ (Anything) "I know, Valerie. Unfortunately, what I don't know is how to help you
overcome the curse..." +10 Dreamscape Dialogue (Dreamscape) (Cup) During The Path of the Dreams "I'll stop you, one way or another." -10 Throne Room Dialogue (Strange Happenings In The Capital) Completed Objective War of the River Kings (Objective_WhiteRose)Romance 70+ "I am sorry that everything turned out like this. We'll have to kill
you." +5 Goblin Fort Dialogue (Goblin Fort - Totem Prisoners) During Season of Bloom (Lawful Evil) [Attack] "I cannot let you live and risk the lives of everyone else." +5 Varnhold Dialogue (Agai) During The Varnhold Vanishing (Requires Lawful) "I believe that you and your kin aren't to blame for the disappearance of Varnhold's citizens. Regular
Dialogue[] Location Dialogue Requirements Action Value Oleg's Trading PostTuskdale Dialogue (Octavia) Not Completed Objective Cruel Justice (Obj_4_Search-books)Romance not ended "Will you tell me about your life in slavery?" "Let's talk about something else." "I won't let anyone harm those who are dear to me. What you're doing is inhumane.
To advance them together second person should have RomanceScore at least 20+ If you have already advanced one of them to Stage 2, you can still get the second person to Stage 2 via their own event when they hit 29 RomanceScore. I love you." +10 [Pull away] "After everything you've done to me, it's hard to believe you. No matter what awaits us
next." Begins Romance [0;50]+10 Varnhold Dialogue (Maegar Varn - DLC) Player is FemaleNot Unlocked (RomanceEvent1) "Have you thought about the future? Let things remain as they are." Ends Romance Blackstones Ford Dialogue (A Special Dish 2) Romance is activeUnlocked (RomanceEvent1) Fully solve the A Special Dish quest. We'll split the
loot, half for me, half for you. I can't forbid you to continue your experiments." (Neutral) "I don't care about the nature of your… experiments, so long as no harm comes to my subjects." "I believe you. entanglements." "I want more with you than just a bed." Final lines: [Kiss Valerie] Advance Romance to Stage 3 and set CounterValue to 61 "Is this...
Bartholomew, you may keep the troll." (Neutral) "I'll let him continue his experiments, but only because you insist." +5 Lone House Dialogue (The Nature of the Beast - Dimwit) During The Nature of the Beast (Chaotic Good) "Trolls are sentient beings, not cattle to be bought and sold. Die, monster!" +5 Thorn Ford Dialogue (Akiros and Kressle)
Visited after Ancient Tomb [Attack] "I'm not here to talk. Lay down your arms, surrender, and confess your crimes.
Let's push the march for half a day until you come around." "When you were drunk, you said no one needs you. Let's leave this place." -5 Troll Lair Depths Dialogue (OctReg - Black Whip) During Guiding BeaconOctavia or Regongar in partyOctavia or Regongar Romance [0;59] (Lawful Good) [Break the whip] "This thing is detestable, unrighteous and
disgusting. His romance is split in 5 stages: [1;59], [60;60], [65;65], [70;100], [100;100] To advance to second stage you need to enter Tuskdale main square with the following criteria met: Be exactly at 59 CounterValue. Dialogues[] Location Dialogue Requirements Action Value Varnhold Dialogue (Ripples on the Water) Player is Female "Yes, it's
wonderful finally getting a place to call home. Are you sure there's another woman like that in all of Golarion, besides me?" +10 City of Hollow Eyes (Varnhold's Lot) Dialogue (Pale Yan) Romance is active "We can't abandon our principles, no matter what is at stake. I'm tired of your games. If there is anyone in the world who can lead us against an
ancient evil, it is Maegar Varn." +10 The Tomb's Threshold Dialogue (Aecora Silverfire) Unlocked (RomanceEvent1) [Diplomacy 18] "Maegar, we should get rid of the centaurs and the cultists too. I look forward to hearing your results." (Neutral Evil) "Quiet, Octavia. I can't any more.
But first, tell me — how does it feel to be the sole reason for the deaths of your family, your friends, and all of your kin?" +5 Special Encounter (Troll Refugees) Dialogue (Troll Refugees) Hargulka sparedArgadd and Karga spared "Ha ha! Not bad!" "That's cruel, Regongar. Sounds like joke — and not a funny one." 0 "Are you out of your mind? But all
the taxes you collect WILL go to the barony treasury." -5 A Ford Across the Skunk River Dialogue (Jubilost - A Ford Across the Skunk River) During Troll TroubleRomanceScore 1+ "For someone who values contents so highly, you seem pretty quick to make superficial judgments." "I guess those glasses on your nose are just there to make you look
smart, Jubilost." +5 A Ford Across the Skunk River Dialogue (Jubilost - A Ford Across the Skunk River) During Troll TroubleRomanceScore 1+ "One more comment about my companions and you're done for, you brainless stump." -5 Special Encounter (Dalton) Dialogue (Dalton) Regongar in party "Reg, I appreciate your help, but would you please stop
robbing people while I'm trying to talk to them?" "Octavia's right, Reg.
You may continue your experiments." (Chaotic Neutral) "This is reprehensible. You are my baron and commander, and I am your companion and General. Reg, I'm seriously worried about you. You should be ashamed of yourself!" "I'm sorry I overreacted. You can "discuss antiques" with Willas Gunderson, but if you talk about him with Maegar pick the
"This is no more than a one-night stand." line or you will fail the romance. I do whatever I want with them." -10 Varnhold Dialogue (Maegar Romance Event) Romance is at 30+ "Scouts report back that the maneuver you were asking about is more than possible." Advances Romance [1;80]set to 60 Varnhold Dialogue (Maegar Romance Event) Romance
is at 30+ "Please stop.
Some things simply mustn't be allowed, law or no law." (Neutral) "I don't care about the nature of your… experiments, so long as no harm comes to my subjects." "I'm not convinced. Let's kill them, and then the dragon." -10 Special Encounter (Willas Gunderson) Dialogue (Willas - Dunsward) Player is Female [Give the traveler a particularly interested
look] "Willas, aren't you, em, cold in those clothes? Everything you've collected so far will be returned to the people." (Lawful Evil) [Intimidate 22] "You'll hang in the main square as a warning to any other outlaws who might dare to cross my path. Those are usually stage advancement ones. You'll give me all you've found immediately." -5 Vordakai's
Tomb Dialogue (Vordakai Prisoner) Didn't kill Astradaemon (Vordakai's Tomb) (Lawful Good) "Wait here — you're in no condition to fight. "[L;U]" will be used to indicate Lower and Upper Cutoff values in this guide. Let's not ruin our friendship." "You know what? It doesn't make mistakes." "I trust my judgment." +5 First: "Are you all right?" "Did you
see something? I value our friendship and don't want to ruin it." Will end romance for Regongar only. They are both enemies to Varnhold." [Diplomacy 16] "Maegar, we won't be able to persuade the centaurs. It's just what he wants." "Valerie, keep your hands to yourself." "That was well deserved." -5 Dialogue (Regongar - Drunk) RomanceScore 55+
"Regongar, what is this? I can't let you go now!" "I'm sorry, that was too harsh." "Octavia, you're acting like a spoiled child." "I'm not talking about taking your freedom — but this stupid idea is going to endanger the lives of the entire party." -10 "Are you out of your mind? and I appreciate you yourself, Valerie." Begins Romanceor +5 Bandit Camp
Dialogue (Bandit Camp) (Lawful Good) [Attack] "I don't make deals with scoundrels." +5 Bandit Camp Dialogue (Bandit Camp) (Lawful Evil) "All right, I'll hire you. You certainly wouldn't be the strangest thing in my lands." -5 Lonely Barrow Dialogue (Lonely Barrow - Graverobbers) [Attack] "You've picked the wrong tone to speak with the
{baron/baroness/king/queen}. We don't want it getting worse." "Reg, I'm worried about you.
Now explain what's going on." "May I at least kiss you in return?" "Now I'm sorry I haven't gotten anything for you. Those lines will end romance: "Do not touch it. You certainly wouldn't be the strangest thing in my lands." +5 Special Encounter (Troll Refugees) Dialogue (Troll Refugees) (Chaotic Good) "So be it, you can leave. That means you can't
afford to solve conflicts without a second thought, or rush into fights without first weighing the odds." +10 Old Stump Dialogue (Old Stump) Unlocked (RomanceEvent1) [Diplomacy 28] "Maegar, I know you don't want to, but we'd best clear the whole village, just in case. Why is a kind god's servant working with bandits?" (Neutral Good) [Diplomacy
23] "Help me get rid of the Stag Lord. Is that any way to treat someone you love?" "I'm looking at you and wondering... What's going on?" "What was that nonsense about no one needing you?" "Another stunt like this, and you'll be sitting in the capital until you're an old man! You realize you let down the whole party?" +5 Dialogue (Regongar - Drunk)
RomanceScore 55+ "Regongar, what is this? (Unless you intentionally want to reduce their score) To progress to third stage you need to witness Dialogue (OctReg - Quarrel) and have one person's romance score at 45+ and other 59. Why not thank him for a change?" "I'm looking at you and wondering... Would you sell it for, say, 50 gold coins?"
