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Hawassa city administration educational department second

semester English lesson for compensation program in 2012

Grade =Ten


Topic: education


Over view of the lesson content

In this unit you are going to deal with language sections of lesson contents making wishes,
combinations of verbs and adjectives with prepositions ,articles (a, an, the,∅),state verbs
,under vocabulary and writing you can have lesson topics vocabulary network and gap filling
activity on close passage. So, concentrate on the lessons and try to do self- test activities by
your self.
1, Language focus

A, Making wishes

Use:-*we use “wish” expressions to show we want a situation to be different.

*we use “wish +infinitive with”to” to indicate things we want to be. (=I wish to participate in
charity club.=>I want to participate in charity club.

*we can express our wish in present and past situations by referring one tense back to the
given situation.

Form:- I wish +s+v2

= used to express present wish.

=I wish I won a lottery (=but I don’t )

* I wish +s+ past perfect

=used to show past wish

=I wish I had gone to USA (=but I didn’t go)

Note: the above structures can be also used to express present and past regret respectively

B, combinations of a verb and an adjective with preposition

B.1: verb+ preposition

*some verbs can be combined with different prepositions to give different meanings

*prepositions are dependent on the verb that come (pleased) after the verb.

Example: Agree with some one /some body

Agree about something.

(=I agree with you is different from my brother and I don’t agree about any thing

Note: we can have different meaning due to difference in prepositions.

B.2: adjective + preposition

*some adjectives can be combined with different dependent prepositions to express feelings.

Example: afraid of wild animals /insects.

(=afraid of lion/spider etc…)

*angry with /at person

*angry about something

(=I am angry with/at her not telling me the truth)

A:what are you angry about?

B:I am angry about the bad ethics of students

Note: In some cases different prepositions can give similar meaning so they can be used enter
changeably with out meaning change =angry with/at….

C. Articles (a, an, the)

*articles are determiners that can help us to classify or identify things.

* there are tow types of articles.

Definite (“the”) and indefinite (“A”&”AN”)


 We use “the” when it is clear which thing or person we are talking about. Example:
the teacher told us a good story (=the teacher we know before )
*give me the book , let me read it (=the book I know)

=>when there is only one of something

Example: the sun ,the world, etc….

2.”A” and “AN”

Used to indicate things in general

Example: a man (=any man)

A book (=any book)

An architect (=any architect)

An umbrella (=any umbrella)

Here: “A” is used with initial vowel sound

“An” used before initial vowel sound

It also used before words where “h” is silent

*an hour *an historical

*an honest *an honorable

=>we use “a”/”an” with singular Countable nouns

=an egg =an apple

=a dog =a boy etc…

But we never use “a”/”an” before Uncountable nouns

Example: a money (wrong)

Money (right)

3. The zero article (no, article)

*there is no need of using articles

=>before proper nouns.

Example:- we are going to Paris.

(=not a/ the Paris )

*I will come on Friday.(= not a/the Friday)

=>before meals

*have you eaten lunch yet?

(=not a/the lunch)

=>with by + item of transport

*They prefer to go to by plane

(=not by a/the plane)

=>before words next /last/days of the week.

Example: next Sunday.(= not a/the next Sunday)

Last night.(=not a/the last night )

Saturday.(=not a/the Saturday)

D. The use of “Too” /”Enough”

*”Too” and “Enough” used with adjectives to indicate degree.

*Too=more than necessary

(Placed before an adjective)

=The school hall is too small for all teachers and students.

*Enough = with a limited number/amount (sufficient)

= The school hall is not big enough for all teachers and students

(= used after an adjective)

=>Used before some adjectives to refer the group in general. (The+adj.)

=The young.(all young people)

=The disabled (all disabled persons)

=The poor (all poor people)

=>To express nationality

=The Ethiopian =The USA

=The British =The French

=>To show time expressions /sequences

=The beginning =The past

=The present =The future

=>Before parts of the day

=In the morning =In the evening

=In the after noon etc..

=>With superlatives and ordinals.

Example: It’s the best film I’ve ever seen.

This is the third time they have visited us.

NB:”The” can bee used with both singular or plural Countable nouns

E, state verbs

* are verbs mainly describe a state

= this are four types

1,verbs of thinking (thought):

Forget , know , agree , think , understand remember , believe

2,verbs of emotion (feeling):

Hate , like , want ,wish ,love

3,verbs of senses:

Hear ,see ,smell, taste, feel

4, verbs of possessions:

Have (own), belong , deserve ,need, seem, form to describe an action.

Example: we think this is a good point . (opinion)

X: what are you doing ?

Y:I m thinking about my future plan (action/activity)

Self-test items for English lessons

Grade= Ten

Unit Eight

1. Language focus (Making wishes)

A. make your own wish sentences for present and past situations

Self- test 1, For present A,______________________________


For past A,_____________________________


Self-test 2, B. (combinations of verbs/adjectives with prepositions )choose suitable

prepositions to complete the given sentences

1. I entirely agree ___________the suggestions he forwarded earlier.

A. by B. with C. about D. of

2. why are you always so unfriendly __________me?

