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National Forest Inventory Contributions to Forest Biodiversity

Gherardo Chirici, Ronald E. McRoberts, Susanne Winter, Roberta Bertini, Urs-Beat Brändli,
Iciar Alberdi Asensio, Annemarie Bastrup-Birk, Jacques Rondeux, Nadia Barsoum, and
Marco Marchetti

Abstract: Forests are the most biodiverse terrestrial ecosystems. National forest inventories (NFIs) are the main
source of information on the status and trends of forests, but they have traditionally been designed to assess land
coverage and the production value of forests rather than forest biodiversity. The primary international processes
dealing with biodiversity and sustainable forest management, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD),
Forest Europe, Streamlining European Biodiversity Indicators 2010 of the European Environmental Agency, and
the Montréal Process, all include indicators related to forest biodiversity. The scope of this article is to review

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and present possibilities offered by NFIs to harmonize estimation of indicators useful for international forest
biodiversity monitoring and reporting. We summarize key findings from Working Group 3 of Action E43
(“Harmonisation of National Forest Inventories in Europe: Techniques for Common Reporting”) of the European
program Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST). We discuss definitions and techniques for harmo-
nizing estimates of possible biodiversity indicators based on data from NFIs in Europe and the United States. We
compare these possible indicators with indicators selected by international processes. The results demonstrate
that NFIs can report comparable or harmonized estimates of indicators for multiple biodiversity features (forest
categories, deadwood, forest age, forest structure, and forest naturalness), but for others (ground vegetation and
regeneration) NFIs should invest more in harmonization efforts. On the basis of these key findings, we
recommend that NFIs should represent a main component of a future global biodiversity monitoring network as
urgently requested by the CBD. FOR. SCI. 58(3):257–268.
Keywords: COST Action E43, international references, harmonization, biodiversity indicator, naturalness,
forest type, deadwood, forest age, regeneration

OREST ECOSYSTEMS HAVE THE POTENTIAL to harbor a result, biodiversity in all three of its main components,
greater levels of biological diversity than any other genes, species, and ecosystems, is declining (Convention on
terrestrial ecosystem (Lindenmayer and Franklin Biological Diversity [CBD] 2010a). For these reasons, in-
2002). This biodiversity includes vertebrates such as mam- ternational agreements that focus on halting the loss of
mals and birds, invertebrates, and microbes (Chapman forest biodiversity and on monitoring the maintenance of
2009). Many forest species depend on forest habitats for ecosystems integrity have been established.
only parts of their life cycles, whereas others are completely The CBD set as a target “to achieve by 2010 a significant
forest-dependent. Some trees and other plant species may be reduction of the current rate of biodiversity loss at the
considered foundational in the sense that their loss would be global, regional and national level” (United Nations Envi-
particularly devastating because of the cascade of species ronment Program [UNEP] 2002). As expected (Pereira and
extinctions that would follow (Gaston and Spicer 2004, Cooper 2006), this target was not met (CBD 2010a). During
Ellison et al. 2005). the tenth Conference of the Parties (COP) held in Aichi,
Human-induced environmental effects such as climate Japan, in 2010, the CBD adopted Decision X/2 for the
change, introduction of invasive species, intensive cuttings, implementation of the strategic plan for biodiversity
and pollution pose serious threats to forest biodiversity. As 2011/2020 and established the 20 Aichi targets. Aichi

Manuscript received January 13, 2012; accepted March 21, 2012; published online May 3, 2012;
Gherardo Chirici, Università degli Studi del Molise, Pesche, Isernia 86090, Italy—Phone: 0039-0874-404138; Ronald E.
McRoberts, US Forest Service. Susanne Winter, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany. Roberta Bertini, Università degli Studi di Florence, Italy.
Urs-Beat Brändli, Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Switzerland. Iciar Alberdi Asensio, CIFOR-INIA. Annemarie Bastrup-Birk, University of
Copenhagen, Denmark. Jacques Rondeux, University of Liège, Gembloux Agro-Bio-Tech, Belgium. Nadia Barsoum, Forest Research, United Kingdom.
Marco Marchetti, Università degli Studi del Molise, Italy.
Acknowledgments: This article was prepared within the framework of the activities of Working Group 3: “Contribution Of Field Data Acquired in NFI for
Forest Biodiversity Assessment” led by Gherardo Chirici and Susanne Winter of COST Action E43 “Harmonisation of National Forest Inventories in Europe:
Techniques for Common Reporting” (chaired by Prof. Erkki Tomppo). The online interface and the first questionnaire database system was implemented by
Alessandro Mastronardi (GM Studio, Italy). We thank all the people who responded to the questionnaire and participated in the activities of WG3 of COST
Action E43 together with the authors: Albertas Kasperavicius for Lithuania, Anna-Lena Axelsson for Sweden, Vivian Kvist Johannssen for Denmark, Attila
Kismarczi for Hungary, Catherine Cluzeau and Nabila Hamza for France, Christine Sanchez for Belgium, Elmar Hauk for Austria, Sonia Condés and Santiago
Saura Martínez de Toda for Spain, Ioizos Ioizou for Cyprus, Jana Beranova for Czech Republic, Jan-Erik Nilsen for Norway, Marko Kovac for Slovenia,
Dieter Pelz for Germany, Tarmo Tolm for Estonia, Teocharis Zagas for Greece, Tiina Tonteri and Helena Makela for Finland, Vladimir Caboun for Slovakia,
Paulo Godinho Ferreira for Portugal and Vittorio Tosi, Patrizia Gasparini, Anna Barbati, Piermaria Corona, Nicola Puletti, and Ugo Chiavetta for Italy.
Copyright © 2012 by the Society of American Foresters.