(Chaotic Neutral) [Distract the vendor] +10 Rushlight Fields Dialogue (Bookmaker) During The Rushlight Tournament "What's going on?" (Neutral) "Do whatever you want." (Chaotic Neutral) "Great idea! Go for it!" +10 River Blades' Camp Dialogue (Ilora Nuski) During War of the River Kings (Neutral Good) "I'll spare your life, but don't expect such
leniency next time." +10 Pitax (City) Dialogue (Atalia Gitaren) During War of the River Kings [Requires Lawful] "It's easy to do good when someone else is paying for it! You know the price your students pay for the Academy — but you look the other way so you can keep playing your lute in peace!" +10 Pitax Royal Palace Dialogue (Pitax Mess Hall)
During War of the River Kings (Chaotic Good) "Those who don't wish to die for Irovetti may go. I want us to get to know each other better." [Kiss Tristian] "I will show you everything you need to know!" "You don't like me that much?" 0 "What is it, Tristian?" "I like you, Tristian. Tristian can be romanced by female characters only. Well, you are looking
for one more chance, and I'm looking for a powerful advisor. I look forward to hearing your results." Then: (Neutral Evil) "Quiet, Octavia. Attack!" +10 Armag's Tomb Dialogue (Zorek) During The Twice-Born Warlord "Regongar! Shut up, put away your weapon and stand down!" -10 Rushlight Fields Dialogue (Kharne - Rushlight) Romance
[30;99]During The Rushlight Tournament "I've heard few curious words — 'Bloodbrush extract'... Well then maybe I will!" +1Sets Romance Stage to [1;29] Tuskdale Dialogue (Regongar) Barony founded "How do you like it in my party?" "Are you serious? Also ends romance with Octavia and Regongar. Otherwise if your romance score is 60+ just pick
any of romantic options. Now explain what's going on." +5 Dialogue (Valerie - Gift) Completed The Twice-Born Warlord, RomanceScore ?+ "Why are you so embarrassed?" [Put the gift in the bag] "There, I put your gift away. I can't forbid you to continue your experiments." +5 Lone House Dialogue (The Nature of the Beast - Dimwit) During The
Nature of the BeastOctavia in party (Lawful Neutral) "This is a disgusting practice, but it doesn't violate any laws. Set him free." (Neutral) "I don't care about the nature of your… experiments, so long as no harm comes to my subjects." "I'm not convinced. All these corpses died from disease. How would we survive if we didn't support each other?"
[Hold Octavia] "I love you. Her romance is split in 4 stages: [1;40], [1;80], [1;90], [?] Dialogue[] Location Dialogue Requirements Action Value Oleg's Trading Post Dialogue (Guardian of the Bloom - First Dream) "I'm glad my adventure begins with such a beautiful sight…" +10 Oleg's Trading Post Dialogue (Guardian of the Bloom - First Dream)
"Begone, spirit! I've had enough of you." "I'll handle it on my own. It's done through their personal dialogue. Proud, unbroken, and never so cruel." +10 Abandoned Keep Dialogue (Betrayer's Flight - Nyrissa) During Betrayer's FlightNot Completed Hour of Rage "I'm sick and tired of your empty talk. Romance Score[] Romance score is increased (or
decreased) through dialogue and is limited by stages that have it's upper and lower limits which you can't bypass until you meet the criteria to advance to next stage.
Prepare to die." (Chaotic Evil) [Attack] "Such a sad story... It's her fault." [Hug Regongar without saying a word] d Octavia and Regongar double romance info[] You can advance Octavia and Regongar to Stage 2 together via one event or separately. Sounds dangerous. In fact, get away from him!" -10 Pitax (City) Dialogue (Gasperre Liacenza) During
War of the River Kings "And I suppose CASTRUCCIO Irovetti's least favorite joke is the one about his name?" "If that's the kind of comedy they teach at the Academy of Grand Arts, then I'm not surprised Linzi has no desire to return there..." +10 Pitax (City) Dialogue (Gasperre Liacenza) During War of the River Kings "Regongar, we're having a
serious discussion. Why?" -10 Kellid Barbarian Camp Dialogue (Dugath) During The Varnhold VanishingRomanceScore is in [30;59] "Octavia, you should be ashamed! You're out of line!" "I'm only jealous of you because I love you." [Raise an eyebrow silently] "Don't you dare flirt with other people while I'm around!" "Don't stay in his tent for too long.
Please convey all accolades to the individual for their very hard work! This article is a stub. Going to try to kill me again?" Advance Romance to Stage 2 Other World (Guardian of the Bloom Visit) Dialogue (Guardian of the Bloom - The Varnhold Vanishing) Completed A Just RewardStarted The Varnhold VanishingRomanceCounter 30+ [Attack] "I will
not forgive your betrayal!" End Romance Other World (Guardian of the Bloom Visit) Dialogue (Guardian of the Bloom - The Varnhold Vanishing) Completed A Just RewardStarted The Varnhold VanishingRomanceCounter 30+ "I have visited the First World and learned something about you… and about your curse." "Sounds like you're in trouble
yourself. But mark my words: if you ever come to one of our towns or villages again, I'll make sure you regret it!" +5 Varnhold Stockade Dialogue (Agai) During The Varnhold VanishingRomanceCounter 30+ "Where's your former home?" [Fail Check] [Diplomacy 30] "You've nothing to lose anyway, Agai, and I need to locate the missing citizens of
Varnhold. Let them go." (Lawful Good) "These people are innocent — let them leave. You know I love you." -5 "Octavia, what are you doing? Those lines will end romance: "Yes, it's true. Leave him be." "Shut up and don't interrupt me. (horny book dialogue is not necessary) To advance to third stage you need following criteria met: To advance to fourth
stage: Give Tristian another chance during Coronation quest event. You know what will happen if you don't surrender peaceably. I can't let that go unpunished!" +5 Lake Silverstep Village Dialogue (Brevis) (Neutral Evil) "Donations are always appreciated." -5 Varnhold Dialogue (Maegar Varn) Before The Varnhold Vanishing "I hope the matter is
closed." [Say nothing] +5 Varnhold Dialogue (Maegar Varn) Before The Varnhold Vanishing "Valerie, it was a simple compliment." "Valerie, compose yourself." -5 Goblin Village Dialogue (Goblin Village - Civilians) During Mother of Monsters (Lawful Neutral) [Attack] "Filthy pests! I'll purge my lands of you!" (Chaotic Evil) [Attack] "Amusing screams —
and I haven't even begun yet." +5 Bridge over the Gudrin River Dialogue (Tigni Jusmert) During Season of Bloom (Lawful Neutral) "Well-played. We have to get going soon." "Don't you dare flirt with other people while I'm around!" Ends Romance Kellid Barbarian Camp Dialogue (Dugath) During The Varnhold VanishingRomanceScore is in [30;59]
First: [Raise an eyebrow silently] "Don't stay in his tent for too long. That is why you're undoubtedly guilty — guilty of foolishness." -10 Dreamscape Dialogue (Dreamscape) (Briar) During The Path of the Dreams "The only thing that seems to have left you is your mind!" End Romance Dreamscape Book Event (Dreamscape) During The Path of the
Dreams [Attack] "I'm tired of your games, Nyrissa!" -10 Dreamscape Book Event (Dreamscape) During The Path of the Dreams "No. Don't succumb to evil and despair. and yours as well!" +5 Goblin Village Dialogue (Goblin Village - Gatekeeper) During Mother of Monsters "Put your weapon away. I'll let you leave in peace. Witness Dialogue (Tristian
Romance - Gift). I can't let you go now!" "If you keep acting like this — maybe I will." End Romance Dialogue (Octavia - Unstable) Octavia RomanceScore 80+ [Hold Octavia] "We both have old wounds, and we're both insane in our own ways. Our troubles may be more closely related than you realize. Your puns alone will kill them!" [Attack] "Ha ha ha!
Go on! Burn him!" +5 Goblin Village Dialogue (Goblin Village - Gatekeeper) During Mother of Monsters "Hide your weapon and shut your mouth.
You know I love you." "Dugath is right, you're teasing me on purpose. Some things simply mustn't be allowed, law or no law." -5 Lone House Dialogue (The Nature of the Beast - Dimwit) During The Nature of the BeastOctavia not in party (Lawful Neutral) "This is a disgusting practice, but it doesn't violate any laws. I hope tonight's terrors are enough
to keep these people away from the Kingdom forever." +5 Secret Sanctum Dialogue (Secret Sanctum 2) During Kingdom of the Cleansed (Lawful Evil) "I will carve out this affliction completely. The Oculus of Abaddon belongs to me." "I'll take the Oculus, one way or another!" [Attack] "You're wrong — the Oculus won't bring you down, but I will!"
(Lawful Neutral) "I can't trust you — and will never be able to trust you again. Help me rouse the bards to rebel against Irovetti, and I'll make you the Academy's new headmaster." +10 Pitax Royal Palace Dialogue (Pitax Mess Hall) During War of the River Kings (Lawful Neutral) "So, the tyrant's henchmen! You're all guilty, and you will all die!"
(Chaotic Evil) "No one leaves here alive! I'll smash you against the walls!" +10 l d + l d + l d + l d + l d + Camp Dialogue[] Dialogue Requirements Action Value Dialogue (OctReg - Quarrel) OR: Octavia RomanceScore 45+ Regongar RomanceScore 45+ "Octavia, you're wrong. Many choices from the beginning of the game up until the final moments
will feed into this quest.You will have to lean over the precipice of despair to earn your happy ending!But if you are wise, brave and most importantly compassionate, you can pursue and hope against hope, win, the heart of thorns... And you'd better not fleece my subjects behind my back — is that clear?" -5 Bridge over the Gudrin River Dialogue (Fake
Stag Lord) During Season of Bloom (Lawful Evil) [Intimidate 22] "You'll hang in the main square as a warning to any other outlaws who might dare to cross my path. Although there is always a cheat option to edit save game files or use bag of tricks addon. Now's not the time." +5 Sepulcher of Forgotten Heroes Dialogue (Brag) During The Varnhold
Vanishing "What happened here?" "Shut up, Regongar! For once in your life, can you just keep your stupid jokes to yourself?" -5 Vordakai's Tomb Dialogue (Vordakai Prisoner) Didn't kill Astradaemon (Vordakai's Tomb) (Chaotic Neutral) [Remove the shackles] "No one has the right to put you in chains. I'm the one negotiating here, not you, got it?" +5
Special Encounter (Dalton) Dialogue (Dalton) During Troll TroubleRegongar in party (Neutral Evil) "You heard him, Dalton. Some things simply mustn't be allowed, law or no law." (Chaotic Neutral) "This is reprehensible. You have a chance to prevent bloodshed, if you'll just lay down your weapons." +10 Whiterose Abbey Dialogue (Evindra -
Whiterose Abbey) During War of the River Kings "No. I don't want agents of Nyrissa in my capital." +10 Camp Dialogue[] Dialogue Requirements Action Value Dialogue (Valerie - Belt Buckle) RomanceScore ?+ TO BE DONE +5 Dialogue (Valerie - Belt Buckle) RomanceScore ?+ TO BE DONE -5 Dialogue (RegVal - Bullying Valerie) Regongar in party
OR: Valerie RomanceScore 35+ Regongar RomanceScore 35+ "Regongar, stop this immediately! Leave her alone!" "How can I stand and watch silently while you're being attacked?!" "Yes.
