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Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary ................................................................................................................. 2
2. Aims & Objectives .................................................................................................................. 3
3. Literature review...................................................................................................................... 4
4. Theory ...................................................................................................................................... 6
4.1. Task 01 ............................................................................................................................. 6
4.1.1. Model Parameters Adjustment .................................................................................. 6
4.1.2. Comparison and Reason ........................................................................................... 6
4.1.3. An Examination of the Simplified Model and the Assumptions It Makes ............... 8
4.2. Task 02 ............................................................................................................................. 9
4.2.1. Road gradient profile ................................................................................................ 9
4.2.2. Road gradient Affect ............................................................................................... 10
4.3. Task 03 ........................................................................................................................... 11
4.3.1 Dynamic Model ...................................................................................................... 11
4.3.2 Unloading/loading drive cycle ................................................................................ 13
5. Discussion ............................................................................................................................. 15
6. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 16
7. References ............................................................................................................................. 17
1. Executive Summary

During this activity, we investigated a number of facets of the powertrain and dynamics of
vehicles, such as the vehicle's speed and power profiles, resistive forces, and the effects of road

We began by doing an analysis of a vehicle's power profile while it was being driven according to
the WLTP drive cycle. This is a standardized drive cycle that is utilized for the purpose of
determining a vehicle's emissions as well as its fuel consumption. We were able to determine the
resistive forces by making use of the speed profile data of the driving cycle. These resistive forces
included rolling resistance, aerodynamic drag, and grade resistance. After that, we mapped out the
power curve that the car produced throughout the drive cycle.

After that, we updated the code to make it more user-friendly by converting the velocity units from
meters per second to kilometers per hour and the time units from seconds to minutes. In addition,
we included a figure that illustrates the road gradient profile during the course of the drive cycle.

The influence of road gradient on vehicle range was our next topic of conversation. We went over
how the vehicle's energy consumption and regenerative braking capabilities are impacted by both
the incline going uphill and the incline going downward, respectively. We came to the conclusion
that the gradient of the road can have a major impact on the range of the vehicle, and it is critical
to take this into account when creating drive cycles and evaluating the car's performance.

During the final stage of the training, we were tasked with developing a loading/unloading drive
cycle scenario, in which the mass of the vehicle changed over the course of the simulation. In order
to adjust the mass of the vehicle at various points throughout the driving cycle, we implemented a
streamlined loading and unloading pattern. During the loading phase, we noticed that the vehicle's
power consumption increased as a result of the added weight, however during the unloading phase,
we noticed that the power requirement decreased. Our research led us to the conclusion that the
dynamic mass of the vehicle is an essential component to take into account while developing drive
cycles and analyzing the performance of the vehicle.
2. Aims & Objectives

The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between a vehicle's powerplant and its
dynamics. Forces operating on the vehicle and their consequences will be studied in detail as part
of this project, along with other fundamental physics and engineering principles governing vehicle
motion. Analysis of the powertrain and vehicle dynamics, including the impact of mass,
aerodynamics, and road conditions on performance, will take center stage.

1. To learn about the forces operating on a vehicle and how they affect its movement, as well as
the basic physics and engineering principles that control vehicle motion.
2. In order to examine the car's dynamics and powertrain in detail and learn how varying vehicle
settings affect performance.
3. To model the vehicle's behavior under varying driving situations in MATLAB and learn from
the results.
4. Examining how changes in road grade and vehicle mass affect a vehicle's range.
5. The goal is to create a dynamic mass model of the vehicle so that the effects of loading and
unloading may be simulated.
3. Literature review

A vehicle's dynamics and powertrain are two crucial components that contribute to the vehicle's
overall performance and efficiency. Numerous studies have been carried out over the course of
many years in order to enhance both the vehicle's powerplant and its dynamics. In the following
paragraphs, we will discuss some of the research that has been conducted in this field.


The engine, the transmission, and the drivetrain are the three components that make up a vehicle's
powertrain. The engine is one of the most essential components of the powertrain since it is
responsible for converting the energy stored in the gasoline into the energy needed to propel the
vehicle. There have been a lot of studies that have been done to try to figure out how to make
engines more efficient by doing things like refining the combustion process, cutting down on
friction, and increasing the air-to-fuel ratio.

Another component of the powertrain that is absolutely necessary is the transmission. It regulates
the speed and torque of the engine and then transmits that energy to the wheels. Recent
advancements in transmission technology have led to the creation of dual-clutch and continuously
variable gearboxes, both of which offer improved performance and efficiency in terms of fuel use.


The study of a vehicle's motion and behavior are collectively referred to as its dynamics. This
covers the analysis of numerous forces operating on the vehicle, such as the resistance caused by
aerodynamic drag, rolling resistance, and grade resistance. The study of the vehicle's stability,
handling, and ride comfort are also included under the dynamics umbrella.

To find ways to improve the dynamics of vehicles, a great number of studies have been carried
out. For instance, the goal of certain studies has been to lessen the resistance caused by
aerodynamic forces by refining the design of vehicles and decreasing their frontal areas. In other
research, the reduction of rolling resistance has been investigated through the use of low-rolling-
resistance tires and the optimization of tire design. It has also been demonstrated that improving a
vehicle's handling and stability can be accomplished by the implementation of sophisticated
suspension systems and electronic stability control systems.