Forest Science 58(3) 2012 257

Target 5 requires that by 2020 the loss of all natural habitats, of monitoring progress toward achieving the 2010 European
including forests, is halved and, if feasible, stopped. Aichi objective of halting the loss of biodiversity (EEA 2007).
target 7 requires that by 2020 areas under agriculture, aqua- Although many of these indicators are general, 14 are rel-
culture, and forestry be sustainably managed, thus ensuring evant for forest ecosystems (EEA 2011), and two are spe-
conservation of biodiversity (CBD 2010b). cific for forests: forest growing stock, increment, and fell-
Because of the broad, multidimensional, and multiscale ings (Indicator 17); and forest deadwood (Indicator 18).
characteristics of biodiversity, it is clear that a successful Indicator 17 is intended to monitor the ratio between har-
and statistically rigorous monitoring program able to track vesting and increments with a positive ecological value,
changes over time and space must be based on indicators indicating that harvesting does not exceed increment. Indi-
(Puumalainen et al. 2003, Boutin et al. 2009). Otherwise, cator 18 is intended to monitor deadwood as a proxy for
a global monitoring program covering the comprehensive naturalness by substituting for the “unmeasurable” diversity
concept of biodiversity would be financially prohibitive. of invertebrate species (EEA 2011).
Nevertheless collecting, storing, and analyzing large amounts Since 1990, Forest Europe, the former Ministerial Con-
of data for estimating biodiversity indicators is still expen- ference on the Protection of Forests in Europe (MCPFE),

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sive (Green et al. 2005). has adopted four resolutions requiring evaluations of the
A very large number of publications in the last 20 years degree to which forests are sustainably managed (MCPFE
have proposed requisite characteristics for biodiversity in- 1997, 2003a, 2007). MCPFE criteria and indicators for
dicators. However, despite expending considerable effort to sustainable forest management (MCPFE 2003b) include
create order in this complex discipline, many issues are still Criterion 4, “maintenance, conservation and appropriate
open for discussion (Duelli and Obrist 2003, Levrel 2007, enhancement of forest biodiversity,” with nine indicators:
Maclaurin and Sterelny 2008, Lamb et al. 2009). tree species composition, regeneration, naturalness, intro-
This condition is reflected in the difficulty of effectively duced tree species, deadwood, genetic resources, landscape
summarizing and communicating methodological problems pattern, threatened forest species, and protected forests.
and results from biodiversity monitoring to a wide range of More recently, in the last MCPFE held in Oslo in June 2011,
stakeholders (Lamb et al. 2009). A result is that the return Forest Europe reiterated commitments to work toward ad-
on the investment of large sums of money devoted to the dressing global environmental challenges and contributing
broad objective of biodiversity monitoring has been mini- to achievement of the Aichi targets (Forest Europe 2011).
mal (Boutin et al. 2009). The failure to achieve the 2010 The Montréal Process deals with sustainable forest man-
CBD target was a clear demonstration that natural features agement in temperate and boreal forests in 12 countries
such as biodiversity that do not have accepted measurement outside Europe. This process has also identified criteria and
systems are often marginalized in decisionmaking processes indicators for sustainable forest management including
related to land management and nature conservation issues Criterion 1, “conservation of forest biodiversity,” with nine
(Norton 1998). indicators for ecosystem, species, and genetic diversity
We consider four sets of indicators that have been ac- (Montréal Process 2007).
cepted at the international level, two specifically related to
biodiversity monitoring and two established for monitoring
National Forest Inventories
the sustainable management of forest resources. All at least
partially pertain to monitoring forest biodiversity. Historically, forest inventories have been conducted to
The CBD, in its Decision VII/30 of the 7th COP held in obtain information on the productive function of forests.
February 2004 in Kuala Lumpur, expressed the need to Large-scale inventories date back only to the early 20th
develop a framework to better evaluate progress in the century: 1919 in Norway, 1921 in Finland, 1923 in Sweden
implementation of the Strategic Plan to reduce the rate of (Köhl and Brassel, 1999), and 1928 in the United States.
loss of biodiversity by 2010 and agreed to a provisional list During the later 20th century, many European countries
of 17 headline indicators from seven focal areas. Currently, developed and implemented national forest inventories
29 indicators exist as state-of-the-art result of the activities (NFIs) that feature probability sampling designs.
of a wide range of organizations including United Nations Now, NFIs must report on a wider array of forest goods
agencies, research institutes and universities, and non- and services. The shift from inventorying for wood produc-
governmental organizations within the framework of the tion purposes to multipurpose resource monitoring, includ-
Biodiversity Indicators Partnership (BIP) (2011). Of the ing biodiversity objectives, has required the definition of
29 BIP indicators, four explicitly pertain to forest habitats new NFI objectives, new sampling designs, and new esti-
(1.1.1 Extent of forests and forest types, 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 mation procedures (Lund 1986, Iles 1998, Köhl et al. 1995,
Area of forest under sustainable management, and 4.3.1 Corona and Marchetti 2007). Because these redesigned
Forest fragmentation), but many others are also directly or NFIs are more comprehensive than wood production inven-
indirectly related to forest habitats. tories, they are increasingly regarded as a primary source
The European Commission, through the European Envi- of reliable data for monitoring forest biodiversity (Corona
ronmental Agency (EEA), is implementing the Strategic et al. 2011).
Plan for the Conservation of Biological Diversity of the Different NFIs use different definitions of the invento-
CBD through the SEBI2010 initiative (Streamlining Euro- ried variables with the result that estimates from different
pean 2010 Biodiversity Indicators). SEBI2010 developed a countries cannot be aggregated without introducing errors
set of 26 indicators to track biodiversity changes as a means (Traub et al. 1997, Cienciala et al. 2008). Two approaches