It kills pretty fast, and I need you alive." +10 Rushlight Fields Dialogue (Kharne - Rushlight) Romance [30;99]During The Rushlight Tournament "I've heard few curious words — 'Bloodbrush extract'... Forever." (Lawful Evil) [Attack] "You've no excuses!" Final lines: [Hold Tristian] "Let me take you home." (Neutral Good) "No more suffering. And I
don't want to see you again — in this life, or the next." [Requires Chaotic] "You know what? The money you've collected will serve better in the treasury." [Attack] "Here's a thought. I'll deal with the guard daemon." +5 Abandoned Keep Dialogue (Betrayer's Flight) During Betrayer's Flight (Lawful Neutral) "I can't trust you — and will never be able to
trust you again. Save it for tonight!" -10 Dialogue (Valerie - Potion) Stage 2, RomanceScore ?+ (Anything) "That potion might be dangerous." "Please, don't risk your life." "It's up to you to decide what to do." "It's dangerous! Please, throw that muck away and don't risk yourself!" "It's up to you to decide what to do." +5 Dialogue (Valerie - Potion)
Stage 2, RomanceScore ?+ (Anything) "That potion might be dangerous." "Of course it is!" "No! I forbid it!" "If it restores your beauty, it's worth the risk!" "Don't even think about using that suspicious potion!" -5 Stalkers and Gentleman RomanceScore ?+ "I'm sorry that happened to you." "Sounds disgusting." "I think perhaps you simply haven't met
any truly gallant gentlemen." "Why, by inquiring after the wishes of the gallant dame." "Don't make a fool of their sweetheart." +5, +10 Stalkers and Gentleman RomanceScore ?+ "I think perhaps you simply haven't met any truly gallant gentlemen." "Calmly work on conquering the woman." "I hope I never see the day that women court men!" -5
Dialogue (Valerie - Gift) Completed The Twice-Born Warlord, RomanceScore ?+ "What a great gift! Thank you!" "Why are you so embarrassed?" [Put the gift in the bag] "Thank you!" [Put the gift in the bag] "There, I put your gift away. You know, it's funny, but I'm feeling merciful today — pledge fealty to me, swear you'll stop eating humans, and I'll
let you continue to live here in Trobold." (Chaotic Neutral) "Why not?
If you ever even think of going back to your old ways, you'll find yourself in some real trouble." (Lawful Neutral) [Attack] "Not only are you selling stolen wares, but now you're trying to bribe your way out of justice? Death to grave-robbers!" +5 Lonely Barrow Dialogue (Lonely Barrow - Graverobbers) (Neutral Evil) [Diplomacy 28] "We can help each
other. d d Regongar Romance[] Regongar can be romanced by both genders. Farewell." -10 Abandoned Hut Dialogue (Guardian of the Bloom - Abandoned Hut) "Tell me about yourself.
I won't follow you." (Neutral Good) [Intimidate 23] "This isn't the first time you've tried to speak reasonably with me, Akiros. Their son helped them by selling the loot. Maybe it's your 'ignorance' that attracts me, hm?" "I like you just the way you are. Guide to Pathfinder: Kingmaker's Secret Romance and Secret Ending. In game files romance is
reflected in three primary key flag values: RomanceCounter, LowerCutoff and UpperCutoff. The important dialogues are only the ones directly related to companion him/herself. So, what do you say, will you be my vassal?" +5 Troll Lair Depths Dialogue (Hargulka - Surrender) During Troll Trouble (Neutral Good) "...Leave now. To advance to fourth
stage you need to enter Tuskdale main square with the following criteria met: Be exactly at 99 CounterValue. I can't take it any more. Varnhold's and yours?" "I won't leave you. Did Sarenrae send you a sign?" Second: "Even a brief moment may bring happiness." "Is a love given freely worse than one you have no control over?" "Tristian, you're
obviously bothered by something! Tell me what it is!" Third: "You know, you should find someone else for these high-flown conversations. Character Key Flags Tristian TristianRomanceCounterValue (df3e23cf9f4305b4cbed17d5fb95209c) TristianRomanceLowerCutOff (83fde162f86bc70459dc20b797c7caee) TristianRomanceUpperCutOff
(741f9fdc26dbbe44ca200371a83f90b1) - - Valerie ValerieRomanceCounterValue (dcf4d129ccca62d4ca15b4ccf50359a9) ValerieRomanceLowerCutOff (8151ee63c7fea394ba92309a0703b450) ValerieRomanceUpperCutOff (550ab26e777e72a4380dc26cf4af8691) ValerieRomance_NOweddingPlanned (f96887af14cbf334fadf60893af4fe9b)
ValerieRomance_WeddingPlanned (94a5081b503eb3c46a93b17ba60730d1) Octavia OctaviaRomanceCounterValue (7fc0dfd051b33194fa5da429d166da0f) OctaviaRomanceLowerCutOff (8670804bede535346a6304e15a0a659b) OctaviaRomanceUpperCutOff (c086954eaf655054fbc1c25be445ed82) - - Regongar RegongarRomanceCounterValue
(adc729de006a13741b88a4d6b27e0fc7) RegongarRomanceLowerCutOff (54e14fda6c8fe5641b4654a56211e95e) RegongarRomanceUpperCutOff (6c26e785870e35e42bebccee63e952af) - - Kalikke KalikkeRomanceCounterValue (47dc6ddcea4bb0b49a99f7657a78ee2a) KalikkeRomanceLowerCutOff (b68a9c75657d49748a09ad930f1a5a1d)
KalikkeRomanceUpperCutOff (3eb2897ae6c281b4b88a3606cf919329) - - Kanerah KanerahRomanceCounterValue (5a996f65c447d52489ffc0e0c0ab5ba9) KanerahRomanceLowerCutOff (351b1ca1dc38952429ad4e606dbbb744) KanerahRomanceUpperCutOff (4a9c0e6d8787c984c900d5f2eae23067) - - Nyrissa NyrissaRomanceCounterValue
(816b7cc721f372041a3475144a6176d4) NyrissaRomanceLowerCutOff (5789eeb962bd6004c9a37658ea88316a) NyrissaRomanceUpperCutOff (23ff8e4b67081a64badc1789dea0a854) Maegar Varn VarnRomanceCounterValue (4c35ae51266457148b9ec33dd0bd73d4) VarnRomanceLowerCutOff (9a0acf0266cf22d4b8ee50b97ed57401)
VarnRomanceUpperCutOff (4bb842c4dcffa5c4c8bcb834062cf46d) Tristian Romance[] This article is a stub. Set him free." (Lawful Neutral) "To my deep regret, you're right. Enough!" -10 Dreamscape Dialogue (Dreamscape) (Curse) During The Path of the Dreams "It breaks my heart to see what this curse turned you into, in the end..." +10
Dreamscape Dialogue (Dreamscape) (Curse) During The Path of the Dreams (Lawful Evil) "You messed with an enemy more powerful than yourself. To advance to third stage you need to enter Tuskdale main square with the following criteria met: To advance to fourth stage you need to enter Tuskdale main square with the following criteria met: Be
exactly at 99 CounterValue. But keep watch for me!" (Chaotic Evil) [Attack] "Let's do it. Who knows better than you how little their words mean?" +10 Dialogue (Valerie - King's Favorite) RomanceScore 85+ (Anything) "And yet, you're the girl I chose." "If you don't like anything about our situation, we can always go our separate ways." End Romance
Stage Advancement[] Dialogue Requirements Action Dialogue (Valerie - Romance Stage 2) Romance value is 29 Completed Shelyn's Chosen ? You'll gain a new chance at life and a reliable ally." [Diplomacy 18] "Since I first met you, I've wondered why a man like you would serve the Stag Lord. What's going on?" +5 Dialogue (Regongar - Self Harm)
RomanceScore 40+ "Regongar, what happened to your hand?" "I don't want to see this ever again!" [Turn away] "I see." [Ignore it] -5 Dialogue (RegVal - Bullying Valerie) Valerie in party OR: Valerie RomanceScore 35+ Regongar RomanceScore 35+ Final lines: "Regongar, what is the meaning of this? Their romance score is changed only in their own
dialogues and quests, and one camp event with Kalikke. No deals with bandits." +10 City of Hollow Eyes (Varnhold's Lot) Dialogue (Pale Yan) Romance is active "Why should we share the loot with this rabble?
You can help Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki by expanding it.
Now I'm returning the favor — this is your chance to keep your life." [Attack] "I came to fight, not talk." +5 Overgrown Pool Dialogue (Feather Tokens) [Solve the problem with force] "You know what? Set him free." (Chaotic Good) "Then call me a bandit chief if you will. I like you. I value our friendship and don't want to ruin it." Final lines: [Leave with
Octavia] Advance Romance to Stage 2 and set RomanceScore to 30 If you have Regongar RomanceScore at 20+ "I would prefer to spend the night alone with Octavia." Advance Octavia Romance to Stage 2 and set RomanceScore to 30 "Of course! It's more fun when there are three of us!" Advance Octavia and Regongar Romance to Stage 2 and set
their RomanceScore to 30 "You know what? See to it she's removed from the barony at once." +5 Goblin Fort Dialogue (Goblin Fort - Prisoners at River) During Season of Bloom (Neutral Good) [Attack the goblins] +5 Goblin Fort Dialogue (Goblin Fort - Prisoners at River) During Season of Bloom (Chaotic Evil) [Remain hiding and keep watching] -5
Goblin Fort Dialogue (Goblin Fort - Shaman's Ritual) During Season of Bloom (Lawful Good) [Interfere with the ritual] +5 Tuskdale Dialogue (Amalia) During Kingdom of the Cleansed (Chaotic Evil) [Attack] "Enough of this cultist scumbag!" -5 Tuskdale Dialogue (Amalia Left) During Kingdom of the CleansedRomance is active "Amalia looked at you
very fondly, don't you think?" +5 Secret Sanctum Dialogue (Secret Sanctum 2) During Kingdom of the Cleansed (Chaotic Good) "You're right, Tristian. You are free." +5 Flintrock Grassland Dialogue (Dallirun Myrnas) During Hour of RageNot Completed Betrayer's Flight "What are you doing?" "Reg, these are our allies.
