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Workers Health and safety

Risk assessment
1.1. Seed: Presence of prohibited pesticides.

1.1.1. Only purchase approved and treated seed.

1.1.2. If necessary only use pesticide on official list of approved pesticides.

1.2. Site selection and preparation: contamination by pesticide, heavy metals, waste water
or flood water.

Do not use land known to contain pesticide residue, traces of heavy metals, sewage water of flood

1.3. Fertiliser management: contamination from animal manure.

Do not apply manure directly to crops. Consider composting to reduce microbial load.

1.4. Fertiliser management: overuse of nitrogen fertilisers causing high nitrate content in

Leave sap analysis is conducted in house on a weekly basis to determine the exact amount of
fertilizer required. Annexe 35 (Leave sap book)
To verify the nutrient levels Leave samples are collected on a monthly basis and sent to a lab for
analysis. Application of the fertilisers is then applied according to crop nutrient requirements and
according expert recommendations.

1.5. Crop protection: Incomplete pesticide records.

All input information on application must be kept for at least three years.

1.6. Crop protection: Contamination by pesticide due to poor dosing and application
practices or incorrect pesticides applied to the crop.

Trained and competent personnel to apply pesticides only. Application only applied according
AVCASA register recommendations.
1.7. Crop protection: Contamination due to spray drift from adjacent fields.

Avoid spraying when windy.

1.8. Harvesting: Contamination from jewellery, clothing and foreign matter.

Supervise personnel during harvesting and establish hygiene procedures.

1.9. Harvesting:

1.9.1. Microbial contamination by farm workers.

Provide appropriate training in hygiene and basic food safety.

Provide sanitation and hand wash facilities near work place.
Personnel must report any food borne afflictions e.g. fever, diarrhoea, wounds or
discharges from eyes or nose.
Personnel behaviour e.g. spitting, sneezing or coughing over produce.

1.9.2. Harvesting: Contamination by pesticide.

Produce must not be harvested before withheld period expires.

1.9.3. Harvesting: Contamination due to dirty harvesting equipment.

All harvesting is done by hand. Ensure harvesting equipment is in good condition

and to be cleaned on regularly basis.

1.10. Worker health and safety and welfare: Contamination due to unsafe pesticide storage
and handling;

Only trained personnel to store and handle pesticides.

1.11. Training

Training are given to all appropriate workers operating dangerous or complex equipment.
Certificates of achievement has been awarded when training have been completed successfully.
Two workers to complete first aid course. No final packaging been done on farm.
Field labour management have cell phones. All emergency numbers are on notice board including
farm management. Farm Management to be notified immediately to assess situation and act
accordingly. Emergency procedures discussed with field labour management during meeting.
All emergency numbers are on notice board including farm management.

1.12. Facilities and equipment

First aid box are present at main building and another is taken on a daily basis to the field were to
be harvested. All chemical container is marked hazardous is applicable and electric boxes are
marked with lightning sign. The two personnel undertaking pesticide application receive annual
health checks at a doctor.

1.13. Hygiene

All permanent product storage facilities are cleaned on a weekly basis. Package material is stored
in closed cupboard. Adequate pest management are conducted regularly.
ii) Field management did receive basic training in basic hygiene requirements for handling of
fresh produce during meeting. The training is given at regular meetings held. The training
outlines hand cleaning, covering of skin cuts, confinement of smoking, eating and drinking at
permitted areas. Dustbins are present at all permanent premises to dispose of all waste and litter.

1.14. Welfare

All employment conditions do comply with local and national regulations with regard to wages,
workers age, working hours, working conditions, job security, unions, and all other legal and
health requirements. All policies are complied with.

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