258 Forest Science 58(3) 2012

have been proposed for circumventing this problem. Köhl priate. Thus, we focus on indicators developed by WG3
et al. (2000) describe the first, standardization, as a top- using a bottom-up approach that can be estimated in a
down approach that follows a common system of nomen- harmonized manner using NFI data and that have also been
clature and focuses on common standards with respect to selected using a top-down approach by international pro-
NFI definitions and methods. The second approach, harmo- cesses (CBD, SEBI2010, Forest Europe, and the Montréal
nization, is based on the acknowledgment that individual Process). More specific aims are threefold: to identify forest
countries have developed the unique features of their NFIs biodiversity indicators whose estimates can be harmonized
for specific purposes and are justified in their desire to using NFI data; to recommend changes to NFI protocols to
maintain them. Harmonization is a bottom-up approach that facilitate harmonized estimation of forest biodiversity indi-
focuses on developing methods for producing comparable cators for purposes of international reporting; and to high-
estimates despite the lack of standardization. light areas for future investigations related to the use of
NFIs usually operate independently from each other and, NFI data for harmonized estimation of forest biodiversity
as a result, have developed definitions and methods that indicators.
are optimized for local and national conditions. In 2004, First, we report how potential forest biodiversity indica-

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COST Action E43, “Harmonisation of National Forest In- tors based on NFI data were developed by WG3 of COST
ventories in Europe: Techniques for Common Reporting,” Action E43, and second, we compare them with indicators
was launched with the aim of enhancing NFIs for purposes selected by international processes to highlight gaps and
of harmonizing national and global reporting. For the first synergies. Finally, we present specific recommendations to
time, methods and definitions adopted by NFIs were com- facilitate the future harmonization of NFIs as a means of
pared to identify possible technical solutions for improving increasing the utility of their data for international forest
international forest attribute estimates based on the aggre- biodiversity reporting.
gation of comparable national estimates. A technique for
adjusting estimates based on a national definition to con-
Materials and Methods
form to a common international reference definition is
called a bridge in COST Action E43 (Ståhl et al. 2012). NFIs provide raw data useful for harmonized estimation
The specific role of Working Group 3 (WG3) of COST of forest biodiversity indicators. The work done by WG3 of
Action E43 was to evaluate the possible use of NFI data for COST Action E43 did not consider all possible aspects of
international forest biodiversity reporting, in other words, to forest biodiversity but rather focused on seven essential
study possible technical solutions to harmonize estimates of features identified using a bottom-up approach (Chirici
forest biodiversity indicators based on NFI data acquired by et al. 2011). First, a preliminary list of 41 forest variables
countries using their national definitions. This task included potentially useful for monitoring forest biodiversity was
development of common reference definitions and construc- compiled on the basis of the suggestions from COST Action
tion of bridges for converting estimates based on a national E43 participants, a review of the literature on biodiversity
definition to estimates based on a reference definition. indicators (Noss 1999, Hyman and Leibowitz 2001), re-
porting requirements for international agreements such as
the CBD (1992, UNEP 2003) and indicators of sustainable
Scope of the Article
forest management selected by Forest Europe (MCPFE
A global monitoring network for biodiversity does not 1997, 2003a, 2003b), the Montréal Process (Montréal
exist, and its development and implementation would be Process 2007), and the SEBI2010 (EEA 2003). Consider-
extremely expensive (Green et al. 2005). However, without ation was also given to the results of the Biodiversity
financial resources, scientists are able to develop only lim- Evaluation Tools for European Forests BEAR project