I care about you, but I can't let you destroy my kingdom." +10 Throne Room Dialogue (Strange Happenings In The Capital) Completed Objective War of the River Kings (Objective_WhiteRose)Romance 70+ "What if I'm ready to sacrifice the kingdom for you? How did you ever survive Numeria if you treat each other like this?" +5 Dialogue (OctReg -
Quarrel) OR: Octavia RomanceScore 45+ Regongar RomanceScore 45+ [Do not interfere] -5 Dialogue (OctReg - Quarrel) OR: Octavia RomanceScore 45+ Regongar RomanceScore 45+ "Regongar, think. This is a precious gift." "I wouldn't mind if we were closer." "That's great! Let's be friends!" [Sigh and turn away] (Neutral Evil) "And you've been
hiding these potions from me all this time?!" 0 Dialogue (Tristian Romance - What's Going On) 20+ Romance "What is it, Tristian?" "I like you, Tristian.
I've seen another version of you. And if there's a chance, even one in a thousand, to return your heart to you, Nyrissa — I want to take it." (Any answer) "I've done all I could for you, and can give you no more." End Romance House at the Edge of Time Dialogue (Nyrissa - After Battle) [Let Nyrissa go] "Promise never to invade my lands again — and I'll
let you go. Just don't forget to pay your taxes." (Neutral) "Your goods are your business." +5 Bridge over the Gudrin River Dialogue (Tigni Jusmert) During Season of Bloom (Chaotic Neutral) [Intimidate 18] "If I ever catch you asking an arm and a leg for rotten turnips again — I'll hang you on this bridge as a lesson to others." (Neutral Evil) [Intimidate
18] "A great idea. Go away." "Go away and do not return." Ends Romance Tuskdale Dialogue (Octavia - Pillow Talk) +1 Oleg's Trading Post Dialogue (Octavia - Flirt) "Exactly! I would have never found the Technic League's encampment, if your beauty hadn't beaconed me!" Begins Romance Oleg's Trading Post Dialogue (Octavia - Flirt) "You're out of
line. You are forgiven." "I don't need anyone except you." Advances Romance [90;100]set to 90 The Tomb's Threshold Dialogue (Maegar - Nightmare) Romance is at [60;100]Unlocked (RomanceEvent1) "'A little' disappointed? You and Octavia will be better off without me." Ends Romance Tuskdale Dialogue (Regongar) Octavia RomanceScore
60+Regongar RomanceScore 60+ "Our romance was a mistake. His romance is split in four stages: [1;29], [30;59], [60;99] and [100;100]. I value our friendship and don't want to ruin it." Will end romance for BOTH Octavia and Regongar. All that matters is – you're alive." Begins Romance [0;50]+10 Varnhold Dialogue (Maegar Varn - DLC) Player is
FemaleNot Unlocked (RomanceEvent1) "Have you thought about the future? I want us to get to know each other better." [Kiss Tristian] "I will show you everything you need to know!" "How would you know? You should be ashamed of yourself!" "I'm only jealous of you because I love you." "Looks like Amiri is not in the mood for your jokes!" "Don't you
dare flirt with other people while I'm around!" End Romance Dialogue (Octavia - Elope) Octavia RomanceScore 55+ "That's a great idea! Let's just run — get as far from here as we can! — Right now!" +5 0 "What a silly idea! I can't abandon my {barony/kingdom} and all my friends!" -5 Dialogue (Octavia - Going Away) Octavia RomanceScore 40+
"Maybe you could explain what's going on first?" "You'll let down me and the entire party." "Alone? Let this kobold go!" +5 Old Sycamore Caves Dialogue (A Bitter Rival - Prisoners) During A Bitter Rival (Chaotic Good) "I hate jails and their keepers!" +5 Old Sycamore Caves Dialogue (A Bitter Rival - Prisoners) During A Bitter Rival (Lawful Evil) "I
don't waste valuable resources. It's none of your business." +5 Special Encounter (Stefano Moskoni) Dialogue (Stefano Moskoni - Troll Attack) Spare Stefano Moskoni +5 Special Encounter (Stefano Moskoni) Dialogue (Stefano Moskoni - Troll Attack) Kill Stefano Moskoni -5 Troll Lair Depths Dialogue (Tartuk - Surrender) During Troll Trouble (Lawful
Neutral) [Attack] "You deserve no mercy, only death!" (Lawful Neutral) [Attack] "Uniting the trolls led to many of my people's deaths. I wouldn't have anyone else beside me!" -10 Rushlight Fields Dialogue (Trader - Blacksmith) RomanceScore [1;100]During The Rushlight Tournament [Buy a sword for Valerie] "I want you to always smile like you are
now." "Why not buy it?" +10 River Blades' Camp Dialogue (Ilora Nuski) During War of the River Kings (Lawful Good) [Attack] "The atrocities you committed are unforgivable. As for the priestess, she's banished from these lands forever. If you've decided to end things, then so be it." Ends Romance The Tomb's Threshold Dialogue (Maegar - Nightmare)
Romance is at [60;100]Unlocked (RomanceEvent1) "'A little' disappointed? You would have to share your revenue, though — seven parts to the {barony/kingdom}, three to your gang." [Attack] "Here's a thought. and that you're no ordinary salesman, and your wares are far from mundane." "How about you stay away from that junk, all right? But the
main stages of the romance are: Upon returning to Varnhold durign Ripples on the Water you MUST have 30+ romance score to unlock the romance event by the river. You get to sleep with Tristian as soon as you reach 100 romance score, but to avoid dangerous sequence breaks you better don't do it until the event (Last Version:2.1.7b) You can not
break up with Tristian via direct dialogue, because it uses the obsolete key flag to track that down (Last Version:2.1.7b) Regular Dialogue[] Location Dialogue Requirements Action Value Nettle's Crossing Dialogue (Davik Nettle) Completed Stolen Land (12_DefeatStagLord) Initiate the dialogue +5 Nettle's Crossing Dialogue (Davik Nettle) Seen Book
Event (Riverbed Nightmare) [Attack] "No one dares to trespass inside my head. Quest requirement to be confirmed Camp dialogue requirement to be confirmed.
Note: This guide was entirely FreeSergey's work, and my humble task was but to translate it into English.
We don't kill our allies even if we don't think they're being serious." (Chaotic Evil) [Attack] "My thoughts exactly!" +10 Flintrock Grassland Dialogue (Dallirun Myrnas) During Hour of RageCompleted Betrayer's Flight "What are you doing?" "Maybe I should cut you instead? Camping on a map (not global map) Those usually require a romance score at
certain value and sometimes specific other companions to be present in party. You may continue your experiments." (Neutral Evil) "Quiet, Octavia. Get back to your post, immediately!" "Don't speak to me in that tone." [Keep quiet] "No." "I like you as a friend and as a companion." Final lines: "I don't value you for your beauty." Advance Romance to
Stage 2 and set CounterValue to 31 "For me, you're always beautiful. Regongar and I are together." "You're right. Witness Dialogue (Valerie - Gift) and Dialogue (Valerie - King's Favorite) camp dialogues. And the lycanthropes are only guilty of self-defense." +10 Old Stump Dialogue (Muan) Unlocked (RomanceEvent1) [Attack] "I don't like you. Why
do you even need it? Stop fooling around, I need you. Some things simply mustn't be allowed, law or no law." +5 Wizard's Laboratory Dialogue (The Nature of the Beast - Dimwit) During The Nature of the BeastValerie in party First: (Chaotic Good) "Trolls are sentient beings, not cattle to be bought and sold. Complete Shelyn's Chosen. Seeing you is
the best reward for me." +10 Tuskdale Dialogue (A Just Reward) "I don't have time to wander through some thicket." -10 Verdant Chambers Dialogue (A Just Reward 2) During A Just Reward "Was there a single word of truth in anything you told me earlier? By the way, if you wish to be brought back to life, go outside and find the cleric Drey Yarnes.
Now my mood's more… bloodthirsty." +5 Lonely Barrow Dialogue (Lonely Barrow - Graverobbers) [Intimidate 22] "Get out, before I bury you all here!" [Attack] "You've picked the wrong tone to speak with the {baron/baroness/king/queen}. I rule here — so I make the final decision. You know I love you." -5 Hunting Lodge Dialogue (Jamel Visser)
RomanceScore is in [30;59] "Octavia, you should be ashamed! You're out of line!" "I think you are teasing me on purpose." -10 Hunting Lodge Dialogue (Jamel Visser) RomanceScore is in [30;59] "Octavia, you should be ashamed! You're out of line!" "I'm only jealous of you because I love you." Ends Romance Bridge over the Gudrin River Dialogue
(Tigni Jusmert) During Season of Bloom (Chaotic Neutral) [Intimidate 18] "If I ever catch you asking an arm and a leg for rotten turnips again — I'll hang you on this bridge as a lesson to others." +5 Kellid Barbarian Camp Dialogue (Dugath) During The Varnhold VanishingRomanceScore is in [30;59] "Octavia, you should be ashamed! You're out of
line!" "I'm sorry I overreacted. It would be better for both of us." Ends Romance Tuskdale Dialogue (Regongar) Octavia RomanceScore 60+Regongar RomanceScore 60+ "Our romance was a mistake. You can begin her romance either during dialogue when entering Oleg's Trading Post after saving her or through direct dialogue with her. You're
strong and adventurous — like me. To advance to third stage you need to enter Tuskdale main square with the following criteria met: Be exactly at 59 CounterValue. They will surely hold a grudge against me." -5 Varnhold Stockade Dialogue (Agai) During The Varnhold Vanishing (Chaotic Good) "I'll let you go this one time. You can romance her
together with Regongar. Octavia and I are together." Dialogue (Betrayer's Flight) Advance Romance to Stage 3 and set CounterValue to 65. But I'd like to participate in testing of this thingy." -5 Troll Lair Depths Dialogue (Tartuk - Surrender) During Troll Trouble (Neutral Good) "...Leave now. Pack, and fast!" "Pack, and do it fast. You can take the cup
and gain your forgiveness from the Eldest." [Finish Nyrissa] "Your power over the Stolen Lands has ended. Wasn't that the reason you were watching me so closely?" "Could this be the real you? Let's slaughter the lot of them!" -10 The Tomb's Threshold Dialogue (Aecora Silverfire) Romance is activeUnlocked (RomanceEvent1) "Please, Aecora, listen
to my commander.
