Identifying Counterclaims

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A. Identify the four elements of an argument in each paragraph below.

1. "The use of animals in scientific research is necessary for medical

advancements. By conducting experiments on animals, scientists can gain valuable
insights into human physiology and develop treatments for various diseases.
Animal research has played a crucial role in the development of vaccines,
surgical procedures, and pharmaceutical drugs, ultimately saving countless human
2. "School uniforms promote a positive learning environment and foster equality
among students. By implementing a dress code, schools eliminate distractions
caused by fashion trends and socioeconomic differences. Uniforms create a
sense of unity and reduce instances of bullying based on clothing choices.
Additionally, they prepare students for professional settings and teach
discipline and respect for rules."
3. "Nuclear energy is a safe and sustainable solution to meet the world's growing
energy demands. Unlike fossil fuels, nuclear power generation produces minimal
greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to the fight against climate change. With
advanced safety measures and strict regulations, the risk of accidents or
radiation leaks is minimized. Additionally, nuclear energy provides a consistent
and reliable source of electricity, reducing dependence on volatile energy
4. "Free trade agreements benefit economies by promoting economic growth and
creating job opportunities. By removing trade barriers and tariffs, countries can
engage in mutually beneficial trade relationships, allowing businesses to expand
their markets and consumers to access a wider range of goods at competitive
prices. Free trade encourages innovation, fosters specialization, and enhances
global cooperation and understanding."
5. "Censorship is necessary to protect society from harmful and offensive content.
By regulating and restricting access to certain information, governments can
prevent the spread of hate speech, violence, and pornography. Censorship
safeguards public morality, maintains social order, and protects vulnerable
individuals, such as children, from exposure to inappropriate material."

B. For each claim/thesis statement given below, provide one counterclaim, reason, and

1. Online learning is an effective alternative to traditional classroom

2. Students should always wear proper uniform in order to improve
productivity inside school premises.
3. Public transportation systems in the Philippines need improvement to
lessen traffic congestions.
4. The use of renewable energy sources should be prioritized to mitigate
the effects of climate change.
5. The integration of technology in the education system can enhance
learning outcomes and prepare Filipino students for the digital age.

“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s

— John 15:13, NIV

Goodluck and God Bless!

Prepared by Almarinez, de Vera, and Moral ✨

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