ited data sets that are used mainly for research purposes (Larsson 2001). Second, responses to a questionnaire were
(Levrel et al. 2010), they are limited to incomplete thematic solicited from NFI delegates from 21 European countries
or temporal coverage, and they rarely consider methods for and the USA (Figure 1).
integration at multiple scales (Mace et al. 2005, Pereira and The variables identified as most important for forest
Cooper 2006). In addition, merging local monitoring pro- biodiversity monitoring and most feasible for assessment
grams is almost impossible because of the lack of compa- using NFI field protocols (Figure 2) were grouped into
rability of methods and definitions. As a consequence, their seven essential features (Chirici et al. 2011): forest catego-
results are too local or too restricted to specific objectives to ries, forest structure, deadwood, regeneration, forest age,
attract additional financial resources. In this context it is ground vegetation, and naturalness. For each essential fea-
essential to explore the possibilities for using existing data ture, detailed information regarding spatial and temporal
sets for monitoring biodiversity. characteristics of the sampling designs, country definitions,
The general aim of this article was to review and sum- field measurement procedures, and related inventorying
marize the work of WG3 of COST Action E43. The results protocols and methods were acquired for 25 European coun-
achieved are analyzed to understand the potential role of tries and the United States. Information was also acquired
NFIs as sources of information for forest biodiversity mon- through a bibliographic review of technical documentation
itoring as required by international processes. With com- produced by the NFIs and by soliciting details from par-
pletion of COST Action E43, an assessment of the degree ticipants in COST Action E43. The results in terms of
to which the achievements of WG3 can contribute to the relevance for forest biodiversity monitoring and of differ-
broader task of international biodiversity reporting is appro- ences and similarities across the NFIs are presented by

Forest Science 58(3) 2012 259

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Figure 1. Number of forest biodiversity variables currently assessed by the NFIs of European countries
and by the United States of the 41 proposed in the first questionnaire developed by WG3 of COST Action
E43. See Chirici et al. (2011) for a detailed description of the variables investigated.

Figure 2. Result of the ranking analysis on the basis of importance and feasibility for the 41 variables
investigated in the first questionnaire of COST Action E43 WG3. See Chirici et al. (2011) for a detailed
description of the variables investigated.

260 Forest Science 58(3) 2012

Chirici et al. (2011). For features for which similarities of the 14 EFT categories during field assessment or using
prevail, international reference definitions for biodiversity data collected previously. Chirici et al. (2011) demonstrated
indicators were also proposed, and, for some indicators, that data on tree species and dbh from calipering and the
reference definitions and bridges were empirically tested geographic location of plots are the main information
using actual NFI data to assess the realistic prospects for needed for classifying more than 8,000 NFI plots from 14
harmonized estimation and reporting (Winter et al. 2008, countries representing all the main biogeographical regions
Chirici et al. 2011, McRoberts et al. 2012, Rondeux et al. into the 14 EFTs categories. The classification methods
2012). were developed by each country separately on the basis of
The biodiversity indicators based on NFI variables re- the reference definitions from EEA (2006). Some countries
ported by Chirici et al. (2011), grouped in essential features, implemented the classification using automated algorithms
are compared with indicators adopted by the four inter- to ensure objectivity and repeatability of the classification.
national processes introduced in above: CBD (BIP 2011), For countries outside Europe, development of a specific
Forest Europe (MCPFE 2003b), the Montréal Process (Mon- system of nomenclature congruent with the EFTs should be
tréal Process 2007), and SEBI2010 (EEA 2011) (Table 1). considered.