All one can wish now is to have a family to go with it..." "Sleeping in a tent isn't that bad. We may have different methods, but don't accuse me of neglecting the interests of the barony." Advances Romance [90;100]set to 90 The Tomb's Threshold Dialogue (Maegar - Nightmare) Romance is at [1;59]Unlocked (RomanceEvent1) [Diplomacy 28]
"Everything I do, I do for you and for Varnhold. Not that I don't enjoy the view..." "These are my claws. I'll deal with the guard daemon." +5 Vordakai's Tomb Dialogue (Vordakai) During The Varnhold Vanishing "Which Empire are you talking about?" (Chaotic Neutral) "Who gives a damn about a corpse like you — and your dead empire? The choices
they approve are usually the ones that are similar to their alignment, Lawful choices for Valerie, Good choices for Tristian ans so on. I want to punch him too, but first I have a few questions." [Attack] "He's pissing me off too. You and Octavia will be better off without me." "Yes. So, what do you say, will you be my vassal?" -5 Troll Lair Depths Dialogue
(Hargulka - Surrender) During Troll Trouble (Lawful Neutral) [Attack] "No mercy for monsters! Prepare to die!" (Lawful Neutral) [Attack] "Your actions have caused numerous human deaths. Tell me what this is about, and I'll help you." Then: "You don't have to do it alone. And I will never leave you." +10 [Pull away] "It's true — if you keep doing this,
at some point I might not be able to take it." -10 [Pull away] "Since you brought it up… It's true — I've already endured this for too long. You have submitted to others, and therefore you were once weak and pathetic." +5 Vordakai's Tomb Dialogue (Vordakai) During The Varnhold Vanishing [Requires Evil] "You can still continue what you've started.
I can't be with you any more." Ends Romance Tuskdale Dialogue (Regongar) Octavia RomanceScore 59-Regongar RomanceScore 30+ "Our romance was a mistake. It's all the fey ever think about." "It's none of our business." -5 Troll Lair Dialogue (Dying Dwarf) (Neutral Good) [Heal the dwarf] "We'll try to heal him!" +5 Troll Lair Dialogue (Dying
Dwarf) (Neutral Evil) [Leave the dwarf to die] "We have no obligation to him.
You have our whole team, plus all the resources of my {barony/kingdom}." "I understand. Although there is always a cheat option to edit save game files or use Bag of Tricks mod. One way or another, the thousand grains of dust have been collected. You can begin her romance in direct dialogue or when she meets you in Oleg's Trading Post after
defeating Stag Lord. Bartholomew, you may keep the troll." (Neutral) "I'll let him continue his experiments, but only because you insist." (Chaotic Neutral) "This is reprehensible. I've no intention of helping you." -10 Oleg's Trading Post Dialogue (Guardian of the Bloom - Fog Clears) "What happens after I defeat the Stag Lord? Tell me. Since I already
killed one Stag Lord, what's to keep me from killing another?" +5 Kellid Barbarian Camp Dialogue (Dugath) During The Varnhold Vanishing "Let me ask you a question." "Tell me about your tribe." Select all three: "Maybe there are some other signs that are not so easy to find?" "Are there spells to find kindred blood?" "Maybe there are any indirect
signs?" +5 Sepulcher of Forgotten Heroes Dialogue (Brag) During The Varnhold Vanishing "What happened here?" "Right, ha ha! Better grow eyes in the back of your head! And sleep with one eye open!" "Reg, that's not funny. Once and for all!" End Romance l d + l d - l d + More Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki Romance dialogue events are split into
three categories: Character reaction to your actions during conversations with other NPC Those are the most common and you must have the romancable character to be present in your party. Become my servant." (Neutral Evil) "So, the driving force of all your ambitions and goals was just pride? You can end any companion romance at any time until
House at the Edge of Time chapter. I'm in charge, and you're my right hand — why change anything?" +5 Hunting Grounds Dialogue (Edna and Julia) During An Amusement for the Nobles "Your business is fighting, not state governance." -5 Hunting Grounds Dialogue (Embeth Travelers - Hunting Grounds) During An Amusement for the Nobles
(Chaotic Evil) [Attack] "I'll be taking that monster's head... When will you learn that we're not a gang of bandits?" -5 Armag's Tomb Dialogue (Armag's Tomb Barbarians) During The Twice-Born Warlord "What is this place?" "No matter how many you explore, there's always syca-more!" "If they come crashing down on our heads, at least the world will
be saved from your sense of humor." +10 Armag's Tomb Dialogue (Zorek) During The Twice-Born Warlord "Patience, Reg. Set him free." (Neutral) "I don't care about the nature of your… experiments, so long as no harm comes to my subjects." "I believe you. Who knows – maybe all of them are controlled by cyclopes!" -10 Old Stump Dialogue (Old
Stump) Unlocked (RomanceEvent1) [Diplomacy 28] "Cultists, liars, rebels... As the ruler of these lands, I order you to immediately cease all dangerous experiments and terminate that troll." (Chaotic Neutral) "This is reprehensible. I cannot allow you to go there." (Chaotic Evil) [Attack] "I spared Hargulka because I was feeling merciful. Understand?"
+5 Old Sycamore Dialogue (Grarrukh) (Lawful Good) [Attack] "Your words will not save you, monster!" +5 Stag Lord's Fort Dialogue (Regongar - Flirt) During Stolen Land "Smother me with kisses? As the ruler of these lands, I order you to immediately cease all dangerous experiments and terminate that troll." (Chaotic Good) "Then call me a bandit
chief if you will. Camp dialogue requirement to be confirmed.
Bartholomew, do as she says." (Neutral) "That doesn't concern me, but since this is so important to you — Bartholomew, I order you to free the troll and cease your experiments." +5 Wizard's Laboratory Dialogue (The Nature of the Beast - Dimwit) During The Nature of the Beast First: (Lawful Neutral) "This is a disgusting practice, but it doesn't
violate any laws. Can you tone down the buffoonery?" [Say nothing] -5 Pitax (City) Dialogue (Annamede Belavarah) During War of the River Kings "Deal. Why are you drunk when we're ready to march?" "In this condition you're not just useless, you're dangerous. Be warned, when you advance second person go alone with him/her. And I better say it
now." Ends Romance Lostlarn Keep (Varnhold's Lot) Dialogue (Portal to Varnhold) OR: Unlocked (EvilVarnRomance) Romance is at [90;100] set to 100 Nyrissa Romance[] This article is a stub.
The {barony/kingdom} has been lacking manpower recently. Or was every single sound a lie, and that dreamy nymph I struggled to help — a mere mask?" +10 Other World (Guardian of the Bloom Visit) Dialogue (Guardian of the Bloom - The Varnhold Vanishing) Completed A Just RewardStarted The Varnhold VanishingRomanceCounter 30+ "Why
are you here? It's none of your business." (Lawful Evil) "Sounds interesting. If so, believe me, it's not fair — you are very hard to resist!" Advance Romance to Stage 3 and set CounterValue to 61 Dialogue (Valerie - Romance Stage 4) Romance value is 99 Completed Judgment of the Gods, scar removed Witness Dialogue (Valerie - Gift) Witness Dialogue
(Valerie - King's Favorite) Those lines will end romance: "You are my companion. Why not thank him for a change?" -10 Dialogue (Octavia - Seducing Amiri) Regongar in party Amiri in party Octavia RomanceScore 35+ "Looks like Amiri is not in the mood for your jokes!" "Look what you've done! You upset Amiri for nothing!" "So what was that? Just
try not to make too much noise, both of you." (Chaotic Neutral) [Give the whip] "Sure, you can have it. +5 "Octavia, what are you doing? +5 Camp Dialogue[] Dialogue Requirements Action Value Dialogue (Tristian - Thanks) "I wouldn't mind if we were closer." "That's not what I meant." Begins Romance or +5 (Neutral Good) "Thank you, Tristian. Most
importantly and forever." "You are my friend! And if something is getting in the way of this friendship, let's get rid of it — not each other!" "But I'm happy with the way things are now!" "If you want to put an end to this, let's do it. I've heard what I need — I won't kill you." +5 Hunting Lodge Dialogue (Jamel Visser) RomanceScore is in [30;59] [Raise an
eyebrow silently] "Don't be upset! You can try your luck with one of the other guests." +5 Hunting Lodge Dialogue (Jamel Visser) RomanceScore is in [30;59] "Octavia, you should be ashamed! You're out of line!" "I'm sorry I overreacted. Valerie, will you marry me?" Octavia Romance[] Octavia can be romanced by both genders. But I'd like to
participate in testing of this thingy." Begins Romance and +5 or +10 Troll Lair Depths Dialogue (OctReg - Black Whip) During Guiding BeaconNot Regongar in partyOctavia in partyRomance [0;59] (Chaotic Neutral) [Give the whip] "Sure. Choosing the threesome option will drop RomanceScore of first person to start of the Stage 2, aka 30. some kind
of test? My blessings preserve me, what about you?" [Intimidate 22] "Get out, before I bury you all here!" -5 Lake Silverstep Village Dialogue (Brevis) (Lawful Good) "Now you're trying to bribe me? The money you've collected will serve better in the treasury." +5 Secluded Lodge Dialogue (Witch Hunt - Tsanna) During Witch Hunt (Lawful Good)
"These people are innocent — let them leave. Leave him be." +5 Swamp Witch's Hut Dialogue (Tiressia) "Wait, I want to speak with them. But I wanted you to know that I've noticed you." +5 Tuskdale Dialogue (Valerie) RomanceScore 30+ "About us... It's none of your business." -5 Wizard's Laboratory Dialogue (The Nature of the Beast - Dimwit)
During The Nature of the BeastValerie in party First: (Chaotic Good) "Trolls are sentient beings, not cattle to be bought and sold. Practically now you are complete, the final stroke which will set your romance to 100 will happen at the portal to Varnhold dialogue where Maegar leaves the party. In Pathfinder: Kingmaker you can romance several of
your companions, namely And a non-companion NPC If you romance Valerie/Tristian and Octavia/Regongar at the same time, then at some point (TBD) Valerie/Tristian will approach you in main square of Tuskdale and request you to make a choice. And if there's a chance, even one in a thousand, to return your heart to you, Nyrissa — I want to take
it." (Any answer) "You are in my heart, Nyrissa. To advance to second stage you need to enter Tuskdale main square with the following criteria met: Be exactly at 29 CounterValue. Farewell!" -5 Bridge over the Gudrin River Dialogue (Fake Stag Lord) During Season of Bloom [Pass Check] (Chaotic Good) [Intimidate 22] "All right, Stag Boy, you're
going to take that ridiculous thing off your head, leave this tent, and do everything you can to ensure I never hear from you or your gang again. I can't be with you any more." "Yes. I want us to get to know each other better." [Kiss Tristian] "I will show you everything you need to know!" "What's wrong with you?!" "You're right. Varnhold's and yours?"