A. of B. To C. in D. at

3,Ethiopia is famous _________her hero athletes.

A, for B. with C. to D. about

4,I don’t enjoy my job any more, I am fed up _________it

A, about B. on C. with D. in

C, Articles (A, An ,The)

Self-test 3- Put (A, An, The or ∅ ) to complete the following sentences

1,__________ corona virus firstly appeared In ________china, Hwan city.

2,please call__________ ambulance. There is __________accident.

3,It is __________worst play I’ve ever seen.

Self- test-4, the use of “Too”/”Enough”

Use ”too”/”enough” to complete these sentences

A. I can’t complete this task by is__________vast.

B. The students can’t do these tasks .they are not appropriate ___________to the level of
the students.

Self-test-5, writing –Gap filling activity (cloze passage)

Use suitable verb forms in the brackets to complete the paragraph

Most people in Ethiopia __________(feel/will feel )that work__________ (is/was) more

important than education ,so they___________(started /start) at a very early age with little to
no education.
Self-test items for English lessons

Grade= Ten

Unit Eight

1. Language focus (Making wishes)

A, make your own wish sentences for present and past situations

Self- test 1, For present A,______________________________


For past A,_____________________________


B, combinations of verbs/adjectives with prepositions choose suitable prepositions to

complete the given sentences

Self-test 2, 1,I entirely agree ___________the suggestions he forwarded earlier.

A, by b, with c, about d, of

2,why are you always so unfriendly __________me?

A, of b, to c, in d, at

3,Ethiopia is famous _________her hero athletes.

A, for b, with c, to d, about

4,I don’t enjoy my job any more, I am fed up _________it

A, about b, on c, with d, in

C, articles (A, An ,The)

Self-test 3- Put (A, An, The or ∅ ) to complete the following sentences

1,__________ corona virus firstly appeared In ________china, Hwan city.

2,please call__________ ambulance. There is __________accident.

3,It is __________worst play I’ve ever seen.

Self- test-4, The use of “too”/”enough”

Use ”too”/”enough” to complete these sentences

A, I can’t complete this task by now .it is ________vast.

B, the students can’t do these tasks .they are not appropriate ___________to the level of the

Self-test-5,writing –Gap filling activity (cloze passage)

Use suitable verb forms in the brackets to complete the paragraph

Most people in Ethiopia __________(feel/will feel )that work__________ (is/was) more

important than education ,so they___________(started /start) at a very early age with little to
no education.
Hawassa city administration educational department second semester English lesson
for compensation program in 2012.

Grade= Ten

Unit : Nine

Topic: Seas and Rivers


Over view of the lesson contents

In this unite , you have lesson topics under each, language skills sections. Such as speaking
,writing and vocabulary speaking section includes using useful guessing game expressions
with different language starts where as writing section contains ways of writing short stories
by using descriptive adjectives and the other vocabulary sections refers about word
formations using suffixes (endings ).Therefore: it is better to give emphasis on each lesson
topics , to attempt the self- test items which designed at the end of each lesson contents.
Unit Nine

1, Speaking: A guessing game

There are a number of expressions (languages) to be used in guessing game what an object
(from the given pictures) might be.

*useful guessing game expressions (language starters)

= Its difficult to say , but I’d guess ___________.

=It looks like ____________.

=Could it be_____________?

=I think it’s ____________.

=perhaps it’s ____________.

=I‘d say ____________.

2. Vocabulary: vocabulary network

*A vocabulary network can be collocate with specific headings in the given situation.

*This network includes (uses) phrasal verbs.

Example: Based on educational collocations we can form a vocabulary network in relation to

exams (heading) can be collocated as a vocabulary network with: Pass rate

Grading system

Drop out rate

Exam paper etc…

2.1. Vocabulary : word building

*Adding endings to build (make) words

To increase your word power , it is possible to add endings (suffixes) to change a word from
one family to another.

*suffixes =are syllables /words can be added at the end of a root word.

Uses: Change the form of a word.

produce many word families.

(noun =>verb=>adj=>adv.)

Example: n n adj

induct induction inductive

=>Nouns can be formed from verbs by adding –ion, -ation , -ent , -er , -sion, - tion.

=>Nouns can also formed from adjectives by adding –ness, - ity,-ic ,-ive,

Example: govern(v) + -ment =>government (n)

Polite (adj) + ness =>politeness(n)

3,writing : the story of a river

Use many descriptive adjectives as you can and write three paragraphs about the story
of a river (from its source to its delta).

3. Writing: Gap- filling activity (cloze passage)

The task=completing the passage with suitable verb forms (about education)

*In writing activity it is possible to fill the gaps with appropriate verb forms.

Example: Ethiopia ___________(faces /will face)many historical, cultural, social and

political obstacles that ___________(have /had) restricted progress in education for many
Self-test items for English lessons



Self-test -1, speaking (a guessing game)

Lets display lists of half parts of five pictures on a paper and take turn to ask and respond by
using a guessing game language expressions you learnt in speaking section.