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We did not consider indicators from the four international However, regardless of the adopted reference definitions,
processes that are already known to be easily estimated NFIs are generally able to develop techniques for bridging
using data routinely acquired by NFIs such as growing gaps between national and common international reference
stock, increments, fellings, and level and type of forest nomenclature systems using raw NFI data to report esti-
management. In addition, landscape-level indicators for the mates based on a common system of nomenclature. Al-
four international biodiversity sets were not investigated though different terminology (e.g.: forest types, ecosystems,
using NFI data. Finally, the WG3 indicators developed for habitats) may be used, the indicator proposed by WG3 is
the “ground vegetation” and “regeneration” essential fea- similar to the indicators selected by the international proc-
tures are only briefly discussed because possibilities for esses (Table 1).
their harmonized estimation are very limited. Future pros-
pects for international harmonization of estimates of bio-
diversity indicators based on NFI data are presented in the
Conclusions. All deadwood components including dead trees, stumps,
and fine and coarse woody debris are essential to forest
Results ecosystem dynamics by providing food and habitat for taxa
such as fungi, arthropods, birds, insects, and epiphytic li-
Forest Category chens (Christensen et al. 2005, Lombardi et al. 2010,
A forest type is “a category of forest defined by its Rondeux et al. 2012). Deadwood is also an important forest
composition, and/or site factors (locality), as categorized by carbon pool whose assessment must be reported for inter-
each country in a system suitable to its situation” (Montréal national agreements (Stokland et al. 2004, Cienciala et al.
Process 2007). Forest area estimates, classified according 2008, Woodall et al. 2008).
to forest categories (forest types, habitats, or ecosystems), Deadwood is an indicator only for SEBI2010 and Forest
are required by all four international processes (Table 1). In Europe, not for the CBD or the Montréal Process (Table 1).
fact, all estimates of all biodiversity indicators should be Deadwood is assessed by most NFIs responding to the WG3
compared only within homogeneous ecological conditions questionnaire; the only exceptions are Hungary, Romania,
(Larsson 2001) classified according to a common forest and Cyprus. However, the NFIs of all countries do not
type system of nomenclature (Barbati et al. 2007). On the assess all deadwood components. Deadwood components
basis of the results from WG3 of COST Action E43, NFIs are classified by NFIs on the basis of their spatial position,
are able to provide harmonized estimates for this basic shape, and dimension with respect to multiple variables:
indicator. standing or lying; coarse or fine; and stumps, trunks, snags
The NFIs of 19 countries (76%) responding to the WG3 or full trees (Gschwantner et al. 2009). The NFIs of the
questionnaire have already adopted systems to classify for- responding countries use different definitions for the dead-
ests into categories for stratification or reporting purposes. wood components, and even within a single NFI, different
These systems are based on potential natural vegetation components are inventoried in the field using different
(Switzerland), actual vegetation (7 countries), or a combi- protocols. Rondeux et al. (2012) and Chirici et al. (2011)
nation of the two (11 countries). NFI plots are classified by provide more detailed information on the varied deadwood
forest category on the basis of field observations only (50% assessment protocols.
of the countries), a combination of field observations and The main deadwood variables reported by all NFIs are
geographic information system layers, or remotely sensed total volume with additional information related to the tree
data. species of deadwood element, the spatial position (laying or
WG3 proposed the European Forest Types (EFTs) sys- standing), and the decomposition stage. The deadwood in-
tem of nomenclature as an international reference. This dicator proposed by WG3 is not only closely related to the
system was recently developed (EEA 2006) with the objec- indicators selected by SEBI2010 and Forest Europe but the
tive of improving future reporting of the state of European definitions and terminology are also consistent. Because
forests (EEA 2008) or for processes such as Forest Europe. estimates of deadwood volume (and biomass) can be re-
NFI plots should be unequivocally classified into one ported by most NFIs participating in COST Action E43 and

Forest Science 58(3) 2012 261

Table 1. List of potential relationships between biodiversity indicators.

WG3 of COST Action E43

features Indicators CBD, BIP indicators Forest Europe SEBI2010 Montréal Process
Forest category 1.1 Forest category 1.10.1 Extent of forest 1.1 Forest area 4 Ecosystem coverage 1.1.a Area and percentage
and forest types 5 Habitats of European of forest by forest
interest ecosystem type,
successional stage,
age class, and forest
ownership or tenure
Deadwood 2.1 Deadwood volume 4.5 Deadwood 18 Forest: deadwood
by decay class, tree
species, horizontal/
vertical position
Forest structure 3.1 Relative abundance 1.40.1 Red List Index 4.1 Tree species 2 Red List Index from 1.2.a Number of native

