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COBRA likes recruiting miscreants, ne’er-do-wells, KITCHEN VIPER PLOT HOOKS

and outright outlaws because they’re easy marks. Here are a few ideas to inspire adventures with
Once they’re in the organization, however, COBRA these characters:
sometimes adjusts their attitudes by making them
• Bon Appetit: A squad of JOEs finds former
work the kitchen. Cooking enough grub for a
COBRA mess hall cook B.A. LeCarre alive in
battalion requires discipline, and mess staff quickly
the wreckage of a heli-carrier. The isolation and
learn the cost of slacking off when confronted
limited nutrients apparently wore on LeCarre’s
by a thousand hungry and angry COBRA Vipers.
mental health, although he still fared better
For some, Kitchen Viper assignment is temporary.
than most in his position thanks to his cooking
Others thrive at it. Anyone who has worked in
skills. The questions are: should the JOEs help
a kitchen knows that the high temperatures,
him, and can the JOEs trust him? He may have
scattering of sharp objects, and need to get
been abandoned by COBRA, but he did still
recipes right means some cooks don’t have time to
choose to wear their logo.
be polite.
Allegiance Points: 3
• Kitchen Patrol: After a failed mission, the
unsuccessful Viper squadron was assigned
to punitive K.P. duty. While working in the
GAINING KITCHEN VIPER AS A CONTACT kitchen, the Vipers discovered that their fellow
Outrank: Kitchen Vipers are pretty low in COBRA’s COBRAs talk in the lunchroom like no one’s
pecking order, except in the kitchen, where they’re in around. Even officers. The secrets and rumors
charge. If the PCs are at least 3rd level, or 10th level
the squad collected will serve them well, but
if the scene takes place in a kitchen, once per scene
they can spend 1 Story Point to summon a Kitchen with their assignment almost up, the Vipers
Viper in the area to help, even if they haven’t done need to find a new way to fail just bad enough
anything to gain the Kitchen Viper as a Contact. to get put back in the kitchen.
Trusted Sous-Chef: Kitchens are dangerous, • Roadblock’s Rival: While fellow foodie
ingredients are expensive, and hungry customers
lack patience. That’s why Kitchen Vipers form lasting
Roadblock was adventuring, this Kitchen Viper
bonds with those who prove they can be relied on. studied the blade! Butcher knives, specifically.
If the PCs spend time working alongside a Kitchen Now she’s trying to get G.I. JOE’s attention so
Viper and succeed at five DIF 5 Skill Tests related she can challenge Roadblock to a high-stakes
to preparing and serving food without failing once cook-off.
(such as Performance (Cooking), Culture (Cuisine or
Recipes), and Finesse (Knife Skills)), they gain Kitchen
Viper as a permanent Contact they can call on once
per mission.

Cut Through a Tin Can (3 Allegiance Points): The
most valuable tool in a Kitchen Viper’s arsenal is
a knife that can cut through metal and still slice a
tomato. The PCs’s melee attacks that deal Sharp
damage gain the Anti-Tank and Armor Piercing Traits
for one scene.
Gobble Up (1 Allegiance Point): Kitchen Vipers know
never to underestimate the value of a hearty meal. A
PC heals 1 Health or Essence damage.
Take The Heat (2 Allegiance Points): When a boiling
over pot can’t wait for oven mitts, Kitchen Vipers learn
the power of mind-over-matter. A PC gains Resistance
to fire for one scene.

Downloaded by Matt Cornett on 11/21/2023 . Unauthorized distribution

Author: Ryan Costello prohibited.
G.I. JOE and HASBRO and all related trademarks and logos are trademarks
of Hasbro, Inc. ©2023 Hasbro. Game Rules are © 2023 Renegade Game
Studios. All Rights Reserved. Developer: Ben Heissler

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