"To be honest, Varnhold is not my ultimate dream." Ends Romance Varnhold Dialogue (Maegar Varn - DLC) Player is FemaleUnlocked (GundersonRomanced)Romance is activeUnlocked (RomanceEvent1) "What can you say of Willas Gunderson? It's over." End Romance Stage Advancement[] Dialogue Requirements Action Dialogue (Octavia - Romance
Stage 2) Romance value is 29 Those lines will end romance: "Octavia, what do you think you're doing?!" [Pull away] "Octavia, don't. How did you ever survive Numeria if you treat each other like this?" +5 -5 "Octavia, you're wrong. Proceed. But only on one condition: you play the prisoner again!" "I don't care what I had to go through. Bartholomew,
you may keep the troll." (Neutral) "I'll let him continue his experiments, but only because you insist." -5 Wizard's Laboratory Dialogue (The Nature of the Beast - Dimwit) During The Nature of the BeastNot Valerie in party (Chaotic Good) "Trolls are sentient beings, not cattle to be bought and sold. I've heard what I need — I won't kill you." +5
Silverstep Grove Dialogue (Ivar - Silverstep Grove) During The Lonely Hunter (Lawful Neutral) [Finish the hunter] "We've no place for monsters like you!" (Lawful Evil) [Finish the hunter] "I'll reunite you with your family. It is yet unknown if you need other camp events. To be honest, I have no interest in continuing our relationship at all." "I'm sorry,
but I don't think this is going to work out. But in the end you'll get rejected if your romance with another character is too high. You're forgiven, Tristian." (Neutral) "I'll try to find forgiveness for you in my soul. Thrash them!" +5 Swamp Witch's Hut Dialogue (Wilber Colton) [Attack] "Undead! Kill it!" "Do you remember our fight?" +5 Troll Lair Depths
Dialogue (OctReg - Black Whip) During Guiding BeaconRomance [0;59] (Chaotic Neutral) [Give the whip] "Sure. ? Let's go back to how things were when we met." -5 Tuskdale Dialogue (Valerie) "I think it would be better if you leave." Ends romance Old Sycamore Dialogue (Kobolds vs Mites) During A Bitter Rival "I side with the mites and Queen
Bdaah." "You are all disgusting, I don't want to help either of you." +5 Old Sycamore Dialogue (Grarrukh) (Lawful Good) [Attack] "Your words will not save you, monster!" +5 Stag Lord's Fort Dialogue (Akiros Insmort) Player is Lawful [Requires Lawful] "You seem a reasonable man, so you must understand — the times of lawlessness and chaos in the
Stolen Lands are about to pass. Just tell me where your den is — perhaps I could pay you a visit and help you get your home back." +10 City of Hollow Eyes Dialogue (Alick Calvert Edgar 2) Sent treasure hunters in a random direction in Ruined Watchtower (Lawful Good) "You keep the treasure." +5 City of Hollow Eyes Dialogue (Alick Calvert Edgar
2) Sent treasure hunters in a random direction in Ruined Watchtower (Chaotic Evil) "What do you mean, 'share'? are simple travelers from Brevoy." "You're terribly sweet when you blush. And I don't want to see you again — in this life, or the next." +5 Troll Lair Depths Dialogue (Hargulka - Surrender) During Troll Trouble (Neutral Good) "...Leave
now. You can romance him together with Octavia. I would like to know more about my ally." +10 Abandoned Hut Dialogue (Guardian of the Bloom - Abandoned Hut) "Would you stop following me?
I can't forbid you to continue your experiments." (Neutral Evil) "Quiet, Octavia. You can have it. In fact, this should have happened a long time ago." Dialogue (Tristian Romance - Choosing) Romance value is 59 Octavia or Regongar Romance value is 29+ Advance romance to Stage 2 and set CounterValue to 60. Got it?" "In this condition you're not
just useless, you're dangerous. We have nothing to talk about." End Romance House at the Edge of Time Dialogue (Nyrissa - After Battle) Romance 80+Have BriarNot completed other romances [Give Briar to Nyrissa] "I want to return what's been taken from you." "Because I care about you. You can romance Kalikke, Kanerah and Nyrissa parallel to
other romances. I'll deal with the Stag Lord and his minions. and that you're no ordinary salesman, and your wares are far from mundane." "That's out of the question. (Witnessed Monster Invasion event or Dialogue (Tristian Romance - Choosing)) Camp dialogue requirement to be confirmed. It's just an insolent bird!" +5 Varnhold Stockade Dialogue
(Raven - Varnhold) During The Varnhold VanishingRomanceScore 30+ "Let's go." -5 Overgrown Cavern Dialogue (Agai - Cave) Helped Agai reclaim his home [Attack] "I'll eliminate you before you bring even more pests!" -10 Special Encounter (Barbarian Hunting Party) Dialogue (Nober) During The Varnhold Vanishing "One of your people seems to be
What good would it do to leave those who could work for me to rot in a cage?" (Chaotic Evil) "When I become a {baron/baroness}, I'll chain everyone up myself!" -5 Stag Lord's Fort Dialogue (Akiros Insmort) During Stolen Land Pass any of the checks: [Lore (Religion) check passed] "I heard your voice tremble when you spoke Erastil's name. That's
enough." (Neutral Evil) "I see you're a little dumb." "Not now." End Romance Dialogue (Tristian Romance - Heart or Reason) 35+ Romance First: "Are you all right?" "Did you see something? Tell me the truth." +10 Other World (Guardian of the Bloom Visit) Dialogue (Guardian of the Bloom - The Varnhold Vanishing) Completed A Just RewardStarted
The Varnhold VanishingRomanceCounter 30+ "I have visited the First World and learned something about you… and about your curse." "I hold no grudge against you, despite everything you've done to me and my people." "All you deserve is contempt." -10 Abandoned Keep Dialogue (Betrayer's Flight - Nyrissa) During Betrayer's FlightNot Completed
Hour of Rage "You know, I'm not one to be easily manipulated. Those who once saw you as a leader, not some miserable jester?" +5 Troll Lair Depths Dialogue (Hargulka - Surrender) During Troll Trouble (Lawful Neutral) [Attack] "No mercy for monsters! Prepare to die!" (Lawful Neutral) [Attack] "Your actions have caused numerous human deaths.
Tell him {Name} sent you and you need help." +10 Castle of Knives Dialogue (Kamala the Phoenix) During The Secrets of Suramgamin "It's naive to believe that a ruler of such savage lands could be a pacifist." (Chaotic Good) "You can't defeat evil by preaching alone! The good need a good sword to hold back the monsters!" +10 l d + l d + Camp
Dialogue[] Dialogue Requirements Action Value Dialogue (OctReg - Quarrel) Regongar in party OR: Octavia RomanceScore 45+ Regongar RomanceScore 45+ "Regongar, think. I have more important things to do." -10 Dialogue (Tristian Romance - Book) 50+ Romance "What are you reading?" "You always try to find something in words that can't be
described." [Take Tristian by the hand] "And yet the answers you seek cannot be found on the pages of a book." [Hold your hand against Tristian's cheek] "Not at all." +10 "What are you reading?" "You always try to find something in words that can't be described." [Take Tristian by the hand] "And yet the answers you seek cannot be found on the
pages of a book." "Well, you need to work on your confessions of love." "As you wish." +5 "What are you reading?" "I won't bother you any more." [Leave Tristian alone] 0 Dialogue (Tristian Romance - Gift) 85+ Romance Completed Saving Grace Enter Tuskdale, not camp event "Thank you for the gift." [Kiss Tristian] "You really shouldn't have." +10 "I
can't accept this gift, Tristian. It's over between us." "Too strange.
Everything you've collected so far will be returned to the people." +5 Bridge over the Gudrin River Dialogue (Fake Stag Lord) During Season of Bloom (Lawful Evil) [Intimidate 22] "You'll hang in the main square as a warning to any other outlaws who might dare to cross my path. Alone, against the entire Technic League? I'm not going to stalk you
like your admirers. I value our friendship. It depends who you're sharing it with..." Begins Romance [0;50]+10 Varnhold Dialogue (Maegar Varn - DLC) Player is Female Start with "How are you coping with everything crashing down on you, along with the title?" Don't pick "Now is not the time to reminisce." Then pick whichever is available: "I would
never let some witch hurt you." "I can wear the horns and demoness costume again. I loath to touch it, let alone give it to you." -5 Troll Lair Depths Dialogue (Tartuk - Surrender) During Troll Trouble (Neutral Good) "...Leave now. The romance is generally simple, the table below shows the exact dialogue lines which would affect the romance. As the
ruler of these lands, I order you to immediately cease all dangerous experiments and terminate that troll." (Lawful Neutral) "To my deep regret, you're right. I look forward to hearing your results." Then: (Chaotic Good) "Yes, of course, you're right.
I took you into my party to fight, not to flirt!" End Romance Old Sycamore Dialogue (Kobolds vs Mites) During A Bitter Rival "I side with the kobolds and Chief Sootscale." +5 Old Sycamore Caves Dialogue (Mite Darters) Friendly with Mites (Neutral Good) "You can't use a living creature as a target — even an enemy. Let's go back to how things were
when we met." Ends romance Tuskdale Dialogue (Valerie) RomanceScore 30+ "About us... But break your promise and I'll make you regret it, even if I have to claw my way out of the Abyss to do so." -5 Oleg's Trading Post Dialogue (Valerie - Baron's Title) Defeated Stag LordPlayer is Male "Whatever happens, I hope you are beside me. The former
innkeepers used to kill their guests. Whatever happens, you can count on me." +5 Oleg's Trading PostTuskdale Dialogue (Octavia) "I just have to ask... Tell him {Name} sent you and you need help." +10 City of Hollow Eyes Dialogue (Saving Grace - Sarenrae) During Saving Grace (Chaotic Evil) "Come on, cut the girl! Let's hear her squeal." End
Romance City of Hollow Eyes Dialogue (Saving Grace - Sarenrae) During Saving GraceRomanceScore [1;99] "Don't leave me, Tristian. The others – to arms!" +10 Pitax Royal Palace Dialogue (Hannis Drelev - Pitax) During War of the River Kings (Chaotic Good) [Open the cage] "There's no reason for you to stay in this cage, whether you are dead or
alive. It's just what he wants." [Do not interfere] "That was well deserved." +5 Dialogue (RegVal - Bullying Valerie) Regongar in party OR: Valerie RomanceScore 35+ Regongar RomanceScore 35+ "Regongar, stop this immediately! Leave her alone!" "You could say thank you!" [Do not interfere] "Valerie, keep your hands to yourself." -5 Dialogue
(RegVal - Bullying Valerie) Regongar in party OR: Valerie RomanceScore 35+ Regongar RomanceScore 35+ "Regongar, are you so eager to get beaten up? I understand you very well. And?" Ends Romance City of Hollow Eyes (Varnhold's Lot) Dialogue (Injured Dragon) Player is FemaleRomance is active Help Dragon "He doesn't need a wife for that.