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of native tree and Sampled composition European species forest-associated
species in terms of Red List Index species
basal area
3.2 Number of native 4.4 Introduced tree 3 Species of European interest
tree species Species
3.3 Proportion of plots 4.8 Threatened forest 10 Invasive alien species in 1.2.b Number and status
with 1, 2, 3, and species Europe of native forest-
more native tree 11 Occurrence of temperature- associated species at
species sensitive species risk, as determined
by legislation or
scientific assessment
3.4 Largest diameter
3.5 SD of the tree
3.6 Number of vertical
3.7 Frequency
distribution of SD
classes of dbh
Forest age 4.1 Dominant age: 1.3 Age structure
mean age of the and/or diameter
100 trees with the distribution
largest dbh on a
per ha basis
4.2 Mean age
4.3 Weighted mean age
4.4 Old trees:
proportion of trees
older than half of
their natural life
Naturalness 5.1 Naturalness 4.3 Naturalness
Regeneration 6.1 Regeneration 4.2 Regeneration
(investigated but
no indicators
Not investigated 4.30.1 Forest 4.7 Landscape 13 Fragmentation of natural 1.1.c Fragmentation of
fragmentation pattern and seminatural areas forests
2.10.1 Area of forest 3.5 Forests under
under sustainable management
management: plans
2.10.2 Area of forest 1.2 Growing stock 17 Forest: growing stock, 2.b Total growing stock
under sustainable 3.1 Increment and increment and fellings and annual increment
management: fellings of both merchantable
degradation and and nonmerchantable
deforestation tree species in forests
available for wood
2.d Annual harvest of
wood products as a
percentage of net
growth or sustained

Biodiversity indicators considered in WG3 of COST Action E43 (Chirici et al. 2011), CBD (BIP 2011), Forest Europe (MCPFE 2003b), SEBI2010 (EEA 2007), and the Montréal
Process (Montréal Process 2007). The table was created including the indicators considered in WG3 of COST Action E43 with positive harmonization possibilities (ground
vegetation was therefore excluded). For each COST Action E43 WG3 indicator, the most relevant indicators from the international processes were listed, those COST Action
E43 WG3 indicators we consider directly useful to express at least one of the indicators proposed in the international processes are highlighted in bold. Essential features used
in COST Action E43 WG3 to group the indicators are listed in the first column.

262 Forest Science 58(3) 2012

because of the positive prospects for harmonizing NFI- In contrast, the possibility for reporting harmonized es-
based estimates of deadwood reported by Rondeux et al. timates of diversity indicators for nontree life-forms on the
(2012), this indicator should be considered by all interna- basis of NFI data is very limited. For example, the definition
tional processes, specifically by the CBD and the Montréal for nontree vegetation (defined as the essential feature
Process, which still do not consider it. “ground vegetation” in WG3 of COST Action E43) varies
across countries. Shrubs are the most common life-form;
they are recorded in all responding countries, followed by
Forest Structure herbs, ferns, mosses, lichens, and finally liverworts. Cover-
Forest structure relates to the physical organization of age quantified by the Braun-Blanquet (1965) scale or a
forest elements with respect to composition and complexity modification of it is the most frequently measured attribute
(Chirici et al. 2011). Forest structure is an essential biodi- in NFIs for every ground vegetation life-form (Chirici et al.
versity feature that aggregates information for multiple vari- 2011). Because of differences in definitions and in field
ables such as tree species composition and vertical and procedures, NFIs currently have only very limited possibil-
horizontal structure (e.g., tree dimensions and development ities for providing harmonized estimates of biodiversity