The Worldwide harmonized Light-duty vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP) is a global standard that
measures the levels of pollutants, CO2 emissions, and fuel consumption of light commercial
vehicles and passenger cars. WLTP stands for the Worldwide harmonized Light-duty vehicles Test
Procedure. In 2017, it took the place of the older New European Driving Cycle (NEDC), with the
intention of providing a more accurate picture of the conditions that are encountered while driving
on the road. Low, medium, high, and extra high are the four stages that make up the WLTP cycle.
Each phase represents a different driving scenario than the previous one. The low phase covers
driving in urban areas at speeds of up to 50 kilometers per hour, while the medium phase covers
driving in suburban areas at speeds of up to 80 kilometers per hour. The high phase mimics extra-
urban driving at speeds of up to 110 kilometers per hour, while the extra high phase replicates
highway driving at speeds of up to 131 kilometers per hour.

WLTP cycle
The WLTP cycle replaces the NEDC test with one that tries to more accurately reflect real-world
driving conditions by include elements like as faster speeds, longer distances, and a wider variety
of driving scenarios than the previous test. This test cycle also incorporates a more diverse
selection of vehicle weights, powertrains, and driving situations in order to more accurately reflect
the variety of vehicles available on the market today.
4. Theory

4.1. Task 01
4.1.1. Model Parameters Adjustment
Parameter Value Unit
Price 35,750 GBP
Average Energy Consumption 225 Wh/mi
Acceleration 0 - 62 mph 7.9 sec
Top Speed 104 mph
Range Estimated 245 mi
Range WLTP_TEH 301 mi
Total Power 150 kW
Total Torque 291 lb-ft
Nominal Capacity 67.5 kWh
Usable Capacity 64 kWh
Number of Cells 294 -
Pack Configuration 98s3p -
Nominal Voltage 356 V
Fast Charge Speed 230 mph
Vehicle Consumption 213 Wh/mi
Vehicle Fuel Equivalent 190 mpg
Weight (unladen EU) 1760 kg
Seats 5 -

4.1.2. Comparison and Reason

Model adapted for use with the WLTP Drive Cycle:
It would be necessary for the simulation to include the following parameters in order to adapt the
model for the WLTP drive cycle:

• A speed-time profile that is a representation of the drive cycle.

• A power profile that takes into account the accelerating and decelerating motions of the
vehicle that occur throughout the drive cycle.
• A model of energy consumption that determines the amount of energy used by the vehicle
by basing the calculation on its speed-time and power profiles.

The following set of metrics could be utilized in order to make a comparison between the outcomes
of the simulation and the data that was supplied.
• Total amount of energy consumed throughout the driving cycle.
• During the drive cycle, the range that was obtained.
• The typical speed achieved throughout the journey.

It's possible that a variety of factors, including the ones listed above, are to blame for any
discrepancies that exist between the simulation and the data.

• Changes in the drive cycle that occur as a result of the road conditions or the actions of the
• Inaccurate assumptions or oversimplified processes were used in the modeling of the
• Discrepancies between the vehicle's actual performance and the specifications it was
designed to achieve.


Figure 1: WLTP Drive Cycle

Execution & Comparison

Figure 2: Data provided graph Figure 3: Actual graph

4.1.3. An Examination of the Simplified Model and the Assumptions It Makes

It is most likely that the model makes a number of simplifying assumptions and uses a variety of
simplifications in order to make the simulation viable and practical. The following are examples
of simplifications and assumptions that could be made:

1) Assuming a constant vehicle mass throughout the entirety of the simulation, despite the
fact that the mass of the vehicle may change depending on the amount of battery charge
and the number of passengers and cargo it was carrying.
2) ignoring the impact that the different types of weather have on the amount of energy the
vehicle uses and its range.
3) assuming that there is a linear relationship between the power of the vehicle and its speed,
despite the fact that the amount of power needed to maintain a particular speed may differ
depending on the aerodynamics of the vehicle and the efficiency of its motor.
4) despite the fact that the rolling resistance of the tires and the aerodynamic drag coefficient
could change based on the road surface and the wind conditions, it was assumed that these
values would remain constant throughout the simulation.
5) Ignoring the impact that regenerative braking has on the amount of energy consumed by
the vehicle and its range, or assuming a model of regenerative braking that is overly
simplistic and may not correctly reflect the car's actual performance.
4.2. Task 02
4.2.1. Road gradient profile
The gradient of a road is the angle at which the formation level of the road is made to slope
longitudinally. In relation to its horizontal axis, a road's gradient is the rate at which its elevation
rises or decreases.


Figure 4: Road gradient profile


Figure 5: Simulation Results

4.2.2. Road gradient Affect

The incline or grade of the road is an important component that can have a substantial impact on
an electric vehicle's driving range. In order to overcome the gravitational pull that is working
against a vehicle as it climbs uphill, it takes a greater amount of energy. The vehicle's range will
be decreased as a direct result of this higher energy use.