If romance havn't been started, it will be [0;0].
Sadder yet, it doesn't touch me in the least. It was for puns like that!" +5 Old Sycamore Dialogue (Kobolds vs Mites) During A Bitter Rival +5 Old Sycamore Dialogue (Kobolds vs Mites) During A Bitter Rival +10 Old Sycamore Dialogue (Death to the Worgs!) (Neutral Evil) [Attack] "You will bleed, dirty scum!" +5 Old Sycamore Dialogue (Moon
Radishes for Bokken) [Attack] "There is no place in these lands for such creatures!" +5 Old Sycamore Dialogue (Moon Radishes for Bokken) "About that radish..." Pass check: (Neutral Evil) [Intimidate 17] "I will take what I want, and no one will stand in my way. Dialogue (OctReg - Romance Stage 3) Romance value is 59Completed Cruel JusticeSeen
Dialogue (Regongar - Drunk) The dialogue options have several conditions, the safe route is: "Octavia, you're unfair to him." Then any of the three: "Why are you still sitting here? You deserve your fate." -10 Dreamscape Dialogue (Dreamscape) (Cup) During The Path of the Dreams "I know your story now, Nyrissa. You are a true friend, who I can trust
with my life." Begins Romanceor +5 Oleg's Trading PostTuskdale Dialogue (Valerie) Player is Male "You know, you really are quite beautiful. If you somehow ended up having less than 60 romance score you will have to pass a Diplomacy DC 28 check to progress the romance.
But I'd like to participate in testing of this thingy." Begins Romance and +5 or +10 Troll Lair Depths Dialogue (OctReg - Black Whip) During Guiding BeaconNot Octavia in partyRegongar in partyRomance [0;59] (Chaotic Neutral) [Give the whip] "Sure. I can arrange that — maybe even tonight!" "Valerie, cool off. TBD Varnhold's Lot DLC - Maegar
Varn[] Maegar Varn can be romanced only by female General during Varnhold's Lot DLC. Enough. Complete Burning Bridges. Just try not to make too much noise, both of you." Begins Romance or +5 Troll Lair Depths Dialogue (OctReg - Black Whip) During Guiding BeaconRomance [0;59] (Chaotic Neutral) [Give the whip] "Sure, you can have it. It's
time for you to answer for your crimes." (Neutral Evil) [Attack] "You'll die now, troll. How do you manage to look so gorgeous, even when we're out in the middle of nowhere?" "Oh, Octavia, the flower of the Stolen Lands! You're as beautiful as you are dangerous. Regular Dialogue[] Location Dialogue Requirements Action Value Oleg's Trading
PostTuskdale Dialogue (Valerie) Player is Male "Tell me about yourself." "I bet your beauty inspired many people in the Order." "Thank you for your honesty. What does your 'mercenary gut' tell you?" "I don't need to explain myself to you." "Yes, I liked him. Another stunt like this, and I'll start thinking about whether or not that's true." -10 d r +5 d r -5
Stage Advancement[] Dialogue Requirements Action Dialogue (Regongar - Romance Stage 2) Those lines will end romance: "Regongar, what do you think you're doing?!" [Pull away] "Regongar, stop. I'm sorry, but we have to kill them." -10 The Tomb's Threshold Dialogue (Maegar - Nightmare) Romance is at [1;59]Unlocked (RomanceEvent1)
[Diplomacy 28] "Everything I do, I do for you and for Varnhold. And now you shall pay the trade tax — two thirds of all you've made from trade on MY lands. What is this 'exalted mission' of yours that demands such sacrifice?
I don't care how you acquired this creature — I won't tolerate such cruelty in my lands! Kill him, quickly and humanely." +5 Troll Lair Depths Dialogue (OctReg - Black Whip) During Guiding BeaconRomance [0;59] (Chaotic Neutral) [Give the whip] "Sure. Priestess, you are free to go." -5 Goblin Fort Dialogue (Goblin Fort - Escaped Prisoners) During
Season of Bloom (Lawful Evil) [Attack] "I cannot risk my men that are waiting behind the gates. and that you're no ordinary salesman, and your wares are far from mundane." "Reg, leave the poor guy alone! Let's go have some wine instead!" +5 Rushlight Fields Dialogue (Kharne - Rushlight) Romance [30;99]During The Rushlight Tournament "I've
heard few curious words — 'Bloodbrush extract'... We could be allies, Akiros." +5 Ruined Watchtower Dialogue (Rook) (Chaotic Evil) [Leave the hunters] "Ha, good luck up there! See you around. Since I already killed one Stag Lord, what's to keep me from killing another?" -5 Secluded Lodge Dialogue (Witch Hunt - Tsanna) During Witch Hunt
(Chaotic Good) "I forgive all these people — even the priestess. It would be best if we end it." "No. It will be better for both of us if we just stay friends." Ends Romance Tuskdale Dialogue (Octavia) Octavia RomanceScore 60+Regongar RomanceScore 60+ "This romance is a mistake. You both should go." Ends Romance Tuskdale Dialogue (Regongar)
Octavia RomanceScore 60+Regongar RomanceScore 60+ "Our romance was a mistake.
I don't care how you acquired this creature — I won't tolerate such cruelty in my lands! Kill him, quickly and humanely." Then: (Chaotic Good) "Then call me a bandit chief if you will. I may have need of further information." +10 Pitax Royal Palace Dialogue (Hannis Drelev - Pitax) During War of the River Kings (Chaotic Good) [Open the cage] "There's
no reason for you to stay in this cage, whether you are dead or alive. Maybe." +5 Bandit Camp Dialogue (Bandit Camp) (Chaotic Neutral) "Leave these lands immediately. Maybe your death will stave off my dreadful boredom?" +10 Littletown Dialogue (Littletown) During War of the River Kings (Neutral Good) "Trebricent, enough with your
pretentious bravado. Did Sarenrae send you a sign?" Second: "You take this too close to heart." "I will leave you alone with your thoughts." 0 -5 First: "Are you all right?" "Did you see something? I appreciate your help... Deal?" [Bluff 22] "You know this a plague tomb, right? Die, monster!" -5 Old Sycamore Dialogue (Grarrukh) (Lawful Good) [Attack]
"Your words will not save you, monster!" +5 Old Sycamore Dialogue (Grarrukh) "You say we could be useful to each other?" -5 Stag Lord's Fort Dialogue (Dovan From Nisroch) [Finish him] "I like you better dead." +5 Stag Lord's Fort Dialogue (Dovan From Nisroch) (Lawful Evil) "Deal. You better not joke like that! What if I happen to like you too?"
+5 Tuskdale Dialogue (Regongar) Octavia RomanceScore 59-Regongar RomanceScore 30+ "Our romance was a mistake. Why are you teasing me?" "If you want to go have fun, then go — I'm sure you can find someone here!" +5 Sepulcher of Forgotten Heroes Dialogue (Brag) During Along the Cold Trail (Neutral Good) "I'll heal you." (Chaotic Good)
[Heal the barbarian] "It's not yet your time." +5 Vordakai's Tomb Dialogue (Vordakai Prisoner) During The Varnhold VanishingDidn't kill Astradaemon (Vordakai's Tomb) (Lawful Good) "Wait here — you're in no condition to fight. By the time you get Whispers of the Past objective which requires you to rest you will get a dialogue about nightmares
with Maegar. But first, tell me — how does it feel to be responsible for the deaths of each and every one of those who followed you? Cruel Justice must also be completed. However you do need to witness certain camp/Tuskdale dialogues, but then again, you are not forced to pick specific dialogue lines, as long as you don't end romance and can earn
enough RomanceScore from other sources. Only then will you have a chance." +10 Dreamscape Book Event (Dreamscape) During The Path of the Dreams "Yes. Let the grain fall into the cup." "That's enough. "Well, now everything is clear. Trivia[] Contrary to popular opinion spread by video game journalist you do NOT need to do specific dialogues in
the world (like Rushlight ones). I don't know how, but in ten minutes you'll be ready to go.
No need to get my hands dirty. What do you offer these people beyond suffering and death?!" +10 Rushlight Fields Dialogue (Drunk Bully) Active Romance [Any choice] +10 Rushlight Fields Dialogue (Eimar Deschamps) Active Romance "I gather you know each other pretty well?" "Between a mortal and an angel, for example?" +10 River Blades'
Camp Dialogue (Ilora Nuski) During War of the River Kings (Neutral Good) "I'll spare your life, but don't expect such leniency next time." +10 Whiterose Abbey Dialogue (Evindra - Whiterose Abbey) During War of the River Kings "All right. I might just hold you to that!" +1Sets Romance Stage to [1;29] Stag Lord's Fort Dialogue (Regongar - Flirt)
During Stolen Land "I like your enthusiasm, but let's cut out the inappropriate advances." "Say that one more time and you'll get a punch in the face." Ends Romance Stag Lord's Fort Dialogue (Akiros Insmort) During Stolen Land Pass checks (Neutral) [Intimidate 18] "Leave the Stag Lord and get out. You don't have to serve him, to die for him. You
are amazing, and these simpletons are too stupid to even notice!" "Don't listen to them. Bartholomew, you may keep the troll." (Neutral) "I'll let him continue his experiments, but only because you insist." (Neutral) "I don't care about the nature of your… experiments, so long as no harm comes to my subjects." "I'm not convinced. Entering main square
of Tuskdale. We have to go." -5 Dialogue (Regongar - Drunk) RomanceScore 55+ "Regongar, what is this? The ended romance will be [-1;-1]. Her romance is split in four stages: [1;29], [30;59], [60;99] and [100;100]. Let's keep everything as it is." "Don't worry about it. Complete Highborn at Heart Camp dialogue requirement to be confirmed. I don't
wish to allow the remains of this insane cult to survive.