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phases). The degree to which forests provide habitats is indicators for nontree life-forms, with the exception of the
strictly related to the diversity of their structure as repre- simple indicators reported by Chirici et al. (2011).
sented by a naturalness gradient (Bartha et al. 2006, Michel Finally, it should be noted that Forest Europe explicitly
and Winter 2009). Thus, forest structural complexity is considers tree regeneration as an indicator (Table 1). Most
correlated with richness in flora and fauna (MacMahon et al. NFIs collect and record information that can be used to
1981, De Graaf et al. 1998, Winter et al. 2005, Winter and characterize spatial and temporal patterns of forest regen-
Möller 2008, McRoberts 2009). eration, an essential feature identified by WG3 of COST
The four international sets of indicators all include at Action E43. However, the ability to harmonize estimates
least one indicator related to species composition, but none of regeneration is greatly impeded by differences in sam-
explicitly mentions measures of horizontal or vertical forest pling methods; further, bridging techniques to compensate
stand diversity (Table 1). However, Forest Europe and the for these differences are not readily apparent (Chirici et al.
Montréal Process include indicators for age and succes- 2011). Thus, harmonization of estimates of regeneration indi-
sional stage, which are related to horizontal and vertical cators may require agreement on basic sampling components.
diversity. NFI data can easily be used to produce compara- Indicators proposed by WG3 that are similar to those
ble estimates of internationally accepted indicators of spe- selected by the four international processes are limited to
cies composition when the target species are inventoried; compositional indicators for tree life-forms. International
otherwise the NFI protocol should be modified to include sets of indicators explicitly focus more on the assessment of
them. NFIs are the most important sources of information species included in predefined lists (e.g., endangered spe-
for estimating tree diversity indicators in forest areas. In this cies in red lists, indigenous/native species, and invasive/
case, harmonization should be based on common definitions alien species) than on indicators of forest structure based on
of “tree” and “forest” (Vidal et al. 2008) and must use data NFI measurements. However, structural indicators are indi-
from sampling units with at least similar configurations and rectly related to age and successional stage indicators that
dimensions. As an alternative, bridging techniques must be have been selected by international processes.
developed to compensate for the effects of differences be-
tween national and reference definitions and different sam-
pling procedures. McRoberts et al. (2009) demonstrated the
Forest Age
effects of plot size and minimum dbh on estimates of forest A large number of studies confirm that the ages of trees
structure indicators such as indices of species composition, and forest stands are good candidates for biodiversity indi-
number of layers, and dbh diversity. Bridging techniques to cators (Halpern and Spies 1995, Pitkänen 1997, Rambo and
compensate for differences in minimum dbh are relatively Muir 1998a, 1998b, Jonsson and Jonsell 1999, Deconchat
easy, but techniques to compensate for differences in plot and Balent 2001, McGee and Kimmerer 2002, Poulsen
sizes require distances from plot centers to individual trees, 2002, Müller et al. 2005, Brändli et al. 2007). Despite its
data that are seldom available, even if they are acquired by scientific relevance, forest age is an indicator selected only
the NFIs. by Forest Europe among the four international processes
A large number of variables traditionally assessed by (Table 1).
NFIs can potentially be used as the basis for forest structure Tree age is defined identically by all NFIs as the bio-
indicators: tree dbh, tree height, tree species, forest density logical or actual age of individual trees determined as the
(number of trees per unit area), spatial tree distribution (e.g., time elapsed between the germination and the measurement
distance to the nearest neighbor tree), tree social position, date. In coppice systems, tree age is defined as the biolog-
crown layering, species distribution by crown layer, and ical age of the aboveground tree stem, and in plantations age
information on forest gaps, edges, and development phases. is usually based on the planting date.
Tree species, tree diameter, tree height, and forest density Forest age is estimated by the NFIs of 96% of the
are the only four variables that are assessed by the NFIs of participating countries in WG3 of COST Action E43, al-
at least 25 of the 26 countries responding to the WG3 though only a few (Austria, Finland, Slovakia, Sweden,
questionnaire, although density, social position, and vertical United Kingdom, and Switzerland) estimate forest age on
layers are also assessed by most NFIs. the basis of tree age (as the median or a weighted average of

Forest Science 58(3) 2012 263

individual tree ages). However, forest age is estimated pri- to the hemeroby approach, 6 relate primarily to the eco-
marily only for even-aged stands. systems approach, and 2 have been proposed for use with
Three forest age indicators were tested by WG3: domi- both approaches. One constraint was that estimates for all
nant age expressed as the proportion of old plots; stand age the indicators were sensitive in varying degrees to minimum
expressed as the proportion of stands older than 120 years in dbh and plot size.
even-aged high forest; and tree age expressed as the mean The indicators proposed by WG3 are closely related to
number and proportion of old trees per hectare (Chirici et al. that one proposed by Forest Europe, although definitions
2011). A test with actual NFI data from 14 countries was and terminology vary considerably.
conducted, and the results demonstrated that an indicator
based on forest age as reported by NFIs is problematic
because of differences in local methods and definitions and Discussion
therefore is not recommended. The proposed indicators by
WG3 can instead be estimated on the basis of tree ages The work carried out by WG3 of COST Action E43
measured in the field and thus are directly comparable demonstrated that variables currently assessed by NFIs

