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1. Construct a functional periscope:Create a device that

allows for viewing around obstacles using mirrors and
cardboard tubes.

2. Use easily accessible materials:Employ common

household items like cardboard, mirrors, and adhesive to
build the periscope.

3. Understand mirror placement: Learn how to position

mirrors at a 45-degree angle for effective reflection.

4. Achieve clear image transmission: Ensure that the

periscope reflects and transmits images accurately and

5. Foster creativity and learning: Engage in a hands-on

p ro j e c t t h a t e n c o u r a g e s e x p e r i m e n t a t i o n a n d
understanding of optics and reflection principles.


•2 Plane Mirrors

1. Gather materials: Collect two cardboard tubes (toilet

paper rolls work well), two small mirrors, adhesive (like
glue or tape), a ruler, and cutting tools.

2. Measure and cut:Decide the height and angle of your

periscope. Cut the cardboard tubes to your preferred

3. Mirror placement: Gluestick the mirror inside each

tube at a 45-degree angle, ensuring they face each other.

4. Assemble tubes:Join the tubes together at a right angle,

forming an "Z" shape with the mirrors facing inward

5. Adjustment and alignment: Check mirror alignment by

peering through the open ends; make necessary
adjustments for a clear view.

6. Secure assembly: Ensure the tubes are securely attached

and the mirrors stay in place.

7. Test:Look through one end while pointing the other

toward an object to confirm the periscope functions,
allowing you to see around obstacles.

8. Refinement (if needed): Fine-tune tube lengths or mirror

angles for better clarity or stability.
9. Finalize:Once satisfied with the view and stability, your
DIY periscope is ready to use.


1. Which materials are needed for the periscope?

2. How do you measure and cut the cardboard tubes to the

desired lengths?

3. What's the method for securing the mirrors inside the


4. How do you ensure proper alignment of the mirrors

within the periscope?

5. What steps are taken to assemble the cardboard tubes

into the periscope shape?


Creating a DIY periscope can be a fun and educational

project that demonstrates principles of optics and
reflection. It's a great way to understand how mirrors
work and to explore angles of reflection. While simple to
make, it's essential to follow instructions carefully to
ensure it functions effectively.

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