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Morning Star Academy

Bible 1
Mid-Term Exam
Semester 2 – SY 2022/2023

Teacher : Mr. Imanuel

Instructions :
1. Read the instructions in each part carefully.
2. Answer all the questions correctly in the space provided.
3. You are advised not to spend too much time on any
4. If you have finished, please check and re-check your
answer. Make sure you have made no mistake.

Do Your Best! God Bless you.

Name : ____________________________________

Class : ____________________________________

Date : ____________________________________

Score : _____________________________________
A. Multiple choice. Read the question carefully and write your answer in the column
provided to the right of each question.

BIBLE 1 MID TERM EXAM SEMESTER 2 / 2022 - 2023 1

1. How old was Jesus when his parents brought him to the Passover celebration?

(A) 12

(B) 33

(C) 21

(D) 18 ( )
2. Where did Jesus and his parents go to celebrate Passover?

(A) Joppa

(B) Jerusalem

(C) Galilee

(D) Jamaica ( )
3. Where was Jesus when his parents couldn't find him?

(A) Playground

(B) Market

(C) His Father’s House (Temple)

(D) School ( )
4. What was Jesus doing in the temple with the teachers?

(A) Jesus was listening to them and asking them questions.

(B) Jesus was making jokes for the teachers.

(C) Jesus telling them about their favorite toys

(D) Jesus play hide and seek with them ( )

5. Where did Jesus, Mary, and Joseph return home?

(A) Garden of Eden

(B) Mount Moriah
(C) Nazareth

(D) Dead Sea ( )

BIBLE 1 MID TERM EXAM SEMESTER 2 / 2022 - 2023 2

6. How many disciples were called by the Lord Jesus?

(A) 1200

(B) 200

(C) 20

(D) 12 ( )

7. What special gifts did the Lord Jesus give His disciples?

(A) Fly

(B) Giving them the authority over unclean spirits, and power to heal every kind
of disease and sickness.

(C) Teleportation

(D) Run as fast as the light ( )

8. What did Jesus say to His Disciples when they enter a city?

(A) Find a good person, and stay with them

(B) Make a scene (fight the people)

(C) Bully the people

(D) Get out of the city immediately ( )

9. Which of the choices below is not a disciple of Jesus?

(A) Peter

(B) James

(C) Kanaan

(D) Thomas ( )

BIBLE 1 MID TERM EXAM SEMESTER 2 / 2022 - 2023 3

10. When Jesus called them to be His disciples, what did they do?

(A) They run scared

(B) They refused

(C) They followed Him but asked for money in return

(D) They followed Him unconditionally ( )

11. When Jesus left the crowd, what did He and the disciples go with?
(A) A donkey

(B) A boat

(C) A car

(D) A bike ( )

12. What happened when they got on the boat?

(A) A great storm is raging

(B) There are sharks that want to eat them at that time

(C) They felt sick because this was the first time on a ship

(D) They danced happily on the boat ( )

13. How did they feel when the storm hit their boat?
(A) The disciples slept peacefully; Jesus panicked alone

(B) The disciples were terrified; Jesus slept peacefully

(C) They are all scared

(D) They all ignored the storm. ( )

14. The disciples, who were frightened, were confused when they saw Jesus sleeping
peacefully. Then, what did Jesus do afterwards?
(A) Jesus asked why they were afraid. Then He rebuked the storm. (B) Jesus did
not care about His disciples.
(C) Jesus ignored the disciples

BIBLE 1 MID TERM EXAM SEMESTER 2 / 2022 - 2023 4

(D) Jesus was afraid too ( )
15. What happened after Jesus rebuked the storm winds?
(A) The wind was still raging
(B) Their boat sank
(C) Immediately, the wind ceased, and there was a great calm over the waters.

(D) There is no change in the situation there ( )

16. Jonah was a prophet. What does a prophet do in his life?

(A) Convey/ deliver important messages from Allah to the people of the world.
(B) Picking crops in the garden
(C) Hunt animals for sale
(D) Planting rice in the fields ( )
17. Where did God ask Jonah to go to deliver His message?
(A) New Jersey
(B) Jordan River
(C) Jakarta

(D) Nineveh ( )

18. Why did Jonah not obey God's command to go to Nineveh?

(A) Because the city of Nineveh is very far away
(B) Because he had no money to go to the city of Nineveh
(C) He was afraid because the city of Nineveh was full of sinners

(D) Because he wants to vacation in another city ( )

19. Where is the destination of his escape?

(A) Joppa
(B) Bethlehem
(C) Eden

(D) Jerusalem ( )

20. In what vehicle did Jonah go to Joppa?

(A) Car
(B) Ship
(C) Donkey

BIBLE 1 MID TERM EXAM SEMESTER 2 / 2022 - 2023 5

(D) Bicycle ( )
21. What happened to their ship in the middle of the sea?
(A) Their ship sank because it hit an iceberg.
(B) They fish together happily
(C) Strong winds and storms raged, until then the entire crew threw Jonah into the

(D) They found a pirate's treasure ( )

22. When Jonah was thrown into the sea, he was swallowed by a big fish. How long was he
in the fish?
(A) 3 Years
(B) 3 Minutes
(C) 3 Months

(D) 3 Days ( )

23. What did Jonah do for 3 days in the fish?

(A) Jonah cried all the time
(B) Jonah died
(C) Jonah prayed and said sorry to God

(D) Yunus did not regret what he had done ( )

24. What happened after Jonah prayed to God for 3 days?

(A) God did not hear Jonah's prayer
(B) God punished Jonah by ordering the fish to drown Jonah
(C) The fish ate Jonah

(D) God commanded the fish to spit Jonah onto dry land ( )

25. God heard Jonah's prayer and brought him to Nineveh. Then, what happened in the
(A) They laughed at Jonah and thought he was crazy.
(B) They didn't care about him.
(C) All the people including the king, listened to Jonah. They repent of their

BIBLE 1 MID TERM EXAM SEMESTER 2 / 2022 - 2023 6

(D) They expelled Jonah from the city ( )

B. Fill in the blanks. Complete the story about 'Jesus calms the storm' below. Answer
choices are available in the boxes at the top of the story.

care disciples waves terrified sink wind

obey sleeping crowd peace calm

When Jesus finished teaching a large ___________ many parables. He said to

His __________ , “Let’s go over to the other side.”

Suddenly, a big __________started to blow, and a storm arose,

As they fought through the storm, it only grew worst. Huge __________

crashed onto the side of the boat.

The disciples were __________ . They thought they were going to __________.

The disciples found Jesus __________in the boat..

The disciples woke Him up and asked “Teacher, don’t you __________ that we

are going to die in this storm?”

Jesus rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “__________ ! Be still!”

BIBLE 1 MID TERM EXAM SEMESTER 2 / 2022 - 2023 7

Immediately, the wind ceased, and there was a great __________ over the


The disciples asked each other, “Who is this, that even the wind and the sea

__________ Him?”

C. Essay. Read and understand the questions below and answer them completely.

1. Why did Jesus say that he was at His Father's house while studying at the temple?

2. How do we act to be good children of God?

3. Mention as much as you can, the names of the disciples of the Lord Jesus!

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-Good success shall be yours in Jesus’ name-

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