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across countries. Ages for trees that are not measured can be may be used for harmonized estimation of a large number
estimated with local relationships between age and dbh. of forest biodiversity indicators. These indicators include
Although terminology and definitions may differ, the many that have been selected by international processes for
indicators proposed by WG3 are related to indicators se- monitoring biodiversity and for assessing the sustainability
lected by Forest Europe. Because of the scientific relevance of forest management.
of forest age and because NFIs are able to provide compa- A comparison of the biodiversity indicators proposed
rable estimates at the international level, this indicator could by WG3 with similar biodiversity indicators selected by
be considered for adoption by all the other international four international processes is shown in Table 1. Of the
processes. 16 indicators developed by WG3 (Table 1), 10 coincide at
least partially with indicators for at least one of the inter-
national sets of biodiversity indicators.
Naturalness The results represented in Table 1 may be summarized
Despite the explicit selection of naturalness as an indi- using three categories:
cator only by Forest Europe (Table 1), the concept of forest
1. For some cases, a good correspondence was found
naturalness is particularly relevant for forest biodiversity
between the indicators selected by all the four inter-
monitoring because it pertains to the degree to which forest
national processes and those proposed by NFI experts
ecosystems are characterized by natural processes and/or
and scientists participating in WG3 of COST Action
the absence of human influence. Definitions of naturalness
E43. For these cases, data currently acquired by NFIs
vary considerably (Šaudytė et al. 2005, McRoberts et al.
are available and may be used for harmonized estima-
2012, Winter 2012), but all relate to a continuum
with entirely natural and entirely artificial at the extremes tion of biodiversity indicators for international report-
(Angermeier 2000). ing. These cases include forest area and its classifica-
Two perspectives on naturalness serve as a basis for tion into forest types, habitats, or ecosystem types.
approximately complementary approaches to its assess- The definition of forest area has been accepted inter-
ment. The first approach is based on an assessment of nationally (Vidal et al. 2008), and proposals for com-
ecosystem processes. The advantage of this approach is that mon forest type systems of nomenclatures are avail-
the assessment focuses on the subject of primary concern, able, at least for Europe (EEA 2006). All four
the ecosystem, whereas the disadvantages are the difficul- international sets of indicators include indicators re-
ties in defining and measuring parameters that relate to lated to species composition expressed in terms of
ecosystem processes and that can be evaluated in a globally species diversity or the presence/absence of species
consistent manner at broad geographical scales. The second defined in lists for threatened/introduced/alien/
approach is based on the degree of human influence and invasive/native species. However, NFI data are useful
focuses on human activity as the driver of ecosystem dis- only when the target species are inventoried. Har-
turbance. Jalas (1955) introduced the term hemeroby, from monized estimation of indicators is feasible for tree
the Greek hemeros meaning cultivated, tamed, or refined, as species but is still nearly impossible for nontree
a measure of human impact on ecosystems. vegetation.
Although naturalness is a more familiar concept in Eu- 2. Some forest biodiversity indicators developed by
rope than elsewhere, even in Europe, little natural forest WG3 are included among the sets of indicators for
remains. Branquart and Latham (2007) reported proportions only a subset of the international processes. This is the
of natural forest ranging from 0.001 in Western Europe to case for forest structural diversity, forest age, natural-
0.083 in Northern Europe. Generally, countries with the ness, and regeneration, which have been selected only
least forest area characterized as natural or close to natural by Forest Europe, and deadwood, which has been
do not explicitly assess naturalness. selected only by Forest Europe and SEBI2010. For
McRoberts et al. (2012) evaluated 10 possible indicators these cases we recommend that international groups of
for assessing naturalness using data for forest variables experts consider these indicators for inclusion in fu-
traditionally acquired by NFIs. Of the 10, 2 relate primarily ture updated versions of the indicator sets.

264 Forest Science 58(3) 2012

3. Finally, in two cases forest biodiversity indicators sent a main component of any biodiversity monitoring
selected by international processes were not investi- network.
gated by WG3. This is the case for landscape level Based on the information requested by the four interna-
indicators and indicators of the diversity of animal life tional processes and the results of research conducted by
forms. WG3 of COST Action E43 (Chirici et al. 2011), we recom-
mend that NFIs invest more in the acquisition of appropriate
Conclusions data and development of consistent methods for the har-
monized estimation of indicators for ground vegetation and
Threats to forest biodiversity are abundant, and climate regeneration (Table 1). Current differences in definitions
change is likely to present additional challenges for forest and assessment methods still limit the possibility for har-
resource managers and conservationists with respect to the monizing estimates of these indicators across different
maintenance of forest diversity. Threats to biodiversity can countries. Simplification of bridging techniques may re-
be subdivided into four main causes (Gaston and Spicer quire that NFIs take steps to standardize definitions, sam-
2004): (1) direct exploitation; (2) habitat loss and degrada- pling methods, and measurement protocols.

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tion; (3) introduced species; and (4) extinction cascades. The possibility for enlarging the scope of NFI mea-
Multiple international processes (Montréal Process 2007, surements to facilitate biodiversity assessments at different
BIP 2011, EEA 2011, Forest Europe 2011) require practical levels is particularly appealing because well-equipped and
and reliable tools to measure and report on forest biodiver- skilled staff routinely conduct NFIs. These possibilities
sity. These requirements can be satisfied by investing in the will be further facilitated by additional exchange of methods
development of statistically rigorous forest biodiversity and practices among NFI participants in COST Action E43
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