Nothing could ever change that." Advance Romance to Stage 2 and set CounterValue to 36 Dialogue (Valerie - Romance Stage 3) Romance value is 59 Completed Burning Bridges ? You can't believe anyone in this rotten village. Please, help me." "What would I do without you, Tristian?" +5 Varnhold Stockade Dialogue (Raven - Varnhold) During The
Varnhold VanishingRomanceScore 30+ [Hold Tristian's hand] "Put it out of your mind. Now and forever." [Kneel on one knee] "I will prove I love you. Go away." "Go away and do not return." Ends Romance Tuskdale Dialogue (Octavia) Octavia RomanceScore 60+Regongar RomanceScore 60+ "This romance is a mistake. Can I help?" (Neutral Good)
[Heal the barbarian] "No charge." (Lawful Neutral) [Heal the barbarian] "Pay up." +5 Sepulcher of Forgotten Heroes Dialogue (Defaced Sister - Sepulcher of Forgotten Heroes) During The Varnhold Vanishing [Requires Good] "Of the entire group that accompanied you, one person survived — that corridor was strewn with the bodies of people you
brought here to die. You can stay in my lands." Dialogue (Tristian Romance - Another Chance) Romance value is 65 During Coronation Advance Romance to Stage 4 and set CounterValue to 75 Those lines will end romance: Dialogue (Tristian Romance - Final) Romance value is 100 Witnessed Dialogue (Tristian Romance - Gift) Advance Romance to
Stage 5 and set CounterValue to 100 The following line will add extra ending slide text: Valerie Romance[] Valerie can be romanced by male characters only. You're upsetting her. I loath to touch it, let alone give it to you." +5 Troll Lair Depths Dialogue (OctReg - Black Whip) During Guiding BeaconOctavia or Regongar in partyOctavia or Regongar
Romance [0;59] [Take the whip for yourself] "Give it to me. Let's not do this. You and Reg will be better off without me." "No. It will be better for both of us if we just stay friends." Ends Romance Oleg's Trading PostTuskdale Dialogue (Octavia) "I don't need you any longer. With no dessert." "Definitely." "Regongar, what were you thinking? I don't care
about your feelings." -10 Throne Room Dialogue (Strange Happenings In The Capital) Completed Objective War of the River Kings (Objective_WhiteRose)Romance 70+ "Get lost, Nyrissa.
But we meet again, I won't grant you mercy a second time." +5 Silverstep Grove Dialogue (Ivar - Silverstep Grove) During The Lonely Hunter "Tell me the truth about what happened to you." "Enough, Ivar. I don't trust you — I won't do as you say." -10 Tuskdale Dialogue (A Just Reward) "I don't need any reward. Let me go ahead and deal with the
traps, and you cover my back. Is that any way to treat someone you love?" -10 Dialogue (Regongar - Self Harm) RomanceScore 40+ "Regongar, what happened to your hand?" [Lean over his wrist and lick off the blood] +8 Dialogue (Regongar - Self Harm) RomanceScore 40+ "Regongar, what happened to your hand?" "Let me dress it. Let's push the
march for half a day until you come around." "Exactly, you usually aren't. It's better if we put an end to this." End Romance Dialogue (Octavia - Apology) Octavia RomanceScore 70+ [Hold Octavia] "Thank you for saying it. Death to grave-robbers!" +5 Silverstep Grove Dialogue (Ivar - Silverstep Grove) "Tell me the truth about what happened to you."
(Lawful Evil) [Finish the hunter] "I'll reunite you with your family. Any mercy to your kind means the death of more of my people." (Chaotic Neutral) [Attack] "The King of Pitax will pit you against his neighbors — probably, against me as well. Why are you drunk when we're ready to march?" "All right, Reg, suck it up. Successfully complete Judgment
of the Gods (Either of two endings that remove the scar).
We don't cut open our allies' muzzles, even if we really want to." [Attack] "Let's do it!" +10 Flintrock Grassland Dialogue (Dallirun Myrnas) During Hour of RageNot Completed Betrayer's Flight "What are you doing?" "Put away your weapons, or I'll personally hand you over to Jamandi to hang!" -5 Flintrock Grassland Dialogue (Dallirun Myrnas)
During Hour of RageCompleted Betrayer's Flight "What are you doing?" "Reg, these are our allies. We have the perfect state system. How about I let you build your kingdom inside my barony, as my vassal." (Chaotic Neutral) "Why not?
Turn out your pockets." -5 Special Encounter (Dalton) Dialogue (Dalton) During Troll Trouble (Chaotic Evil) [Attack] "Let's put your fighting skills to the test, then." -5 Lone House Dialogue (The Nature of the Beast - Dimwit) During The Nature of the Beast (Chaotic Good) "Trolls are sentient beings, not cattle to be bought and sold. And you'd better
not fleece my subjects behind my back — is that clear?" +5 Bridge over the Gudrin River Dialogue (Fake Stag Lord) During Season of Bloom (Chaotic Good) [Intimidate 22] "All right, Stag Boy, you're going to take that ridiculous thing off your head, leave this tent, and do everything you can to ensure I never hear from you or your gang again.
That much is easy to get, but still is a mandatory requirment. But first, tell me — how does it feel to be the sole reason for the deaths of your family, your friends, and all of your kin?" +5 Troll Lair Depths Dialogue (Hargulka - Surrender) During Troll Trouble (Neutral Good) "...Leave now.
I don't care how you acquired this creature — I won't tolerate such cruelty in my lands! Kill him, quickly and humanely." (Chaotic Good) "Then call me a bandit chief if you will. I don't care how you acquired this creature — I won't tolerate such cruelty in my lands! Kill him, quickly and humanely." (Lawful Neutral) "To my deep regret, you're right. A
person is dying here. (Spoilers, of course!) By prototype00 Harken ye, brave adventurers, to the lay of the Stolen Lands and it's Cursed Mistress! A Fairy Tale that plumbs the abyss of despair, before climbing to the heights of "Happily Ever After"...There is a secret ending to Pathfinder:Kingmaker, and it is not at all easy to unlock. I'm almost as sick of
your disorderly conduct as I am of your stupid jokes!" -5 Goblin Village Dialogue (Goblin Village - Civilians) During Mother of Monsters (Lawful Neutral) [Attack] "Filthy pests! I'll purge my lands of you!" (Chaotic Evil) [Attack] "Amusing screams — and I haven't even begun yet." +5 Bridge over the Gudrin River Dialogue (Tigni Jusmert) During Season
of Bloom (Chaotic Neutral) [Intimidate 18] "If I ever catch you asking an arm and a leg for rotten turnips again — I'll hang you on this bridge as a lesson to others." (Neutral Evil) [Intimidate 18] "A great idea. Take it, it's yours. I don't care how you acquired this creature — I won't tolerate such cruelty in my lands! Kill him, quickly and humanely."
Then: (Lawful Neutral) "To my deep regret, you're right. Complete Saving Grace. (Last Version:2.1.7b) Regular Dialogue[] Location Dialogue Requirements Action Value Oleg's Trading PostTuskdale Dialogue (Regongar) "What kind of relationship do you have with Octavia?" "Are you and Octavia faithful to each other?" "Is that an invitation? The cost
of such a pointless feat is your eternal soul!" Pass (Lawful Good) [Diplomacy 35] "Idiot! While you're conducting this weird ritual, wounded people are bleeding to death at the camp! They need your help, not your heroic corpse!" Pass (Neutral Good) [Diplomacy 33] "Are you really willing to be cursed by your goddess just to kill a few barbarians?" +10
Rushlight Fields Dialogue (Trader - Generalist) During The Rushlight Tournament (Lawful Good) "My companion has taken a liking to your charm. It would be better for all three of us." Ends Romance Oleg's Trading PostTuskdale Dialogue (Regongar) "I do not need you any longer. With few exceptions. Why are you drunk when we're ready to march?"
"I don't care about your excuses. To hells with it..." [Use dispel magic to free the hostages] "I've lifted the enchantment! You're free!" +5 Ruined Watchtower Dialogue (Rook) (Chaotic Evil) [Leave the hunters] "Ha, good luck up there! See you around. And sometimes with some bonus key flags like marriage ones. Those lines will end romance: "What
the devil are you doing, relaxing here? I want to share the road with you, whatever lies ahead of us." Advance Romance to Stage 3 House at the Edge of Time Dialogue (Nyrissa - After Battle) Romance 80+Have BriarNot completed other romances [Give Briar to Nyrissa] "I want to return what's been taken from you." "Because I care about you.
Why are you teasing me? What do you think you're doing?" "Another trick like this, and you'll be spending a month... Die!" -10 Old Stump Dialogue (Old Stump) Romance is activeUnlocked (RomanceEvent1) "Maegar, please, don't be rash. You both should go." Ends Romance Nettle's Crossing Dialogue (Davik Nettle) Seen Book Event (Riverbed
Nightmares) [Attack] "No one dares to trespass inside my head.
We may have different methods, but don't accuse me of neglecting the interests of the barony." "I'm not going to try to make you change your mind. It's none of your business." (Neutral) "I don't care about the nature of your… experiments, so long as no harm comes to my subjects." "I believe you. But I can't stop taking care of you." "Stop this right
now, both of you! Shut up and get away from each other!" "Valerie, pay no attention to Regongar. Quest requirement to be confirmed. That's not the confession of love that I expected!" "Never do that again.
A just sentence is far better than an undignified death." +10 Stag Lord's Fort Dialogue (Dovan From Nisroch) During Stolen Land [Finish him] "I like you better dead." +5 Stag Lord's Fort Dialogue (Dovan From Nisroch) During Stolen Land (Lawful Evil) "Deal. Did Sarenrae send you a sign?" Second: "Even a brief moment may bring happiness." "Is a
love given freely worse than one you have no control over?" "Tristian, you're obviously bothered by something! Tell me what it is!" Third: "I listen to my heart.

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