Self- test -2: writing (short story)

Write a three paragraphs short story by your self using descriptive adjectives.

Self-test -3 vocabulary (word building = adding suffixes (endings) to form a word)

Mach suitable suffixes in the table with related base words listed below

-al -ion - or - ise

-ive - ness - ify -- --
- ment

1, popular 5, dismiss

2, class 6, elect

3 , good 7,treat

4, correct 8,act
Reading Activity –one (Grade –Ten)

Read the text carefully and answer the questions according to the information there in.

1. One of the most important natural resources natures has endowed mankind with its
rivers. In ancient times great civilizations developed in fertile river valleys. Thus the
ancient civilization of Egypt developed in the fertile Nile river valley. The people of
Egypt depended heavily on the Nile for their sustenance.
They obtained fresh water and fish from it and developed a system of drawing water from
the Nile River to irrigate their lands.
2. The greatest uses that mankind has put rivers to is the production of hydro – electric
power. It involves the construction a dam and the creation of an artificial lake behind the
dam. A dam provides a constant and reliable supply of water to turn turbines in the dam
to produce cheap electric power.
3. In spite of the immense benefits derived from the rivers, human activities are
destroying this important natural resource. Lumbering and farming activities have
exposed some rivers to massive evaporation. Some fishermen use unorthodox methods
in fishing. For instance by using very dangerous chemicals to poison the fish. The rivers
are thus polluted, which results in health hazards for the people who use the water from
the rivers.
(Taken and adapted from: Natural resource Magazine. (Rivers of the world.)

---1. Where did great civilizations develop?

A. In Egypt C. in rivers
B. In the Nile river D. in valleys

---2. Cheap electric power produced by: -----

A. Solar energy C. Constructing a dam

B. Using fuel D. creating artificial lake.
3. Which are the two activities of man have exposed some rivers to evaporation?

A. Lumbering and farming

B. Fishing and farming
C. Irrigation and using chemicals
D. Pollution and deforestation.

---4. Which one of the following is NOT true about the passage?

A. Egyptians highly depend on the Nile river for their existence.

B. A dam can obtain permanent supply of water.
C. Pollution of rivers results in health hazards for humans.
D. Not only rivers but also lakes and oceans can be considered as the most natural

---5. “It involves ---“(in paragraph – two (2) “It” deals about ________

A. Dam C. river
B. Hydro- electric power D. Construction

---6. “Un orthodox (on paragraph 3) means:_______

A. Un conventional C. illegal
B. Un fair D. Unethical

---7. “Sustenance” (on paragraph 1) can mean: ------

A. gain C. trust
B. exist D. nourishment

---8. “reliable” ( on paragraph 2) means:------

A. in appropriate C. suitable
B. improper D. substantial

---9. “endowed” (on para. 1) means:----------

A. enrich C. Prepare
B. inherit D. transfer

10. “Immense” ( on paragraph 3) means:-----

A. adequate C. minimum
B. huge D. equal

Summary- Questions (units 7-9)

A. Insert appropriate prepositions of time (In, On, At,) or /(∅)

where necessary.
1. There will be an exhibition of books on Addis Park --------next Saturday.
2. He is painting the room _____ 8 O’clock_____ the morning.
3. All summarized notes and work sheet was released in the internet _____last weekend
____ Easter holiday.
4. I was so much burdened with lots of tasks ______yesterday evening up to -----this
morning. But I will be free ______the fifteen of May.

B. Complete these gaps with correct form of verbs in brackets for present and past wish.
I wish I _______(complete) all my worksheets at the end of April.
5. For present wish =__________
6. For past wish =______________
I wish I_______(stay) at home to prevent myself from the corona virus.
7. For present wish =________________________
8. For past wish=_____________________________
C. Use suitable prepositions from the box to complete the given sentences.
to of with
on about at

9. All my family members want to learn_____ civilized ways of life.

10. I’m not ready to take it. Please don’t throw the ball ______me.
11. It is not a good idea to depend _____ someone else to do individual tasks.
12. You annoyed me a lot by wasting my time.
So I am very angry ____you.
13. Please, don’t look -------outside, you had better to concentrate on your task.
14. I have fond _____ listening to spiritual songs.

D. Choose the correct alternative to complete this dialogue.

15. X: Are you sure about COVID – 19 will be clear out this year?

Y: ------------------------------. But I heard that some of the victims of the virus

were recovered in the Quarantine center last week.

A. I’m certain C. I’m really sure.

B. I’m totally convinced D. I’m uncertain
16. In the above dialogue synonym expression for “clear out”
A. to spread C. to control
B. to tidy D. to be cured.
E. Fill the gaps with Articles (A, An, The,∅) to complete this paragraph.
17. When I went to school last week. On ____Friday, I saw ____bus on ____road.
Suddenly _____small boy ran accros_____road. There was _____accident_____bus ran
over ____boy.

Put suitable suffixes from the box to the given base words.
-en -ive -ation
-ity -ion -ary

18. Correct 20. Communicate 22. Drive

19. Second 21. Popular 23. Prepare

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