The influence of road grade on a vehicle's range can be understood by referring to physical
principles. When traveling uphill, a vehicle needs greater power in order to resist the gravitational
force that is working against it. The additional power gained from this is directly proportionate to
the weight of the vehicle and the incline of the hill. Because of this, a greater amount of energy is
required to propel the vehicle up the hill when the slope is steeper. Because of the increased energy
usage, the vehicle's range may be severely cut down.

On the other side, a vehicle is able to pick up additional speed and energy as it travels downhill
because gravitational force is working in its favor. This energy can be turned into electrical energy
through the use of technologies known as regenerative braking, which can result in an increase in
the vehicle's range. However, the quantity of energy that can be recovered is contingent upon the
incline of the hill, the weight of the vehicle, and the effectiveness of the system that controls the
regenerative braking.

4.3. Task 03
4.3.1 Dynamic Model
It is possible to adapt the code in such a manner that the mass of the vehicle remains dynamic for
the entirety of the simulation by making the mass dynamically updated at each time step dependent
on the total amount of energy consumed. This can be accomplished by integrating the power over
time to calculate the amount of energy used, and then making adjustments to the mass of the
vehicle based on the amount of energy consumed.

This modified code updates the vehicle mass at each time step, and the basis for the update is the
amount of energy that was used during that time step. To calculate the amount of energy consumed,
an approach known as numerical integration is used to integrate the power over time. After that,
the revised mass of the vehicle is utilized in the calculation of the necessary resistive forces and
power for the subsequent time step. This enables a dynamic change in vehicle mass to occur during
the simulation, which can more accurately reflect real-world circumstances in which vehicle mass
may fluctuate due to factors such as cargo load, fuel consumption, or battery usage.


Figure 6: code01
Figure 7: code 02


Figure 8: Simulation results

4.3.2 Unloading/loading drive cycle

Figure 9: code 01

Figure 10: code 02


Comment on finding results

The findings of the simulation may be able to shed light on the power and energy demands of the
unloading/loading drive cycle scenario. For instance, the power profile can illustrate the peak
power demands during the various phases of the drive cycle, whereas the energy profile can
provide an estimate of the total amount of energy that is spent throughout the entire operation.
These findings can be utilized to optimize the design of the unloading and loading process by, for
example, identifying the optimum power capacity of the charging and discharging system or
assessing the impact that various driving cycle parameters have on the amount of energy that is
consumed. The simulation findings can be further analyzed and discussed depending on the
particular requirements and limitations of the application in order to derive relevant insights from
5. Discussion

The powertrain and the dynamics of the vehicle are the primary topics of debate in this project.
The primary purpose of this research was to examine the impact that road gradient and vehicle
mass have on vehicle range, as well as to create an unloading/loading drive cycle scenario and
execute simulations of this scenario.

The literature research showed how important it is to increase the performance and efficiency of
electric vehicles by optimizing the powertrain. It has been noticed that the road's gradient has a
considerable impact on the amount of power that is consumed by electric vehicles as well as their
range. In addition, it was mentioned that the Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Test
Procedure (WLTP) cycle has been established in order to more accurately mimic real-world
driving conditions and to offer a more accurate measurement of the amount of fuel consumed and
emissions produced by vehicles.

The first thing that needed to be done was to change the code so that it would incorporate data
about the road's gradient alongside the velocity profile. The modified code was used to do the
calculations that determined the necessary resistive forces and power. It was discovered that the
slope of the road has a substantial effect on the required resistive forces and power, which, in turn,
have an effect on the range that a vehicle can go.

The second job involved the creation and simulation of a driving cycle scenario that involved
unloading and loading cargo. The results of the simulation showed that during the unloading phase,
the vehicle range reduced dramatically due to the increased mass of the vehicle, which resulted in
a higher power consumption. This was due to the fact that the simulation was run.

A dynamic mass approach was presented as a solution to the problem that arises when the mass of
the vehicle shifts throughout the drive cycle. This strategy required updating the code in order to
include a function that adjusts the mass of the vehicle each time step dependent on the payload.
6. Conclusion

In conclusion, the purpose of this study was to use simulations and analysis to learn more about
the powertrain and dynamics of a vehicle. The goals were to change the code to make the vehicle
mass dynamic throughout the simulation, to simulate and assess the performance of the car in
various drive cycle scenarios, and to explore the effect of road gradient on the vehicle's range.

Reviewing the literature, we learned that powertrain and dynamics analysis are crucial to vehicle
engineering, and that precise and realistic simulations are necessary for optimal vehicle design.
The study employed the WLTP cycle for simulation and analysis because it is a widely used test
cycle for estimating fuel economy, emissions, and driving range.

The results demonstrated significant variation in vehicle performance across a variety of driving
cycle scenarios, with the unloading/loading cycle resulting in reduced range and increased energy
consumption in comparison to the steady-state cycle. It was also shown that the range of the vehicle
would decrease as the road gradient increased. When the code was tweaked to take into account
the changing mass of the vehicle due to loading and unloading, the simulation of vehicle
performance became more accurate.
7. References

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